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About Paeyvn

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. That's...strange... I've definitely had a saw multiple times with no affect on my backpack. I found all those on crash sites though.
  2. That weapon you linked is a different weapon and is legit. The hacked one has a silencer as well.
  3. Place a can of beans on the ground in the middle of a high traffic area. Perch looking at it.
  4. Paeyvn

    Is Morphine rare or what v

    You have my beans just for this. In regards to the question though, morphine isn't that rare from what I've seen. If the server has been populous though, all the morphine may have been cleared out of the hospital already, I've seen that happen once or twice. It's there most of the time that I can tell. Just bad luck atm.
  5. Paeyvn

    The Curse... Is real.

    My curse seems to be everytime I find the V3S on the server I play on. Within 3 hours of finding it both times, horrible painful death has ensued.
  6. Paeyvn

    add claymores

    So yes. You have barbed wire yes? Barbed wire pisses everyone off and ruins the game for many? Are you thinking of barbed wire yet? Now imagine if barbed wire killed you for looking at it funny. Imagine barbed wire jumping out at you and beating you to death with a baseball bat for walking into its neighborhood, except its neighborhood is every building in cherno/elektro/berezino/airfields. Now imagine the barbed wire had a pet bear. It would be this bad. Say no to claymores.
  7. Paeyvn

    Hacker Inadvertently helped me.

    I'm not sure how the G17 is good for people with bad aim...it's the most accurate sidearm by FAR. 17 round magazines = 17 headshots, one mag lasts for ages. The 1911 can't hit the broad side of a barn past 25m. I spent hours yesterday on the shooting range map just testing the weapons. The G17 is still effective at 125m with over 75% accuracy aimed center mass on a crouching sized target, virtually 100% accurate to like 75m. The 1911 is absolutely awful past the 25m mark when aimed center mass, its random spread is just meh. After the nerf I've never been able to bring myself to use it anymore when I can use a G17, heck I even prefer a Makarov to the 1911, one more bullet in a magazine and slightly more accurate for headshotting. In regards to the OP: Glad to see you salvaged something out of that hack attempt.
  8. Paeyvn Bad position saving

    There's no proof it wasn't aliens, so it must be!
  9. Paeyvn

    Possible to play it for free?

    It's quite possible. If you receive a legitimate copy of Arma2:CO from a friend as a gift, you can play for free!
  10. Oh man, he must live right near me, his IP is only one different than mine! /sarcasm So yeah, you should go look up what a LAN IP is...
  11. Paeyvn


    One of the most accurate handguns with the largest mag. This ends up translating to best handgun for killing zeds since the M1911 only hits something in the general direction you're aiming in, so headshots are trickier. M9 is also less accurate from my experience and it also has a built in flashlight. M9 comes in an SD variant though which is enormously useful.
  12. Paeyvn

    Handgun damage nerf

    http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/posting This is relevant.
  13. Nah, I generally run loud on weapons. At most I'll carry an M9SD. I would just go light up entire towns with my MK48, got shot at a few times doing that. Unfortunately at the time of this post I just got killed, some guy snuck up right behind me while I was prone in a bush in a ghillie suit in the woods and shot me with an AS50. I was doing nothing to reveal my position, not sure how he found me, but thus is life.
  14. I'm at about 12 days atm, current record. 720ish zombie kills right now, 3 murders, 1 bandit kill.