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Ozelot (DayZ)

What is the point to DayZ, if not to kill players?

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REBUILD society

Why rebuild something that obviously collapsed in the first place?

Maybe all the humans need to die and the Zeds inherit the earth?

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lol OP I made a post like this saying how everything you can do in this game is ultimately related to PvP, and then some bronie carebears came in and told me I was retarded.

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Well I for one after collecting enough gear am going to organise various in game events, you know emergent gameplay? I think solidifying the community and introducing noobs to the finer points of the game will be more fun than shooting them with my Czz50 :)

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What is the point of DayZ, if not to kill all humans?

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Some people have this crazy idea that "helping others" is somehow its own reward. NEWS FLASH: Helping someone, more often than not, will get you killed. Give a guy a gun, and what's he going to do? Shoot you in the head for being stupid enough to give him a gun.

Not sure why so many people complain about the player killing. Honestly it's one of the better aspects of the game.

I love it when people say stuff like this. Is that how you feel in real life?

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lol OP I made a post like this saying how everything you can do in this game is ultimately related to PvP, and then some bronie carebears came in and told me I was retarded.

Says the guy who likely dupe's with his tent and server hops, the only reason you guys are all bored and PVP is all thats left is because you exploit the game. Try playing without dupeing, without ventrilo/teamspeak, without server hopping, without useing an online map to find all the good loot spots, playing on a veteran server, etc. I promise you getting to your "end game" won't be nearly as easy. I can't wait to see when tents/ammo is fixed and you guys actually have to play the game like the "carebears".

Edited by neo2157
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Why rebuild something that obviously collapsed in the first place?

Maybe all the humans need to die and the Zeds inherit the earth?

cause thats what I on doing and nothing will make me change my mind short of rocket personally telling me to leave the mod.

edit: Or bans me from the hive.

Edited by Orthus

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In real life I'm educated in philosophy with a strong background in the philosophy of morality and ethics. And at this early point post-apocalypse, I'd have to argue that we are acting appropriately. We must remember that Day Z infinitely represents like.. the day after. It's more of a Valhalla than a simulation in that we don't get to fix everything and rebuild or we'd be playing a different game lol

We're here to bug out at the zombie apocalypse. The priority of survival has deeply relativized our sense of morality and with the structures of society completely destroyed and with organizing forces yet to gather and form... we are living as animals in a pre-societal state. Hobbes, Rousseau and Locke all referred to it as the state of nature, which inspired us to organize for protection from eachother and the wilds.

I expect that later on players will form groups that watch cities and shoot anyone openly carrying a weapon on sight, in order to guard it for the citizens. But complex organization will come in the standalone or at the end of testing. This is a bit too early.

Edited by WisdomSnork
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While this game does need player killing, players don't need to kill to have fun. I'm not going to tell anyone what they should or shouldn't do. I personally find that this game is about the experiences, especially with other players. Whether those experiences involve working together, killing everyone you see, lending a helping hand, or having a mexican standoff with a group of people. You need to find what you enjoy and pursue it as best you can. Personally, I find not shooting people to be the most rewarding experience by far, because so many different things can happen.

I think the bravest people who play this game are the real bandits who attempt to rob or kidnap other players. They're prepared to fail and get gunned down, but the emergent gameplay experiences just have so much potential with that playstyle that the few times they succeed are pretty awesome for both themselves and their victims.

I was kidnapped once, earlier in the game before killing on sight became so common. It's probably one of my favorite moments in gaming thus far. There I am, with a crossbow killing zombies to get some loot out of a barn, when this van just rolls up behind me. I didn't quite know what to do, and then four guys jumped out with a mixture of enfields and military weapons. They shout at me over direct coms to lower my weapon and lay down on the ground, and I do so because this has been one of my best lives so far. They walk up around me, the man with the M1014 constantly pointing that terrifying shotgun at my head as the others sift through my pack. Once they've taken anything they found useful, they tell me to get in the van. I expected to just be shot, so I counted myself lucky here and climbed in the back seat. The others piled in with me and they drove up to the Vybor airfield, where they made me get out and walk on point ahead of them into the zombie infested area. They made me quietly kill the zombies with my crossbow while the man with the enfield kept his barrel ever pointed at my chest. Once the path to the barracks was cleared, two of them went in and looted it while the others stood watch, one of whom kept an eye on me as I was ordered to lay face-down in the dirt until they were ready to make me clear to the other buildings. This was my first time on the airfield and I was terrified, but I did as they said and I lived. I was forced to help them loot the entire area before they were finally done with me. They took me back to the van, and after driving for a few minutes (I had no map at the time and no ARMA II experience so I was completely lost) they told me to get out of the van, where they gave me one soda and one can of food and drove off.

In my opinion, creating experiences like that should be everyone's goal. Whether you do it through banditry, cooperation, or as a rescue medic, you should do your best to create some of the most fun and interesting situations in gaming. While you can't do much real banditry any more until the disconnection issues are fixed, I'd love to see the return of real highwaymen and criminals, and less of the serial killers we see today.

Just my two cents, I haven't read most of the thread or anything.

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It's what you make of it, really. If your imagination doesn't bring you further than 'kill players', then fine, be that way.

Personally, I try to make contact with people, help them. I -try- to be the good guy. Not always easy, but that's what makes the challenge for me.

Killing players, strangely enough, is also part of my challenge. I mainly try to find bandits, put a bullet between their brains.

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I love it when people say stuff like this. Is that how you feel in real life?

I love when people say stuff like this.


You also have NO IDEA how you would react in a situation like this. None of you have seen your friends ripped apart and eaten alive by zombies. Fucked up situations do fucked up things to peoples minds.

And unless you know someone who has been through a real zombie apocalypse, you do not have a "professional" to consult on the matter.

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Killing other players hasn't really crossed my mind yet. So far the point of DayZ for me has been to kill as many zombies as I can since that is my personal "score". And to find a bike.

...I really want a bike.

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Killing other players hasn't really crossed my mind yet. So far the point of DayZ for me has been to kill as many zombies as I can since that is my personal "score". And to find a bike.

...I really want a bike.

If I ever die without losing my bike, you can have it. It's a magical medical wonderbike that repairs itself every single time it breaks (no idea how) and can travel at the extreme speeds required to reach patients in time. I've often gotten it over 100km/hr!

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Laughing my arse off here that no one has suggested what I do.

When I have all the kit i need I head out and play a game of shoot the zombies.

It a hard job but someone has to keep their numbers down.

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No one will ever dictate to me how I should enjoy MY game/

Rocket already does. He does so by what he adds and takes away from the game. If he adds blood packs that only help when administered by other players, he makes coop a better solution for surviving. If he adds cannibalism he makes KOS a better solution for surviving.

You simply react to his whims like a pawn, and you don't even know it.

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You can play however you want, but please...

stop bitching every time you die to a player, and then trying to come up with a way to "make the world a peaceful place for evewy one!!"

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Rocket already does. He does so by what he adds and takes away from the game. If he adds blood packs that only help when administered by other players, he makes coop a better solution for surviving. If he adds cannibalism he makes KOS a better solution for surviving.

You simply react to his whims like a pawn, and you don't even know it.

No he doesn't. He doesn't dictate whether I feel like murdering that hapless bush wookie or if I want to help mr pink get some beans. I play MY game how I want. Nothing more to it.

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(...) Personally, I find not shooting people to be the most rewarding experience by far, because so many different things can happen.

I think the bravest people who play this game are the real bandits who attempt to rob or kidnap other players. They're prepared to fail and get gunned down, but the emergent gameplay experiences just have so much potential with that playstyle that the few times they succeed are pretty awesome for both themselves and their victims.

I was kidnapped once, earlier in the game before killing on sight became so common. It's probably one of my favorite moments in gaming thus far. (...)

In my opinion, creating experiences like that should be everyone's goal.

Haleluyah! :beans: :beans: :beans: :beans: :beans:

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To those of you who whine about too much PK, I have one question: What point do you see to the game if not PvP in the long run?

Is it simply to survive the longest time possible? If so, that is extremely easy: Just get a few tools, go to some corner of the map where no one ever goes. Now wait patiently for your hunger and thirst meters to slowly dwindle and refill them by hunting and refilling water bottles. Wow, so much fun, right?

Is it collect incredibly rare weapons and equipment? Why? So you can waste the ammo on zombies? Watch as another simply respawns to take it's place. And honestly, if all you want to do is kill zombies, then camping in a barn with a Lee Enfield is all you have to do. You don't need fancy gear to kill zombies.

So, really. What is the point to this game if NOT to hunt players in the long run?

You don't get it either. No one ever said that banditry wasn't supposed to be a part of the game, they are and were also supposed to be a big part of the mod from the start. (Rocket must have wanted it to be, just look at the front page of the website.)

Killing other players is a big thing, the problem now is that EVERYTHING is revolving around killing other players, seeing as that is the mentality other games bring upon players, and then they just see this mod as another FPS. I think i get your point OP, but you have to remember that the ones that don't hunt other players usually spends time trying not to get hunted. Besides, you can't just hide in a corner of the map. The best hiding place is actually in the middle. You won't find camps of bandits there atleast.

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Will you and everyone stop with trying to tell people how to play their game, how it's meant to be played, what should be done, what you think the point is, why people should do this and do that and how this is bullshit and that is unfair and whatever other bollocks people want to try and decide for others? Sure, you're asking what the point is, but at the same time, trying to debate that there isn't one other than to hunt players.

The point of this game is what THAT PERSON MAKES IT.

It's a SANDBOX game, sandbox games you need to make your own enjoyment. If someone want's to kill on sight, that's up to them, if someone wants to survive and stay out the way, that's up to them, if someone wants to go exploring, see how long they can live, horde a ton of vehicles, get the best equipment or whatever the fuck else - THAT'S UP TO THEM. As long as THEIR the ones having fun with THEIR game, give a fuck what anyone else thinks.

So in short: The point is what ever you want the point to be.

No one will ever dictate to me how I should enjoy MY game/

This guy is right ^

The point of DayZ is up to you, no-one else. Although it would serve you well to know when and when not to kill someone. It will save your life. THAT is survival.

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While this game does need player killing, players don't need to kill to have fun. I'm not going to tell anyone what they should or shouldn't do. I personally find that this game is about the experiences, especially with other players. Whether those experiences involve working together, killing everyone you see, lending a helping hand, or having a mexican standoff with a group of people. You need to find what you enjoy and pursue it as best you can. Personally, I find not shooting people to be the most rewarding experience by far, because so many different things can happen.

I think the bravest people who play this game are the real bandits who attempt to rob or kidnap other players. They're prepared to fail and get gunned down, but the emergent gameplay experiences just have so much potential with that playstyle that the few times they succeed are pretty awesome for both themselves and their victims.

I was kidnapped once, earlier in the game before killing on sight became so common. It's probably one of my favorite moments in gaming thus far. There I am, with a crossbow killing zombies to get some loot out of a barn, when this van just rolls up behind me. I didn't quite know what to do, and then four guys jumped out with a mixture of enfields and military weapons. They shout at me over direct coms to lower my weapon and lay down on the ground, and I do so because this has been one of my best lives so far. They walk up around me, the man with the M1014 constantly pointing that terrifying shotgun at my head as the others sift through my pack. Once they've taken anything they found useful, they tell me to get in the van. I expected to just be shot, so I counted myself lucky here and climbed in the back seat. The others piled in with me and they drove up to the Vybor airfield, where they made me get out and walk on point ahead of them into the zombie infested area. They made me quietly kill the zombies with my crossbow while the man with the enfield kept his barrel ever pointed at my chest. Once the path to the barracks was cleared, two of them went in and looted it while the others stood watch, one of whom kept an eye on me as I was ordered to lay face-down in the dirt until they were ready to make me clear to the other buildings. This was my first time on the airfield and I was terrified, but I did as they said and I lived. I was forced to help them loot the entire area before they were finally done with me. They took me back to the van, and after driving for a few minutes (I had no map at the time and no ARMA II experience so I was completely lost) they told me to get out of the van, where they gave me one soda and one can of food and drove off.

In my opinion, creating experiences like that should be everyone's goal. Whether you do it through banditry, cooperation, or as a rescue medic, you should do your best to create some of the most fun and interesting situations in gaming. While you can't do much real banditry any more until the disconnection issues are fixed, I'd love to see the return of real highwaymen and criminals, and less of the serial killers we see today.

Just my two cents, I haven't read most of the thread or anything.

Its a shame most people who play games that give them freedom arn't creative like this and usually can't think past exploit,loot,kill.

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If I ever die without losing my bike, you can have it. It's a magical medical wonderbike that repairs itself every single time it breaks (no idea how) and can travel at the extreme speeds required to reach patients in time. I've often gotten it over 100km/hr!

If it has a little bell on it as well, then you are so freakin' lucky.

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I tend to play the game in three stages

STAGE ONE (FEAR) - from fresh spawn to crappy gun/canned food

This stage is all about scrounging up enough stuff so that zombies are no longer a major threat to you, and keeping off the equipped players' radar. I usually don't even bother with looking at a map or planning out deer stand routes. It's a lot more satisfying to me to creep around in whatever cities and villages I run into on my way inland from the spawn. Zombies will be the biggest enemy at this point since a lot of people (definitely not all, lol) will not outright murder you if you have no weapon/crappy pack. I think that in this stage people are a lot more likely to team up with others because they simply will lose less time if they are killed. A half hour of scavenging should net you some food and cokes as well as a shitty weapon like the enfield or a crossbow.

STAGE TWO (SURVIVAL) - from crappy gun to survivalist

This stage is marked as the turning point between being helpless zombie bait and a hardened survivor. By this point I'm usually well inland and have a decent rifle, pack, and can cook my own meat to heal. Hitting up supermarkets, barns, and fire houses are the main targets as well as gathering up the neccessities like map, matches, compass, and knife. The smaller cities inland are usually deserted but occasionally I will run across other players in the second stage (filling out the holes in their kits) and these meetings are always tense and usually bloody. The idea is to be able to survive without having to risk everything by running into a city (although there's not much fun in just camping alone in the woods). Survival is still not guaranteed but you begin to feel a lot more confident and the main enemy begins to be other players instead of zombies. The end of this stage is usually marked by raiding stary or lucking upon a heli crash, and having a few morphine is a must. You're beginning to become attached to the character because you've put some time in and you have something to lose. I find this the most tense stage.

STAGE THREE (THE HUNT) - from survivalist to fresh spawn

This stage can go a few different ways. If I'm not completely happy with the gun I have, or if I'm feeling tough I can go to the airfied and look for trouble. If I've found a tent I can try to set it up near some place that gets a lot of traffic (It's not any fun to shoot stage one players but stage two and stage three are a legitimate danger) and make a few hunting/gathering runs to prepare for death. If I feel like my kit is ok I will generally head to places where stage two players will be and look for trouble. The main idea of this stage is that you have all the gear you need and the ability to survive if you can get away from your enemy. The only thing that threatens you now is other players and getting stuck with a large pack of zombies on you. Any interaction with others will no doubt be bloody because they either covet your equipment, or think you covet theirs. I find this stage to be less exciting than stage two and usually start purposely looking for others (as opposed to hiding) because there are no other threats. When death finally comes, you get booted back to stage one and get to relive the tension.

In mmo terms, Stage 1 feels like levels 1-30 (noob leveling). Stage 2 is kinda like 31-50 (getting tougher and better at your job). Stage 3 is pretty much max level stuff. Now that you're powerful, what do you want to do with it? Hunt down those slightly less powerful, but still a challenge to you.

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DayZ = Zombie Apocalypse Survival simulator

How it's played = Kit up and PVP other Survivors, essentially DM

This is why I haven't played in almost a week after playing it daily for a month. DayZ currently just doesn't live up to the hype. I'll keep my eye on it for new developments/features, but if it stays in this state, I won't be back.

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