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Dark day for script-kiddies coming

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guess the best thing we can do is hope for proper anti-cheat regarding dayZ, i really didn't expect BE to do anything other than rolling out banwaves anymore because of the upcoming standalone

you have my respect, BE

keep it coming

the problem regarding creating weapons/killall scripts is NOT only battleye.

the main problem is that arma2servers were implemented without a single thought about security - the whole scripting-system of arma2 is just an insane failure.

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Admins do have the facilities available to identify most of the hacks/scripts being used. They can send this information to BattleEye to have the player permanently banned. Unfortunately, most of the admins are too lazy to do so.

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Someone sayd that surely them darn hacckers will be gone! i instantly belive this. I must create a thred about this at once.

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i had to laugh about your post.

Do you really think MONEY is paid for a hack for ARMA?

Seriously, Arma2 is a half-indie game with a small community, who would PAY for hacks?

First of all, your impression of the "scene" is just hilarious.

those "hackers" are just people who want to show off their skills, thats it! Have you never done sth bc others think you couldnt?

i know one personally, and he gets no money from anyone for sure :D

We just have 2 major problems here, which Bohemia appearently does not want to see.

1.) The servers execute CODE received from clients (WTF???)

when i first heard of this, i fell half of my chair. i don't know WHO had this bright idea, but he has apparently NO idea of serious software engineering. thats just a failure in the project management like i have never seen before.

the servers don't control anything (except the scripts.txt pseudo regexes), not even your HUD consistancy, otherwise i would not be able to get additional items just because the connection is unstable/delayed.

that leads to the nice conclusion that you will NEVER be able to stop items from being spawned by an injected script, thanks to BIS's security standards of 1980.

and guess what? that's why you can use tools like dayznavigator to find ANY tent, ANY vehicle and ANY player on the whole map - because arma2 is not interested in the slightest in the consistancy of the client-server communication. Client asks for all tent locations? oookaaaaay here ya are!

2.) BattlEye

there is a lot i could talk about... lets get started!

a) BattlEye loads upon joining the server. and thats just too late, i hope you dont need further explanations.

B) BattlEye (afaik) communicates with the arma2client without any uses of encryption, you could corrupt the communication between them quite easily, i dont know how the current injections are exactly working

c) BatllEye does not hook writeprocessmemory, thus it will ALWAYS be quite easy to manipulate it!

d) we saw no hash-functions usage in the battleye-assembly-code, maybe they just use the version function from the DLL (unsure about that, have not investigated further... yet)

that were the most "annoying" problems, as their effects harm the players' gaming experience quite harsh. But 99% of them are NOT caused by genius, wellpaid "hackers", but by elementary mistakes in the planning of Arma2.

As DayZGame will use arma2's engine, and rocket said "it is being dealt with by Bohemia's key programming mind" i can only shiver about what will be the outcome, as they appear to programm more like a headless chicken than a serious software company. (sorry, im quite angry)

if anyone of BIS's staff reads this: we could actually help you... but you would have to take us seriously. Implementing a BLACKLIST of codesnippets is NOT an effective way of dealing with an unchecked client-server communication.

If dayz should be a GAME, than you will have to implement it as a game and not as a helicopter-company-hellokittyonlinegame-rippoff!

clients must NOT get more informations than they have the right to!

im SICK of watching people driving from one tent to the next just because they got dayznavigator on the second screen and see anything!

Your an idiot... in addition "scene" quote unquote I dont care about according to you. what I'm saying is literally people paying websites i.e. AJ and CA to walk around game going ape shit which is a source of income for those who post these and allow people unable to do so themselves have a bypass..If you are unaware of this once again you've gone full retard. I'm sorry that i'm not as cool as you and your [friend] who is a hacking guru my simple statement has to do with the fact BE is up against people who get income from posting and selling hacks and bypasses making it rough for them to stop these people. I personally don't have a problem with hackers as they are smart enough to do it so be it

Edited by Steak and Potatoes

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I had to stop lurking to laugh at you OP.

:lol: <-- me laughing, at you.

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nope, they dont.

as i told you i know one myself, he is defenitely NOT paid.

the most advanced hacks are even open-source, so... not the slightest need to pay for a hack, you can just compile and modify them yourself.

And yet some people don't know how to modify.

You have absolutely no proof to justify that people don't pay for hacks.

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I personally don't have a problem with hackers as they are smart enough to do it so be it

Yeah, your not a script kiddie or anything >:( . I think those that are buying scripts are giving themselves away by giving "so" much respect to hackers and acting like they are the one's who actually wrote the damn thing. ( watching a youtube video on how to copy/paste some code doesn't make you a programmer you d*mbsh*tm*th*rf*ck*r!) I am a coder by trade and would never use any bullshit cheat in this game. I have currently taken a break from the game until I see what the standalone will offer ( as I feel that a lot of players have done).

Edited by Rhoak

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Admins do have the facilities available to identify most of the hacks/scripts being used. They can send this information to BattleEye to have the player permanently banned. Unfortunately, most of the admins are too lazy to do so.

nope, they DONT. You have no idea what you are talking about.

BattlEye works on prohibiting client modification, not on prohibiting the scripts themselves (bc they cant).

Your an idiot... in addition "scene" quote unquote I dont care about according to you. what I'm saying is literally people paying websites i.e. AJ and CA to walk around game going ape shit which is a source of income for those who post these and allow people unable to do so themselves have a bypass..If you are unaware of this once again you've gone full retard. I'm sorry that i'm not as cool as you and your [friend] who is a hacking guru my simple statement has to do with the fact BE is up against people who get income from posting and selling hacks and bypasses making it rough for them to stop these people. I personally don't have a problem with hackers as they are smart enough to do it so be it

could you please write that again with proper grammar? i dont really get it what you want to say.

public hacks (and almost any hack of arma2 is public) are FREE, and the creator gets NOTHING and codes for FUN. Maybe the platform hosting his products does, but the exploits are found by the community itself.

just shut up if you have NO idea what you are talking about.

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Yeah, your not a script kiddie or anything >:( . I think those that are buying scripts are giving themselves away by giving "so" much respect to hackers and acting like they are the one's who actually wrote the damn thing. ( watching a youtube video on how to copy/paste some code doesn't make you a programmer you d*mbsh*tm*th*rf*ck*r!) I am a coder by trade and would never use any bullshit cheat in this game. I have currently taken a break from the game until I see what the standalone will offer ( as I feel that a lot of players have done).

No script kiddie here as you can see from my lack of grammar and lack of intelligence to write something that satisfy's alcapwn.. I'm not smart enough for scripts me trying this would be like watching a monkey solve long division. some things are just not meant to be

Edited by Steak and Potatoes

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