syndicatefaction 118 Posted August 8, 2012 This is a monumental announcement and landmark of a day for Dayz and the community. I am thoroughly pleased and excited to see how this all plays out. Two thumbs up to BI for backing this project, Rocket and the crew. :D Can't wait to play it!!!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
magmatrix 38 Posted August 8, 2012 I hear you. I wish there was some way to prevent maps and guides from being made.It could be prevented by making the world more dynamic. Like changing stuff on the map, items, spawn points, infection/cold outbreaks, and zombie behaviour every now and then. Maybe have it change just like the weather does, but with a more complex underlying mechanism.Ponds could overflow, forests could burn down, new trees could start growing in the middle of a field, spawn locations could change, some items could spawn only at certain times of the month, cows and sheep could vanish for a while and instead there would be lots of crows in the forests, item spawn probabilities could change, major outbreaks with hundreds of zombies invading a village and destroying everything in sight, etc... and it would all be coordinated by a central server - controlled by algorithms which no player knows about. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
shadow_moses 50 Posted August 8, 2012 This is great news!!!!! Congratz to the DAYZ Mod Team!!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
-macaskill- 2 Posted August 8, 2012 Actually hes right. I have the feeling Dayz Developer are thinkg atm only about their future plans and money and not the state of the game right now. 1 Million ppl bought this Game now only to play DayZ and there are hardcore Graphical Bugs and game breaking Bugs concerning Item and Vehicles Saves.Hence why it is still an Alpha build. Rocket has already mentioned DayZ is broken. The dated engine, although great for simulation, is constraining his progress and vision. I've only ever looked at this "mod" as a simple test bed for something more genuine to come. Have faith. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GiggityGump 41 Posted August 8, 2012 As for the people complaining about having to pay for the standalone game after only buying CO to play DayZ, you need to understand that this is a business. This is how it works when mods become games. They have to make money, or we wouldn't have the same quality of games to play. The people and companies that make the games want and need to get paid, too. As for the people complaining about the above people, you need to understand that a lot of people have a very limited gaming budget. PC gaming can be outrageously expensive to begin with. Some people have to give up one thing to get another. I, for one, had to choose between buying ArmA to play DayZ and getting a different game that I was more sure that I would like. It was only because of the Steam Summer Sale that I convinced myself to give DayZ a shot. I'm hooked. I will buy the standalone, especially with a pricing model like Minecraft's. But, not everybody will be able to do that. For some people, the $20-30 that they just spent getting CO to play DayZ means that they can't afford the standalone, at least for a while. All I'm saying is that both sides need to be more understanding and respectful.Plus, sometimes people just need to vent on both sides of an issue.That being said, I do think it is a cool idea that the standalone version have some bonus in it for players of the alpha mod. Nothing like an exclusive weapon or vehicle or anything that will essentially be an unfair advantage. Just a little something, maybe cosmetic, that thanks the million+ people who participated in the game's evolution. I don't expect it, but it would be cool. 8 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JoeySTM 4 Posted August 8, 2012 Finally, someone reasonable around here. Did nobody see that the game, similar to minecraft, will be heavily discounted if you buy it in alpha? Minecraft was 5 bucks if you got it at the start and honestly if you have a job that's less than an hour's pay. It's no big deal at all. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tommy Gun 7 Posted August 8, 2012 you're an idiot, look at the first post he says it will run on arma 3 engine.And you're an idiot. That part was added in later. They may or may not have looked, but they may not have been able to know, either. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nnuu 61 Posted August 8, 2012 Great news, my only request would be to have the map editor included or even as a premium. The map editor in arma is my fav right now. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BigFatJohnSon 16 Posted August 8, 2012 will it come out be for end of the year?how much will it cost?will we have to buy aram3 and dayz just to play?so many more questions like what guns will there be and what rides are there , will we get custom characters P.S think you all Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BigCountry 26 Posted August 8, 2012 I thought Dean was building the standalone using the Arma II engine. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 2 Posted August 8, 2012 Nice And i hope the server a more balanced! whit the stand alone And more banning the scrip kiddies Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 9 Posted August 8, 2012 Awesome news. Only one thing to say: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bludy 324 Posted August 8, 2012 what will happen to this mod and to this forum? when will start the testing for dayz in arma 3? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
derekstraus 7 Posted August 8, 2012 ok, 10 bucks is a good price Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bottlerocket 205 Posted August 8, 2012 For my 999th post, and my last before bed, I'll just request if you guys can stay on topic and don't sling poo at each otherI believe the technical term for such an act is 'chimping'.....Anyway, back on topic - Well done getting DayZ the mod made into dayZ the game! A victory for modders, independents, and gamers who are sick and fed-up with the latest on rails FPS or theme park MMO.Good luck with the development - and just remember: "It's done when it's done". 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
butura 2 Posted August 8, 2012 DayZ is set to follow the Minecraft pricing and development modelThere will be basebuilding like in Minecraft or somth like that? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hugues (DayZ) 38 Posted August 8, 2012 I cannot express my excitement in words! :D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Problem? 33 Posted August 8, 2012 Def good news but I hope it costs no more than $10-$15. Maybe $20 at max. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ruarz 739 Posted August 8, 2012 Slowly compiling a standalone suggestion thread here, taking the best and most desired requests, tidying them up and organizing them. If you've got any suggestions or want to take a look head on over :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KarmaKinkajou 2 Posted August 8, 2012 So I got banned if i buy Dayz will i not be banned and be able to play? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Westydog 0 Posted August 8, 2012 ok, 10 bucks is a good priceLess than you pay to go and see a two hour movie?! This mod has already given me more enjoyment and more missed sleep than just about any full priced game I've purchased in years. I think that the mod itself is more than worth a $60 price tag that everyone else charges for a full game. I understand that there are problems with glitches and hackers at the moment but the fact that despite these issues the game is still more engrossing than just about anything else out there shows the genius behind this game. When judging the worth of something you should look at what benefit you get from it rather than what's wrong with it. I purchased Arma II just to play this mod and if the game stopped running now I would not be able to honestly say that I had not gotten my moneys worth. I would like to thank the dev team for making something new instead of just the same rehashed shit we've been getting for the last umpteen years, hopefully other developers will take note and realise that there is money to be made by making something new instead of just releasing another COD or FIFA every twelve months. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
daliputka 7 Posted August 8, 2012 No idea, but Im really hoping for a new custom map. There is too much meta-gaming.If only you guys could have experienced what I did way back when before there were guides, tutorials, maps etc...playing for the first time in the pitch black (before the gamma exploit was known).I know this will fall on deaf ears; when the standalone comes out, do yourself a favour and do not look at maps/guides...the experience is 10x greater when you are truly lost in the woods.If loot spawned in more buildings than only designated ones/places, I think I would have avoided looking at maps. I got tired of visiting a house only to find out later no loot ever spawns there. Hopefully this changes with the standalone and loot is more random and/or widespread in its spawning locations-D 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cu12s3 1 Posted August 8, 2012 DayZ is set to follow the Minecraft pricing and development modelThere will be basebuilding like in Minecraft or somth like that?No. I think you misunterstood something.It just says that Rocket will go the same way in developing "DayZ the standalone" like Notch did with his minecraft.He will release an early Alpha version of the game and sells it for a low amount of money.This will attract alot of people which want to test the game but dont want to spend too much money on it and will also allow the community to be an active part of the development of the game, which brings just advantages.When the game development progresses he releases a Beta version which will be more expensive than the alpha version and so on....Hope that clearyfies the statement a bit.And to Rocket and the development team of DayZ. A big congrats from me!!!! Good Job! INSTA BUY IF ALPHA GETS RELEASED !!!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
thoxon 26 Posted August 8, 2012 Hwill chernarus be ported to the arma 3 engine ? and updated with more enter-able buildings ?will they also make more islands in the dayZ game ? i mean stratis and the other arma 3 island are nice for dayz but that would make DAYZ game a mod on those maps i guess.would be nice if it was 4 season map(s). considering rocket said development of the mod will run parallel with the standalone, I'm 100% certain they will be using chernarus for both. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Figo (DayZ) 11 Posted August 8, 2012 Do i understand right , pay for an Alpha ? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites