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Suggestion: Make silenced weapons more realistic

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Hmm I agree not all silencers and guns are equal but if u watch myth busters on they did an episode on this subject.

And (while I can't remember which handgun they used) they did suppress the sound down to the pew pew you hear in the movies.

Now that's obviously not gonna work with a larger rifle and round but still

Thing is you can make a gun produce almost no noise, but the problem is you will effect its velocity so much it might no long even be lethal or just impractical.

Surpressors are used if I remember right because they help keep muzzle climb down, the sound of the gun shot sounds farther way or of a lesser firearm, and most of all takes away or almost takes away the muzzle flash. But you have down sides such as the weight being a big one, size and length of the firearm increases, sight picture can be hindered by the suppressor itself and also by the heat waves coming off it from multiple shots, and you also have to clean it (note some people think surpressors work best when dirty).

But ya as something said above when a suppressed firearm is shot you know a gun was used, exactly what type of gun or what distance well not so much or direction depending on where you are.

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Those plots are only valid for pure, steady tones. A percussive blast is an impulse, and contains many many frequencies. Learn your shit before trying to sound smart.

I believe a better word would be "complete".

The plot was developed by playing single, pure, and steady tones (eg. trivial sound) under ideal laboratory conditions, yes; however, it is still valid for the point I was trying to make (using dB as the only metric for how to measure the loudness of a sound is meaningless). Beyond that it is still meaningful as the perceived frequencies of non-trivial sound WILL be distorted in a manor partly dictated by the graph I posted in addition to many other factors.

A more accurate graph for the purposes of analyzing how a human actually perceive non-trivials sounds would be very highly situational as it would need to take into account the hearing loss of an individual from age or exposure (recent or long term) and the ambient background noise.

There are other complications beyond what I have mentioned (some beyond my experience) but any actual analysis quickly becomes highly specific to circumstances, difficult for a layman to understand without significant familiarity with Psychoacoustics, and would tend to distract from the point of my original post.


Yes, hearing is much more complicated that the picture I linked but that doesn't detract from the anything I said.

EDIT: For clarity.

Edited by Chssmius
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If you can come up with a way to have the game model the disorienting ballistic crack from subsonic rounds so that it isn't possible to tell where it came from then OK. Otherwise, just deal with the current implementation, as it is the only fair way to do it.

Subsonic rounds don't make a 'ballistic crack'. That crack sound is a miniature sonic boom created by the bullet as it flys by.

As for the sound of silenced weapons in game, I currently think it's okay. You can easily hear a suppressed weapon firing well over 100 m away.

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lots of posts, so sorry if this is a repeat....

silenced ammo, eightysix it. pick up a silenced 9mm, all you need is 9mm ammo. the silenced version of the gun could be made more rare, perhaps, but all you'd need is 9mm ammo.

kinda spans out on a larger topic..7.76 for all aks except the 5.56 versions. 9mm would go into an mp5 mag, beretta mag, bla bla....so maybe more conversions into different empty magazines. but i digress.

silenced ammo confuses me.

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If we are going to beg for realism then I'd like to ask that we be able to use normal STANAG magazines in the weapons with a suppressor on them. That would be more realistic.

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You can easily change that by using sound mods...but of course you have to force the creator to allow them...there are some good mods that are not "hollywoodish".

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The idea that you can put a "silencer" on the end of your M9 or MP5 to change a loud BANG! into a barely-audible "pew" is laughable.

In real life, there is no such thing as a "silencer". In real life, we have what are called suppressors that reduce muzzle flash and the sound of the weapon firing. Another major effect is that the sound of a suppressed weapon is very difficult to localize.

Most suppressors bring the noise down to the 130-140dB range, which is about as loud as a jet engine 100 feet away from you.

In fact, the quietest gun ever made was the British De Lisle carbine, and it fired at ~85dB. 85 deciBels is about as loud as someone playing the trombone. Think about that for a second. Possibly the quietest gun ever made, and it's still as loud as a brass instrument.

By contrast, what we know as a "silencer" is entirely fiction. It's a creation of Hollywood, and the idea that you can attach a small can to your gun to instantly make it go "pew pew pew" and be completely inaudible to a person standing 10 feet away is absurd.

DayZ is a game about realism, so let's make the weapons more realistic.

DayZ is not about realism at all. there are very few things realistic in DayZ

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This is what a suppressed pistol sounds like even when using supersonic ammunition - the firing of the weapon is quiet, but the supersonic bullet makes a distinct 'crack' as it breaks the sound barrier.

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I think just making the sound files for silenced weapons non-3D will suffice.Could be that it already is and no one has noticed yet that you can't tell what direction silenced shots are coming from.Anyone know if you can tell where silenced weapon fire from?

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These youtube videos are pretty meaningless as your speakers obviously arent set to hearing damage.

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Its about ammo... if you will use a normal rounds instead of subsonic.. yeah of'course.. it will be loud as fuck.. but if you will have a subsonic ammo.. it will be "quiet" but the accuary will be a much worse....

Edited by Ladas325

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The idea in itself is sound (herp) but just use a hatchet, they make no sound.

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Good thread, yes a Suppressor is still loud, but my impression is that soft terrine absorbs the sound a lot better, then none Suppressed, and the sound isn't as Deafening.

speaking of realism the ability to run a Suppressor wet would be a nice inclusion.

Man... can you imagine how awesome DayZ, MW(x) and BF(x) would be if they made the weapon reports realistic? Wearing hearing protection on the battlefield sn't very wise, and guns are very loud... Maybe whenever you fire your own (non-suppressed) weapon, it makes that ringing-in-your-ears sound similar to when you get flashbanged, muffles other noises, and then fades back in quickly after. Sustained fire would cause the ringing to persist a little while longer.

Nice Idea TheSwede, i would love to see this have my beans, i one's fired (continual fire) my M16A3 in open terrine, where i had dropped my SureFire earplugs, my Ears was singing (Loudly!) for the next 45 minutes, fire a burst or too in a confined space and you will probably be deaf.

I would like to see the .22 LR in dayz, even none Suppressed it's a quiet Round, or quiet enough that you won't need earplugs, and Suppressed it can be airsoft quiet, in dayz standalone there will be a crafting system, i could see Improvised Suppressors for the 22, as 556/223 or higher would probably blast such a device.

I have a thread on the .22 here http://dayzmod.com/f...yz/#entry905767

Edited by thomas28

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