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OldFox (DayZ)

Banned from Eu8 for russian language

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1. Because a small percentage of the admins will abuse those decisions.

How do you abuse a language selection? All an admin gets to decide is the language: "This server is multilingual" or "This server is language A and language B"

2. We loose control of one area... slippery slope.

You're not losing power' date=' you're simply choosing not to needlessly exert it.

Last, and most importantly:

3. Because I have personal thoughts on the issue (that may be right or wrong) and I can't in good conscience abandon those where I have the chance to do something I believe is right.

But doesn't the forum have a Russian section? Couldn't people just post in Russian or whatever language they want on the English forum? If we don't understand it, we can just ignore it. It'll be even easier here than in the game, cause you can scroll up and down as you please and there's plenty of time to do so because you aren't being chased by zombies. You can even let Google translate the foreign language, a luxury you don't have in game.

I think there is something wrong with abandoning your own judgement just because it is easier.
Nobody's asking you to abandon your judgment, but to reconsider it, because forcing people against their will to play with people they can't understand isn't helping anyone. All it does is cause racism and frustration. The very thing you're trying to counter I assume.

There's nothing racist about letting people choose whether they want to play with people they understand. I assume you buy books, movies, engage in conversations, socialize, debate etc. in a - or translated to - language you understand. Not because you're racist, but because you have an interest in knowing what's going on. That goes for players as well. Some are loners and don't care about language and some are social and sees the game as a place to hang out and socialize.

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There's nothing racist about letting people choose whether they want to play with people they understand. I assume you buy books' date=' movies, engage in conversations, socialize, debate etc. in a - or translated to - language you understand. Not because you're racist, but because you have an interest in knowing what's going on. That goes for players as well. Some are loners and don't care about language and some are social and sees the game as a place to hang out and socialize.


"I assume you buy books ... in a language you understand."

Let's roll with that.

The DayZ servers aren't the books, they're the book store.

These bookstores trade under the DayZ Books 'n' Magazines brand.

As long as those bookstores want to trade their books under the DayZ Books 'n' Magazines brand, they need to carry the sections and selections the parent brand wants them to carry.

DayZ Books 'n' Magazines Corporate HQ mandates that the managers of the bookstore set aside areas for Russian, Swedish, French, and Afrikaans books, and make welcome any readers of those books.

Now, if YOU don't like that DayZ Books 'n' Magazines carries those kinds of magazines, you're free to patronize other chains or independent outlets. That's a thing you can do.

And if you as a manager (our little analogue to the server host) don't like that DayZ Books 'n' Magazines Corporate HQ makes you carry those, you're free to sever your license with DayZ Books 'n' Magazines brand.

In turn, understand that this means the loss of access to corporate HQ's databases and the loss of support for store upgrades.

It's that simple. If you as a server host want continued access to DayZ SQL servers and DayZ updates, you will abide by the contract that will give you access to that. If you don't like that contract, you don't get to keep all the perks with none of the downsides. You sever the agreement, and with the cons so go the pros.

If you as a player don't want to be exposed to the Russian (or any other) language for any reason, and find that playing DayZ is detrimental to that, then you are forced to make a choice: Which of those two scenarios has positive aspects that sufficiently outweigh the negatives.

You don't get to have your cake and eat it, too.

There's places where the rules legitimately need to be beefed up. For example, as an admin, I ban players who attempt to impersonate admins. I don't mean the guys who haven't changed their default profile name from "Admin" and log on to the server, I mean the guys who actually attempt to announce server restarts or claim they're going to enforce bans when they're in no position to do so.

I do this because it a) causes chaos among other players and b) poses a potential security risk.

There's no rule about this per se, but I choose to do it anyway, regardless of the rules. If called on it, I would argue it falls under the "disruptive chat" general guidelines towards server administration, as it is using in-game chat to deprive other players of their play experience, that this would otherwise require legitimate disambiguation as to whether it is, and that I was forced to make a judgment call as to what constitutes disrupting/harassing/abusing other players, and that I have legitimate and logical reasons for believing that that does, in fact, constitute such a thing.

As for the unilingual-only language policy, not only is any such policy wholly illogical and without any merit towards either a) player experience or b) server security, but further more the agreement between the devs and the hosts is explicitly clear that access to updates and the SQL whitelist is contingent upon adhering to this agreement.

The situations are as different as night and day.

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There's nothing illogical about players being able to understand the language spoken on a server.

If the game had chat windows for different languages and I could close the ones I don't understand, there wouldn't be a problem. However, there's only one window and all languages go into it. Once one side starts to dominate the chat, the other starts to ignore it -- as you can read in this thread -- effectively rendering it useless to the non-dominant half.

What is so harmful about letting people join a server where they understand the language?

And as for my movies, books etc. example above, the game isn't a bookstore, it's the book, the little nugget of entertainment you indulge yourself in. If anything, the Arma 2 lobby is the book store and the only books that aren't allowed to be translated and localized are the DayZ books. They have to remain 50% incomprehensible to the readers or someone will shout racism.

How a basic human desire like being able to follow a conversation can be translated to racism is utterly beyond me.

This whole thing is upside down. Players don't fail to understand Russian because they're frustrated or racist, they become frustrated because they don't understand Russian. This frustration is often expressed through intolerance and racism and ultimately a server policy that was meant as a way to fight racism, instead feeds it.

I know you want us all to get along, Rocket and I find it admirable, but you can't expect people to socialize with people they don't understand when their only means of communication is a chat, so why force them? Why not give people the option to play and socialize with people for whom that is actually possible?

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There's nothing illogical about players being able to understand the language spoken on a server.

If the game had chat windows for different languages and I could close the ones I don't understand' date=' there wouldn't be a problem. However, there's only one window and all languages go into it. Once one side starts to dominate the chat, the other starts to ignore it -- as you can read in this thread -- effectively rendering it useless to the non-dominant half.[/quote']

See, this is precisely why it's illogical. Your argument posits the following:

P1. Chat dominated by a majority language will suppress the minority language.

P2. Suppression of the minority language will cause minority-language speakers not to use the chat.

The problem here is that in areas where you would want eg. English-only chat to cater to a demographic that is majority Anglophone, we see that your very argument demonstrates this to be a non-problem. Even if we accept your argument as true on its merits, let us continue with the premises to find that the conclusion does not support language-limits on servers:

P1. Chat dominated by a majority language will suppress the minority language.

P2. Suppression of the minority language will cause minority-language speakers not to use the chat.

P3. In regions that will organically attract Anglophones due to incentives like lower pings, anglophones will become the majority client demographic.

P4. The anglophones will naturally and organically suppress any non-anglophone chat use regardless.

C. ∴ Any attempt to create a system which artificially does what is naturally being done is an inefficient redundancy that accomplishes nothing, wastes everybody's time, and sends an message, intended or not, that bigotry or prejudice based on one's language skills is acceptable.

Zero gains for something that is inefficient, useless, and offensive. I don't see parsimony or elegance or reason or logic in that at all.

And as for my movies' date=' books etc. example above, the game isn't a bookstore, it's the book, the little nugget of entertainment you indulge yourself in. If anything, the Arma 2 lobby is the book store and the only books that aren't allowed to be translated and localized are the DayZ books. They have to remain 50% incomprehensible to the readers or someone will shout racism.


The proper analogy goes like this:

Brand control and back-end support: Corporate HQ/DayZ Dev Team

Franchise: Bookstore/Server

Goods and services: Books/Play experience

Patrons: Customers/Players

The brand control requires the franchise to carry a specific type of good or service. If the patrons dislike any or all of the goods or services, included services which are required to be provided by those who control the brand, then they may weigh their options as to whether the positives outweigh the negatives, and either elect to continue patronizing the franchise, or go elsewhere.

Similarly, if those who control the franchise dislike the rules under which they benefit from the brand's name value, then they may examine their options and elect to sever their ties at the cost of the back-end support, or continue to swallow regulations they may personally dislike to continue to have access to the benefits accepting that provides.

That's just the way it is.

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I dont understand what you want to achieve in some parts of what you say here Mojo. This isnt a discussion of anarchy and going against the staff of DayZ. All we try to do is having a discussion about this "issue" and clearly both me and Rocket agrees in this being a discussion about an important topic.

If we want to work against them you wouldn't see us in this thread at all, we would just be out there on our servers doing whatever we wanted until Rocket or some other admin caught us doing it.

We do totally respect and understand the rules, but in a case like this its just pathetic not to say what you want as nothing like this project becomes great without the help from all the people out there.

I dont want to force this on Rocket either, we just brought it up and are fighting for what we think.

If this wasnt what you meant with what you wrote, then Im truly sorry and you can look aside from what I just wrote.

Back to what the discussion is about:

The problem here with you logic is that you think we want every people on earth to speak english. That is not the case at all, we want server admins to have the ability to choose what main language there is on a server.

In a perfect world I would be happy to see some swedish servers, some russian servers, some multilingual server, some english servers etc. etc.

This isnt the biggest of all problems right now, but if the mod goes big in the future I think its common sense to let servers have different rules regarding the preferred language.

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I don't mind if I visit a server and I see people speaking Russian. It's their native language and you shouldn't get pissed off when you see people speaking the language they were born into. Do I understand Russian? No. But I don't rag on people for speaking it.

My home server is RU11 so pretty much everyone else is speaking a different language. I think it's pretty immersive as I feel I am a foreigner, surrounded by writing and speech I cannot comprehend, making interaction between me and the locals uneasy, but not impossible.

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I don't mind if I visit a server and I see people speaking Russian. It's their native language and you shouldn't get pissed off when you see people speaking the language they were born into. Do I understand Russian? No. But I don't rag on people for speaking it.

My home server is RU11 so pretty much everyone else is speaking a different language. I think it's pretty immersive as I feel I am a foreigner' date=' surrounded by writing and speech I cannot comprehend, making interaction between me and the locals uneasy, but not impossible.


I dont think this is wrong, not at all. I think it can be fun to play on these servers aswell (As I do now). But this is from the server admins point of view, I dont want to administrate a server that is Multilingual as I dont speak and understand all languages there is out there. And as an Admin of a server I think its of great importance that I understand what said in the chat.

And why cant there be both servers with a specific language that is preferred and multilingual servers? This must be the best solution for all parts right?

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How would you feel if I come to this forum with my gang of Finnish people and talk only to eachother. How would the non Finnish mods moderate us if they cannot know what we're talking about? We could be talking anything from how our day was to sharing passwords to child porn sites.

If you're going to play on an international server or join international forum you are going to try to speak the language others are speaking or shut up and find another place.

These admins are paying ridiculous amounts of money to keep the server up and running, they should have the ability to run their server as they please. If you don't like it there's always other servers to play on. It's not like their server is the only one available.

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How would you feel if I come to this forum with my gang of Finnish people and talk only to eachother. How would the non Finnish mods moderate us if they cannot know what we're talking about? We could be talking anything from how our day was to sharing passwords to child porn sites.

If you're going to play on an international server or join international forum you are going to try to speak the language others are speaking or shut up and find another place.

This was a kinda hard way to say it perhaps, but its mainly what Im trying to say about my lack of ability to moderate the server if I dont understand whats said in the chat.

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Rules are standardized across all servers to reduce the overhead of managing and checking adherence to rules. For at least the foreseeable future, this will not change. There is no "best party" solution because the whole project is in growth-crisis mode, simply coping with the influx of players.

Not only is catering to specific requirements of individuals or individual communities not within the scope of the project, nor part of it's intent, but it also requires differentiation in rules and "special case" scenarios.

When you donate use of your server to the DayZ Project - you are joining the network as a clone node. You will be the same as all other servers. There is some variation, in terms of level of difficulty, at the moment but this will not be the case for future iterations. Eventually, everything will be locked down so that all users share the same experience across all servers.

Again, to reiterate. Joining the DayZ network you are joining as a clone. Not as a node that can be customized. Our aim is to standardize everything, so that you can get essentially a "McDonalds" experience from all the servers.

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Rules are standardized across all servers to reduce the overhead of managing and checking adherence to rules. For at least the foreseeable future' date=' this will not change. There is no "best party" solution because the whole project is in growth-crisis mode, simply coping with the influx of players.

Not only is catering to specific requirements of individuals or individual communities not within the scope of the project, nor part of it's intent, but it also requires differentiation in rules and "special case" scenarios.

When you donate use of your server to the DayZ Project - you are joining the network as a clone node. You will be the same as all other servers. There is some variation, in terms of level of difficulty, at the moment but this will not be the case for future iterations. Eventually, everything will be locked down so that all users share the same experience across all servers.

Again, to reiterate. Joining the DayZ network you are joining as a clone. Not as a node that can be customized. Our aim is to standardize everything, so that you can get essentially a "McDonalds" experience from all the servers.

[/quote'] wait, so there will be obese people and spit in my beans soon?

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Rules are standardized across all servers to reduce the overhead of managing and checking adherence to rules. For at least the foreseeable future' date=' this will not change. There is no "best party" solution because the whole project is in growth-crisis mode, simply coping with the influx of players.

Not only is catering to specific requirements of individuals or individual communities not within the scope of the project, nor part of it's intent, but it also requires differentiation in rules and "special case" scenarios.

When you donate use of your server to the DayZ Project - you are joining the network as a clone node. You will be the same as all other servers. There is some variation, in terms of level of difficulty, at the moment but this will not be the case for future iterations. Eventually, everything will be locked down so that all users share the same experience across all servers.

Again, to reiterate. Joining the DayZ network you are joining as a clone. Not as a node that can be customized. Our aim is to standardize everything, so that you can get essentially a "McDonalds" experience from all the servers.


Again then :) If this is what you want to achieve with the mod Ill be rest my case (again). Just wanted to let you know what I think. But please dont stand there knocking on my door when things are happening on my server that I cant understand because of language barriers. Thats all I wanted with this, to have a little bit of control of what was said and not in the chat. But if this is the way to go, I dont think there can be any rules that server admins need control over their server either in terms of whats said in the chat.

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Again' date=' to reiterate. Joining the DayZ network you are joining as a clone. Not as a node that can be customized. Our aim is to standardize everything, so that you can get essentially a "McDonalds" experience from all the servers.


I understand what you are going for. I still think Admins should have the right to set a language to their server + ENGLISH. English is not my native language, but its the one most people understand. Im no admin, so dont give no value to what im spitting out of my mouth. But one guy had a good point, as he has no idea what the non-english players are up to in the chat and that cant be good.

And about the macdonalds. Ive walkined in those places in quite different countries and, yes. They are like clones. Accept that they all service in their local language + English. And fyi McDonalds in India dont serve big mac made of beef! ;)

Do as you see most fit. I think if servers could choose a language, it would only be a good thing as long as english is OK on every server.

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Hello everyone. I'm new here' date=' and I'm Russian. So, sorry for my bad english.

I'm very concerned about this situation in DayZ, because I think that problem is more serious due that this mod evokes a lot of emotions during the game. It is hard to believe anyone in this cruel zombie-world and cooperate with other survivors. On the one hand, national differences add more problems to deal with it, and on the other hand, it makes game more realistic. You don't play only role of friendly/neutral/rogue survivor, also you can collect your group by national/age/trust or any other sign.

Sorry for rude and impolite behavior of my compatriots.

Many of them not tolerate foreign languages or even foreigners, while playing on russian servers or even foreign servers. But not all of us are doing so.

I have theory, that great part of them are just teens. I suppose in western countries most kids play with console, in Russia last common console was first Play Station. So, they bring their idiocy and a children's perfectionism in Internet and PC mmo-games.

Actualy, russian community have experienced example of unpleasant raid of organized group of kids from nowadays disappeared image-board 2ch to online game FOnline. They took best equipment and guns, and start killing all players and NPCs in-sight. But over time, they quarreled with each other and dissappeared. In DayZ I have heard that someone used slang from that game, please be alerted if someone write in chat this massage: "Суть пустошей", these players could probably be unpredictable and dangerous.

The only well-working solution of this issue I see, if server-owners will establish language-policy on their servers and have staff of moderators online. This way is difficult, lead to more dispute among offended players, but only enough effective that I know.

Otherwise, we can rely only on our politeness. But prepare to continue hear cheers: "Yankee go home!".

Thank you for attention. I'm ready to answer any question about this situation, if I could.


Hey SnowJump!

Glad to hear someone from the other side showing some compassion. I agree that not all from anywhere are the same as what we end up seeing online. It only takes 1 bad apple to spoil the bunch, is a popular phrase over here. Its true.

About that phrase you mentioned: Суть пустошей In google it translates to 'the essence of the wasteland', at least roughly it does.. Why are these people dangerous?

Anyway, perhaps we will meet up on a server. :)

Tokae, this is not a Russian problem, its a problem with every language that you can't as an admin speak. There is no worse or better with this really. It's just a problem on how to enforce the rules, when you don't know what people are saying.

And you should be Russian and proud man. No need to excuse yourself for countrymen that misbehave. We all have them, despite nationality.

Regards from Sweden

Also, this is a pretty fucking awsome thread and a good discussion.

Respect to all of you!

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Mojo, everything you write seems so far rooted from the real world. Nobody thinks bigotry just because a game, forum, tv network, etc. has localized entities. It's how the actual world works. Even this very forum has a separate section for Russian and I haven't heard a single person talk of racism.

I've never heard of a single developer that banned localized servers and yet I'm to believe that Rocket has to ban them to avoid being labeled a bigot? All your theories fall flat in the face of reality and you might as well try to prove that a bumblebee is too fat to fly.

Not talking to a person because he's black, Russian, Danish or whatever, that's bigotry. Not talking to a person because you don't understand a word he is saying, that's just the reality of our linguistic shortcomings.

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Mojo' date=' everything you write seems so far rooted from the real world. Nobody thinks bigotry just because a game, forum, tv network, etc. has localized entities. It's how the actual world works. Even this very forum has a separate section for Russian and I haven't heard a single person talk of racism.

I've never heard of a single developer that banned localized servers and yet I'm to believe that Rocket has to ban them to avoid being labeled a bigot? All your theories fall flat in the face of reality and you might as well try to prove that a bumblebee is too fat to fly.[/quote']

Tell you what, you go about proving that logically, and I'll acquiesce to the supremacy of your logic. I can make a lot of claims too (and I do), but I back them up with evidence.

Not talking to a person because he's black' date=' Russian, Danish or whatever, that's bigotry. Not talking to a person because you don't understand a word he is saying, that's just the reality of our linguistic shortcomings.


Where, in this thread, do you believe any person has suggested that server hosts force anglophones to attempt to have conversations with non-anglophones? Christ, you want to talk flying in the face of reality?

Here's a simple solution to not talking to Russians on a server when you don't speak Russian: Don't try to strike up a conversation with them. Bingo-bango, done.

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Here's a simple solution to not talking to Russians on a server when you don't speak Russian: Don't try to strike up a conversation with them. Bingo-bango' date=' done.


Thats just not what we are talking about here (Atleast not me), It cant be so hard to understand can it? I want this simply because of my lack of ability to moderate my server with all different languages. That all I ever wanted with this.

But I have clearly understood what Rocket wants now, and hopefully he understands that we cant do a jack shit to moderate any server when we dont understand whats said in the chat. I will still continue as an admin after this, but I truly hope the staff remembers this when Im sitting there with a whole lot of angry players and admins on my hands as I didnt understand what was said in the chat.

And for me to feel like a 100% good administrator I have to understand the chat and be able to control it. The lack of ability to communicate with them on a moderation view is horrible as it will flood these forums with bans for things that could have been solved with a language specific servers.

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Thats just not what we are talking about here (Atleast not me)' date=' It cant be so hard to understand can it? I want this simply because of my lack of ability to moderate my server with all different languages. That all I ever wanted with this.


Well you could always look at the post I was quoting, the quote that had the author's name and the date he made it in it, and then read what I was replying to. I was replying to JayRoe, not you. That's why the quotes I'm replying to have his name on them and the like.

You aren't the only person participating in this thread. So you make one argument, and then another person makes a completely separate argument, I respond to the second argument, and then you come in hectoring me that that's not what you're talking about. Are you people trying to give me a stroke?

Now, look at it like this. Look at this evidence we have right here: We can't even communicate with each other in plain English, what fucking difference does it make if we throw Russian into the mix?

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Prove what logically? That I've never heard of a single developer that banned localized servers? That this forum has a Russian section? That nobody thinks localized entities are racist?

The latter is an hyperbole along the lines of "everyone loves ice cream." We have localized Mac Donald's; Google offers a localized version of their site, so does Facebook; imported goods often come with localized manuals; some of our tv networks have localized channels where the local news are just that, local; foreign movies come with Danish subtitles and cartoons often come with multiple audio tracks so we can select whether we prefer Danish or English audio. Everything here is localized and not once in my entire life have I heard anyone say that being able to select a language on a DVD is racist. This language confusion is pure poppycock.

And I never said that anyone has forced anglophones to have a conversation with non-anglophones.

Lastly, if some Russians prefer a Russian speaking server and some anglophones prefer an English server, what is the purpose of forcing these two groups together? It's like I'm supposed to be ashamed by the fact that I appreciate being able to understand and be understood what goes on around me.

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And I never said that anyone has forced anglophones to have a conversation with non-anglophones.

Oh' date=' pants on fire!

Not talking to a person because you don't understand a word he is saying, that's just the reality of our linguistic shortcomings.

This is a thread that has now evolved into discussing the merits of making servers unilingual vs. not making them unilingual. If you're going to bring up the argument about "not talking to a person because you don't understand a word he is saying", you're bringing it up under the banner of that discussion, under the topic of force.

The only way that statement makes any sense or has any place in the argument is if you're talking about people forcing you to converse with others.

Nobody is telling you to strike up a conversation with people you can't understand, and that entire line is completely not germane to whether or not server hosts should have the right to enforce unilingual server policies. I mean Jesus just don't talk to them.

Lastly' date=' if some Russians prefer a Russian speaking server and some anglophones prefer an English server, what is the purpose of forcing these two groups together? It's like I'm supposed to be ashamed by the fact that I appreciate being able to understand and be understood what goes on around me.


See? There you go with the "forcing" thing again. Nobody's forcing these two groups to come together. Nobody's saying that anglophones need to spend a certain amount of time with Russian players or vice versa, that's just patently absurd.

Not restricting one group's access != forcing two groups together. Period.

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Thanks, you also quoted that the first time and it's still a non-sequitur.

I was trying to underline the difference between bigotry and not being able to understand someone. That would have been obvious, had you not omitted the first half of the quote.

Let me reiterate. If you prefer to play with a group of people based on their color or nationality, then you're probably a bigot; if you prefer to play with a group of people because you speak their language, then you're probably just a social player.

I see Russian players ask if there are Russians on the respective servers all the time. They care about socializing too. Why do we all have to be so ridiculously ashamed of wanting to meet and hang out with people we can understand?

In the real world you have body language, handshakes, friendly gestures etc. to aid you when you don't understand someone, but in the game there's absolutely none of that. All you have is letters and thus there's absolutely nothing to gain by forcing people together.

And note I'm not saying anyone's forced to converse with someone they don't understand. I'm saying that players are forced to group with people they don't understand. More often than not, that leads to one half taking over the chat and the other half ignoring it, rendering it useless for one half to communicate anything.

This leads to increasing frustration and racist remarks on the servers and it doesn't even have to be that way. It's only going on because if we don't discriminate social players, it will look like we're discriminating against, what, Russians? I don't buy it.

By the way, the word "force" is contextual and in my posts the context is the game. If you want to play the game, you're forced to play on multilingual servers.

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my crazy hippie-commie-feminist arguments aside...

There is no room or scope for us to allow customization of servers. We're going to be creating a standardized server experience.

Maybe there will be in future, but now its just not going to happen. Even the current level of customization of servers is beyond what we will have. So you will have less of this, not more.

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I see Russian players ask if there are Russians on the respective servers all the time. They care about socializing too. Why do we all have to be so ridiculously ashamed of wanting to meet and hang out with people we can understand?

I just don't get this idea you're grasping at that having players who speak other languages on the server as some sort of impediment to grouping.

Is it your intention to group with the entire server? Are you playing on a server with 2 slots' date=' and are worried the other person is going to be a Russian?

Not all players are going to want to group with you or form groups with other players. Not sharing a common language is about one reason in a thousand I can come up with.

In the real world you have body language, handshakes, friendly gestures etc. to aid you when you don't understand someone, but in the game there's absolutely none of that. All you have is letters and thus there's absolutely nothing to gain by forcing people together.

So, again, seriously: Don't group with them, or even operate under the expectation that they would otherwise group with you if only you shared a common language.

And note I'm not saying anyone's forced to converse with someone they don't understand. I'm saying that players are forced to group with people they don't understand. More often than not' date=' that leads to one half taking over the chat and the other half ignoring it, rendering it useless for one half to communicate anything.


First, I highly doubt demographics break down to an even 50/50 split.

Second, no player is in that case actively barring the other group from using the chat. Them giving up on chatting is being done through their own volition. They can keep right on using it if they want.

Third, I've already addressed this very point, with you no less, about precisely why it makes it absolutely pointless to actively bar a language in chat. It's literally the most pointless solution to a "problem" I've ever heard in my life: We won't let you speak your minority language on this server because if we do the majority language speakers will just make you not use chat and then you won't feel like speaking your minority language. Problems actually solved: Zero.

By the way word "force" is contextual and in my posts the context is the game. If you want to play the game' date=' you're forced to play on multilingual servers.


Yeah, and? If you want to play the game you're also "forced" to buy ArmA 2 and Operation Arrowhead, or have somebody spend money on it to give it to you. You're "forced" to spend money on a computer to run it on and Internet connectivity for multiplayer.

Your use of force -- things you want requiring you to do things you may not want, but know in advance will be required -- is quite different from my use of force -- being deprived of free will. You still have free will, JayRoe. You can always decide if the cons outweigh the pros and choose not to play.

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Russians have no etiquette, basically talking in russian while EVERYONE ELSE (no matter if swedish, german, french, polish, spanish) speaks english is insulting by nature.

And even if the other nation guys say something in their languages, it's nowhere near as bad as the russians, which literally spam walls of cyrilic text, its just ridiculous, annoying, and makes you feel stupid (like someone talking behind your back or insulting you without even knowing, which actually happened once when some russian dude called every non-russian on the server "european cocksuckers" but had bad luck since some czech guy knew russian and translated it for us).

All in all, speak english or go to your own servers, and if you get a bullet in the head for talking in morse code, then don't even ask why.

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