ruecanonrails 24 Posted August 6, 2012 I've been wanting to see a horde of at least 100-200 zombies in a localized area moving somewhat in unison sweeping the land. So many that it would actually take a group of people co-operating to take it down or thin out the numbers.Having a dozen zombies in a single town just isn't enough of a threat, id prefer to see a randomized event of a horde appear in towns and other locations.What do you guys think about the current number of zombies that spawn and how spread out they are? 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kin0 21 Posted August 6, 2012 (edited) Try firing any non-silenced weapon near a town and not run away.They will find you, and they will kill you. Edited August 6, 2012 by Kin0 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Powell (DayZ) 734 Posted August 6, 2012 The engine currently is restricting that Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Demon20 46 Posted August 6, 2012 I don't think 100-200 is necessary at this stage of development. Perhaps something like +20-30 that spawn at a random location and then move off at a random speed between walking and running (crazy zombie olympic running) on a random azimuth until they hit the edge of the map (where they re-random their azimuth and start over) or they are all killed/come across players.I think a nice "test" horde of 20-30 in size, moving together until they hit players would do the trick to test the concept. And doing so through wooded areas or augmenting other zombies already in play within X range would be cool. Perhaps a check to see if they run across other zombies, they could change their azimuth of travel towards those zombies, say if you the player(s) trip zombies in a town and the horde comes within 200 meters of the zombies you spawned, it would alter their travel towards those other zombies.A test horde would be cool.Out. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
neo2157 21 Posted August 6, 2012 I always thought this would be a cool feature myself in addition to some kinda infection, Just imagine walking through the woods when suddenly you see a zombie roaming, and then another zombie appears from behind a tree, and then you notice they are everywhere and your stuck smack in the middle of a roaming horde. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kentk94 194 Posted August 6, 2012 Try firing any non-silenced weapon near a town and not run away.They will find you, and they will kill you.An entire horde of Liam Neeson infected. Complete with super ass kicking skills. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 13 Posted August 6, 2012 I always thought this would be a cool feature myself in addition to some kinda infection, Just imagine walking through the woods when suddenly you see a zombie roaming, and then another zombie appears from behind a tree, and then you notice they are everywhere and your stuck smack in the middle of a roaming horde.I'm pretty sure that would turn off a lot of people. Plus, it would keep people from going anywhere other than the localized area they spawned in. I for one enjoy being able to move through the woods without having to deal with zeds chasing me the whole time. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 0 Posted August 6, 2012 sounds great hope they add this feature soon would make the game alot more diverse and dramatic. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ruecanonrails 24 Posted August 6, 2012 The engine is not restricting large amounts of zombies, what is restricting it is the spawning code. It's designed to limit the amount of zombies spawning in an area to ease up on FPS, server load and keep the amount of zombies equally spread out over the map which has players.It's largely based on amount of players and their locations. a server with 8 people online may only have 50 zombies in the entire game. however a server with 60 players may have 600 or more zombies loaded into the game throughout the world for the amount of zombies that would make up the horde, I think for testing it should be 30 or so would be enough assuming there is more than one horde happening per server. There could be lets say 7 hordes roaming per server that would bump the current zombie count by 210. The zombies spread out in roughly 150 x 150 meter area I would like to see the horde "linked" together like a school of fish, they all follow each other so if one zombie spots you the whole horde is after you.The way I could see this working is if it is coded for the horde to be a single large entity allowing it to move freely without lag. Only until the horde is aggro or within certain distance of a player, lets say 1000 meters will it actually spawn the zombies, despawning a few other zombies from the world if it causes to much stress for the server.Based on the recent texture bugs with military bodies having a small entity with an oversized texture overlay is possible allowing a single roaming zombie to appear to be a horde from distance.Imagine the panic of someone having a horde after them and running into a populated city. Of course bigger horde = bigger impact on the oh shit factor. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lennsik 176 Posted August 6, 2012 Dear OP.1.) Get Lee Enfield.2.) Enter small town.3.) Shoot Lee Enfield. Sit and wait.4.) ?????5.) Deathly profit. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tenderness 30 Posted August 6, 2012 I've been wanting to see a horde of at least 100-200 zombies in a localized area moving somewhat in unison sweeping the land. So many that it would actually take a group of people co-operating to take it down or thin out the numbers.Having a dozen zombies in a single town just isn't enough of a threat, id prefer to see a randomized event of a horde appear in towns and other locations.What do you guys think about the current number of zombies that spawn and how spread out they are?Go play L4D OP!What is it with people who find this zombie survival simulator and instantly takes if for being another zombie-mowing funtime??It's not supposed to have large hordes or anything like that. I think Rocket and the devs wants zombies to be a constant threat, but i don't think they want to do it by making "random events". Just try to imagine what the odds for a 100 zombies to move organized in one direction? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ruecanonrails 24 Posted August 6, 2012 Lee Enfield is usually my go to weapon when first spawn in. its excellent accuracy and range for a common weapon and enough power for zombies and players alike.Firing the lee enfield or any high powered riffle for that matter no matter will cause MAYBE 10 - 15 zombies to come running. That number is pathetic and not overwhelming at all now that you can easily hide from zombies. Sure you can get screwed if your trapped in a corner but if you're not trapped taking out a dozen zombies is only limited by your ammo and not skill.A horde should NOT be something that you take lightly it should be overwhelming and cause people to run away not stand and fight. The horde should contain enough zombies that a squad of 5 should reconsider engaging.At this moment there is nothing remotely close to what I would consider adequate for a large number of zombies or a horde for that matter. They are to few and way to far spread outNot to mention the forests are completely safe from everything other than players which leaves the mod lacking in ways.I'd even like to eventually see the rare chance of a super horde where multiple hordes end up crossing paths and join together doubling or tripling the size of a normal horde Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ruecanonrails 24 Posted August 6, 2012 (edited) L4D type of gameplay would ruin this mod. I want LESS machine gun zombie mowing. Firing off any weapon has little consequence other than a few zombies come at you and other players nearby may hear.What I am wanting is to INCREASE the threat zombies pose and lower the ability to clear every zombie you see from an area making it more about survival by sneaking around and using stealth. I would keep everything how it is now with zombies everywhere but add in several large hordes that wander through the back woods of the country side making it so there really is no safe area where your only threat is another player. Edited August 6, 2012 by painfulleap1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
svenbreakfast 231 Posted August 6, 2012 Yes.It would be cool if a zombie "boss" spawned. Not like a crazy dude with tentacles and a proboscis mouth. His power would be that he can wander around and spawn zombies like a player, but they would just follow him. He could have a chopper crash type loot table. So if you find him early in his trip it might be some easy high quality gear, but if you find him once he's passed through a few different towns you will need serious military equipment to deal with his gang.I think this sort of thing might give players who have all their gear something to do besides look for choppers and snipe people all day. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Paeyvn 23 Posted August 6, 2012 Firing the lee enfield or any high powered riffle for that matter no matter will cause MAYBE 10 - 15 zombies to come running.I don't know where you're firing that rifle, but man, every time I open up my MK48 near even small towns I got 20 minimal, sometimes up to 80. I realized one day that my zombie count was 120 higher after moving through two small towns. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites