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Longest time you've survived + Story

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Whats the longest you have survived for ? :)

And tell me the story on what you got up-to!

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My best life was 8 days. Then, one day, i stepped onto a grey spot, some gravel (gravel sound) between rocks, and instantly died with minus - 1600 blood left (!). I don't remember my last death being simply shot. But that's how it is and i don't complain. I love this mode.

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i'm ON my longest life right now, which is about 10 days. hoping i can hit at least 2 weeks. I've had to fight my way out of at least 2 hordes in elektro, went all the way from eletro to berezino, back to elektro again (because my friend died as soon as i got there, then spawned in kamyshovo), and last night i rounded out the suicidal stupidity with a nice, rousing rescue mission from the heart of Cherno where another one of my noobier friends got trapped by some Deadheads. I'm surprised i ahvent shot MYSELF yet.

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Longest Survival was 1 week , we are a Team of 3 PPL. We played for a long time and got and base with a few cars and many diffrent weapon.

To get the missing pieces in our Arsenal we went to the Airfield , since there was low population on the Server we drive our Pickup over the airfield like crazy trolling arround and Looting.

After a while near the barracks we spottet an UAZ and my Buddy got into it we decided to back to Base. Since i most times drive my Motorbike i drove the Pickup like shit went into an Forrest on our way back to base and Kind of Flipt the Pickup while Jumping over an hole and Crashing on the ground dieing to the Explosion follwing to hitting the Ground in the Flipping Pickup.

A very bad way to die ^^

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8 days killed a shitload of wildlife. I didn't even care about the zombies and survivors, the animals man it's all about killing the animals especially the rabbits god damn rabbits.

Edited by FaceAche
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I don't reacall the exact days, must have been like 6-10 days. I got shot because I ran directly into someone with an AKS-U who was hiding unter a tree while I was on my bike. In the middle of the fields by the Veresnik. We noticed each other when I ran past him like 5m away.

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I'm around 22 days or something.

That life started by meeting a friend that was keeping my last body warm (Died to a glitch on a slope).

I had a DMR, M1911, knife, hatchet, map, rangefinder, some medical stuff, and we had a tent with an LMG and lots of supplies + a van.

The group plit so I turned lonewolf. Found two small camps with lots of stuff in tents (but didn't seem hacked in). Emptied everything and put them in my own tent, and just told friends I don't play with to loot that tent. Found a NVG, a gilie and a Kobra in those tents (+ all the stuff I left in the other. Bizon and many other guns).

Did several raids in NEAF and kashimiro. One of the raids was bad, and I got shot, but not killed, by automatic fire (Dusk). I think it was a hopper since I never found the guy for payback, and I healed myself with meat.

Someone asked for medical assistance near the three valleys, healed him with a bloodbag, got a M9SD. Never found ammo for it so just threw it to the bind a few days later.

On a suicide attempt, I went to cherno to take out some snipers. Found none, but sniped zombies chasing several guys, nearly hitting one of the players. At that time I had a AS50 I thin I found at a crashsite, but I can't remember. I went into town, and found an ACOG, so I dumped the sniper. Wen to the coast, found a ship, filled it with a bit of fuel, and went to explore the island south-east of the map. Nothing interesting, went back to the coast.

I then proceeded in raiding all castles for a bit of sightseeing. Kept a few guys in my sights passing by, never shot any. Then went for NWAF at night, and ended up meeting a group raid of 6 guys in run and gun mode. Impressive to see hat at night: The guys just ran, kneeled and shot zombies as they spawned. I hid in time and thanks to my clothing wasn't found out, I then bailed out in the opposite direction.

Since then, I've looked all around the north-west of the map to find camps or vehicles, with no results. I'm currently planning a raid for the Green Mountain.

Edited by Deuzerre

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At the moment I'm about 8-9 days old. 1700+ Z kills and 4 survivor kills (sorry about those).

It started after I got thunder-domed and lost all my good kit....I started a new life and after about an hour or so I stumbled on a body that was FULLY equipped..NV, rangefinder, sweet guns...everything....I've been a night-owl ever since. The reason I've got so many Z kills is that I started off using the MK48, which is a fantastic weapon, but louder than fuck. Many times I deliberately holed up in a building and dropped 40-60 Z's as they came a-swarming....Something very satisfying about stepping out over the pile of bodies when they finish coming ....The kill count goes up fast when you do that few times.....I decided to trade the MK48 in for something a bit quieter....and in a way I regret that...ah well.

At the moment I'm just running around the countryside trying to find crashed Heli's....I need to find another bicycle to make that easier.

Current load out is NVG's, silenced M4, Silenced M9, Night-scoped FN in the back-pack. I own the night!

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75 days and counting.

I've been playing for a long time and I should have died on many occasions, but somehow I survived the worst situations.

Don't know if it's just luck or my positive attitude, but life has helped me every time. Probably a mixture of both.

I'm all kitted out atm and living off the land; shooting animals for food and drinking water from my bottles. I wish I could do some fishing too (please Rocket, make it so), or construct

a shelter from forest materials like branches etc. And I really need a sleepingbag for those cold nights outside :-)

I sometimes go into towns etc. to look for stuff I want, like right now I'm looking for more SVD-ammo and a coyote backpack.

I've visited most of the map, I like to travel around and see what people are up to in different areas. And help those who are desperate need of some assistance.

Great mod!

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75 days and counting.

I've been playing for a long time and I should have died on many occasions, but somehow I survived the worst situations.

Don't know if it's just luck or my positive attitude, but life has helped me every time. Probably a mixture of both.

I'm all kitted out atm and living off the land; shooting animals for food and drinking water from my bottles. I wish I could do some fishing too (please Rocket, make it so), or construct

a shelter from forest materials like branches etc. And I really need a sleepingbag for those cold nights outside :-)

I sometimes go into towns etc. to look for stuff I want, like right now I'm looking for more SVD-ammo and a coyote backpack.

I've visited most of the map, I like to travel around and see what people are up to in different areas. And help those who are desperate need of some assistance.

Great mod!

Amazing stories guys!

75 Days whaaaaat?! that's amazing well done!

How many Zombie kills/Murders if you don't mind me asking :)

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0 Dayz im a man of action motherfuckers

Damn you're a beast!

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50+ Days with 420 zombie kills and 22 murders. Unfortunately got killed yesterday by getting teleported into the air by a hacker (for the second time) but he got banned from the server so I ran back to my body and got all my gear back :)

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Currently up to day 253. kitted out with all the tools etc and always keep my M4 for its versatility. Usually try and avoid unnecessary combat but lately I think I want to start hunting down snipers around Cherno and Elektro. My long life may end pretty soon I think haha

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Back to times my character had survived a couple of weeks just to ... miss the ladder of a Deer Stand and break the leg. At that time I was so dumb to not understand the value of morphine so I han't any. Unable to walk and too far away from hospital to consider crawling, I started to shoot to attract nearby Z and waited.

Now I do not play anymore a single character, I like instead having several, each one on a different private server. At this time I have 16 of them, all fully geared and roaming Chernarus (a couple of those even visited Olsha, forsaken and derelict place..) - no idea about their life duration, I do not track it anymore.


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150 days. Didn't play most of it, but had around 5-6 kills. Fully geared. The public hives glitched out and the character got deleted ;(

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My longest would have been about a month/31 days. I dont quite remember, but I know I spent a while on a lingor server hoarding vehicles and organising ambushes on other groups.

My longest confirmed life was only about 8 days, I died just a couple hours ago.

I had NVGs, Rangefinders, Coyote backpack, full toolbelt, M4A1 Holo GL, an M9SD and I had racked up about 5 kills, 2 of them in the battle before I died. I was on a veteran Celle server with custom buildings, and was at a place modeled after the prison in TWD. It was night, I was outside the perimeter fence and saw two people running around inside at opposite ends of the prison. One came close to my end, and I killed him as he came up the stairs on the outside of a building. He had a smaw, NVGs and other goodies, of which I only took the NVGs, some drink and an Entrenching Tool. I saw who I presumed was his friend hiding to the side of a barracks building, and I could tell he knew where I was. There were a few awkward minutes in which I thought of a plan to take him out, and I eventually settled on grabbing the dead dudes smaw and running out and shooting him. It worked, but I was taken down to half health. I ran down to loot his body, and I came under fire from an LMG. I was down to a 1/4 of my health left, and took cover behind a wall, and I popped two shots off at him. A only couple of them hit, because he was a few hundred metres away. I stayed behind that building for about ten minutes, peeking out to take a shot at him. I never saw him once again, and I assume that he logged as I swear there was one less player online. I decided to stay behind a ridge, and see if he would pop out. After a minute, I was shot at down to flashing blood from behind. I could hear a DMR and an M4A1. I bandaged, but because of some lag (I assume) I died just after. After typing in chat, talking to the guys I'd killed, and who'd killed me, I found out that there were (out of the 6 individuals) only two were together, meaning that there were 4 players in the 600x600m area inside and around the prison, and a couple more just outside that!

Over all, it was an rare satisfying death, and there were no hard feelings as far as I could tell.

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My longest survival was on the public hive, I lasted a little over 200 days (haven't died on a public hive since august or so - ran thousands and thousands of miles on that char) I used to make a camp up north and I ran around hunting animals and gathering supplies.. at one point me and my brother gathered a decent size camp that had 3-4 as50s and lots of other high grade weapons.. 2+ nvgs and a couple decent size backpacks. Mind you this was in the early days we played dayz so we looted early in the morning, at night on very very low pop servers because we were scared, no idea how to kill or deal with other players. We got a huge camp of tents going and our only vehicle was a bike that we took turns using.. We lasted it out.

Eventually we found private hives and fell in love with them, all the customization that was done, different vehicles, more vehicles drew us in.. being able to play on other servers and have lots of gear on many servers was the best.

Anyways come to an end, we both lost our super long characters about a month ago when the official servers were barren and they had been alive so long that the characters were reset..(or something like that) we logged in both back on the coast, but the characters were just there for memories.. it was all for fun :D

We both had m107s/as50s and every kind of tool, both had nvgs and rangefinders, one gps between us and coyote backpacks, ghillies etc.

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20 days. I was in the NWA, kitted out nicely but very low on blood, I was searching around the hangars when a zombie hit me from behind and knocked me unconscious with a single blow. After that they just feasted on me...

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12 Dayz. I'm with 3 other guys, one day i was alone. On the way with my pickup truck to the North East Airfield, i decided to make a break, cooking some meat in a forest. I was eating the first of it, a Hacker teleportet right behind me. I got no ammunation for my M4SD so i ran around my car and that motherfucker chasing me.

I was trying to write : dont shoot ! pls, dont shoot, friendly !!

In that moment, he shoot me. DEAD.

I thought, i never play this game again. I got everything.. A Car, NVG, Rangefinder, GPS, Ghillie (2), M4SD, M9SD.

I'm still playing, today i killed a guy with that stuff i lost. :)

Hope the SA have better protection. I HATE cheaters and hackers.

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