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Please, DONT add a bandit-indicator in this patch

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Because the 'blood' idea doesn't stop the greifers. You know, the people who kill you and then move on without even bother to check for loot.

If you kill a ton of people, it kinda shows. It's a sixth sense thing that most humans have. If you come across someone who's killed a lot of people it just shows somehow. Like you can tell with a lot of vets, too. They've seen some shit. Serial killers don't really apply because they're already fucking mental to begin with.

But first and foremost, it's a game. And removal of bandit identifiers caused the current state of the game. It's not 'guess the other guys motives' it's 'shoot the other guy first'. Everyone's seen it happen. There's a difference between 'don't trust them' and 'okay, just fucking shoot them'. And with the removal of bandit identifiers, 99% of players are now 'just fucking shoot them'.

*Edit* Are you guys playing the same game? It's ALREADY COD. It might as well be Red Vs Blue teams, because everyone shoots everyone else on sight already.

Sixth sense humans have? What kind of nick at night rainbow bright hello kitty universe do you live in? The people you'd least expect in this world are often times the ones who have the most blood on their hands, and sure as hell comparing murderous bandits to combat vets is about the most retarded thing i've ever heard. They have entirely different situations and motivations that dictate their behaviors.

Bottom line is that if people were really in a situation like this, aside from people they know personally they're going to shoot first and ask questions later. Feel free to be one of the other people who wants to make friends with randoms. Personally I'd rather survive, as this is a zombie apocalypse survival game. You wanna make friends online go back to facebook.

Watch less tv.

Edited by Sinvex
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Because the 'blood' idea doesn't stop the greifers. You know, the people who kill you and then move on without even bother to check for loot.

How will a bandit-skin stop griefing? If I want to snipe new players from a mountain - I will. No matter what skin I have.

If you kill a ton of people, it kinda shows. It's a sixth sense thing that most humans have. If you come across someone who's killed a lot of people it just shows somehow. Like you can tell with a lot of vets, too.

I dont see Vietnam-vets walking around with hoods they cant take off. I would be okay with some sort of facial change. That would be subtle enough and wouldnt really remove any immersion.

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Isn't that pretty much how it would be in real life? You think in a real zombie apocalypse I'm going to have an indicator that pops up if I'm a killer? No, you're going to assume everyone you come across is dangerous and not to be trusted...

You forget about one thing - in "a real zombie apocalypse" you wont be able to use "a magic communication" (called teamspeak, skype or whatever) and you wont be able to call your trusty friends to help you. If you want a friendly soul to make survival easier then you will have to take a risk a befriend some stranger. Otherwise you will have to be alone and staying alive would be hard (even harder then in the mod right now - for example you wont be able to log out).

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I do not agree with bandit skin or whatever.... but this game has turned into a DM, often when you see a player that you can avoid, you always choose to kill him. Everyone does.

I think the killing on sight just 4 teh lulz (c'mon, nobody does it for loot) it's more unrealistic.

Of couse, should be part of the game.

The mayor thing in a zombie apocalipse it's the psicological aspect, not the combat one.

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You forget about one thing - in "a real zombie apocalypse" you wont be able to use "a magic communication" (called teamspeak, skype or whatever) and you wont be able to call your trusty friends to help you. If you want a friendly soul to make survival easier then you will have to take a risk a befriend some stranger. Otherwise you will have to be alone and staying alive would be hard (even harder then in the mod right now - for example you wont be able to log out).

No, you'd just use your magic communicator called "a voice" or maybe the ultra high tech futuristic device "the short wave radio", aka the "walkie talkie" everyone got when they were 8 yrs old might still be working, unless zombies are on the lurch for batteries all of a sudden and they're all rendered useless.

As for a bandit skin? It would be called "an unfamiliar face," because if you don't recognize the person you're probably going to be just as likely to shoot them as you are to let them get the chance to blast you in the back as soon as you turn around. And it sure as hell wouldn't be based upon how many people the dude's killed, because for all you know he's killed 100 people, or none, but this may well be the day he decides to start, cause he's just a little too hungry today.

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What part of DON"T MOVE don't people understand. It means if you point your gun at me I will shoot you. Don't look at me, don't spin around, don't change weapons. Just start typing or talking. I have been killed by way too many bandits to play it nice anymore. In real life I'd be dead already. I have a few buddies that I trust and that's it. It's not a democracy or a civilization, it's DayZ. The only goodwill is earned and you get what you deserve if you're not careful.

I like the bloody clothes idea. Then add in the feature that you can clean yourself up at a water source and 60 seconds, not just a canteen.

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First off,no one wondering how good this really is?They are just changing the head gear here fellas and that opens up a whole new world for Dayz.And for heroes,Rocket says that a scarf and some kool pouches.So kool even though scarves to me are so gay looking.Rocket if you read this please posts a pic so we can vote on this scarf look.;(

Right now I am shooting everyone and that sucks.Its deathmatch and this game deserves better.And we still will not know everyones intentions here because even though the person in same room as you with the axe is not evil looking.....they could very easily change their mind.;)

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No, you'd just use your magic communicator called "a voice" or maybe the ultra high tech futuristic device "the short wave radio", aka the "walkie talkie" everyone got when they were 8 yrs old might still be working, unless zombies are on the lurch for batteries all of a sudden and they're all rendered useless.

So one day when the whole society will collapse and crazied cannibals start running around you will grab your walkie talkie and call your friends who will accidently in the same time will have their a walkie talkies (and will be in range). I guess you are carrying your radio with you all the time (and your friends too). But wait! You can climb a tall building and shout so they will hear you, wherever they are.

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- Bring Back the bandit Skin. Its the Only thing that allows Teamplay Survival at the moment.

The fact that those that KOS are marked bandits should teach them a Lesson before Killing Cold bloodedly

Bandit skin also Allows the normal players to Trust each other a bit more.

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How will a bandit-skin stop griefing? If I want to snipe new players from a mountain - I will. No matter what skin I have.

I dont see Vietnam-vets walking around with hoods they cant take off. I would be okay with some sort of facial change. That would be subtle enough and wouldnt really remove any immersion.

Well, you can do what you want, But some people Dont want to Get killed after wasting their Whole day scavenging Garbage so that you can have it all in one lame Low Shot.

Atleast, if you DO Kos, and get marked, then People will Shoot you on sight for what you are, a Killer.

its Fair ^^

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oh well , atleast now i will know if i killed a bandit or a survivor and still not care either way.

Man up people.

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There is nothing wrong with testing different things. If it doesn't work, it'll be removed again. Try it out, and then give your verdict.

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It's not a game, it's a mod

everyone who says this is a complete idiot.

dayZ is a game. yes it is also a mod of arma II, those two concepts are not mutually exclusive. if you don't think dayz is a computer game you are a moron. does DOTA not count as a game since it was originally a mod? you may have heard of a little half life mod made by minh lee, its called counter strike. is that not a game?

Edited by -Evo
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everyone who says this is a complete idiot.

dayZ is a game. yes it is also a mod of arma II, those two concepts are not mutually exclusive. if you don't think dayz is a computer game you are a moron. does DOTA not count as a game since it was originally a mod? you may have heard of a little half life mod made by minh lee, its called counter strike. is that not a game?

where can i buy a stand alone copy of dayz? i know where i can buy arma 2 CO

should i try dayzMOD.com??

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The idea itself maybe not me realistic but the ability to know who is a danger and who isn't, that is. Because in reality a person isn't a blank slate like in game so you are able to read body language and thus be able to figure out if you can approach or not.

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i hate these threads similar ones pop up since the alpha began, it starts with

"The bandit-indicator is moving the gameplay away from the realism-aspect of the game


"Having bandit skins isn't being realistic"

Yep you are right.

However it is a game, fun and other things must be considered, otherwise:

- Respawning in kamenka is not realistic

- Fixing broken bones with morphine sure isn't realistic

- Morphing into a guille suit or camo suit like somesort of superman quick change, isn't realistic.

- Respawning after death, is nowhere near realistic.

- Fixing cars like in game, isn't realistic

And much more one could argue.

It's a game.

What's realistic is infact nothing, it's just the idea of it.

You could tell if someone looked dodgy in realife by the way the act and because we can't see this in game, a visual indicator is needed.

Since the skins were removed orginally the game lost all co-op because the co-op players just shoot on sight now because they got sick of being killed anyway.

You can call them carebears or whatever, but with a visual indicator - people will know who to shoot and who not too, which in my opinion is better for the entire gameplay community-wide.

Bandits will be pushed to being confined in places, otherwise bigger groups of survivors will kill them, just like when the mod started.

Edited by MessHall
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i hate these threads similar ones pop up since the alpha began, it starts with

"The bandit-indicator is moving the gameplay away from the realism-aspect of the game


"Having bandit skins isn't being realistic"

Yep you are right.

However it is a game, fun and other things must be considered, otherwise:

- Respawning in kamenka is not realistic

- Fixing broken bones with morphine sure isn't realistic

- Morphing into a guille suit or camo suit like somesort of superman quick change, isn't realistic.

- Respawning after death, is nowhere near realistic.

- Fixing cars like in game, isn't realistic

And much more one could argue.

It's a game.

What's realistic is infact nothing, it's just the idea of it.

You could tell if someone looked dodgy in realife by the way the act and because we can't see this in game, a visual indicator is needed.

Since the skins were removed orginally the game lost all co-op because the co-op players just shoot on sight now because they got sick of being killed anyway.

You can call them carebears or whatever, but with a visual indicator - people will know who to shoot and who not too, which in my opinion is better for the entire gameplay community-wide.

Bandits will be pushed to being confined in places, otherwise bigger groups of survivors will kill them, just like when the mod started.

Most games strive for realism in some way. Look at Battlefield 3 or the much hated Call of duty (sp). In some way or another they try to get that feeling of realism into their games. They dont go "Oh well, this is a game so screw trying to make this car look real. Make it have wings and fly away into space with ponies".

You get what I am saying. This argument that most people are using "well its a game so it wont matter" is beyond retarded since nobody is unaware of that fact.

What makes this mod so much fun is the realism. If you would start marking players with anything from a hat to a color - that would make this game a deathmatch game. Blue against red, marines vs terrorists etc. Just like EVERY OTHER FPS. You keep yelling "cod kids" while you are cheering on while this game turns into it.

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So you prefer the current way where absolutely everyone considers everyone else a bandit and just shoots them on sight anyway? An indicator of banditry is needed. Why? To get rid of SOME of the bullshit KOS mentality. The players that play the game like CoD will quickly become visible. And they'll get killed. Repeatedly.

Getting bloody is a good idea, but guess what? The majority of greifers don't check your body for loot. They just sit on the hillside with a sniper rifle. You don't really come across true bandits. Because they kill you BEFORE they see you. Bandit identifiers mainly curb the 'up close' banditry. You know, where someone comes up to you asking for a blood transfusion, and then kills you two seconds afterwards.

The sterling silver point I shall make is that, since the removal of bandit identifies, there gameplay has gone downhill. Everyone has seen it. You don't 'guess' at someone's motives. You shoot them first, because there's no way to know if they're a bandit or not.

I disagree that we need an indicator. IMO, the KoS thing really ballooned out of control after global/side chat was disabled. Yes, it was annoying to read, "any friendlies in Cherno?" every minute but at least some form of communication was there. All you can do now is get into the radius of direct chat and hope whoever you startle won't shoot on site.

I agree with you that most actual "bandits" are snipers who hide in the hills, but still, the bloody clothes idea has it's use in my eyes. If you're a fresh spawn on the coast, you're bound to come across bodies. Same thing for Stary and NW. If you kill someone there or come across a body, chances are you're going to loot it.

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I disagree that we need an indicator. IMO, the KoS thing really ballooned out of control after global/side chat was disabled. Yes, it was annoying to read, "any friendlies in Cherno?" every minute but at least some form of communication was there. All you can do now is get into the radius of direct chat and hope whoever you startle won't shoot on site.

I agree with you that most actual "bandits" are snipers who hide in the hills, but still, the bloody clothes idea has it's use in my eyes. If you're a fresh spawn on the coast, you're bound to come across bodies. Same thing for Stary and NW. If you kill someone there or come across a body, chances are you're going to loot it.

Exactly. You would get bloody, but you could also wash yourself in water source. Maybe even cause multiple body-loots to cause a bloodier look to your character.

The change would not be forced onto the player and you could always wash yourself if you're a bandit before going into a city. If you dont you risk getting shot on sight. Many scenarios open up.

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I LOL at all the bandits crying "realism" <sarcasm> yeah this game is so realistic. </sarcasm>

Deal with it!

Edit: Also, I'm part of that 1% that won't shoot people ever :)

Edited by internetTAB
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where can i buy a stand alone copy of dayz? i know where i can buy arma 2 CO

should i try dayzMOD.com??

dayz is free, you know that. yes the website uses the word mod in it, because it is indeed a mod. seems like you fail to grasp the term mutually exclusive. dayz turns arma II into a new game.

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