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BF3 maybe not, cause its a new engine of Dice and they dont want to take the risk thats mods can be,

the new engine line is sheer bullshit. There is no modding In bf3 because they got it in their head they make more money with a DLC trickle of their own. People will certainly buy their DLC when there is absolutely nothing else for the game. In this way, to EA GAMES, a mod like Project Reality is a money-loser. Every person who would play such a great fan made mod would be less likely to buy the next shitty dlc which would be what some reskinned weapons with a scope attached to another scope? People are wisening up for the most part. i am happy that dayz will put a fat fucking dent in their shameless practices

the BF franchaise is rotting

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That will happen when you say "This game is shit".

That's not helping. What you need to say is "This feature is flawed, anyone else experiencing this?"


"I have a suggestion, what if..." (posted in the suggestions forum, of course)

That is the premise of being alpha testers

Don't get me wrong, I love DayZ, I'm just not happy with the transition into a standalone. Personally I hoped Rocket would jump on another SDK/Engine what ever... And building some interface/handling things from scratch. What I fear is a converted mutation of the Arma2 code.

Edited by DayFlawZ

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I have been playing Arma 2 for around a year and a half and just found DayZ a few months ago, people who say A2 is bs are morons who don't understand the nature of simulations. There not meant to be fast paced, quick kill games but digital recreations of reality. I enjoy DayZ and many who have crossed over to find out about A2 and the various communities within it, but sadly there are many childish people who came along the ride to DayZ, would have been nice if it had been more low key but at least now Arma 3 will get much more support due to free advertisement through the DayZ community. Can't have the good without the bad though.

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Don't get me wrong, I love DayZ, I'm just not happy with the transition into a standalone. Personally I hoped Rocket would jump on another SDK/Engine what ever... And building some interface/handling things from scratch.

He states in an interview that the Arma 2 inventory system is the way it is because you generally use what you start with in military missions. In this mod, you pick up/swap/drop a lot of items constantly. He is definitely improving on the UI.

Don't worry about it. The Arma engine can be customized more than you appear to be assuming. Just watch this space.

If you are really concerned, some people have gone and designed some UIs in the suggestions forum. Theres something you can do to contribute :)

Edited by Griff
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Don't get me wrong, I love DayZ, I'm just not happy with the transition into a standalone. Personally I hoped Rocket would jump on another SDK/Engine what ever... And building some interface/handling things from scratch. What I fear is a converted mutation of the Arma2 code.

And take years to finish the game? That is awful.

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I have been playing Arma 2 for around a year and a half and just found DayZ a few months ago, people who say A2 is bs are morons who don't understand the nature of simulations. There not meant to be fast paced, quick kill games but digital recreations of reality. I enjoy DayZ and many who have crossed over to find out about A2 and the various communities within it, but sadly there are many childish people who came along the ride to DayZ, would have been nice if it had been more low key but at least now Arma 3 will get much more support due to free advertisement through the DayZ community. Can't have the good without the bad though.

So you call me childish because I don't like your buggy military simulation?

Oh my gawd I never said Arma2 is boring or what ever, I just say that it wasn't a huge success and bug ridden.

I don't know much about military but I hope ppl. in the real army don't have that many casualties to toliet-doors. It already feels horrible to die to a door in DayZ... can't imagine how depressing it would be in RL.

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Pretty sure one of the first things you learn in basic training is to never go prone and crawl through doorways

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I spend more time on these forums than trying to connect to Dayz and playing the actual game, lol. Always entertaining bashfest here. I love Dayz and the idea and freedom it gives you initially. I don't like the lack of further developement of the mod. So, I guess standalone is a must. However, I'll wait how it develops, first. I will follow these forums and the ones made for the retail game, and I'll carefully read the arguments there.

There are a lot of promising games that make claims of all sorts of things, prior to development. We know Dayz works to some extend, but we also know Bohemia has an engine that isn't fit yet for such a game. They will have to improve netcode, write/use proper anti-cheat tools, get rid of the graphical glitches and improve/develop the actual game.

That is a lot to do, and it should take 4 months on full throttle to even adress the most basic, technical issues. If they start now and release a new alpha, only change being it's on the next RV engine, nothing is won. The core problems are technical, get rid of these issues first. It's not impossible, but expensive. If I see Bohemia making these investments and if things sincerely improve for the commercial version, I'll buy it. If not, I'll buy something else. Customer choice prevails ;)

Edited by S3V3N
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yeah ppl can defend this transition all they want and it was going to happen from the rumors that have been circulating for a while now. I think the point ppl are trying to make is that, we paid money to play the mod, yes we paid for arma 2 but our intention was to play dayz so we can keep that semantic shit out of it, the fact is who the hell wants to fork out EVEN MORE money for another alpha that isn't exactly in any better shape than what we already have.

ill probably get it eventually it just seems a bit of a leap of faith type deal going on. not to mention this murmuring about the dual development not exactly working out as well as some may expect. which means the mod probably will end up getting dropped which means we basically paid for a game that gave us a couple of months of enjoyment and then got dropped. I'm not even against this thing, i just think the timing is shit.

Edited by Phill
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why would you buy the stand alone.. wont fix the hackers. this game is ****

Do you understand why they can't fix them now?

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I, for one, enjoy this game much more than any of the 60$ new releases we've seen from the popular yet now shitty developers, even with the bugs. So we end up paying 20 to 30 TOPS for a wonderful game with SO MUCH room for expansion and customization in a stand-alone state. It's still less than most new release games. I'd trade a shitty complete game for a good temporarily incomplete game any day.

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So I'm trying to wrap my head around this, your complaining that you have to par for standalone Day Z after you had just bought ArmA 2? Your unhappy that once you buy Day Z you will be left with ArmA 2 which your saying is a bad game. Is this what your trying to say?

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So you call me childish because I don't like your buggy military simulation?

Oh my gawd I never said Arma2 is boring or what ever, I just say that it wasn't a huge success and bug ridden.

I don't know much about military but I hope ppl. in the real army don't have that many casualties to toliet-doors. It already feels horrible to die to a door in DayZ... can't imagine how depressing it would be in RL.

Tell us more about how Day Z exclusive bugs are the fault of the core ArmA II engine.

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So I'm trying to wrap my head around this, your complaining that you have to par for standalone Day Z after you had just bought ArmA 2? Your unhappy that once you buy Day Z you will be left with ArmA 2 which your saying is a bad game. Is this what your trying to say?

S3V3n and Phill got my point. I don't mind paying for a functional game, but I have my problems to play an alpha of an alpha... I mean you can call it "prototype" then... transitioning from one alpha into another alpha and charging for it seems like Phill said "a bit of a leap of faith"

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hmmm, why not just wait for the release of the standalone then? Don't mean the alpha release but the for the final product.

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hmmm, why not just wait for the release of the standalone then? Don't mean the alpha release but the for the final product.

Likes to complain

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Even though Rocket is an employee of BI,


FFS get your facts right people.

He was an independent programmer contracted to do some work on ARMA3. He is now an independent LEAD programmer contracted by BI to develop DayZ:The Game.

Vast difference between contractor and employee.

Edited by Never

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S3V3n and Phill got my point. I don't mind paying for a functional game, but I have my problems to play an alpha of an alpha... I mean you can call it "prototype" then... transitioning from one alpha into another alpha and charging for it seems like Phill said "a bit of a leap of faith"

Have you bothered to read any of the press releases? Have you?

It's been clearly stated that the public alpha for DayZGame will be cheap as fucking chips, AND IF YOU BOUGHT THAT YOU GET THE FREAKING UPDATES FOR FREE.

So you'll get Beta, etc for no more than you pay on the goddamn alpha.

If you can't be fucked to chip in $10-20 for a completely different product, then please just decide that and STFU. Your complete lack of common sense and ability to understand basic business procedure suggests your input would be like an Enfield: All fucking noise.

Edited by Never
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I've got no problem with this. You remember Counterstrike? Started as a free mod. Then it became a "Full" Version with 1.6 that you paid for. Then a new full Version with Source to pay for. Is it any problem? No. People still play 1.6. You don't grasp that as soon as there is money involved, there is also more Resources to be spend and Rocket will probably get much more support from BI. This will make for a much better game. Without money this isn't always possible. Arma 2 is a good game with lots of mods, if you just bought it for DayZ (like I did) and now complain no one can help you. I spend more time on DayZ already then on lots of other games that I bought so for me its already worth it. If you just buy games that you know will exist for several years and you expected any promise that this will happen with an alpha mod then you're pretty delusional, most mods in general will just stop existing and are never completed. Next time think before buying a game.

Edited by DieBrotmafia

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Charging for Standalone is a bunch of bull.

Charging for ARMA 2 is a bunch of bull.

Charging bulls are a bunch of bull.

Everything should be free and Rocket should live off the same can of beans the rest of his life so I don't have to pay for anything.

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This topic was fun to read :D I'm not sure what you were hoping to get out of this post. A free copy of the standalone? a refund for buying arma 2? or just to troll the forums like mad?

Either way, the same replies have popped up countless times. If you don't want to pay for a game, don't. If you are that angry that the dayZ team want to move on from being a mod to being a fully released game but at the same time think that this idea was amazing, then you have problems. Paying $10 - $20 for the standalone will help this game become more successful than it already is. It will also help these guys with any future games they have in mind.

If you personally believe that this game will be buggy and rubbish, then don't bother contributing. I, on the other hand, will gladly pay for the standalone

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