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What a h**king joke...

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After spending the entire day and most of my bandwidth downloading 17 GB of Arma 2 off of Steam... I install this mod, all excited to play.

5 minutes in... seriously... 5 minnutes of playing this game... me and everyone on a 50 man server get teleported to the ocean by a hacker.

I tried joining other servers... no use... I'm still in the ocean. I can't kill myself... I can't swim back cause land doesn't seem to get any closer.


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Sorry about the first day that sucks! Leave it on over night or 20 minutes and you'll die of infection/hunger. Do a night server for quicker results.

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so basically every time some fucking goof kid with a hack decides to come in on a server and teleport people to the ocean... I have to leave my game on for half an hour until my character dies so I can start back up again...

How often does this shit happen? I don't see the point of this mod if this shit is going to happen again and again.

Is there a server I can play on that's more secure or something?

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You were very unlucky.

Don't give up.

I understand why you are angry, keep your language down please

Edited by Boneboys
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so basically every time some fucking goof kid with a hack decides to come in on a server and teleport people to the ocean... I have to leave my game on for half an hour until my character dies so I can start back up again...

How often does this shit happen? I don't see the point of this mod if this shit is going to happen again and again.

Is there a server I can play on that's more secure or something?

It's rare but the respawn button was getting abused like a red headed stepchild. They're making changes. Don't panic.

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welcome to DayZ!

Yup that's dayz for you, but believe me the good dayz will be worth the bad ones.

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i just encountered two hackers on server US 845 named Torrence and Cameroon they were teleporting behind people mugging them and killing them with C4. i know they were hacking because the came out of no where and did this to my friend (he was in the far north area above devils castle). once my friend respawned he herd explosions shortly after he was getting mugged again by the same two people. by this time everyone had left the server including the hackers (probbibly because he called them out on hacking).

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This is Rocket's way of testing your faith...

It's a common practice among creators I hear

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Happens a lot, if you read the forums before you made your purchase you would have known this, unlucky to happen straight away though. Welcome to the alpha of DayZ.

Edited by smasht_AU

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I just spend $30 to play this game after hearing all the praises about it, and within 5 minutes this is what happens... wtf seriously?

I'm going to send a message to steam and see if I can get a refund, this is a fucking disaster. What's the point of playing this game? The same hacker can just server hop and use his stupid hack again and again and again... and every time I have to wait in the water for at least 30 min or more to die? This is a fucking joke

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You're playing a free alpha mod, should have done your research.

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I just spend $30 to play this game after hearing all the praises about it, and within 5 minutes this is what happens... wtf seriously?

I'm going to send a message to steam and see if I can get a refund, this is a fucking disaster. What's the point of playing this game? The same hacker can just server hop and use his stupid hack again and again and again... and every time I have to wait in the water for at least 30 min or more to die? This is a fucking joke


You're not playing a game, you're playing a MOD that is in ALPHA testing.

To be honest, please do leave Dayz (and ARMA as a whole, for that matter). We don't want your kind around here.

Edited by Grindstone
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You're not playing a game, you're playing a MOD that is in ALPHA testing.

To be honest, please do leave Dayz (and ARMA as a whole, for that matter). We don't want your kind around here.

Yeah... my kind... someone who spend $30, about 12 hours and most of his monthly bandwidth to try a game, only to be fucked over after 5 minutes of playing and now has to sit afk with the game running until the char dies and can respawn.

Yeah I'm such a menace to this community....

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you didnt spend any money on this game, you bought arma 2 to run a free mod. the hacking happened in a free mod. you will not get refunded for the perfectly valid game you bought which is not currently in alpha.

i'm sorry you got very unlucky and was killed by griefing hackers, but grow up and realise that dayz owes you absolutely nothing, stop complaining about your imaginery purchase.

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Anyway, best of luck with your ArmA refund even though you haven't even played the game at all. This is a mod for that game, that is in alpha and has only been in development for a few months. Maybe you would be best to wait until DayZ gets a standalone release and is no longer in alpha/beta.

Edited by smasht_AU

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thats happened to me today on us 1679 and the admin just banned everyone that was in the server and i think thats kinda stupid because we have been playing there for a week and now we can never play in there again retard hackers and retard admins will ruin this game

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Yeah... my kind... someone who spend $30, about 12 hours and most of his monthly bandwidth to try a game, only to be fucked over after 5 minutes of playing and now has to sit afk with the game running until the char dies and can respawn.

Yeah I'm such a menace to this community....

No, you're just too stupid to realize what everyone has been saying. Let me repeat it one more time.

This is a MOD. This is not a fully-supported, fully-released game. It is an unsanctioned modification to an existing game, ARMAII.

This MOD is in the ALPHA stage. It is NOT the end product. It is meant to test the concept and reception. Do some damn research.

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As annoying as threads like these are, everyone turning into volunteer customer service reps can be just as annoying.

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Don't blame Steam, don't blame Bohemia Interactive. What you've bought is ArmA2 and that's running fine. So there's no reason to claim your money back. DayZ is a mod and absolutely free, you didn't understand that too. It's your choice to play a Mod in alpha stage. You're the 1.000.000 player that wasn't able to understand that DayZ is a Mod in Alpha stage, congratulations. And second, you were not able to read the forums what the current situation is. Ever second thread in the forum is about any hacker on any server, nobody can miss it. So calm down and stfu.

Edited by gambla

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Not surprising given the recent change to the respawn function. I'm pretty surprised more of the hackers haven't been teleporting people into the middle of nowhere. Devs should have seen this stuff coming from a mile away.

Edited by Jimmy James

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so basically every time some fucking goof kid with a hack decides to come in on a server and teleport people to the ocean... I have to leave my game on for half an hour until my character dies so I can start back up again...

How often does this shit happen? I don't see the point of this mod if this shit is going to happen again and again.

Is there a server I can play on that's more secure or something?

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so basically every time some fucking goof kid with a hack decides to come in on a server and teleport people to the ocean... I have to leave my game on for half an hour until my character dies so I can start back up again...

How often does this shit happen? I don't see the point of this mod if this shit is going to happen again and again.

Is there a server I can play on that's more secure or something?

This happens daily. I just died myself by a hacker. Basically The DayZ Community is becoming a joke. 14-16 Y.o kids paying for hacks with their mommy's money. Same thing happened to the CoD community. Little kids started playing because all the older kids were and then all the older kids said f this and started playing other shit because CoD got swamped by prepubescent boys. Honestly I wouldn't get too much into this game just yet if this kind of stuff pisses you off because it will happen to you weekly, or even be affected by some sort of hack daily. I'd wait till the hives become more private and well protected. I'd say around october it should be safer. I just stopped playing today because there are so many hackers now its no longer fun. We should form the GAUP (Gamers Against Underage Purchase) too stop these little ones from flooding our communities O.o or at least make the parents feel stupid for buying their little kids M rated games.

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