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Helicopter Loot?

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Howdy y'all. I'm curious, what exactly can be found at a copter crash? Do items spawn on it, or is it all left there by previous owners?

Thank you, my lovelies!

~The only female DayZ'er

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Well, all the high end gear of course, this ranges from AS50's to L85's and everything in between.

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They usually spawn on the ground around it, if someone has already looted it you might not find anything

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The only female DayZer has poor googling skills. Why am I not surprised?

Or maybe she's just lazy and wanted to post something on here :)

Thanks guys. Now I'm irritated that I kinda ignored one the first day that I was playing...... -_- Typical female gamer, huh?

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Not looting that helicopter probably saved your life. They tend to attract bandits. Check out www.dayzdb.com if you're lookin for loot or gun comparisons and spawns. It's a great resource for new players :)

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I didn't loot it, but I gawked at it like a child visiting the zoo for the first time. But thanks for believing in me!

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The only female DayZer has poor googling skills. Why am I not surprised?

She's new, go back to your porn, only boobs you will ever see.

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I didn't loot it, but I gawked at it like a child visiting the zoo for the first time. But thanks for believing in me!

Lol, gl out there.

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