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Every kill in DayZ is fair

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You people do realize hes talking about how every kill is FAIR not if killing fresh spawns is right or wrong, right?

Yeah that battle sure is the definition of a "fair fight." :)

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I agree. Hackers get way too much hate.

They're cheating, gtfo. I'm seeing hackers almost everyday now on my clan server no matter how many people we ban.

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OP's logic is sound and just.

He understands this is a game and not to take it too seriously. Play like it is real, drop that notion as soon as you walk away.

That is why these turds are mad. Cause they suck. They know that, even in the smallest capacity, that this game is a sim and well, they would be my bitch in the Post-Apoc.

That makes me feel funny inside.

It's not really a "suck" issue when there are plenty of one shot snipers shooting anything that moves from a kilometer away.

It could be a suck issue if they're running around Cherno looking to fight and keep getting owned. That's a little different.

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They're cheating, gtfo. I'm seeing hackers almost everyday now on my clan server no matter how many people we ban.

Remember, young padawan. There is no right or wrong, no abuse, every kill is fair. Sheesh.

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Stupid post, you are what is wrong with this community.

Protip: They kill because they're bored and there's nothing for them to do. Not because it's oh so hard to run to a supermarket and pick up all the food you can need.

if it isn't hard to get food from a super market, it shouldn't be hard to start over, and it isn't, you can get fully armed in about 20 minutes and be back north, so stop whining.

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You people do realize hes talking about how every kill is FAIR not if killing fresh spawns is right or wrong, right?

So assuming we ignore blatant hacker mass kills we still have weapon duping and hacker spawns that still negate the concept of "fair".

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cause theyre tired of losing their winchesters and never finding a vehicle


average life expentency: 49 minutes

if this doesnt tell you majority of people suck at this game i dunno what else will lol

Respawn button bruh might be disabled now but sure messes up that statistic

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you guys are wasting your text, read his other topics there is an obvious theme...

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Respawn button bruh might be disabled now but sure messes up that statistic

respawns were never part of that

and even if for some magical reason it was recently, the time jumped from 35 minutes to 49 minutes out of nowhere.

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I have never seen such a stupid OP.

Well I've heard of such a thing but never before have I been able to post in it.

No. No kill is fair. There is latency, weapons, placement, and luck. All of which are factors that determine who gets the kill.

If someone murders a fresh spawned player. It's cause he's a bitch.

If someone snipes another player it's cause he's a pussy bitch.

If someone kills you with a hatchet it's cause he's a lucky pussy bitch.

OP get off this game already and go back to CoD.

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Why does everyone want so much hand holding in DayZ?

Wah wah, give me safe zones, wah wah, let us have agreements where we can't shoot each other, wah wah wah, the tears pour.

Everyone, or everyone but you?

Some people complain too much, including yourself. You had to make yet another thread in which you sob, moan, snivel, wail, whimper and cry to make yourself look like a 'hardcore pvp badass'. It's pathetic, it's counter productive and it doesn't work.

EDIT: I think there are more threads complaining about complainers, than there are threads complaining about the game.

Edited by Max Planck

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OP is 1000% correct. The human threat IS DayZ. Without it, I don't think it would be ANYWHERE nearing 1,000,000 players.

You want to stay alive, collect gear, sustain life, and have no threat of dying to anything in the game? That sounds like the most ass backwards boring game I could ever imagine.

If you think zombies are ANY sort of a threat to your guy, you're bad. The only thing threatening about a zed is if you aggro one, another player can see a running zombie, and just has to follow the trail.

Dying to snipers in Cherno? You're bad. Learn to loot. If you don't know what a chemlight looks like... you're bad. Why are you investigating stanag ammo when you have a winnie or Mr. Lee? Also, if you think a sniper on a hill outside of Cherno can easily snipe out a guy running around... you've never had a sniper, and you're bad at everything including cooking japanese food, walking the dog, and drinking from a hot mug.

Sniping, (although easier with SVD or AS50/RF) is not CoD. You don't just put the center on the guys head and see the kills rack up. Taking a shot that will kill requires skill and patience.

I'm so sick of horrible noobs crying all the time and ruining games because devs want money, and will cater to the masses, and the masses are the asses. GL achieving anything in life. Enjoy the simplicity of your 2 bedroom apartment with that girl you're not even attracted to, but it was easy and every once in a while you get blown. GG

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Remember, young padawan. There is no right or wrong, no abuse, every kill is fair. Sheesh.

You should literally be banned for stupidity. You seem to be trying to make it look like the OP is saying hacking is ok which he is in no way doing.

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You should literally be banned for stupidity. You seem to be trying to make it look like the OP is saying hacking is ok which he is in no way doing.

you made an account just to say that?

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You should literally be banned for stupidity. You seem to be trying to make it look like the OP is saying hacking is ok which he is in no way doing.

Haha, jokes on you... you ... peanut-head.

Also, please enlighten me to OP's TRUE message. In case i'm confused...

Edited by Afgoo

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I think the point the op is trying to make is that everyone starts their character under the exact same circumstances. No gun, no food, no water. Nobody has any advantages that someone else had when they spawned. By saying every kill is fair what he's really saying is that no kill is unfair (barring hacks etc.) If you're tired of getting sniped in cherno or elektro with no gear then don't go there, especially without gear. Those two cities are not meant to hit without gear anyways. Not that it's not possible, it's just not ideal. I spawned in, headed north and haven't looked back with my most recent character and I've kept him alive for five days (I've only been playing DayZ for about two weeks so don't flame me over a five day old character, I'm still technically a noob.)

If someone in your server is camping the beach find a server with less people to spawn into so you're more likely to be safe. If you absolutely HAVE to hit cherno or elektro for some odd reason then clear the common sniper areas first. You cannot justly complain about getting killed in one of those cities, you just can't. At this point everyone knows people are sniping new spawns in those areas, so the only way to ensure you aren't killed by them is to stay away. The way I see it, nothing spawns in cherno or elektro that doesn't spawn somewhere else as well. You just have to be willing to put in the time and effort to find that stuff somewhere else.

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It's never been a question of fairness, but one of good gameplay. Why take a game that promises so much and reduce it to just another shoot on sight death match?

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I think the point the op is trying to make is that everyone starts their character under the exact same circumstances. No gun, no food, no water. Nobody has any advantages that someone else had when they spawned. By saying every kill is fair what he's really saying is that no kill is unfair (barring hacks etc.) If you're tired of getting sniped in cherno or elektro with no gear then don't go there, especially without gear. Those two cities are not meant to hit without gear anyways. Not that it's not possible, it's just not ideal. I spawned in, headed north and haven't looked back with my most recent character and I've kept him alive for five days (I've only been playing DayZ for about two weeks so don't flame me over a five day old character, I'm still technically a noob.)

If someone in your server is camping the beach find a server with less people to spawn into so you're more likely to be safe. If you absolutely HAVE to hit cherno or elektro for some odd reason then clear the common sniper areas first. You cannot justly complain about getting killed in one of those cities, you just can't. At this point everyone knows people are sniping new spawns in those areas, so the only way to ensure you aren't killed by them is to stay away. The way I see it, nothing spawns in cherno or elektro that doesn't spawn somewhere else as well. You just have to be willing to put in the time and effort to find that stuff somewhere else.

Well, then. OP should stop using absolutes when he doesn't mean it. Anyway, depending on the server your on some people DO have an advantage over a fellow newly spawn who is on another server. However, that argument is void even before the point I just established, BUT HOW OH WISE ONE? Well, settle down Jimmy I'm about to tell you!

The argument negating truth of all gods is! Not all people are fresh-spawns at the same time. Which means a player who has just gotten the game is at a disadvantage to somebody who is already alive and geared.

So, in real life we all start out as newbie / unarmed babies right? I'd say that isn't grounds for claiming a fight at the nursery, baby vs fully-armed man is a fair one.

Anyway, I'll brb I have to eat. This has been fun my peanuts

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lol so you must be the guy who killed me when i respawned on the beach and alt-tabbed to bring up the map on google of cherno....ya that sounds about fair. my fault for dying a fresh spawn with nothing on me but my bandages and a flashlight..and i was afk for about 2 mins to look up a map just to come back to someone standing over my body :/

i guess just wondering the beach side waiting for respawns is fair game right?

why don't you just play the game and find a map?

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Well, then. OP should stop using absolutes when he doesn't mean it. Anyway, depending on the server your on some people DO have an advantage over a fellow newly spawn who is on another server. However, that argument is void even before the point I just established, BUT HOW OH WISE ONE? Well, settle down Jimmy I'm about to tell you!

The argument negating truth of all gods is! Not all people are fresh-spawns at the same time. Which means a player who has just gotten the game is at a disadvantage to somebody who is already alive and geared.

So, in real life we all start out as newbie / unarmed babies right? I'd say that isn't grounds for claiming a fight at the nursery, baby vs fully-armed man is a fair one.

Anyway, I'll brb I have to eat. This has been fun my peanuts

Haha, I agree with you completely but you can't make the same arguments about DayZ that you can about life. In life you can't find a new server to be born in. But you do make a point. People just have to be extra cautious of more well armed players. There's always a bigger fish though, it's just a matter of knowing when you're outmatched. Even though I have a DMR with a ton of rounds I'm not going to try to engage a guy with an AS50 who is over 800 meters away.

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Beans for someone who knows that killing is fair.

Under circumstances. Murderers who kill fresh spawns are cunts.

Bandits who kill for food and survival are fair.

dont forget weapons. I killed a guy for a M16 because I had a dam winchester.

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Every kill in DayZ is fair.
There's no such thing as abuse.
Hackers have nothing to do with this, obviously that's game abuse.
Make up your mind. Hackers cause most deaths in DayZ.
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