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Cyborg Ninja

Has anyone actually successfully used a Frag Grenade?

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And I mean, actually killed someone with it. Those things have terrible aim, I have no idea how far I'm gonna throw it. Last time I blasted myself unconscious...

Edited by Link_AJ

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Had to use two... but yea... blew up my target... a truck... the overhang it was under and the wall next to it.

Edited by Haufer

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I have managed to throw one at my friend by accident and it was an epic throw aswell to bad he survived :(. I have killed about 2 people with grenades mainly because i screwed about with some RGO frags i found on a UAZ once and can kinda guess where its going to go.

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There is a video on youtube where this one guy (could have been TheBeachedHippo) is doing a demon voice in Elektro, he throws a grenade at the end of the video, succesfully killing a player (almost directly under him, on the middle of a street and with broken legs), but the blast wave caused a concussion. At least the guy died.

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Go to the armory in arma 2, m72 frags won't always kill you even if your on top of it, but rgo WILL kill anyone within about 10 meters.

There is a video on youtube where this one guy (could have been TheBeachedHippo) is doing a demon voice in Elektro, he throws a grenade at the end of the video, succesfully killing a player (almost directly under him, on the middle of a street and with broken legs), but the blast wave caused a concussion. At least the guy died.

At first I thought that video was so lame, but I was almost in tears by the end, it gets absolutely hilarious for any of you who watch and think it's dull.

Edited by Kryptik 617

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Me and two friends are running around looking for a bike one of us lost an hour before. We end up agroing and an entire town (15+ zombies) and we ran down a field

I never threw a gernade before and I ended up dropping it on my feet. "I JUST DROPPED IT HOLY CRAP RUN"


we all lost a little blood, and in shock. I look back. I see a massive pile bodys litter a field. It was fucking epic.

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i used one once, killed myself with it. my buddy tried throwing a few of them, never hit theyre targets, just go too damn far, have no idea where youre throwing it

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A friend and I plan on using one on a cow.

Or a chicken.

Or you.

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I successfully blew myself up with one.

My friend hit near 2 people sniping in cherno. We figured it knocked them out so we rushed up the tower to finish them. They had of course alt-f4ed by then.

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Snuck up on a sniper who shot at me earlier in starry. Heard a bus around so didnt want to run at him but knew where he was. up and over the bush and watched him stand up out of the grass and bang! buddys left immediatly and i got some NVGs

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My friend managed to frag himself once in a shed, just as i walked outside so i lived. I laughed a lot ><

Only ever kill(s) with one was in Elektro church back in the bandit skin days. Saw 2 bandits run in and my frag swiftly followed them ;) The church lost a whole wall lol.

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I've only ever thrown 2. First one I just tapped the trigger/throw and it went right in front of me, had to run, amazingly enough I didn't get too badly hurt but my sound was all messed it. The second time I think I must have chucked that nade like 300+ yards.... maybe the next one I get will be just right.

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Only ever used two.

1. Forgot I had it in my inventory, hit F a couple of times so I could throw a tin can at a window, threw a grenade instead, blew up the dude I was with at the time by accident. Most idiotic kill I ever got.

2. Threw one into the window of the fire station at elektro. The dude heard it and went down the stairs to escape it, not realising it had dropped down the stairs as well. Best kill I ever got.

Edited by Dramatic Exit
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I forget that so many come here to DayZ having never played Arma2.

Play some regular Arma2, or do the boot camp for some training. They are easy to throw and airm once you get used to them.

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Tried throwing a couple through the rear door of the supermarket the other day but they ended up going too far, hit the wall in the main shopping area of the store, and bounced back in. I managed to duck behind some shelving before they went off.

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Tried using 2 against berezino hospital windows (Our mp5's weren't breaking the glass for whatever reason) First one was too high and had too much power, right over the hospital. Next one I lowered my aim and put less power into it, landed 5 meters infront of me. Blew up. I think I'm dead then I see the hour glass. I start screaming "GET THE FUCKING EPI-PEN" to my friend. I get on my feet and bandage my wounds. My friend no longer lets me take grenades. On the plus side, the hospital windows did break after that second nade :)

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I gave my friend one to kill himself with some dignity when he wanted to die.

No damage, he knocked himself unconscious. Then begged me to shoot him in the head with an M107.

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I was carrying around 1 for a while just looking for an excuse to use it. I finally found a bus and decided to try my aim. I ended up almost killing myself and the bus was undamaged. Ran a few miles though the forest and stopped to check a text on my phone. My guy started tossing another frag. I run away from the blast and stop, guy throws another one. All 3 blasts injured me but I was able to live though it. I finally got him to stop bugging out, and when I went to check my inventory, I still had my single frag.

After that I put it in my tent and just keep it as a novelty item. No point is using up an inventory spot on something that will just kill me one day.

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I like to keep one for an emergency. Break a leg, no morphine? Round up as many Zeds as you can then drop a grenade at your feet.

Its raining Zeds..hallelujah!

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I've managed to get two kills with them: both times were against enemies I had pinned down in a building or tent. One was a direct kill, the second was indirect as the concussion kept him stunned/confused long enough to run up to the window and empty part of a clip into him.

The blast radius is a pain in the ass.... as is the "accidentaly" dropped grenade from a teammate while huddled in bushes scoping out a potential loot area. I won't let him live down the shame of that one for a long time to come.

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I was at the electro firestation and I had a grenade, shotgun, etc and some guy spawned on me. I saw him and he went down stairs, I followed him and he turned around and shot at me so I ran up. I threw the grenade off the wall down the stairs, and it killed him, but went through the floor and killed me as well. Was hilarious and worth it lol.

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