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Global Bans for legit players?

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Something I Have noticed in a lot of the tales from people who are banned is that you all seem to be disconnecting / joining another server in quick succession, perhaps that could be it.

I am also starting to wonder if the script that runs to check "is player under fire" or something to that effect is causing this. ?

I think someone here would know what that script is (I saw it pop up and error on me one day, and was very curious as to what it was) at the time I thought it might be something in progress to catch people who alt-f4 and so on, by recording if they are under fire or injured when they logout . . . ? ? ? ?

Like an hour before I got banned I disconnected while bleeding out/passing out. When I reconnected I was dead and was prompted to start a new character.

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I would probably need an actual dev to comment here (not sure if they would want to :P ) but I had never seen that before (and not since), but it came up on my screen as I was exiting, a little box above my head said

"script error

some code I cannot remember but it definitely had something to do with "player_is_under_fire" or something very close to that.

I hope that one of the "fixes" in the DayZ code isn't causing this, it would also explain why the Arma II "vets" have not been banned.

Well worth looking into..

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Yes I was running -cpuCount=4 and -threads=7 -- i have a core i5 2500k

How many sticks of RAM were you using?

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You know I did see some warning on my screen earlier about rapid logging....as i got near Stary the glitch was so bad I tried another server (a night time server). Something popped up as I logged in about rapid logging (no ban though). It was mentioned earlier that you all might have that in common

Edited by playZ

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First time i was banned i was only in game for about 10 secs then i got the global ban message after i swapped servers. hmmmmm

Edited by D3nty

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Yup for me as well, on main server, hopped to another, quickly looted ATV then went back to main, and whamo ban hammer

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It was really quick...happened just as I hit "OK" in the lobby. To fast to even see if it was for me. I just saw rapid logging. Is it possible you guys missed a rapid logging warning once or twice maybe....I'm running ...417 Beta patch

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It was really quick...happened just as I hit "OK" in the lobby. To fast to even see if it was for me. I just saw rapid logging. Is it possible you guys missed a rapid logging warning once or twice maybe....I'm running ...417 Beta patch

I have never seen that :(

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Why not tempban for like, 5 minutes if someone's rapid logging -_- Perma's a bit overkill, huh?

Edit: D3nty, neither did I. But I don't pay attention to the chat in most games.

Edited by Yatta

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i'm on 95417 i don't want to update... if its working and most servers on it - stay on it.

only updating DayZ.

anyways, iv'e got plenty of these "you were kicked from the game (battleye global ban)"

but i can keep on going on other servers and keep playing...

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Why not tempban for like, 5 minutes if someone's rapid logging -_- Perma's a bit overkill, huh?

Edit: D3nty, neither did I. But I don't pay attention to the chat in most games.


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i'm on 95417 i don't want to update... if its working and most servers on it - stay on it.

only updating DayZ.

anyways, iv'e got plenty of these "you were kicked from the game (battleye global ban)"

but i can keep on going on other servers and keep playing...

Hmmmm.. I've been "kicked" as well. I thought that was different from global ban though

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I got a global ban today and absolutely have not ever touched any hacks or scripts or anything of the sort.

I am at a loss right now...I feel like I've had money stolen from me. I only registered on the forums today to see if anyone else was in the same boat. There is a whole thread on reddit where people are saying the same thing.


This needs to be looked into. This many legit players being banned - something has got to be wrong with battle eye. It's almost laughable...you go play the game and it's goddamn infested with hackers and then legit players get banned....and i don't have a little brother who was playing on my computer to get it banned.

Alot of theories seem to be popping up but I never touched Lingor or custom skins either. I'm on beta patch 95724 and use DayZCommander to launch the game.

I'm making this post to see if other players here have also encountered this - please speak up if so.

edit: If you have nothing to add other than "stop complaining" please do not respond. This post is for discussion with people in the same boat as myself. I really don't need to be told to suck it up.

I'm in the same boat... randomly banned. is Battleeye facesmashing thier keyboards to find hackers? I thought punkbuster was bad at finding hackers... at least they never banned non-hackers like this!

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First time i was banned i was only in game for about 10 secs then i got the global ban message after i swapped servers. hmmmmm

Wait, what? First time? Isn't a global ban permanent and across the entire game? Or did you buy another copy?

i'm on 95417 i don't want to update... if its working and most servers on it - stay on it.

only updating DayZ.

anyways, iv'e got plenty of these "you were kicked from the game (battleye global ban)"

but i can keep on going on other servers and keep playing...

As above, does this mean the global bans may just be temporary/an incorrect error message and I can now start playing DayZ again without fear?

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Wait, what? First time? Isn't a global ban permanent and across the entire game? Or did you buy another copy?

As above, does this mean the global bans may just be temporary/an incorrect error message and I can now start playing DayZ again without fear?

Well the first time i was banned was 24 hours ago then i was unbanned then i went for a nap and left DayZ open on the server page and saw another Global Ban message then i was unbanned and now im banned again.... Yeah make sense of that?

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I wonder if anyone can confirm this rapid logging warning....I'm not risking a ban to find out :)

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Well the first time i was banned was 24 hours ago then i was unbanned then i went for a nap and left DayZ open on the server page and saw another Global Ban message then i was unbanned and now im banned again.... Yeah make sense of that?

Temp bans? I've assumed all of these bans are permanent global, maybe they're all temporary. Has anyone else that was banned been able to log back on?

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The plot thickens, perhaps this isn't a "cheating" ban as such, but something new for the rapid logging / alt-f4 crowd.

I check the time zone of the server I am joining before I join, and usually stay on the one server for the whole time I am playing, so that could account for why I haven't been banned with the latest patch etc.

It would be very interesting if this was built into the latest BE update to temp-global-ban anyone who server hops. . . .

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Well it said Global Ban and they are Permanent so just from the erratic behavior of Battleye leads me to think something has broken when they Beefed it with the new patches too.

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Temp bans? I've assumed all of these bans are permanent global, maybe they're all temporary. Has anyone else that was banned been able to log back on?

Banned 27 hours ago. Still banned as of 1 minute ago.

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The plot thickens, perhaps this isn't a "cheating" ban as such, but something new for the rapid logging / alt-f4 crowd.

I check the time zone of the server I am joining before I join, and usually stay on the one server for the whole time I am playing, so that could account for why I haven't been banned with the latest patch etc.

It would be very interesting if this was built into the latest BE update to temp-global-ban anyone who server hops. . . .

How much of a problem is server hopping? In most games, server hopping isn't a big deal. Why is it so bad here?

edit: Oops, double post. Sorry :/ If a mod sees this, can I get a post merge?

Edited by Yatta

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