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Best DayZ YouTubers

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I got started in Dayz by watching Sidestrafe vids until he died of starvation.Then I found Sacriel who is a blast.Those two are great!!

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+1 for FRANKIEonPCin1080p, really great videos.

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FRANKIEonPCin1080p and Sacriel FTW

Although I also loved how Rhinocrunch ripped into WarZ

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I like PsycoRevolution but he doesn't post as often as I'd like. I really like his voice-overs.

FRANKIEonPCin1080P and CHKilroy too.

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Rhinocrunch for edutainment. :)

Sacriel's stuff is kind of interesting but they waste a lot of time on "proper" tactics only to get caught with their pants down on a regular basis by people not even half as geared/disciplined as they are. That time they were all looking at the helicopter instead of outwards was hilarious, one guy came in and killed at least half the group, including the helicopter.

Sacriel's proper "tactics" went right out the window when he missed Hunger Games because of a "virus", only to stream GW2 for over 6 hours the next very day. Sacriel is a pompous ass.

FRANKIEonPCin1080p is my undisputed favourite

Edited by 4Lex

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SideStrafe. I just love his channel.

I love SideStrafe, except the only thing I despise about his DayZ videos is his lack of knowledge towards the game in some aspects. Other than that, he's awesome.

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PsiSyndicate, Sacriel, Jeffmajor, The Northern Lion. (Jeff and Northern Lion don't make much of it anyomore.)

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JackFrags's channel is up there with Frankie for me. Love his hive bandits videos. I also like watching his adventures with Frankie from Jacks point of view. Gives you a really good feel for their tactics and thought process.

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Maybe more, I can't remember.

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JackFrags, his content is similar to Frankies but with more real gameplay and his a lot funnier, plus the some of his other content (BF3, CS, etc..) is also very good. More of a competitive gamer.

'The Squad' as its known, they are all pretty good.

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I don't watch it much.. I watched some DayZMarine and Sacriel videos though.

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JackFrags's channel is up there with Frankie for me. Love his hive bandits videos. I also like watching his adventures with Frankie from Jacks point of view. Gives you a really good feel for their tactics and thought process.

HIs 'Champion of DayZ' video is hilarious. Watch bot Frankie and Jack as they are both pretty funny. They also don't take it too seriously as some others like Sacriel.

It's fun to watch them make mistakes as well like Jack and Frankie recently having no bandages between them.

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Edited by Unidentified

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There's this good.. REALLY good youtuber by the name of AnarchyHD.. i like his stuff... its like, simply the best stuff ever.


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