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What would you like to see in the stand alone?

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  On 8/8/2012 at 4:38 PM, TalkingGoats said:

Walky Talkies, Instances, Friends List, Moar vehicular spawns per sq KM.

What do you mean by instances?

I believe we've got the rest of this in the OP all ready bro.

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- loot zombies for more items than tin cans and empty whisky bottles - how about matches, cigarettes, phones, car keys?

- more accesible buildings - not neccesairly with wide open dors. we could try to break in through the windows/doors - and while doing so make noise and aggro some zeds

about guns and vehicles... i say add buildings

- gun store here and there - u could pick up guns and kits to clean or repair them

- gas stations - i find it funny that they 99% of the time spawn ONLY tin cans :) add variety to them so u can find more parts for cars (the biggest amusement for me is how one wheel fits all types of cars:) ).

- i found it not really realistic - entering the school and looting bunch of guns and ammo... what kind of school is it :)

- i find it annoying that 9mm ammo cannot be used in 9mm types of handguns (kinda weird since u can convert 0.45 revolver to 1911 magazine)

- malls? or bigger stores than just a grocery (where u can find not only food, but cloths, tools, and other items)

- way to cover/camo vehicles, tents - just like camouflage netting or a possibility to hack some branches with a axe/hatchet and throw on top of the car to hide it from unwanted eyes

- fishing ? as another way to get food or simply chill with friends by the campfire and tell stupid stories

- radios/walkie talkies - to be able to communicate with friends on chosen channels

- radios in the cars? its so freaking boring to drive without any music :)

but hey, this game is far from realistic so i doubt they will introduce any of those ideas

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  On 8/7/2012 at 9:30 PM, Vindicator said:

I personally dont like some of these ideas really, but that is your opinion. DayZ will always have perma death because that is Rocket's favorite. Silencers are a good addition and they should be complicated due to caliber. They are not zombies so there there wont be "boss" zombies.

ArmA 2 already has ballistics so there is bullet drop. I dont like scope glint in BF3.

Finally, coding in more tools would be just as hard as coding in classes/specializations. Tools would be easier in the engine most likely. Haha

Glint is real- it does happen. I believe basic rifles like a cz should give this off... As you're an "amateur" sniper with a civilian hunting rifle.

Someone with a military spec rifle won't have to worry about it because they're meticulously made. (well, most.)

Edited by evoxtom

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Vastly improved inventory system

Better anti cheat measures with perma ban capabilities, where you cannot just get another key

Harder to find rare weapons

Nothing crazy, but a DIY melee weapon crafting system could be cool. More diversity than a hatchet or crowbar. More world clutter, find components and create makeshift weapons. NO making ammo, guns and crazy shit like that.

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I would like to see BIG city with large metro underneath. It would have a great climat, especially if there were zombies spawns so u cannot feel safe.

Edited by Kaczor

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  On 8/8/2012 at 4:51 PM, mech said:

- loot zombies for more items than tin cans and empty whisky bottles - how about matches, cigarettes, phones, car keys?

All but this is in the OP to some extent. Editing OP to include this. I think the more buildings part will be addressed for a stand alone.

  On 8/8/2012 at 4:57 PM, evoxtom said:

Glint is real- it does happen. I believe basic rifles like a cz should give this off... As you're an "amateur" sniper with a civilian hunting rifle.

Someone with a military spec rifle won't have to worry about it because they're meticulously made. (well, most.)

Adding glint. I like the idea too. Maybe only allow for it when you and the sun are at just the right angle to the sniper though.

  On 8/8/2012 at 5:02 PM, StzA said:

Nothing crazy, but a DIY melee weapon crafting system could be cool. More diversity than a hatchet or crowbar. More world clutter, find components and create makeshift weapons. NO making ammo, guns and crazy shit like that.

Great idea, adding improvised melee weapons to the OP.

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- To add to your burying bodies idea I believe that hiding bodies should still be in the game. However, it should require survivors to drag a body first and put it in a locker (MGS style lol), in a freezer (Hitman? style), in the trunk of the car, in a barrel, in a big trash bin, and into the ocean (except the body should float across the ocean maybe until it reaches along the coast/land haha)

Some ideas:

- When someone is bleeding it should leave a trail of blood on the ground

- Getting up from crouch or prone shouldn't take a million years

- All buildings should be enter-able

- Add female zombies

- Their should be more animations for picking up stuff and chopping trees for wood instead of just picking everything off the ground

- I want to be able to run straight up to a hill rather than zigzagging around it (at least make running up the hill a bit slower, but faster than walking/crouch walking)

Edited by sniper007

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Close spawn kill prevention - Invincibility would be efficient but doesnt it is not lore friendly at all. First of all, I would make zones, where you simply cannot disconnect, definitly all buildings, maybe even whole cities. It would at least lower the possibility of spawning near each other. Of course, you cannot prevent players from turning the game off, but if you would do so in the building or city it would simply teleport you out of there to borders of the city, possibly unconscious for few minutes.

Warning that someone just spawned near is wrong. What would you do? You would very likely go kill him. The same would have to apply for the person who just spawned. What would he do? He would very likely do kill you.

P.S. If writing this will not improve my English, then nothing ever will :D

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  On 8/8/2012 at 5:14 PM, sniper007 said:

- To add to your burying bodies idea I believe that hiding bodies should still be in the game. However, it should require survivors to drag a body first and put it in a locker (MGS style lol), in a freezer (Hitman? style), in the trunk of the car, in a barrel, in a big trash bin, and into the ocean (except the body should float across the ocean maybe until it reaches along the coast/land haha)

- When someone is bleeding it should leave a trail of blood on the ground

I like the idea of hiding in this manner. But having a body sink into the ground is nothing more than a successful troll. I'll edit OP to include this as well as the blood trail. The rest is (hopefully) definitely going into the game.

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  On 8/8/2012 at 5:27 PM, rancor1223 said:

Close spawn kill prevention - Invincibility would be efficient but doesnt it is not lore friendly at all. First of all, I would make zones, where you simply cannot disconnect, definitly all buildings, maybe even whole cities. It would at least lower the possibility of spawning near each other. Of course, you cannot prevent players from turning the game off, but if you would do so in the building or city it would simply teleport you out of there to borders of the city, possibly unconscious for few minutes.

Warning that someone just spawned near is wrong. What would you do? You would very likely go kill him. The same would have to apply for the person who just spawned. What would he do? He would very likely do kill you.

P.S. If writing this will not improve my English, then nothing ever will :D

Your english is just fine my friend, I understand what you are saying perfectly. :D

As far as this idea goes, I think it's great. Maybe not so much with the knocking you out part, but putting you far enough outside of the no spawn zone seems like a good fix. Perhaps spawning anywhere near a loot spawn should be treated that way. What do you think? I'll update the OP with this. Great suggestion!!!

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I think dogs should be given a more useful role.

Using them for hunting/tracking is all well and good however they could also be used to solve the so called "bandit problem". For example, instead of a magic morphing balaclava, blood on clothes or any other aesthetic method simply have the dogs growl/act upset if a low humanity player is in the group. If Cesar Milan tought us anything its that dogs are sharp little fuckers.

This gives friendly surivors a reason to keep one about and also gives bandits something to worry about when trying to be sneaky infiltrating bastards. Maybe expand upon it by making bandits dogs able to track other players or bark when people are near by...

I'll get my coat.

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i would love to see a bigger map or more maps for that matter. currently the alpha plays on 1 map. i feel as if it's not big enough. on foot sure it seems big, when you have access to air you can fly across the map in minutes, and building a stronghold is not ideal on a small map with many players cause you would need to constantly defend it, where as a map maybe 10x bigger than the current map would be ideal to hide a small stronghold that would take days for survivors to actually find and reach it.

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  On 8/8/2012 at 4:40 PM, NovaDose said:

What do you mean by instances?

I believe we've got the rest of this in the OP all ready bro.

Possilby "safe" zones a la "Land of the Dead", for trading and derping. Large, detailed enviroments that would normally be out of reach because of performance contsraints. Such as a mine / cave, Mall, player "created" prefab fortress? Sure these areas are doable in a free roam game, but not with lots of detail.

Just a thought...

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  On 8/8/2012 at 5:32 PM, NovaDose said:

Your english is just fine my friend, I understand what you are saying perfectly. :D

As far as this idea goes, I think it's great. Maybe not so much with the knocking you out part, but putting you far enough outside of the no spawn zone seems like a good fix. Perhaps spawning anywhere near a loot spawn should be treated that way. What do you think? I'll update the OP with this. Great suggestion!!!

Exactly, every loot spawn should be banned from player spawn location. And disconnecting on loot spawn should have some kind of penality. How I already said, you should get unconscious for few minutes. You should be spawned in some open area (field, middle of airfield), where it would be super easy to kill you. That would make you want to leave loot spawn zones (in this case - city), because disconnecting would get you in serious danger when you connect back.

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  On 8/8/2012 at 5:33 PM, KeefehB said:

I think dogs should be given a more useful role.

Using them for hunting/tracking is all well and good however they could also be used to solve the so called "bandit problem". For example, instead of a magic morphing balaclava, blood on clothes or any other aesthetic method simply have the dogs growl/act upset if a low humanity player is in the group. If Cesar Milan tought us anything its that dogs are sharp little fuckers.

This gives friendly surivors a reason to keep one about and also gives bandits something to worry about when trying to be sneaky infiltrating bastards. Maybe expand upon it by making bandits dogs able to track other players or bark when people are near by...

I'll get my coat.

I made an account just to tell you that you are a genius

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  On 8/8/2012 at 5:33 PM, KeefehB said:

I think dogs should be given a more useful role.

I think that they are introducing them loosely and will update them with more usefulness as they go along. I believe (don't quote me on this lol) that Rocket had stated somewhere that he doesn't want any kind of identifiers for Bandits. Even though I see where you are coming from with a dog being able to sense evil, I don't think it would make it. :(

  On 8/8/2012 at 5:35 PM, Rokochan said:

i would love to see a bigger map or more maps for that matter.

I think this is something everyone wants. So much so that it is one of the most requested things in this thread.

  On 8/8/2012 at 5:35 PM, iMuzzaa said:

The ability to spawn with or near friends.

This can't happen. Could you imagine the shit-storm? You shoot a bandit, just before he bleeds out his four buddies spawn in right on top of you. The exploits are countless. Besides, part of the experience is learning to navigate to one another.

  On 8/8/2012 at 5:35 PM, TalkingGoats said:

Possilby "safe" zones a la "Land of the Dead", for trading and derping.

I like safe zones. Not sure how they could be implemented though. I think the general philosophy on this for the devs is that they don't want to pigeon hole anyone, and want the players to make the world. So I could hypothetically (with the right man and fire power) see a server where the players have made cherno a safe haven. To get in you have to check your guns at the door and submit to a "pat down" of your back pack. I'll add it to the OP with more +1s

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  On 8/8/2012 at 5:47 PM, rancor1223 said:

Exactly, every loot spawn should be banned from player spawn location. And disconnecting on loot spawn should have some kind of penality. How I already said, you should get unconscious for few minutes. You should be spawned in some open area (field, middle of airfield), where it would be super easy to kill you. That would make you want to leave loot spawn zones (in this case - city), because disconnecting would get you in serious danger when you connect back.

I think just making it impossible to spawn near them should be enough to deter the server hoppers. In that light, the only people that would be effected by this would be the people who loose connection accidentally or the server restarts on someone.

  On 8/8/2012 at 5:49 PM, MobyDiglett said:

I made an account just to tell you that you are a genius

That looks like a +1 to me. I'll add:

  On 8/8/2012 at 5:33 PM, KeefehB said:

I think dogs should be given a more useful role.

to the OP.

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Safe zones - How would this work? It couldnt be simply a building. Can you imagine the amount of bandits around it? I think that "safe zones" are one of the things players should create themselves. Just like trading.

  On 8/8/2012 at 5:54 PM, NovaDose said:

I think just making it impossible to spawn near them should be enough to deter the server hoppers. In that light, the only people that would be effected by this would be the people who loose connection accidentally or the server restarts on someone.

But how? Once you disconnected in the city, how would you reconnect? The point of making disconnecting dangerous (by spawning you in open area) is to prevent people from doing it as "fast and safe travel" out of the city. Of course, people loosing connection would have a problem. If server restarts would be reported few minites before, you would have time to leave.

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  On 8/8/2012 at 6:02 PM, rancor1223 said:

But how? Once you disconnected in the city, how would you reconnect? The point of making disconnecting dangerous (by spawning you in open area) is to prevent people from doing it as "fast and safe travel" out of the city. Of course, people loosing connection would have a problem. If server restarts would be reported few minites before, you would have time to leave.

Yeah...using it to fast travel out of the city would be an issue. However, I think it would be an acceptable alternative to server hopping loot piles. I used to host a minecraft server and I can tell you from experience that sometimes an early warning is not an option, especially in the alpha stages of a game. A process can get mucked up, hang, then the only way to get the server back up is to restart. Not being able to spawn on loot would completely eliminate server hopping, no need to punish someone for something they can't do anyway right? Fast traveling out of a city like that would be an unfortunate by product. However, in conjunction with a 10 second timer where you are still able to be shot then looted on logging out(which, I believe, is going to be a for sure thing soon) would be enough to keep most people from using it to that end. Think about this:

You are in the city, standing over the best loot. You know you can't server hop because you will just appear outside of town any way. You hear gun shots and want to fast travel out of town. If you log out then log back in to fast travel there is a ten second window where you can't defend yourself and you can be shot. The best (and really only) option is to make a break for it.

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A simple perk system.

The idea I had comes from watching alot of zombie movies and such. Essentially survivor groups were made up of 'every-men' who each had their own skill sets and abilities that they brought to the table and helped them live in the world. I believe giving a player a choice of one specialty that will give them a small bonus in game might be fun, and give it a slight bit more RPGish feel. The same perk system would then feed into a karma type system that rewards players for being good and not murdering everyone they come across or being that 'guy' who kills everyone cause he gets a thrill from it.

So for instance:

Perk : Navigator- Always start with a compass alongside the map. As you become a bandit, your map notes the locations of tents that you stumble across on your journey so that you could come back later to loot them. As a survivor, your map periodically updates with the last know locations of friendlies, helping you help them navigate the world.

Perk : Hunter- You are able to track prey by blood stains and identify animals at slightly greater ranges. As a bandit, you can track bleeding players(their blood trails stand out more for you maybe through some highlighting method.) As a survivor you get more raw meat off of carcasses.

Edited by LookitsDante

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  On 8/8/2012 at 6:20 PM, LookitsDante said:

A simple perk system.

The idea I had comes from watching alot of zombie movies and such. Essentially survivor groups were made up of 'every-men' who each had their own skill sets and abilities that they brought to the table and helped them live in the world. I believe giving a player a choice of one specialty that will give them a small bonus in game might be fun, and give it a slight bit more RPGish feel. The same perk system would then feed into a karma type system that rewards players for being good and not murdering everyone they come across or being that 'guy' who kills everyone cause he gets a thrill from it.

So for instance:

Perk : Navigator- Always start with a compass alongside the map. As you become a bandit, your map notes the locations of tents that you stumble across on your journey so that you could come back later to loot them. As a survivor, your map periodically updates with the last know locations of friendlies, helping you help them navigate the world.

Perk : Hunter- You are able to track prey by blood stains and identify animals at slightly greater ranges. As a bandit, you can track bleeding players(their blood trails stand out more for you maybe through some highlighting method.) As a survivor you get more raw meat off of carcasses.

There was someone who posted earlier who said they wanted a "class" system. I'm reluctant to add it to the OP because I don't think that it's in line with the dev's ideals. How ever, I am just a lowly forum lurker so I honestly don't know. Another +1 for classes and I'll add it to the OP

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A single-shared persistent world with resource that can be controlled.

Resource can include:

  • Food
  • Water
  • Metal Resources
  • Medicine
  • Gas
  • Electricity
  • Military (ammo)

This allows for trade, barter, building, cooperation, as well as fighting for control of those resources.

And of course, wastelands and cities that have infected and resources that cannot be controlled.

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Please no classes.

The game is better off without them, it would become a clone of every other MMO out there.

Skills on the other hand, seem fine. As rocket has said before, if someone has a skill useful to you, it might be an incentive not to just shoot on sight.

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