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What would you like to see in the stand alone?

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-Holding a rocket launcher without having to remove your backpack or any other weapon

-natural disasters like earthquakes and tsunamis (on the coast)

-like heli crash sites there should be a group of zombies spawning randomly in forests if you kill them there is a 0.30% chance to get something better than on crash sites (these zombies should be strong as hell)


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It's still going to be running on the Real Virtuality engine I'm pretty sure when it comes out(which is what ARMA II's running), so most of this stuff isn't even possible unless a lot of unnecessary work is put into it

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-Holding a rocket launcher without having to remove your backpack or any other weapon

-natural disasters like earthquakes and tsunamis (on the coast)

-like heli crash sites there should be a group of zombies spawning randomly in forests if you kill them there is a 0.30% chance to get something better than on crash sites (these zombies should be strong as hell)


I think I have most of that in the OP all ready. What would be the effect of natural disasters? Without having every building able to take damage in some way that is... A Tsunami would wash up so many coast-noobs into cherno lol I could see it. Flashlights and bandages EVERYWHERE!

It's still going to be running on the Real Virtuality engine I'm pretty sure when it comes out(which is what ARMA II's running), so most of this stuff isn't even possible unless a lot of unnecessary work is put into it

I understand what you are getting at here, but to some degree they will have to tweak the engine to their liking. Just because it's run an engine doesn't mean it's utterly tied to it right? I mean, don't you think people would be upset if they just bought an expansion to ARMA2 instead of DayZ the game? I just don't see them putting ARMA2 in a DayZ wrapper and packaging it as something new. Rocket doesn't seem like the type to let something or someone ass fuck his baby like that...at least I hope not.

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-Clothing: All clothing should be able to mix/match. For instance, you could carry a jacket with you to stay warm at night, maybe wear a bullet proof vest, gas masks, perhaps you've walked holes into your shoes...time to find new ones. This could play into the temperature/sickness dynamic and make your friends/enemies more easy to identify. Clans could all agree on a certain garb as well, making team members even easier to id.

-Melee Weapons and Fighting: This probably goes without saying. If I where surrounded by dead and only had a hunting knife you better believe I would use it. You should also be able to fight them off to some extent. Punching, kicking, and pushing them back. Granted, I personally don't think you should be able to completely kill them without one helluva beating but being able to defend yourself physically against one zombie should be in the game.

Don't suggest it, DEMAND IT

I as an arma/ofp enthusiast, know that this is very difficult with the arma2 engine, but for the love of god

ADD CHARACTER CUSTOMIZATION, cosmetic morphs, see APB, saints row 3 and Global Agenda just to name a few

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So you said you want less focus on military weapons but also want fun customization. That kind of turns those guns in to becoming like those military weapons imo. Leave the military stuff alone, if you're willing to go to a military base and risk your life for that gear then more power to you I say

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So you said you want less focus on military weapons but also want fun customization. That kind of turns those guns in to becoming like those military weapons imo. Leave the military stuff alone, if you're willing to go to a military base and risk your life for that gear then more power to you I say

Hmm a downvote. First one so far other than mine concerning higher vehicle spawn rate.

EDIT: how about the normal "civilan" weapons don't have as much customization as their military counterparts. Also, you have to find the adapter to be able to add anything to a weapon. I.E. if you want a better scope, you need to find rails that fit your gun. So even though you have a scope, you can't just freely change it from gun to gun.

Edited by NovaDose

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Wow, the possibilities are just huge for this "mod" (soon standalone).

I hope rocket manages to keep things as realistic as they are atm.

I'm so happy this mod is going standalone, it's such a good game concept :D

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I think I have most of that in the OP all ready. What would be the effect of natural disasters? Without having every building able to take damage in some way that is... A Tsunami would wash up so many coast-noobs into cherno lol I could see it. Flashlights and bandages EVERYWHERE!

You should get a warning sign like constant change of weather before something like that happens so you could get into a safe zone, buildings shoulnt be affected from it, but maybe you could fall unconscious if you are in a smaller house, and lightning should be able to hit helicopters and trees (last one would cause a little forest fire), so there is less camping on coast spawns :D

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You should get a warning sign like constant change of weather before something like that happens so you could get into a safe zone, buildings shoulnt be affected from it, but maybe you could fall unconscious if you are in a smaller house, and lightning should be able to hit helicopters and trees (last one would cause a little forest fire), so there is less camping on coast spawns :D

How about a barometer as a loot drop, that could serve as the warning? Updating OP

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-Loot Spawns Should be Totally Random: That should help to prevent server hoppers from camping the best spawns and hopping. Hoppers gonna hop and all that...

Imo this would ruin some great parts of the game, like going up in a fire station in Cherno and hope that there is no snipers around :P

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Imo this would ruin some great parts of the game, like going up in a fire station in Cherno and hope that there is no snipers around :P

That's a good point. Maybe ENTIRELY random is a bad way to put that. How about saying that their should be random loot drops with a higher % chance for good gear while keeping the hot spots still good. OOO!! And zombies spawn inside of the good loot spots...that would def drive people away from just spawn dropping into the high value areas and looting. Updating OP, Very good point.

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Adding to generators- maybe a city spawns generic loot (basics) and low grade weapons with the power off at the norm spawn %.

However, if you get a certain sector of the city lit up using a generator, it replaces all loot in those buildings with higher grade loot that you could not get otherwise so long as the generator is fueled up.

This would make you a target for players (loud generator, lights blaring, etc) zombies may spawn a lot near the lit up buildings because it pulls their attention.

A lot of risk and reward here.

Edited by evoxtom
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Adding to generators- maybe a city spawns generic loot (basics) and low grade weapons with the power off at the norm spawn %.

However, if you get a certain sector of the city lit up using a generator, it replaces all loot in those buildings with higher grade loot that you could not get otherwise so long as the generator is fueled up.

This would make you a target for players (loud generator, lights blaring, etc) zombies may spawn a lot near the lit up buildings because it pulls their attention.

A lot of risk and reward here.

I like this idea. Updating OP. It kind of adds a tower-defense aspect to the game...there's something almost king-of-the-hill-esque about it.

A fatigue system would be nice too.

I'm going to flesh this out a little. Good suggestion, updating OP.

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- fishing

- remove "hide body" or make it take a *long* time and an entrenching tool.

- possibility to leave notes (after you´ve found pen and paper of course)

- tracks on the ground when someone took your vehicle

- tents change appearance (raped) when they where emptied by other players

..... and much more... :)

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- fishing

- remove "hide body" or make it take a *long* time and an entrenching tool.

- possibility to leave notes (after you´ve found pen and paper of course)

- tracks on the ground when someone took your vehicle

- tents change appearance (raped) when they where emptied by other players

..... and much more... :)

all great suggestions. Tracks on the ground is a bit meh though. How would the game know that you didn't just give them the vehicle? How about tracks when driving in the dirt, and skid marks on pavement when they take a turn too sharply. In that effect you could kind of track them. These signs would fade with time and/or weather.

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- possibility to leave notes (after you´ve found pen and paper of course)

Actually they are in almost every house so you could even spawn with it

Edited by EndlessNight

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I would maybe like to see classes, so you could be a medic or sniper or engineer so you can repair the cars and such.

I would like to have a story or quests or such, i know we are trying to survive but i would like a story or some reward for taking on zombies.

throw-able melee weapons, so you can take out a single zed silently and then retrieve said weapon.

I would like to see alot more open buildings, also a craft system that allows your team to build like a safety zone.

using sand bags and or barded wire to build a zone zeds cant not get to or huts or even small buildings, if you can repair

a car or truck then im sure you can make small safety zones.

npc's would be interesting, to save or to kill

just a few thoughts.

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I would maybe like to see classes, so you could be a medic or sniper or engineer so you can repair the cars and such.

I would like to have a story or quests or such, i know we are trying to survive but i would like a story or some reward for taking on zombies.

throw-able melee weapons, so you can take out a single zed silently and then retrieve said weapon.

I would like to see alot more open buildings, also a craft system that allows your team to build like a safety zone.

using sand bags and or barded wire to build a zone zeds cant not get to or huts or even small buildings, if you can repair

a car or truck then im sure you can make small safety zones.

npc's would be interesting, to save or to kill

just a few thoughts.

As far as your quests suggestion. I saw a great suggestion somewhere. I wish I could link to the post, but I can't find it. The guy basically suggested that the grid coordinates that get repeated on the radio would be actual quest-line loot drops. At these locations you would documents (35mm film, documents, letters, stuff like that) that would tell a piece of a person's story as the out break was happening. You could tell the story from multiple perspectives like that and give end-gamers something to seek out.

Your fortification suggestion is in the OP all ready

As far as classes I doubt that would ever make it. However, I think having to have more specialized tools to do a job would be awesome. I.E. a toolbox isn't the only thing needed. You would need a toolbox to start a collection of tools. Or a medical bag to start a medical kit collection. Something like that adds the dynamic of a class without the whole having to choose a class part.

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Big changes in zombies behaviour. First of all, they have to stop moving like Neo! They should be as fast as player. Much more zombies (not sure if servers can take it). Zombies breaking trough door - that would be awesome, but then door should be less dangerous too player (I am actually scared more, when opening/closing doors in barracks, that fighting zombies...). If those will become true, I have no problem with normally (fast) moving zombies in houses. But right now, it is madness.

Less scoped weapons!

More ways of camouflaging our vehicles. Hidding a truck elswhere the borders of the map is plain madness. Possibly some kind of camuflage net you could put on the car.

Slightly more vehicles, but really slightly. And faster respawn!

New map! But, similiar to Chernarus. Sights should use cyrilic (or other unusual language; Greek would be awesome); it is incredibly funny listening to people on YT who cannot read it :D. It also improves the atmosphere! Bigger map! Bigger cities with more variety of buildings! More enterable buildings (I think that it was promised already)! Underground stuff (metro would be awesome, but there probably wont be that big map for some kind of metro. But underground mine would make sense and would be super awesome! Train tunnels! Arma III engine should allow underground structures.

EDIT: Just idea about underground structures. Since in the apocalypse is no electric power, you have to make some. By some kind of power generator. Someone already mentioned that. But when you have underground structure, there is always dark. So, you could use your flashlight, flares and chemlights or you could repair the generator and get some fuel for it and make the lighting work for some time!

Repairable train! Can you imagine how awesome would that be? Ability to move around the map in train? That would be epic!

Improved heli crash sites. You could actually see heli flying and falling. Zombies wouldnt spawn around, but thay would spawn in 100m radium and they would be coming to the crash site becaus of the noise it made.

Military airplanes flying rarely above you. Just for fun. I would look awesome. Possibly could become another kind of "heli crash site". What about crashed cargo airplane with repairable HUMWEE in it?

P.S. Sorry for my English, it is not my native language.

Edited by rancor1223
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I like where this thread is going and would love to see a pile of suggestions when I get back. Some friendly debate is always welcome as well. I'm leaving work now, and won't be able to check this thread for at least a couple hours (yes, I browse at work, religiously in fact).

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Steel bolts should be stackable, because right now its too damn annoying to carry a crossbow since its weak and the ammo wastes alot of inventory space, if steel bolts would be stackable I would only use the crossbow (because it looks so damn awesome)

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Streams and rivers.

More maps.

Ability to take clothing. (Dress like a clan member or get shot because you looked like a Zed)

Diary's to read through, coming across one can give you hints and tips for secret stuff and locations.

Crafting table, for modifying and creating all existing Items (grenade + beans = serious bottom burps)

Tripwire (Flares, Hi-ex)

Traps, Punji, Swinging logs, Neck wires. animal snares (Ducktape a satchel to a cow - remote detonation)

Zed spawns all over not just in towns etc. Run forest Run!

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What about civilian versions of military spec weapons? For instance i know in the US you can buy AR's with the fully automatic disabled, still hard to find, although not as hard as mil-spec AR's.

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