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About daliputka

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  1. daliputka

    Is anyone friendly

    No 'friendly' people because this game lacks an end-game or dynamic game choices. Even I, after playing for a couple weeks, am trying to figure out the 'point' of this game. I just hunt other players now. Also, you can only communicate with other players that are within 100m from you. If you see someone 400m away you can't talk to them to find out what their intentions are, so you almost default to violence. -D
  2. Anyone else noticing this? All the US servers are gone from my ingame server browser.... :EDIT: Now they're back again?! I'm confused..anyone else notice this strange behavior? -D
  3. daliputka

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    Why on earth would they use the cryengine? BI made their own engine with this game and THEY are producing Dayz standalone. It's going to be modified version of Arma3. I'd be beyond surprised if it wasn't. -D
  4. daliputka

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    Also, I think it's pretty obvious what's going to happen here. Here's what I think: - Game will be on Arma 3. Why? Arma 3 is close to release and Dayz will be developed by BI. Why would they not use it?! Would be pretty strange if they didn't. - Game will take place on a new map. Why? Arma 3. - Dayz Mod will continue only as a 'testing' ground for the actual standalone game. It will be used to test ideas and gameplay mechanics to be implemented in the standalone. Once the actual standalone comes out and is sold, I'd guess we'll see a great decrease or discontinuation of the actual DayZ mod. But I don't expect DayZ standalone 'Alpha/Beta' to be out until the end of this year so the DayZ mod will continue to see support until that time. -D
  5. daliputka

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    If loot spawned in more buildings than only designated ones/places, I think I would have avoided looking at maps. I got tired of visiting a house only to find out later no loot ever spawns there. Hopefully this changes with the standalone and loot is more random and/or widespread in its spawning locations -D
  6. sometimes I can get it, sometimes not. It's kinda like meat on animals. It's the only loot location that I haven't been able to 'loot'. -D
  7. daliputka

    Broken Bones has to go or fix your coding

    If *anyone* disagrees with the poster, you are a true idiot. Think about it -- everyone wants the code to work. If you like broken code than you are pretty fucking retarded and the code *IS* broken. I would even say take it out until it's fixed. Having said that, the devs already know that there are issues. To combat this, as others stated, the first thing you should probably do is stock up on at least 3 morphines from the hospital boxes around the shore before you venture out. -D
  8. daliputka

    Boss zombie

    Must be able to kill your 'boss' zombie alone as well. I don't like the idea if it pretty much requires a team. I can maybe see 'harder' zombies(or bears?) that drop maybe 2 random items. That may be cool.
  9. daliputka

    Blocking VOIP while playing Dayz

    The blocking of VoIP idea will not work. Walkie Talkie is nice, but really not very practical unless it's someone you just met. Also, implementing this into the game would not be trivial. You'd basically have to implement private/passworded channels somehow. You could do it by frequency or something but then you'd have the possiblity of someone figuring out what frequency you're on and eavesdropping.
  10. daliputka

    Make Dayz HARDER, Part A: Cities

    What exactly isn't 'hard' about this game?? With a game with no objectives, I don't see what's not hard. It's as hard as you want to make it. You make your own objectives. I think you are just PLAYING easy. Join full 50+ player vet servers, stay near the shore and make it your objective to kill as many zombies as possible without getting killed by zombies or other players all while gathering ammo and resources..see how long you last. With the ammo bug fixed and zombies being able to hear again..this game may get TOO hard. I've been getting killed by zombies a whole lot more than other players. I usually scavange the middle of the map though so I don't run into many other players that often. -D
  11. I've always kinda thought hearing flies but no body was from someone hiding a body, but the flies still make noise.
  12. daliputka

    Pending Update: Build

    So does this get rid of aborting a game and coming back and your ammo is full again?
  13. I noticed after the recent patch that my 1911 isn't killing any of the zombies in 1 shot. Sometimes it takes 3, but at least 2. Was this part of the patch or just something to do with the server I was on? Anyone else notice this?
  14. daliputka

    Making Small Towns Worth It-Pharmacies

    How about just having medical supplies spawn at town locations/houses, but have a low chance of spawning?? This would incentivize players to check all loot points for equipment and spread out around the map. I think ALL the good stuff should be able to spawn anywhere, just with very low chances. Like let's say NV goggles can spawn at a town village, but have an extremley low chance. Near military points/bases they have a higher chance of spawning. Pretty much like Diablo :) -
  15. Hey, I've noticed that a lot of times zombies can hear me through walls like there was no wall there. I'm pretty sure they can't see me, but it seems being inside a building does little/nothing for sound diminishing. I didn't want to open this as a bug as it appears that bug admins are either overloaded or not existant currently and I also didn't know if this was even a bug. What are other people's thoughts? Can anything be done? -D