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Dark day for script-kiddies coming

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So I wrote Bastian Suter (BattlEye-dev) about the current script/hacking situation, here is my letter (and their reply):


I'm just writing to you to show my support for BattlEye, I think it's great that you are developing this product and working toward preventing cheaters and hackers from ruining the game.

With that said, as a player of DayZ my experience is currently pretty much ruined due to the fact that the client can send scripts and bypass the server.

I am not a fan of the Arma 2-engine in terms of preventing illicit scripts to so easily override the game, so we have to rely on you guys to help.

There currently are a couple of scripts that are the worst,

1. Invulnerability

2. Teleporting (either the player itself or other players to the players location)

3. Spawning of objects (such as crates with ALL items in the game)

4. Firing of vehicle weapons (I've seen a player shoot grenades similar to one of the air vehicles).

I see AT LEAST one iteration of these 4 cheats on every server I visit these days with players playing DayZ. Even with your latest 1.168-update.

Please, please do something about it. I beg of you.

Kind regards,

<Name omitted>"

His reply


I know about this problem very well and many things are being done to fight it. I understand your frustration and I'm working hard with the game developers to improve the situation, because a great part of it is caused by the game's too open multiplayer engine. Please have some more patience, solutions should be provided very soon.


Bastian Suter"

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Please have some more patience, solutions should be provided very soon.

solutions should be provided very soon.

very soon.

I marked the part I found funny.

Best regards,

name also omitted

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Hopefully it works and continues to work. Also hoping "very soon" is this week.

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Oh ye bitter haters of little faith.

Edited by fisk

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BE released one update in a year's time.

The hackers were banned in mass and a bypass was created in 48 hours.

Hackers flooded us on the third day.

I also found the "very soon" part, hilarious.

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I think you just got a little too much faith.

I'd rather have too much than none at all and be bitter about it.

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Hello there

Let's not pass judgement. Let's wait and see.



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At work had to use MS paint hope it suffices

best regards

optimistic in ohio

Edited by Polkaman
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BE released one update in a year's time.

O'Rly? I've seen at least three updates over the last few days.

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So basically his solution is to wait a couple of months for standalone, of which we have an announcement due very soon. (according to Rocket) as BattleEye can't do anything.

Edited by smasht_AU

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I marked the part I found funny.

Best regards,

name also omitted

Yeah "very soon"...."We are currently trying but our company only has 5 monkeys working for it. That and a Chimp is the boss so thing can go a little banana's around here"

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And please, for the love of God, stop calling skript kiddies that they are hackers.

Hackers come up with new stuff. Kiddies just copy and paste scripts they found on the web.

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Im going to have to side with the other posters. Its a canned response and really doesnt mean anything. Thanks for trying though.

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All the script kiddies will be global banned as the bypass is surely detected by now. It's the endless cycle.

Someone hacks, someone else hacks, a chain reaction of hackers, hack is detected, all of them get global banned and we have a few days of peace. Then It all starts over again :\

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All the script kiddies will be global banned as the bypass is surely detected by now. It's the endless cycle.

Someone hacks, someone else hacks, a chain reaction of hackers, hack is detected, all of them get global banned and we have a few days of peace. Then It all starts over again :\

While doing that our gaming expierence is ruined and bohemia does make a quick buck because more people got banned (instead of instabanning) :)

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Hopefully it also fixes the rampant duping. Because I'm pretty sure you didn't find those seven rangefinders, six NVGs, four SVD Camos, sixteen ghillie suits and your M4A1 HOLO SD in the tent with the twenty STANAG mags and ten M203 HEs wasn't really a present from survivor jesus.

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