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why do people complain about disconnecting?

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If someone is trying to snipe me or i`m assaulted by three players and i cant win, of course ill disconnect. You assault me, i dont need to stay to augment your murder count. So a guy got away. So what?

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Because it's an exploit, by Rocket's own words.

If you get attacked by 3 players, don't be a pussy, accept your faith and try to fight back.

Me and 3 more people attacked a single person in the Factory and he never gave up, even after we killed him in the end. And he managed to take down 2 of us.

Edited by krtshv

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Why play the game then... the idea is you have risk vs reward, if everyone disconnects at the first hint of a fight then why don't we have a single player game instead.

I had a situation today, player on ATV got me and I could have disconnected but wanted to see how it ended... ended up with me dying but doesnt matter.. I will start again and man up and get my gear again...

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Imagine this:

We are playing chess and you are winning. I don't like losing, so I flip the table over.

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becasue its cheap and lame,

you get jumped by 3 people you got sloppy, pay the price

your getting sniped you got sloppy, pay the price

what next? i was being chased by 5 zombies why shouldnt i alt+f4?

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Because I'm tired of running across a field to kill a cow and have that cow alt-F4 right when I get there.

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Troll topic stinking it up on this forum more than an unwashed pussy on a zombie chick that used to work in a fishmongers and has been standing around for weeks.

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If someone is trying to snipe me or i`m assaulted by three players and i cant win, of course ill disconnect. You assault me, i dont need to stay to augment your murder count. So a guy got away. So what?

whats your in game name and guid so I can ban you for being a meatwagon?

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If someone is trying to snipe me or i`m assaulted by three players and i cant win, of course ill disconnect. You assault me, i dont need to stay to augment your murder count. So a guy got away. So what?

I do the oposite, when a sniper shoots me, i run at him with my axe, and then "he" dcs...

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It removes the "authenticity" of the experience Day Z is supposed to provide. There are bad men out there, in droves, and they could kill you. If you walk the wrong way up a flight of stairs, you will die. I'd rather get killed by players than by bugs.

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If someone is trying to snipe me or i`m assaulted by three players and i cant win, of course ill disconnect. You assault me, i dont need to stay to augment your murder count. So a guy got away. So what?

Yeah, I totally agree. It's the same reason why I bought some l337 hacking scripts and are now using them. So what if it is an exploit ruining everyone else's experience, if people assault me and I have money to waste on toys why should I not? So what?

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it takes me so long to load the game i couldn't imagine purposefully closing it to avoid a gunfight!

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how does not killing someone ruin your experience as much as a hacker teleporting you into a nukefield

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well, someone gave me their beans

Yeah, a pony with no posts.

how does not killing someone ruin your experience as much as a hacker teleporting you into a nukefield

Some people play DayZ for the immersion, when people vanish into thin air it breaks that immersion.

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how does not killing someone ruin your experience as much as a hacker teleporting you into a nukefield

They are both player actions that break the consistency of the game for everyone, including themselves.

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You kill on sight for fun, I alt-f4 for fun.

You cheat for fun? Do you teleport and server kill as well?

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