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Create your own skin, that everyone can see.

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I think they'd just have to exist on the server which could be uploaded when the player joins with a custom skin.

I'm just guessing, since I think that's how APB works.

apb is made to show off your custom work though, there's functionality for them to be shown to other players because they are made up of simple shapes/ colors that exist on their pcs already.

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Hello there

Everyone sees them.

Some servers turn of the ability to lighten load.

There are some issues with them in the A2 engine and Nvidia users.

If you MUST use one keep the file size as low as possible.

On the Bis forums there are links to hundreds of skins.



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ya below 100kb it's known to work perfectly fine

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Someone wana make me a wheelchair?

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Yeah the files would still need to be on their pc even if it downloaded it from the server, which I can't imagine being possible. If you just replace an image for "face1" or whatever, other players will just load the default "face1".

The server loads the image so everyone can see it.

It's the same process with a squad.xml.

People can see your custom skin just like people can see your squad logo on vehicles.

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I've been trying out different methods creating and making my own custom face and importing it into DayZ.

And I succeded.

Here is the guide.

First download a face from http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?51913-ArmA-Custom-Faces-For-Free

I would suggest that you take a face that is clean and have no camo (You can add your own features this way, if you're good at Photoshop or any other program)

Open the skin up and edit how ever you want.

Once you've completed your skin and feel happy with it. Save as a .JPG and make it MAX 100kb big. (This is important, the skin won't show up otherwise for other players)

Rename the file to face.jpg and extract it to Documents/ArmA 2/ or Documents/ArmA 2 Other Profiles/(Your Profile name)

Now when you've done that. Go into your Profile Editor in the ArmA 2 main menu and choose "Custom Face"

You should now be able to see your newly made skin and just log into any server of your choice and there you go, your new custom skin.

Please note that EVERYONE on the server can see this. It is not restricted to just yourself.

Down below you can see how I modified my skin to add a camo to my gloves, also added a sniper logo and under my ghillie I have a facepaint colored to match the forest.


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if it doesnt show to anyone else then WADDAFAK is da point?

Can't you read?

I said everyone can see it.

This is a good thing to do for clans, specific clan logos on gloves, perhaps a specific war painting for clans? This is perfect for that.

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Can't you read?

I said everyone can see it.

This is a good thing to do for clans, specific clan logos on gloves, perhaps a specific war painting for clans? This is perfect for that.

yes I can read. I just misread it cos I was watching something on Tv at the same time.

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NOTE:some servers with extra protection will not allow custom skins.. You will simply not allow to connect as face.jpg > 0kb

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NOTE:some servers with extra protection will not allow custom skins.. You will simply not allow to connect as face.jpg > 0kb

Had no idea about that!

Is there any chance of getting banned using these sort of edits?

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Had no idea about that!

Is there any chance of getting banned using these sort of edits?

I wouldn't like to say. I havn't got a clue what BE is/is not flagging at the moment.

Although it's fun and is even on BIS forums, things have changed since DayZ came out.

I personally wouldn't want to risk it until we had Official confirmation.

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NOTE:some servers with extra protection will not allow custom skins.. You will simply not allow to connect as face.jpg > 0kb

Yup, just tried it on my home server. Wouldn't alow it =( Too bad, oh well. I'm back to being black.

There's some cool skins there tho, i made myself all green and then grey..ish.

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Damn shame, I tried it on four different servers and all of them worked.

I thought I had found something groundbreaking. :(

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By default the custom faces will not work on servers unless they have edited the cfgdayz/arma2.cfg



the value is in bits

Believe vilayer servers have this turned on by default

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saw a guy get kicked off a server for having one of these saw a global msg about his face.jpg file being 80k too big or something

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Great, as if scriptshits weren't enough now we'll have a bunch of assholes running around as the joker, anime and other stupid ass shit.

A matter of time until teenage retards turn this into Saints Row Arma2 style.

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Could someone make a Big Boss (MGS) or Solid Snake skin for me? I opened up the template and realized I was way in over my head haha.

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yes I can read. I just misread it cos I was watching something on Tv at the same time.

Don't worry. This is a problem many people face. It's practically why we're in the situation we're in.

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wDSVx.jpg Edited by smasht_AU

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