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Sam Maunder

DayZ Update 1.5.3

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New DayZ Update! Get it today!

Affected Addons.



* [FIXED] Morphing to new character causes empty backpack

* [FIXED] At least some instances of players not able to load

* [FIXED] "Monkey" Zombies weren't spawning

* [FIXED] Bandits could not get in vehicle with other bandits/survivors

* [NEW] Sync of player now entirely player driven to reduce server load and hangups

* [NEW] Server database sync of characters heavily optimized to reduce load

* [NEW] Server database sync of vehicles heavily optimized to reduce load

* [NEW] Server item creation optimized to reduce change of vehicles/tents not spawning in

* [NEW] Management of tent/vehicle inventory sync by server rewritten

* [NEW] EXTERNAL SCRIPT: Dynamic Weather Effects Script by Engima

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Dynamic Weather O_o?

Please make thunderstorms common =3, or at least a 1/3 chance :D!

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"Management of tent/vehicle inventory sync by server rewritten"

could you elaborate on this?

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Previously tent, vehicles, and characters simply flagged themselves for update, and the server "got around" to updating them. Characters then changed to also force a save on exit.

I ripped out the entire "flagging" system and now saves are forced (as this was working very well), but they aren't done as often (every 30 seconds). There is a cooldown to vehicles to stop them forcing a save more than once every ten seconds.

To force a save of your vehicle, get in, and then get out. Getting out of a vehicle forces a save of its position.

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* [FIXED] Morphing to new character causes empty backpack

Thank god. Just 5 hours too late :(

But good job!

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Does this mean tents (and it's contents) and vehicles are bound to the character and can be brought to other servers?

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[NEW] Sync of player now entirely player driven to reduce server load and hangups

* [NEW] Server database sync of characters heavily optimized to reduce load

Could this have fixed the DC problem???

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No, i tested that. I also tested one of my theories (the large group). Unfortunately, the problem has persisted.

It now appears quite likely that its either something else within the mod (looking less likely now), the use of selectPlayer (seems most likely), or something else internally in ArmA2 (unlikely)

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Im my opinion, not having direct chat working is the biggest problem yet. This sucks having to talk to people in side chat...

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Im my opinion' date=' not having direct chat working is the biggest problem yet. This sucks having to talk to people in side chat...


Get a mic and bind a button to direct chat. Text chat sucks anyway..

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Get a mic and bind a button to direct chat. Text chat sucks anyway..


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after this patch I have big problems finding/joining US3-4.

when I manage to join I get kicked of for battleeye not responding or Im losing connection to those servers. and its only US 3-4.

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Are you running the ArmA2OA Beta? You can only join US4/5 with that.

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Does all servers crashes than mission starts or only DE ?

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Rocket US 3-4-5 is running beta. and yes Im running it.

when I can connect Im losing connection or get kicked for battleeye not responing after 5-10 minutes.

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yeah similar problems. conmnection is terrible to many of these servers, maybe they could host on something other than a wooden pc :(

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Im my opinion' date=' not having direct chat working is the biggest problem yet. This sucks having to talk to people in side chat...


Get a mic and bind a button to direct chat. Text chat sucks anyway..

That still only works half of the time, I've been talking to my friends on mumble and then trying to say stuff in direct voice right next to them and they still can't hear it in-game, only through mumble.

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