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OldFox (DayZ)

Banned from Eu8 for russian language

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Let's settle down now and await the server admin/owner's response.

You Russians' date=' should think twice before talking that russian shit language(No Offence) in sidechat/global or group chat, its annoying as hell, When i join a US server, i expect the chat bee in english, not russian.


I have a better idea. Let them speak, and if the server admins don't like it? They can kindly tell them to stop, and that if they continue? Then they can kick them.

If it persists I can understand why they are banned.

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Legacy, I dislike the fact that you're not speaking German. So, please... Do not talk at all. D:

Obviously, this kind of behavior is rude and unnecessary. It's offensive to most people as well. The only situation where I think what you just now said could apply is if we had insults flying around. <-

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Let's settle down now and await the server admin/owner's response.

You Russians' date=' should think twice before talking that russian shit language(No Offence) in sidechat/global or group chat, its annoying as hell, When i join a US server, i expect the chat bee in english, not russian.


I have a better idea. Let them speak, and if the server admins don't like it? They can kindly tell them to stop, and that if they continue? Then they can kick them.

If it persists I can understand why they are banned.

I see where your going here. But its just gonna end up with I was kicked from this and that server, please blacklist it.

Anywho, at Chicago 9, we kindly told them to stop and they normaly did, else we would kick them, and see where that landed us? though we did primarly did shut our server down because we did not endorse the ruleset.

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if the servers rules say it's a English or whatever speaking server and u are typing away in another language u should be kicked with a warning, if u come back and do it's again u should be banned...

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So what if someone is speaking russian? If they are not talking to you then why do u care??

The server should be banned like now.

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Having people speak different languages adds to the immersion, if anything. Granted, having a server-wide chat is pretty immersion breaking in it's own but I don't see why it would affect the gameplay at all. You can't understand it anyway so why should it bother anyone?

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The term itself is derogatory' date=' for it assumes there are different races.


You are kidding, right? You do know of course that "race" is the term even biologists (and taxonomists, specifically) use to designate groups with different traits, one of which is physical appearance (among many many others). Are you seriously suggesting we should drop "race" from our vocabulary just because someone might be offended or hurt by the notion of being different?

Then we should also stop talking about tall or short or thin or muscular people, because in your world obviously these are derogatory terms.

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if the servers rules say it's a English or whatever speaking server and u are typing away in another language u should be kicked with a warning' date=' if u come back and do it's again u should be banned...


I personally think this is a load of crap.

Being that this mod is all about realism, AND it takes place in a ficticious Russian zone, where EVERY town and road sign is in Russian. It would be safe to say you will run into Russians from time to time. If these type of 'server rules' start to come into effect, I think its going to ruin the realism that this mod is based on. I would like to hear from the devs on this.

For the record I am Canadian, born and bred a mutt. I cannot for the life of me speak anything other than English and seeing foreign language text in ANY game doesn't bother me.

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You can´t expect, that all people are good in speaking english. I´m from Germany and able to speak english, not that good, but it works for me. I understand that everyone playing Dayz should write in english on the server, but making a rule of it is absolutly killing or splitting the community, it will not work. Will you lock foreigners from the server, because they never learned English?!

This thread is a shame, sorry to say that, this ignorance makes me puke.

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I understand that everyone playing Dayz should write in english on the server

Seeing this written by a non-anglophone in a thread seemingly revolving around an actual' date=' apparently-accepted philosophy of mass-shaming of non-anglophones only serves to make me ashamed to [i']be an anglophone.

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"I understand that everyone playing Dayz should write in english on the server, but making a rule of it is absolutly killing or splitting the community, it will not work."

THIS is the full sense!

I use english, because I´m able to, but i don´t expect from others.

I hope i said it right :(

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Got to thank the admin though. Way too many Russians spread out on other non-RU servers' date=' causing pure Russian havoc and a general pain in the ass. No foreign language or ban, pls.


I have issued Kuningas a 1 week ban from the forums.

There is nothing that I despise more in this world than racism. If people would travel a bit, they would see how similar we all are. Yes, not being able to understand creates some difficulties. But we should be tolerant, treat others as we want to be treated.

Ping blocks are fine, that is indiscriminate and based on performance. But can someone please explain what isn't entirely racist about that comment.

Regarding block/ban for language. I pretty much put racism on the same level as hacking. In fact, in many ways it is worse. I can kind of understand the reasons why someone would hack. But to dislike someone simply because you don't understand what they say, that makes no sense to me.

We don't really have a lot of rules, but this one is very strong. Please respect that rule and take it as an opportunity to learn a bit more about another culture and language.

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This is legitimately sad. It's in a fake RUSSIAN place, so maybe instead of forcing English upon the Russian users, since if it was real life, and we were all in Chernarus, wouldn't we be speaking Russian? So maybe us English-speakers should be learning Russian? People have no right to ban because someone is from another place, for speaking another language. That's like kicking someone out of a place, because they're talking to their friend in another language. There is no reason to enforce one language, because it doesn't matter, they're NOT talking to you.

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I applaud your stance regarding this topic Rocket. This truly is a world wide mod!

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Got to thank the admin though. Way too many Russians spread out on other non-RU servers' date=' causing pure Russian havoc and a general pain in the ass. No foreign language or ban, pls.


I have issued Kuningas a 1 week ban from the forums.

There is nothing that I despise more in this world than racism. If people would travel a bit, they would see how similar we all are. Yes, not being able to understand creates some difficulties. But we should be tolerant, treat others as we want to be treated.

Ping blocks are fine, that is indiscriminate and based on performance. But can someone please explain what isn't entirely racist about that comment.

Regarding block/ban for language. I pretty much put racism on the same level as hacking. In fact, in many ways it is worse. I can kind of understand the reasons why someone would hack. But to dislike someone simply because you don't understand what they say, that makes no sense to me.

We don't really have a lot of rules, but this one is very strong. Please respect that rule and take it as an opportunity to learn a bit more about another culture and language.

I quite agree with this, but I'd like to check with something.

With my server, I have the script enforcing ASCII characters, but that does discriminate the Russian language as opposed to other languages that use ASCII. It'd be great for the script to support all other languages, but at the moment, it can only block non-ASCII things.

But the good thing about it, is that it gives 3 warnings before "kicking" them. Hopefully they'll be able to understand English and be able to follow that rule.

It good or bad?

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This is legitimately sad. It's in a fake RUSSIAN place' date=' so maybe instead of forcing English upon the Russian users, since if it was real life, and we were all in Chernarus, wouldn't we be speaking Russian? So maybe us English-speakers should be learning Russian? [/quote']

I don't get this argument. I really don't.

The other day I was playing the first handful of Commandos:BEL missions with a friend. But they take place in Norway. Should we have been speaking Norwegian over voice chat? Or since I was controlling the Green Beret and he was controlling the Spy, I should've been speaking English while he should've used French?

Oh wait, it's a fake Russian place, so we should all speak fake Russian?

Should I speak Taurahe when playing World of WarCraft? Please...

I agree that banning people for this is rather extreme, but kicking, if it's constant and the server does announce it's English chat (or the reverse case, the server is Russian chat and people are speaking English) seems appropriate to me.

Why? because it's a great lack of respect to your fellow players.

When you join such a server, you're expected to chat in a certain language if you do chat; if only out of politeness, both to the other players sharing the same server, and to the admins who are paying for that server you're enjoying which they're paying out of their pockets and their goodwill, you should abide by those rules. If you do not know the language required of you, then simply don't speak unless specifically spoken to.

My 2 cents.

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And with my server' date=' I have the script enforcing ASCII characters, but that does discriminate the Russian language as opposed to other languages that use ASCII.


You're not running the script with the DayZ server though, right?

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And with my server' date=' I have the script enforcing ASCII characters, but that does discriminate the Russian language as opposed to other languages that use ASCII.


You're not running the script with the DayZ server though, right?

It's the B.E.C thing. I made a thread on it on the forum http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=5780

It just watches over BattlEye. If there's an issue with it, please say as there's a number of us Server Hosts who use it.


I had made that thread to double check if it was good to use ^^

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Yes, this is just ridicouless, if someone feels more comfortable speaking his own langue, then let them be. I just get mad when I see comments saying things like: Everyone should speak english, because I never took the time to learn/respect other langue's. Everyone that I cant understand needs to be banned because (insert stereotype). People dont get banned for speaking english in german, french, dutch, etc, servers, but that does not mean that english is the only langue allowed there.

And an other thing, the "russians are dirty dming asshats" stereotype. Imagine that you are a russian. You dont understand what all those people are talking about. Then suddenly you see a surviver, you see some strange letters saying friendly on side chat. You have no way to communicate and you shoot the guy, because what other choice do you have, there is no way to know his intentions because you dont speak his langue.

This was just an example, and I dont mean to say that russians dont speak english, I have encounterd a lot of friendly russians that speak english, most of them know enough to communicate with others. But in a life treatning situation the langue barier can be to big sometimes, and attempts to communicate can be misunderstood.

So imagine you are this russian again, you discover that there is an other russian on the server, offcourse you talk to him, because in your own langue you feel comfortable. Then suddenly you get banned, wouldnt you be frustrated? Do the other players expect you to not talk at all, dont they want you to have fun with people that understand you?

Why get mad at people speaking another langue, they are just people like you, wanting to communicate with friends in the langue they feel comfortable with. You dont walk up to foreigners irl to get mad at them and demand they speak your langue right?

Long story short, dont be a racist, respect other people.

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If someone were to kick players after the first warning that speak a different language, not only Russian but rather all languages that aren't English for example. Would that be okay or is that against the rules? This is not out of racism at all. I'm not even a native English speaker and would not like to see any of my mother tongue (Swedish) in the chat if i hosted one either. So it's all about keeping to one language for the server so those who play there know that they will understand each other. I'm totally 100% against racism but i do think servers should be able to warn then kick players that doesn't respect a simple rule like this. Is that okay or do you think that counts as racism as well? Just want to know in case i would want to host one. I do however respect the rules if this would be against them.

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And with my server' date=' I have the script enforcing ASCII characters, but that does discriminate the Russian language as opposed to other languages that use ASCII.


You're not running the script with the DayZ server though, right?

It's the B.E.C thing. I made a thread on it on the forum http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=5780

It just watches over BattlEye. If there's an issue with it, please say as there's a number of us Server Hosts who use it.


I had made that thread to double check if it was good to use ^^

Imagine you live somewhere they talk Derpish, people from Herpish come into your country and you need to learn Herpish instead of Derpish because the foreigners can't talk/write Derpish, even tough it's the country's native language.

Now that would be as silly as we learning Russian on US servers so we can communicate with Russians. I understand that Russian would be allowed on RU server, just like Dutch should be allowed on NL server.

I can't communicate with 75% of the Russians on the internet because they don't speak english or my native language Dutch and I don't speak Russian.

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Yes' date=' this is just ridicouless, if someone feels more comfortable speaking his own langue, then let them be. I just get mad when I see comments saying things like: Everyone should speak english, because I never took the time to learn/respect other langue's. Everyone that I cant understand needs to be banned because (insert stereotype). People dont get banned for speaking english in german, french, dutch, etc, servers, but that does not mean that english is the only langue allowed there.

And an other thing, the "russians are dirty dming asshats" stereotype. Imagine that you are a russian. You dont understand what all those people are talking about. Then suddenly you see a surviver, you see some strange letters saying friendly on side chat. You have no way to communicate and you shoot the guy, because what other choice do you have, there is no way to know his intentions because you dont speak his langue.

This was just an example, and I dont mean to say that russians dont speak english, I have encounterd a lot of friendly russians that speak english, most of them know enough to communicate with others. But in a life treatning situation the langue barier can be to big sometimes, and attempts to communicate can be misunderstood.

So imagine you are this russian again, you discover that there is an other russian on the server, offcourse you talk to him, because in your own langue you feel comfortable. Then suddenly you get banned, wouldnt you be frustrated? Do the other players expect you to not talk at all, dont they want you to have fun with people that understand you?

Why get mad at people speaking another langue, they are just people like you, wanting to communicate with friends in the langue they feel comfortable with. You dont walk up to foreigners irl to get mad at them and demand they speak your langue right?

Long story short, dont be a racist, respect other people.


I don't agree with Racism at all. There are some things with servers though where there is a rule to speak a specific language. I don't agree with people who kick/ban without numerous warnings. We all have our different languages and there's no reason we can get along and it doesn't matter where you're from. If we ever meet aliens, I'd be happy to play with them...

Fortunately, in the gaming world, there is often servers for different languages, but that doesn't mean that I'm not happy for different people to play on my server and I understand it's hard to learn a different language.

(Note, Direct Chat in any language doesn't matter at all, as it's basically a private chat)

But @Rocket, please advise on this and we can sort it

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Isn't racism against server policy set?

Define 'racism' please.

The term itself is derogatory' date=' for it assumes there are different races.

Language has nothing to do with racism. Especially not when we're talking about the global lingua franca. This is the 21st century, you shouldn't be on the internet if you don't want to use English. It's already a mandatory language in schools all over Europe.

If they don't want to speak English who the fuck cares. Ignore, you cannot ban someone because you're a racist cunt and oppose his language.

It has nothing to do with race, so get that racism BS out of your head. Racism is something serious and it pisses me of when people like you devalue it.

A ban with no warning wrong, unless it's something serious like hacking. Although I think that every admin should have the right to temp. ban someone that won't follow the server language rules.

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