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Congratulations Community, You have become scum.

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Well. I thought I would congratulate the community on its progress. Every god damn server now has a hacker. Do you suck that much that you need to create unfair scenarios? Do you hate yourself so much as to waste time writing code for a hack against a mod!? Not even a stand alone game? Hacks have been raging within the past week. Its ridiculous, this mod cannot even be played fairly anymore. Play the god damn game the way its suppose to be played. Those lines of code were not written within the mod itself for a good reason. Because that's far from the way the creator wanted this to be played. Have a little respect for Rocket?!? He gives us an amazing mod, yet you scum of the earth start manipulating his community. Ive heard it from many non hackers that they are either giving up or just going to hack as well now because they cannot play without the interference of hackers. Now the people that actually pay money for these hacks... I have zero respect for you. To make the hacks is one story, which yes it is impressive to see you have manipulated the game into breaking to your will. I don't agree with it, but yes it still has some sort of credit. But those who buy the hacks are the most pathetic people to ever play video games. A true disgrace to the gaming community. Show Rocket some respect as well as the community. Don't turn this into the same conduct of the LoL or the HON community. They have become a true mutiny filled with disrespect. Play the game fairly or don't play at all. Don't spend money on cheating at a game you can succeed at perfectly just by playing fairly and developing skills.


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I have a horde of vehicles on Tx4 and im not a hacker... Go look around Black Lake and you might find a lolipop

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Also the majority of these "Hackers" just pay $15 with their mommies credit cards that know how to click on a program and run it *and download it*

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Do we agree though that there are too many hackers now and showing some disrespect to Rocket for creating such a community based mod?

And that it sucks the big one?

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showing some disrespect to Rocket for creating such a community based mod?

Hackers suck, sure, but I don't understand this part. Did we create a community based mod or something... which I guess is disrespectful of rocket?

-edit- nevermind then...

yeah hackers suck... news flash.

Edited by Dingus

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Happens with all games once they become popular, the ArmA engine is particularly bad though, never seen cheats like these before in any other game. Anyone that is using other hackers as an excuse to hack themselves is just as scummy as them though, it's good that these exploits have been found now though so that the standalone game can be more made more secure.

Edited by smasht_AU
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^ You poop mouth, I messed up my punctuation x) Do you agree at least that the hacking is getting somewhat out of hand and its a wee bit disrespectful towards the creator of the mod? Since it may turn away new comers or even those who want to play fairly?

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Yeah, hackers are not new in arma, in fact they were here before DayZ. The problem here is the mod being very popular lately which attracts script kids all over the world.

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I have a horde of vehicles on Tx4 and im not a hacker... Go look around Black Lake and you might find a lolipop

troll harder

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Yes completely agreed. The unfortunate part is that I don't see this changing in the future. Like a better protection? Do you?

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Yes completely agreed. The unfortunate part is that I don't see this changing in the future. Like a better protection? Do you?

Well hacking is always going to exist, that's just the nature of online gaming, and no matter what anti cheat solution the game uses that will still happen, given that the standalone game is going to use a different engine, it's perfectly reasonable to expect that the types of cheats we are seeing at the moment will simply not be possible though, teleporting, spawning weapons, cars, helis, invincibility etc.

Edited by smasht_AU

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Yes completely agreed. The unfortunate part is that I don't see this changing in the future. Like a better protection? Do you?

All you do by creating these posts is warm the hearts of those who cheat or hack they enjoy this shit.

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main post: Shut up and take my beans x2

Do we agree though that there are too many hackers now and showing some disrespect to Rocket for creating such a community based mod?

And that it sucks the big one?

OP, i am in total agreement with you on the hacking. i want to get DayZ, but i'm not sure with all this hacking going on. it's kinda maing the game seem less attractive to me.

i'm one of the few smart ones that research before playing, so i know how to avoid Zeds, find weapons etc. (if any of you don't understand why, it's called common sense) i don't like player killing, i would never consider thunderdoming a server or anything like that. someone needs to stop thunderdome hacks etc. i mean, couldn't Rocket add a check that registers if a player moves a large distance a short time (teleporting or speedhacking) and then kick them back to where they were?

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^ I think a lot of that comes down to the limitation of the engine itself, might have to wait for standalone unfortunately for something to be done for instanceinstance they could change it so everything is handled server-side instead of client-side, which would make it impossible for hackers to spawn in anything they wanted, private servers/hives may be the only viable solution for the time being though.

Edited by smasht_AU

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All you do by creating these posts is warm the hearts of those who cheat or hack they enjoy this shit.

Legit? That actually pleases them? Oh god. Humanity at its finest :thumbsup:

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The ban hammers are going to come out but the cost to replace the key isn't enough to convince these fuckers to fuck off.

You sir are the best type of person. <3 lol I do hope you words come true to an extant xD

>inb4 homo

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I dont think you're going to shame hackers into praising the glory of our Dear Leader

But he is supreme Leadah!

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Why the fuck are you posting multiple times to correct yourself? Use the edit button, christ.

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Never thought I would register here, but hey, I just liek those threads. Last time I got killed by a hacker was when an exploding cow fell from the sky, I laughed and moved on. I can understand that it's frustrating when you get killed for the tenth time in a row, but some of these scripts are just funny. I already had the opportunity to enjoy one of those "Thunderdomes", and I can happily report I was the first that got killed and I also broke every bone because some guy teleported me atop a tall building while I was running.

And for the becoming scum thing: The hackers are less annoying to me than the Alt+F4 crowd or the uber 1337 banditz who shoot unarmed newbies in Elektro with their precious AS50 rifles. To be honest, the game does encourage griefing, and hacking isn't any different. Some people execute their little scripts to kill people on the other side of the map, some people sit down for two hours and pick off all the new players on the coast just for the lolz. And don't get me wrong, I can't really blame the sniper guys, with the DC cowards running around you have to one-shot everyone.

Legit? That actually pleases them? Oh god. Humanity at its finest :thumbsup:

Did you miss the last 10 years of online interaction or did you just forget about the concept of trolling?

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