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Global Bans for legit players?

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I thought you were going back on DayZ? I guess you can't resist my charms.

Couldn't help myself lol. This is awesome :D

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Couldn't help myself lol. This is awesome :D

I'm glad you're having fun, but seriously now, this thread is intended for legit players who are banned. Being a legit player myself, and having some empathy in me, I am hoping I don't join their ranks next time I play. As should you.

If BattlEye have fucked up then this is a concern for all of us.

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Has anyone using Steam gotten a global ban in line with these? As far as I know Steam doesn't use beta patches so if there is absolutely no legit player that has been banned that uses Steam it would add weight to the arguments.

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^^^ I use steam but I don't launch the game through steam, I play it as if I bought it on CD

Tweaked my FOV, use camo face etc. etc. running the latest patch that was out today been playing on and off all day no problems. Haven't seen anyone personally get the ban yet but I have noticed the server I normally play on doesn't have as many people on it anymore as it once did.

Edited by kicktd

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I am a legit player, believe what you wanna believe. I am. Face it. I got banned, and I used the 95777 patch, when I found out 95777 beta patch what caused this made me facepalm so hard. A patch.. made by Bohemia, doesn't work, or at least it works but you'll have fun for like 50 minutes or so. But, the real problem is Battleye. I hate how they are like "FUCK YOU BITCH DEAL WITH IT IM THE TRUTH FACE IT..."

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Has anyone using Steam gotten a global ban in line with these? As far as I know Steam doesn't use beta patches so if there is absolutely no legit player that has been banned that uses Steam it would add weight to the arguments.

i use steam, but i run DayZ with DayZCommander and i patched the game with this launcher(it´s way better than SixUpdtaer)

but wayne never buy this game again and end^^

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Has anyone using Steam gotten a global ban in line with these? As far as I know Steam doesn't use beta patches so if there is absolutely no legit player that has been banned that uses Steam it would add weight to the arguments.

VAC isn't involved with ArmA, but both VAC and PB have falsely banned players before, why is Battleye any different?

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What is more likely: a large group of people have decided to storm the forums, /r/dayz, and BIS' forums, to try and get their legitimate bans overturned; or Battleye is acting up for some reason?

This pretty much sums up my feelings, although I don't think I answered the rhetorical question way you intended.

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VAC isn't involved with ArmA, but both VAC and PB have falsely banned players before, why is Battleye any different?

VAC has a lot better support for appealing. Considering it's gamers talking to gamers.

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I have a feeling, most(all) people here aren't banned but are getting kicked for not having an updated battleye. Happened to me too, every server i went to kicked and some banned.

Edited by Hawc

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VAC has a lot better support for appealing. Considering it's gamers talking to gamers.

VAC only has that support because they've suffered from the issues people are claiming here now. Whether people are legitimately mass banned or not, having a poor appeal system is begging for trouble.

Battleye still doesn't know how to deal with massive playercounts, and it shows.

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Weel I was just seattle1489 and I saw BattleEye Globally ban 3 players and kick about 7 or for pings within about 30 minutes

. Also repeating message saying they're aware of cheaters doing they best they can and appreciated my patience :)

Edited by playZ

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Just seems like they are just handing out a huge amount of bans just to show people that they are on top of the "Hacking/Scripting" Problem but they have gone too far when innocent people like myself have been banned while all the scummy hackers are flying around the servers doing what ever they want. Just feels like people are picked at random and since the battleye appeal system is crap no one can really appeal anything.

Edited by D3nty

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Just seems like they are just handing out a huge amount of bans just to show people that they are ontop of the "Hacking/Scripting" Problem but they have gone too far when innocent people like myself have been banned while all the scummy hackers are flying around the servers doing what ever they want.


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I'm glad you're having fun, but seriously now, this thread is intended for legit players who are banned. Being a legit player myself, and having some empathy in me, I am hoping I don't join their ranks next time I play. As should you.

If BattlEye have fucked up then this is a concern for all of us.

Yah someone needs to start a thread for the actual cheaters who are getting banned!....Nothing personal dude but cheaters claim they are not cheaters...so just because someone says theyre legit doesn't mean they are.

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Yah someone needs to start a thread for the actual cheaters who are getting banned!....Nothing personal dude but cheaters claim they are not cheaters...so just because someone says theyre legit doesn't mean they are.

I've not been on these forums long but there are people in this thread who I would personally consider recognisable, respectable posters. I am more than willing to give those individuals the benefit of the doubt if they say they have been globally banned for no reason, or at least for reasons they are not aware of.

If you just want to assume everyone who has been banned is a script kiddie then fine, but as someone who plays this game I think it's cause for concern when a non-negligible amount of people are reporting that BattlEye went all SkyNet on them. I don't want this to happen to me, especially since the game is linked to my Steam account and that would mean re-buying the game on a different Steam account if BattlEye could/would not fix it.

But you go on assuming everyone banned is guilty, I just hope you don't end up coming back here in a few hours or days crying about having a global ban and demanding answers.

Edited by Ulfhedjinn
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I just got this game less than 24 hours ago... I don't think I've even spent 30 minutes running around ingame...


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I just got this game less than 24 hours ago... I don't think I've even spent 30 minutes running around ingame...


What happened?

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I've not been on these forums long but there are people in this thread who I would personally consider recognisable, respectable posters. I am more than willing to give those individuals the benefit of the doubt if they say they have been globally banned for no reason, or at least for reasons they are not aware of.

If you just want to assume everyone who has been banned is a script kiddie then fine, but as someone who plays this game I think it's cause for concern when a non-negligible amount of people are reporting that BattlEye went all SkyNet on them. I don't want this to happen to me, especially since the game is linked to my Steam account and that would mean re-buying the game on a different Steam account if BattlEye could/would not fix it.

But you go on assuming everyone banned is guilty, I just hope you don't end up coming back here in a few hours or days crying about having a global ban and demanding answers.

I'm not assuming everyone whos been banned is a script kiddie. All I'm saying is just because the title of thread has the word "legit" in it doesn't mean everyone is...I've been on this earth long enough to know that thieves, liars and cheaters always claim innocence or ignorance. I'm not calling you a liar...but also don't blindly take your word as truth. If you contact battle eye I'm sure they can tell you why you were banned. Coming in here a posting that you've been banned for no reason is pointless.

And if i did get banned I wouldn't come here demanding answers and proclaiming my innocence...I'd go to battle Eye ask what happened. Maybe it's glitch....maybe you did something you didn't know you weren't supposed to do.

Maybe you picked up a hacked weapon.

Edited by playZ

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I'm not assuming everyone whos been banned is a script kiddie. All I'm saying is just because the title of thread has the word "legit" in it doesn't mean everyone is...I've been on this earth long enough to know that thieves, liars and cheaters always claim innocence or ignorance. I'm not calling you a liar...but also don't blindly take your word as truth. If you contact battle eye I'm sure they can tell you why you were banned. Coming in here a posting that you've been banned for no reason is pointless.

I've not been banned, but in response to the part I've emphasised; I'm not trying to say you should believe everyone who says they're innocent, of course cheaters will say they are innocent (or sorry, only once they've been caught), I'm just trying to explain that there are individuals in this thread I feel are worth taking at their word.

The fact that those individuals are, in my humble opinion, worth believing makes me inclined to think BattlEye have fucked up.

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Love the sensationalist title also... "THOUSANDS OF LEGIT PLAYERS BANNED". Theres like, 5 or 10 people claiming in this thread, and maybe 30 or so claiming in the reddit thread.

The concern is that the people who have been banned are using the latest release of ARMA 2 Beta. Some haven't, but it's early days yet. I haven't upgraded to the latest Beta nor been banned, and I don't have or alter scripts etc.

I will give it a week to ensure that the latest patch isn't causing illegal global bans on legit players, Im just not in the mood to risk $30 and probably a months worth of emails to resolve this. Then again, if it is going to be a widespread issue I'm hoping that the DayZ team will communicate with BI and BattlEye to resolve the issues and undo all global bans since 95777 (or whatever it is). Unfortunately this will probably also revert global bans for actual hackers since the beta, but it would be the only way to resolve this issue for legit players illlegitamately banned.

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I'm not assuming everyone whos been banned is a script kiddie. All I'm saying is just because the title of thread has the word "legit" in it doesn't mean everyone is...I've been on this earth long enough to know that thieves, liars and cheaters always claim innocence or ignorance. I'm not calling you a liar...but also don't blindly take your word as truth. If you contact battle eye I'm sure they can tell you why you were banned. Coming in here a posting that you've been banned for no reason is pointless.

Patched to 95777 blindly and I got banned. So now Im waiting for reply. Btw, I didn't hack, you probably hear this a lot but still, I'm certain I did nothing wrong.

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Yeah because this forum is filled with great people.

Better idea stop posting these stupid threads about cheaters and hackers obviously the development team is aware of the issues. We don't need anymore of these crap threads cluttering up the forums taking up space that could be used for green mountain discussions.

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What happened?

I was banned :( All I did was edit some CFGs (armaao.cfg and arma.cfg) to try and make the game run faster. I am so sad that this happened... I was really excited to try out this game I've heard so much about! ;_; But now nothing. I can't afford another copy either due to a tight budget, either. This has got me so incredibly bummed out...

Edited by Yatta

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