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Duping: 3/4 of High Level Gear is Duplicated

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Very valid point then m8.

What would you're suggestion be to counter this ?

My own suggestion would be to not allow transferable items across servers.

Edited by BL1P

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I'm not saying that it isn't, that's why it was in quotes, but I (again) assume Rocket developed DayZ with more in mind than running to all the heli crash sites repeatedly for days on end.

I'm sure he did, and that's why I made a point of saying I don't do it anywhere near as often as you seem to think I do.

I'm only trying to explain that heli hunting isn't really that hard if you're looking for good loot, it's much less risky than going somewhere like the NWAF and as a result can actually save you time, as you're not running all that way just to bite a bullet. This is why I have come to change my previous opinion that most of the AS50s in the game must be duped*, because I run in to them quite a lot when I'm heli hunting while my friends aren't online.

*That's not to say it doesn't happen, it undoubtedly does. But the items in question are not as rare as people think.

What's also worth noting is that people like me might run in to AS50s and leave them on the ground for someone else to find, I have no interest in the AS50 (I took the M14 AIM out of the stuff I found this morning) so someone will find it eventually. I'm not really keen on the amount of AS50 spam in the game either, taking this in to account I might put them on a pilot zombie and hide the corpse in future. ;)

Edited by Ulfhedjinn

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Very valid point then m8.

What would you're suggestion be to counter this ?

My own suggestion would be to not allow transferable items across servers.

Weapon durability. The more you use a weapon, the faster it will break. Broken weapon becomes useless and is deleted from the game.

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Weapon durability. The more you use a weapon, the faster it will break. Broken weapon becomes useless and is deleted from the game.

nice idea.

I would also suggest batteries for all optical items. NVGs, Rangefinders, thermals, flashlights, car lights. etc etc

with a life span on the batteries :)

(optical was probably not the word i should use but you get my meaning )

Edited by BL1P

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Let's be reall, duping wouldn't be a problem if they removed tents to begin with (apart from the infamous backpack zombie trick). Tents don't deserve a place in a game where you are supposed to lose everything when you die.

Lives need to get a reall meaning again in this game, not just "Oh I died i'll just run to my camp and get my gear back" even if the gear is not duped.


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I have yet to see a AS50 or M107, although I heard one once in cherno

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Let's be reall, duping wouldn't be a problem if they removed tents to begin with (apart from the infamous backpack zombie trick). Tents don't deserve a place in a game where you are supposed to lose everything when you die.

Lives need to get a reall meaning again in this game, not just "Oh I died i'll just run to my camp and get my gear back" even if the gear is not duped.

You would have to remove storage for cars too, not sure if that can be done.

I get your point and also wouldn't remind them being removed for the time being. In the end I hope they can fix them, because I do like them in the game. I just hope in the end a better method can be used so they are not so game breaking. You should NEVER be able to get gear back after you die. It's simple things like this that make or break a game like this IMO.

Exploiters gona exploit though. Give them any chance and they will take advantage, even if it means buying a 2nd account for tent saving.

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.87% chance of an AS50 per helicopter loot spawn location. Average of 5 loot locations per helicopter spawn. 5 helicopter spawns per server each restart. Most servers restart every 8 hours, so 3 restarts per day.

Now, I know percentages don't add up the way I'm going to do it, but just to give you a rough idea.

Approximate chance to find an AS50 per crash is 0.87 * 5 = 4.35%

5 crashes per server gives you about a 20% chance to find one on each server after a restart

3 restarts per server per day is about 60% chance each day to find an AS50 on each server.

Edit: added some additional clarification.

Oh, and 80% of all statistics are made up 75% of the time.

Also for every AS50 found, it probably does not get lost for months, but instead gets transferred over and over to a new player when the last was killed. This means over months there is a stacking of these probabilites as the guns never die, but are transferred as new ones are found. This eventually leads to an oversaturation of all weapons espically prefferred ones.

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I'm glad I found my l85a2 legit. Along with my ghillie suit in a heli crash XD

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So how are you any better than the current dupers? This post is hypocrisy.

He obviously admitted that he was wrong to do that.-.-

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As far as crashed helicopters go: The chances of finding at least one rare weapon at one is very high. If I don't find an AS50, I might find a FAL, M14, M107, SAW, or another LMG if there is no AS50.

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We have a group of 8 very active players and couple more less active. We use mostly the same server where we have plenty of vehicles. Every time the server restarts some of us take cars and drive around the map to hunt heli crashes. Sometimes there are more than 5 server restarts per day. The amount of guns we get in one day is just insane...

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Hacks and duping are ridiculous atm, I can get an AS50 within an hour of starting out fresh because of the amount of idiots with hacked gear.

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I found 6 as50s and 2 m107 in one day of helicopter hunting... I dont think the spawn rate is really 0.87%...

The mk48 tho is much more rare I have only found 5-6 in my time and 2 were from players I killed.

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Leave, moron. You know nothing about hypocrisy, clearly.

You're stupid. He said he duped "admittance", he has stopped duping "as far as we know", and he is now telling others duping is bad "revision".

Hypocrisy - "the pretending of having virtues, principles, or beliefs that one in fact does not have <the hypocrisy of people who claim to care about the environment but ride around in gas-guzzlers"

That word states that you say stop doing drugs, yet you yourself do drugs currently/presently. He has stopped and is trying to prevent others from ruining the game he once himself hurt. And I call you stupid because you call other people "morons" without even the knowledge of what the word actually means.

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Spawn rate is defiantly not that low at crashed helis despite what anything says. The high end gear is really frequent at crashed heli sites.

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I highly doubt that the spawn rate is .86%. I've found two AS50s, and two M107s. On the other hand, I've seen several orders of magnitude more residential spawns than heli spawns, and have never seen a mt dew can. The sample size isn't conclusive, but I really don't think these guns are as rare as the wiki says.

I agree that there are too many high end weapons, but it's not just duping that's causing it.

You also have to take into account the lack of a weapon sink. Most high end weapons never leave circulation. If you find an AS50 on a corpse, you're VERY unlikely to leave it alone (unless you already have one)

In order to stop weapon inflation, Rocket would have to fix all the duping bugs, and add a mechanic that removes weapons from the system. There are several options for that:

1) Make bodies unlootable, or make weapons on bodies unlootable. This means everyone who dies takes a couple weapons with them. This would discourage team play, since your friends couldn't grab your gear after the firefight.

2) Make weapons degrade over time. After a certain number of shots, the weapon becomes inoperable. This would be highly annoying, but it would work.

3) Remove all storage from the game. Nobody can hoard weapons if they can't store them anywhere, can they? This removes an important mechanic from the game, though.

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I realise that there are more people playing now than before.

But ...

the duping has arrived with the updates not the amount of players.

Myself.. I have been playing the mod since its 4th day of release on the BIS forums.

and from playing the game I can say that the duping was created by an update to dayz and was not present in earlier versions of the mod.

before you could place tents and save them with out duping.

before you could save vehicles and gear and when the server restarted they would not dupe.

You are wrong it was possible to dupe in earlier version of the mod. I am playing the ArmA serie since 2001 and this duplication bug is well known since ArmA CWA, it has not been fixed in ArmA CO and is still not fixed with ArmA2. It is a 10 years old bug. It is named the ammo bug and it was quite anoying in multiplayer since it slowed down the server due to ammo duplication.



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In my experience, AS50 is more like a 15%-20% chance at crash sites. I've not duped anything in about a month, and I had not 1, but 2 SVD camo's in my truck the other day, along with an AS50, M107, Mk48, L85 and several other rare weapons. None of which were duped, and we didn't exploit to get them. Get good.

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It´s an Alpha, nobody cares. Also this isn´t what matters right now. So suck on your pacifiers and be quiet and wait for the final game.

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Guy joins private hive server.

Side Chat (New Player): "Why the hell did I die!"

Side Chat (Other Player): "Private Hive..."

Side Chat (New Player): "Why the hell did you kill me I has a AS50!!!!!11"

Side Chat (Other Player): "You character is still on the other server just not on this one...."

Side Chat (New Player): "...."

Side Chat (New Player): "LF hacker"

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Wipe the hive of everyone's inventory?

No, I abhor this idea. I know it may change things, but for the worse.

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This is an alpha. Deal with it. until the real mod/game gets realeased we should not be caring and being jelly!

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