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About SignalDistortion

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  1. SignalDistortion


    I've been running around for about 4 hours now...."in game' and Im still hackin' like crazy and scarfing down steaks to stay above 10,000 Im waiting for this to go away hahahahah
  2. SignalDistortion

    My Camp!

    I have scouted the area around it and it's really hard to see from far off.....it's also WAAAAAY off the beaten trail if your by this camp you are going the wrong way hahahahah but like I am just as likely to lose it all from server problems or glitches as from a bandit thief so Im not too worried about it
  3. SignalDistortion

    My Camp!

    Either my ATV bugged out, or someone took it....although all my gear and rare guns I have were still there....so I am leaning towards the bugged out ...but either way it's gone >:(
  4. SignalDistortion


    does anyone know if....after lossing blood to 6000 then it stopping...if you replenish blood do you continue to lose back to 6000???
  5. SignalDistortion

    Coast Spawning Bug

    I notice if I change servers I spawn back at the beach but if I stay on the same server it's good.....
  6. SignalDistortion

    My Camp!

    HEHEHE woodpile :P
  7. SignalDistortion

    My Camp!

    well so far haven't had any issues......we'll see though.....I'm not too worried it's just a game after alll, but its funto build up stuff I think thats my main point of the game right now
  8. SignalDistortion

    The number one thing I hate about DayZ...

    they should take the guitar sample from STALKER and implement it into the game where you can increase your blood or something by chilling by a fire playing guitar hahahahaha
  9. SignalDistortion

    My Camp!

    Whooooo Hoooooooo!!!!!
  10. Yea....no that's not cool, even for people who don't server farm, If I log out in a certain area I wanna log back in in that area ( same server) Now if I log into another server then OK I can understand, but if I log out at my camp I wanna be at my camp when I come back....
  11. SignalDistortion

    Why I kill unarmed players

    HAHAHAH Famous last words......
  12. SignalDistortion

    where to find canteen and matches?

    Just so you know there are zombies up north too there are zombies EVERYWHERE have fun!
  13. SignalDistortion

    I have everything, what should I do now?

    Yea Ultimate goal : Single-handedly get a chopper flying..... :D
  14. SignalDistortion

    Alone....So Alone....

    Ive been solo and the first time i team up with someone i accidentally shot them i felt soo bad
  15. I am a suvivor and I wouldn't outright murder someone, but today as I scrounged at the NW airfield int he barracks I heard shots outside, I waited and sure enough the player came to the barrack I waited patiently and saw his shadow in the doorway then he came in guns blazing...I had no alternative than to fire back, he retreated without hitting me and I the same but I think he disconnected. Unless you see each other from far off confrontation is a for-gone conclusion...it's going to happen specifically because you dont know that person and they just might scare the crap outta you coming in the door