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Dogs are in next patch !!!!!!

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The dogs are for raiding NWAF, they're not bothered by the graphics corruption that is seemingly impossible to hotfix.

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confirmed by rocket

Posted Today, 06:53 PM

Two sentences:

Firstly, will not come out (it will be 1.7.3)

Secondly, WOOF WOOF.

why not just post a link to the source -.-

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why not just post a link to the source -.-

ok apparently i am dumb.

then again i couldn't be more happy *dancing*

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The dogs are for raiding NWAF, they're not bothered by the graphics corruption that is seemingly impossible to hotfix.

This. Holy shit.

Why can we not have a hotfix for the fucking graphics gltichs?

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I'm looking forward to seeing dogs become part of the game, both as a helper and possibly as a danger.

What is interesting to see is since the mod has been focusing on bugs, loot layout and Infected behavior, there has been less new features other then the melee weapon, and now we see the mention of Dogs and players are showing they don't want them. What seems to be going on is that players have gotten use to the balance and mechanics of the game; where new mechanics that could shake up what they are comfortable is causing them discomfort. The DayZ we see now will not be the one we see months from now so expect many changes which will shake things up for players who are comfortable in the balance as it is now.

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Someone please explain to me what Dogs are going to possibly do For Dayz? (I've asked in a similar post and no answers there, hope for more here) I've no issue with Rocket or his vision, I'm just genuinely at a loss as to what they will bring besides a fluffy distraction.

Its not about Balancing for me, I just don't see the point!

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Id say dogs will help you hunt animals, and detect nearby players.

There's a custom mission out there where a player plays a dog handler, and another plays a dog. The person playing the dog can detect enemy before he sees them, and can only bark...pretty good tho

Edited by Griff
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What is interesting to see is since the mod has been focusing on bugs, loot layout and Infected behavior, there has been less new features other then the melee weapon, and now we see the mention of Dogs and players are showing they don't want them.

Totally agreeing with you on the fact that Rocket should add new features and try stuff, it's just that... Dogs? Really?

I mean, I'm willing to bet my left nut that people won't bother with them.

They will follow you everywhere and ruin any kind of stealth. And they WILL definitely be buggy as shit unlikeable and unreliable like any AI in the ArmA 2 engine. :<

I guess Zeds would be able to kill them, too. Not really worth the effort to find one, feed it, etc.

Edited by Nucleqrwinter

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Id say dogs will help you hunt animals, and detect nearby players.

There's a custom mission out there where a player plays a dog handler, and another plays a dog. The person playing the dog can detect enemy before he sees them, and can only bark...pretty good tho

Sound's like a sex game to me! But that is just my mind!

I would have honestly thought Bears and wolves were more appropriate for DayZ. Now that would be a game changer, threat's from every angle.

edit: Bears and Wolves can be threats in game, around the areas where there are forests, perhaps they can sniff out camps, players and cause grief. You have Zeds on one end of the threat scale and nature on the other.

"There I was, I just looted a barn and ran into the forest with Zeds giving chase, I killed the zeds and ran further along where I ran into a pack of Wolves, by this point I had no ammo, only my hachet. We had to hack our way to safety, back at base we heard a bear around the site, we couldn't use rifles or we might attract any other players nearby, so the crossbow came into it's own"

Can you Imagine the FEAR this would put into you, even as a group! That's something Rocket needs to introduce.

Edited by Michaelvoodoo25
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Not really into dogs. The one I have irl is enough.

What next wife, gf, kids. Hopefully dogs aren't mandatory.

Something like char has been teleported, nuked by player in god mode, would be more helpful

I am in a clan, but I play alone, cause it's cooler and more intense without baggage

Bad move yawn sorry

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What, you idiots really think the dogs are going to be on your side?

Considering the man himself has said multiple times now is that his motive behind adding dogs is to make them companions, yes...yes they do. I for one don't really care for this change. Doesn't spark my interest all that much. Sure it will be cool, and it won't make the game worse but meh...not that exciting really for me. I'm still waiting for him to confirm a new map will be made for chernarus when it becomes the winter season, and we have a snow covered chernarus, and the temperature system becomes much more important.

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Rocket already said in previous videos that the dogs will be on our side and they can go hunting for you (say you are out of food and want to hunt an animal to roast on the fire, get your dog to go do it!). Also later on he wants to make it so you can teach your dog things to do!

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is this why the patch is taking so long ?

im barking with anticipation

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Rocket already said in previous videos that the dogs will be on our side and they can go hunting for you (say you are out of food and want to hunt an animal to roast on the fire, get your dog to go do it!). Also later on he wants to make it so you can teach your dog things to do!

A lot of sad people out there are going to be sniping dogs to make people cry.

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"Teaching your dog" with the limitations of a mod and of the arma 2 engine?

More like your dog will get + 100 Damage when biting for every day survived.


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I sure hope dogs wont give a significant advantage over those who dont like dogs. I wouldnt like dog UAV's patrolling through every town and tracking where I am.

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