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Global Bans for legit players?

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you are guilty of losing your cd key / guid to malware

get your computer cleaned up by someone who knows what they are doing or wipe it

It is too bad this is can happen, but it is happening.

I saw this happen back in the days of early Counter Strike where clans release hacks that have a small pwnware in them that sends your CD key to the clan and they use it to cheat, then you lose your access to all games after your key gets banned


same idea though

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Well something needs to be done and fast because banning innocent players (including myself) is really not cool.

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Programs are never flawless, remember when VAC erroneously banned thousands of players and Valve gave them all a free game (I forget what it was, didn't happen to me) in reparation?

VAC doesn't work, PB doesn't work, what makes you people think that Battleye works all of a sudden?

Edited by Dsi1
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I just saw someone get kicked for modified "face.jpg". Just saying, personally I haven't been kicked or banned.

Also, I would imagine it is possible to be kicked/banned for modified files regardless of if you ever used them in a battle-eye enabled server possibly some obscure registry key something didn't clean up.

I'd revert any modified files let someone else be the test subject.

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The dev team has no control over Battleye. if Battleye banned you and it was wrong, their support team can help you work it out.

They won't listen to you and follow the link. We both know that.

Edited by Womb Raider

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Sorry guys but I cant stop gloating here....payback is sweeeeet :D

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Sorry guys but I cant stop gloating here....payback is sweeeeet :D

It's not payback if it's happening to legit players, is it. Use your loaf.

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It's not payback if it's happening to legit players, is it. Use your loaf.

Oh yea sorry I forgot. Your ALL innocent right? :rolleyes:

TBH all the whingeing & whining on here is music to my ears lol

Anyway, might go back to playing Dayz. Have fun!

Edited by MadMax
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So basically, everyone here and the BE support both have the stance that "IF YOU GOT BANNED YOU HACKED ALL BANS ARE LEGIT FUCK YOU"?

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Oh yea sorry I forgot. Your ALL innocent right? :rolleyes:

It's not happened to me but you should try reading the topic title, shit-for-brains. :rolleyes:

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Oh yea sorry I forgot. Your ALL innocent right? :rolleyes:

What is more likely: a large group of people have decided to storm the forums, /r/dayz, and BIS' forums, to try and get their legitimate bans overturned; or Battleye is acting up for some reason?

Note that BIS changed something in a recent patch in an attempt to make hacking harder, but it didn't work well server-side so they're reverting the change.

Edited by Dsi1
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Instructions for appealing ban


Where's my, "guys this is bullshit" meme..

Sorry guys but I cant stop gloating here....payback is sweeeeet :D

Since you guys are sooo confident that these are not legit players getting banned, how about you guys put your money where you mouth is and download and upgrade to the latest Arma 2 beta patch, heck.. I'll even link it for you:


I mean, if you guys can put on your big boi pants.. this should be no problem for you, right?

You are all legit, right?

So, where is the harm, you obviously are 100% sure it's not the patch..

Personally, I'm about 50/50 with this.. sure there are some hackers getting banned but for now, I'm not touching that patch until I'm 100% I won't get banned and then have to face BattlEye's terrific customer service..

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Dude, seriously. They're trying the best they can, lol.

I mean the idiot who says that everyone who got banned is a hacker, read first dude

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I played about 1.5 hours last night (ran to my camp and found the tractor gone and tent empty) and can confirm that 95777 on a 95777 server did not give me a global ban (or at least not yet). I have also altered some of my configs (but you are meant to they are your configs, that is what they are for).

I really hope nobody innocent has been banned, I would hate that to happen to me. However, last time there were loads of global bans, we had lots of guys whining on here. I'm sure a good prtion of them are hackers.

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