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What would you like to see in the stand alone?

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Maybe instead of choosing or assigning a class it would be an idea to tie it in with the upcoming social aspects of the website?

For example in your player profile have a list of activities e.g Medic, Engineering, Hunting etc people simply check what activities they are capable of/enjoy. This then allows people who are looking for a certain type of player to search for them and group up?

It keeps everyone as a "survivor" but allows people to say this is the role I play.

Edited by KeefehB

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I demand following:

1. Implantation of bullet proof vest

1.1 There are different vest of varying quality

1.2 semi-hard to find, thought available at obvious sites i.e. officer station, quarantine camp etc

1.3 Protects only torso, give you the chance of survival after being shot in chest by some mad bandit

2. Make cooking vital for ensuring your health in the long shot!

2.1 Eating raw meat or from old dusty outdated bean cans can give you serious infection or upset stomach

2.2 More different foods with their own pros and cons, vegetables in some farmyard, pasta etc..

3. Dangerous animals like as bears, wolfpacks in nature

3.1 Killing them gives plenty of meat and hide for any purpose

3.2 Very few of carnivorous animals still lives, small risk that you stumble upon them in forest or mountains!

4. Caves, Hidden secret laborations underground, stone piles

4.1 Can be used as base, protection from rain, source of food and other items!

My tribute

Edited by Camoplast
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I'd like to be able to become zombified. When low on blood, there can be a small chance for you to be infected with the virus when hit by a zombie. You could slowly lose blood until you hit zero, fall down, and zombify. Kind of a bitch, but this game of all games deserves to be one. It'd be interesting for other players to see a zombified player in the middle of a horde and have to ask themselves "Does he have any good loot on im? Is it worth taking out all those other deadheads?" Assuming of course that your zombified body would retain all/some of the gear you died with, it could add a new, if somewhat small, dynamic to looting/gearing up.

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Maybe instead of choosing or assigning a class it would be an idea to tie it in with the upcoming social aspects of the website?

For example in your player profile have a list of activities e.g Medic, Engineering, Hunting etc people simply check what activities they are capable of/enjoy. This then allows people who are looking for a certain type of player to search for them and group up?

It keeps everyone as a "survivor" but allows people to say this is the role I play.

This is a good suggestion too. I think what ever we suggest should be as transparent and non permanent as possible. Something like this is a good idea but what about coast-noobs who don't come to the forum?

I demand following:

1. Implantation of bullet proof vest

1.1 There are different vest of varying quality

1.2 semi-hard to find, thought available at obvious sites i.e. officer station, quarantine camp etc

1.3 Protects only torso, give you the chance of survival after being shot in chest by some mad bandit

2. Make cooking vital for ensuring your health in the long shot!

2.1 Eating raw meat or from old dusty outdated bean cans can give you serious infection or upset stomach

2.2 More different foods with their own pros and cons, vegetables in some farmyard, pasta etc..

3. Dangerous animals like as bears, wolfpacks in nature

3.1 Killing them gives plenty of meat and hide for any purpose

3.2 Very few of carnivorous animals still lives, small risk that you stumble upon them in forest or mountains!

4. Caves, Hidden secret laborations underground, stone piles

4.1 Can be used as base, protection from rain, source of food and other items!

My tribute

Thank you for submitting your ideas...but they are already in the op bro ;)

I'd like to be able to become zombified. When low on blood, there can be a small chance for you to be infected with the virus when hit by a zombie. You could slowly lose blood until you hit zero, fall down, and zombify. Kind of a bitch, but this game of all games deserves to be one. It'd be interesting for other players to see a zombified player in the middle of a horde and have to ask themselves "Does he have any good loot on im? Is it worth taking out all those other deadheads?" Assuming of course that your zombified body would retain all/some of the gear you died with, it could add a new, if somewhat small, dynamic to looting/gearing up.

This is also in the OP. Just wanted to say that I think this is something that MUST be in the final product. Wondering if you have enough time to save your friend before he joins the undead would be awesome. Could you imagine having your ride break down on the way to town, knowing that he might turn before you are able to walk there, knowing that you might have to cap him? That would be awesome!

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...what about coast-noobs who don't come to the forum?

I'm almost tempted to suggest something akin to Battlelog lol.

But I won't...

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I'm almost tempted to suggest something akin to Battlelog lol.

But I won't...

Oh shhhhiiiiiiiiiii

It's a good thing I brought my crate of pitch forks and torches. Something told me we would need them today. :D

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I have looked through your OP and yes, much of that I demanded is already suggested!

However not about being healthy of tending food on the correct way. For the long shot health

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I have looked through your OP and yes, much of that I demanded is already suggested!

However not about being healthy of tending food on the correct way. For the long shot health

Good looking out! Updating OP

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I'm a big fan of the "herd" idea. 40-100 zombies all together roaming the map would be terrifying!

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Option to cut killed survivors and eat their flesh (cannibalism). In real apocalypse, there is no real humanity. strongest survives.

I guess that everything else is suggested already, what i have in my mind.

(Or was there karma system?)

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Option to cut killed survivors and eat their flesh (cannibalism). In real apocalypse, there is no real humanity. strongest survives.

I guess that everything else is suggested already, what i have in my mind.

(Or was there karma system?)

Yeah, I think it's getting to the point that everything is in the OP. Cannibalism would add an interesting dynamic, especially is eating too much would turn you undead.

Pretty much the only thing left is debating about the finer details and getting something that the majority of folks agree is a complete list.

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Did not see this in the tl;dr, but the idea of getting infected. It could follow the same mechanic as breaking a bone- there's a chance if you get hit that it will get in your blood, and you will need meds in a certain amount of time or you turn. Once turned you should become a standard mob type zombie who doesn't despawn until killed.

I imagine Rocket and his bro have thought out the infection thing extensively.

It doesn't have to be a monolithic challenge if you or your buddy get infected and starts to turn. Just another hazard of engaging zombies and not keeping your distance or missing a couple shots. I don't see why the "cure" should be exotic or rare. In a "real" zombie situation, even if penicillin could cure infection, getting that to everyone in time to beat the scales shifting in favor of the zeds would be a challenge.

This is always a strong element in most zombie movies, so I feel it belongs in the stand alone. Just another element to add drama and flesh out stories.

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Yeah, I think it's getting to the point that everything is in the OP. Cannibalism would add an interesting dynamic, especially is eating too much would turn you undead.

Pretty much the only thing left is debating about the finer details and getting something that the majority of folks agree is a complete list.


How come you would turn into undead, if you eat not infected meat derp? :emptycan:

One thing what bugs me in this list is that almost every suggestion is edited with your personal opinions.

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How come you would turn into undead, if you eat not infected meat derp? :emptycan:

One thing what bugs me in this list is that almost every suggestion is edited with your personal opinions.

So you want to run around chowing down on everyone?

As far as my opinion goes I've tried to be a custodian as much as a suggester. MOST of these ideas are identical to the original suggester's idea and has only been changed to suit the opinions of others. Or course, grammatical changes have been made where I have found them. Have you read the ENTIRE thread (and not just the op)? Once you read the whole thread you will see why some things are different than their original idea.

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Nova, I appreciate your input...it seems you're trying to keep the spirit of the game as sandbox and not path driven. I have a two more ideas that I don't recall reading in the OP. (thanks for adding my other 2 about the beards and locks btw)

These are both related, but one is for the person who take a life, the other is for someone who dies.

1. Collectable dogtags - If you kill someone, you can collect their dogtags which gives you the option to view a screen showing their name, how long they lived, and stats such as murders, people healed (in different ways), how far travelled, how many bullets they fired, or whatever. I think these things would be interesting. Often when I die, I wish I could communicate to the person that killed me what kind of a person I was. Something to leave behind.

2. End-game stats - Instead of keeping a real-time murder/zed/headshot count on the gui, display these things upon death, including the other things above such as how many blood transfusions given, how many bandages used on self/others, etc... And if I was killed by someone, I'd like to know their name, stats... something about them.

3. (Just thought of this one) Grave stones!! If you lose a friend (or some random dude's body, whatever) and bury him, you should be able to find a rock and craft a tombstone with their name on it, their "age", and a short epitaph.

4. One-shot Polaroid cameras (this was suggested by someone else in another thread, just adding it here). Find a camera, take a pic, leave pic behind for someone else to find. I think it'd be cool to run across a photo of a group of guys that had traveled through ealier, or maybe a pic of someone getting eaten, or landscape photo.... No idea how it would be implemented, but just an idea.

Edited by baz
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So you want to run around chowing down on everyone?

Nope, but there is this thing called sickness...

4. One-shot Polaroid cameras (this was suggested by someone else in another thread, just adding it here). Find a camera, take a pic, leave pic behind for someone else to find. I think it'd be cool to run across a photo of a group of guys that had traveled through ealier, or maybe a pic of someone getting eaten, or landscape photo.... No idea how it would be implemented, but just an idea.


Edited by Pinkkifantti
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How on earth could you force people not to team up though?

Where there's a will there's a way. One idea I had was to hide the server names but make it so you can favorite a server and give it your own name, so you could return later, but you couldn't just give the name to all your friends. And then to prevent people from server hopping to find their friends server, just randomize the joining process, maybe the game picks the best 5 populated servers and rotates between only those, so even if you hop and hop, you might never find your friends server.

But, that's just my idea, there might be a better way. Games like Halo have this option already, so anything is possible if the players want it.

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3. (Just thought of this one) Grave stones!! If you lose a friend (or some random dude's body, whatever) and bury him, you should be able to find a rock and craft a tombstone with their name on it, their "age", and a short epitaph.

I love this idea! :beans:

Eating people - Really? I know that realism is interesting and can be fun, but with moderation! Seriously, I cannot imagine what would made me to eat someone, especially in game. Why would you even need that in DayZ?! Food Cans are everywhere! Plants around the map are be very probably eatable. There is still hunting. You can even eat worms and other insect. Why do you need to eat people?

Classes, perks - I still dont know. It really sounds nice, but I dont think it would work. If you could choose one, it would gave you/your group an advantage, but that is limiting for lonewolfs. I like the idea of random bonus items at start. It would give you advantage, but only for few hours at the beginning. You cannot give players big but random advantages (permanent bonus), they would keep suiciding until they get what they want. And the same apply for choosable classes. There would be one, which everyone who understands the game would use (for example rifleman - faster reloading, steadier aim,...). You simply dont need to be vet (for example he could get more meat from animals). You do not care whether you get 3 meats of 4 meats, The difference is too small. It would be very hard to make them equal. So, I would rather not have them, than have some kind of suiciding players (someone mentioned it before), all player playing same class or disadvantaged lonewolfes.


A realistic ammo system - I am not sure if I get it right. It almost seems to me that you are saying there is an option to combine mags already. If there is, I dont know about it. Or maybe, I just dont correctly understand yours statement.

I will write my idea anyway. If you have 2 mags (30 rounds capacity), both with 15 bullets. You could combine them in one full mag. If there would be some spare bullets (1911 > Revolver), they would act like now - one mag in inventory - and you could combie them farther.

P.S. Change the color of text in tl;dr. It is really hard to read blue text on black background.

Edited by rancor1223

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i want to see Green Mountain.

yes, we need green mountain in the standalone, so nice and utter supid stories behind it, yet i myself have experienced weird happenings up there...

i still tend to travel in a large circle arond it at night

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yes, we need green mountain in the standalone, so nice and utter supid stories behind it, yet i myself have experienced weird happenings up there...

i still tend to travel in a large circle arond it at night

Yeah, I went there twice, always in the daylight. Always it felt weird. Lonely. Silent. Scary. Never gonna go there ever again.

I should definitely be in the new DayZ map.

Edited by rancor1223

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lol... turtle kid ftw

Regarding eating the dead... I think that's getting into censorship land. I can't imagine some of the less open-minded societies of the western world being happy about a realistic cannibalism simulator. Personally, I don't see a huge difference between having zombies doing it, or humans doing it, or even the difference between a movie doing it and a video game; but I can almost guarantee that the press and some governments will tow the butthurt line of, "someone think of the children!" I think it'd be a legit addition to discuss, but it comes with real life ramifications that Rocket would have to consider.

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Instead of grocery stores having everything they should have regular supplies with exception of backpacks and tents and there should be gun stores with basic civilian weapons with a rare chance of military weapons.

Also some smaller towns should have a pharmacy to get basic medical supplies and keep the hospitals in the bigger cities.

Bigger cities should have superstores like a Russian version of Walmart with above

Grocery stores and gun stores combined but make it so big that zombies are inside and you either have to sneak from aisle to aisle or clear it out to loot, this would also make a crazy pvp hot spot.

Also there should be car wrecks on the road to cause zombie spawns in the middle of nowhere and parked/wrecked cop cars with zombie cops that drop basic law enforcement weapons with a chance of having an m4 or automatic weapon in the trunk or ground around it.

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lol... turtle kid ftw

Regarding eating the dead... I think that's getting into censorship land. I can't imagine some of the less open-minded societies of the western world being happy about a realistic cannibalism simulator. Personally, I don't see a huge difference between having zombies doing it, or humans doing it, or even the difference between a movie doing it and a video game; but I can almost guarantee that the press and some governments will tow the butthurt line of, "someone think of the children!" I think it'd be a legit addition to discuss, but it comes with real life ramifications that Rocket would have to consider.

Imagine FOX TV headlines - "Save your kids! Ban DayZ!" or "Children are playing cannibalism sim video game!"

Society is just not ready for such a realistic (and in my opinion also pointless) function in video games.

I would like to know your opinion abou amount of loot. Many of you are suggesting big grocery stores with tons of supplies. That would be surely awesome, but it has to be done well. Now, it is very easy to get basic equip. ALICE, food, tools and even good weapons (AKM, Winchester) are everywhere. If there will ever be those biog grocery stores, they need to have something you cannot find anywhere else. Or some kind of superior kind of regular items. Or massively lower the amount of loot in small shops and houses. But I dont want everything to be rare. I belive that looting is one of the mose enjoyable things about the game. Also grocery stores should be filled with zombies (50+). And we are back where we were - what should be so exceptional about grocery stores, that you would risk that.

Edited by rancor1223

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