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Seriously this is getting stupid.. Three hours and not a single weapon?

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Pfff, firts building i went in (elektro firestation) i found coyote pack, AK cobra with 3 clips, and a m19 with clips.

Next building I go in I find a ghuillie suite, matches, a map, a knife, a compass, a watch, etc etc.

You're just looking in the wrong places.

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I haven't really found much outside of the occasional hatchet or two myself. Most of my weapons have been from scavenging cities or the occasional dead body. I've spent most of time out in the wilderness so maybe small towns don't have many weapons or I'm just consistently 2nd fiddle to some other scavenger.

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Ok ok... obviously u guys didnt hear of the great invention called google... well go to google.com type in dayz map... it will fuckin pop up a map with all the loot locations. Boom got urself some weapons

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Honestly, it's a first person non-shooter, as in shooting is going to get you killed. My stomach drops every time I pull the trigger cause I know everyone in town, zed and player, will be coming for me, and they won't be friendly.

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Don't feel bad your not the only one. I do enjoy it, once I have the luck to find the bare necessities to survive, never mind fighting off the occasional random zombie attack. Before someone lectures me with "herp, the game is suppose to be hard", I understand that, but it becomes a little too much when you loot every house in a town only not to find a single water/food product, never mind a hatchet/etc... Inb4 use a map, and I won't even get started on how many empty deer stands I've visited.

All of that said, I'd refund the game were it possible, but it isn't, so I'll continue trying to enjoy my semi-wasted $18.

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Fear not OP.....

Most of the negatives you have received are by players who think they are God's gift to gaming and think they could play the game blindfolded with their toes.

It simply takes time to learn which buildings actually have loot, and a fair amount of luck to find loot in those buildings. Most of the decent spots mentioned have often been picked clean only a few minutes before you arrive. Sometimes you get lucky and get a weapon within a few minutes, other times it could take a few hours depending on your playstyle.

Get used to the weird bugs and aggro ranges. Once you can work around them, you can get in, get your loot, and get out.

If you want the best loot spots though, you simply need to look at your fellow player. Be careful about putting down another player in a city... you can cause your own death when you get 30 zombies on you in an instant.

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If this guy plays for 3 hours and can't even find a hatchet, he really shouldn't continue.

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Don't feel bad your not the only one. I do enjoy it, once I have the luck to find the bare necessities to survive, never mind fighting off the occasional random zombie attack. Before someone lectures me with "herp, the game is suppose to be hard", I understand that, but it becomes a little too much when you loot every house in a town only not to find a single water/food product, never mind a hatchet/etc... Inb4 use a map, and I won't even get started on how many empty deer stands I've visited.

All of that said, I'd refund the game were it possible, but it isn't, so I'll continue trying to enjoy my semi-wasted $18.

What towns are you looking in? I don't even bother with small towns anymore. A cluster of low value residential mostly spawns trash loot, maybe some road flares. I only hit high value spawns now. Just not worth the time looking in the other ones.

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Fear not OP.....

Most of the negatives you have received are by players who think they are God's gift to gaming and think they could play the game blindfolded with their toes.

It simply takes time to learn which buildings actually have loot, and a fair amount of luck to find loot in those buildings. Most of the decent spots mentioned have often been picked clean only a few minutes before you arrive. Sometimes you get lucky and get a weapon within a few minutes, other times it could take a few hours depending on your playstyle.

Get used to the weird bugs and aggro ranges. Once you can work around them, you can get in, get your loot, and get out.

If you want the best loot spots though, you simply need to look at your fellow player. Be careful about putting down another player in a city... you can cause your own death when you get 30 zombies on you in an instant.

At the same time you don't even have to be a bandit to get the gear, so many fresh corpses to scavenge midtier items off of in the city. Plus as a fresh spawn means who cares if you get sniped zerging?

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My problem hasn't been finding weapons. Food is another thing altogether. Only played a couple of days so far, having an absolute BLAST, by the way. Been staying out of the two big death zones and trying to forage the smaller areas. Usually find a weapon fairly fast but haven't been able to find enough food (or the full hunter/gatherer kit) to keep from having to do something reckless which then gets me killed.

Need more practice dodging zeds...

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I don't believe he hasn't found a weapon in 3 hours of searching unless he was searching in the grass or forest.

It is entirely possible.. OP is a new player. OP likely jumped right into gameplay like most, finding a system with similar elements to many other games, but with its own unique quirks.

Unfortunately, DayZ/Arma plays a bit differently than many other FPS/MMO type games, and is not always the most intuitive. I admit to doing the same for most games... reading the manual/help is only for when you get stuck. Most games are nothing but the same basic controls with a different skin/ui on top.

Even after reading some guides, it takes a few attempts to get the timings right to bypass the zombies/players and hopefully get loot. It can be rage inducing spending 10 minutes avoiding players/zeds to find 5 tin cans for a new player.

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Is this a fucking first person shooter or what? So far I've just been running around, using the poorly designed pick up items system to try and scavenge fucking empty cans of cola, sweeeet. I haven't found a single fucking weapon to defend myself with, I found a hunting knife a minute ago and was like sweet something to defend myself with finally, NOPE, no dice. It's a fucking hunting knife but you can't protect yourself with it. I've watched tutorial videos where the stupid fuck walks into a building and finds THREE WEAPONS. Do I just have the worst fucking possible luck or what? If I take a few hits, which is pretty unavoidable using the shitty pick up items system, my vision starts to go fucking haywire then I can't even see any items if I wanted to. Zombies chase you for fucking ever, and without some way to fucking fight them this game is fucking ridiculously stupid.

lol learn howto play the game before you bitch about it noob. Learn where weapons you want spawn then go there, find a map food and water and a hatchet after that you can find w/e weapon you like via the dayzDB map online.

I love this game because it eats the weak COD gamer kiddies, dont like tough gtfo and let the real men play.

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My problem hasn't been finding weapons. Food is another thing altogether. Only played a couple of days so far, having an absolute BLAST, by the way. Been staying out of the two big death zones and trying to forage the smaller areas. Usually find a weapon fairly fast but haven't been able to find enough food (or the full hunter/gatherer kit) to keep from having to do something reckless which then gets me killed.

Need more practice dodging zeds...

That was my first weekend playing too.

I became extra cautious after getting mauled one too many times, so I moved very slowly. As I was playing without too much guidance, the initial trip to a water source, then back to a town for a container, then back for water, then back for a different container, while comical, was educational. Not only did I learn that empty cans are no good for filling with water, but I learned how to dodge Zs very well. And then hunger set in.

LOL you're on your own on that one. Check the towns, and sometimes the houses nearby. That first can of pasta will look so good you will feel it in RL.

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I love this game because it eats the weak COD gamer kiddies, dont like tough gtfo and let the real men play.

This crap, again? Playing a video game makes you a 'real man'? COD kiddies are 'weak'? Come on.

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My problem hasn't been finding weapons. Food is another thing altogether. Only played a couple of days so far, having an absolute BLAST, by the way. Been staying out of the two big death zones and trying to forage the smaller areas. Usually find a weapon fairly fast but haven't been able to find enough food (or the full hunter/gatherer kit) to keep from having to do something reckless which then gets me killed.

Need more practice dodging zeds...

You've got to go into the towns to find either. If you don't want to head into cherno/elektro, find zeleno or berezino. I usually find matches in the pubs/apartments or the market. Hunting knives are more common, but matches I've only found in those two areas.

So, either you're going for beans or you're going for the animal gutting kit, but you've pretty much got to hit a supermarket.

If I'm a fresh spawn, I just hit cherno right away and don't care if I die (assuming thats where I spawn).

Otherwise, hit a town thats not as populous and cross your fingers!

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This crap, again? Playing a video game makes you a 'real man'? COD kiddies are 'weak'? Come on.

Don't feed it dude.

I just realized this thread is useless. There are at least 5 other ones just like it. Anyone who is frustrated can read the old ones and learn exactly what they need to know about the game, and how much d-baggery is in the community. I was trying to help the OP out on a few and after the first 10 responses, there's rarely anything new.

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Personally prefer the axe never runs out of bullets and does not give away my position! :)

I agree, it is a good weapon. If you lie prone, most Zombies are easy to kill with it.

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first thing a noob should do when they login, is run 15 minutes inland. then "start" the game.

running around the coast, where everyone spawns, is always empty of loot, and more dangerous.

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First of all, I did watch a tutorial video, linked from the main website, where the guy said "all loot is random" he didn't explain that certain buildings always have a higher percentage of loot, which, in my opinion, ISN'T FUCKING RANDOM. I've never played a game of this style that doesn't have some form of Melee. When I first started up I thought my keybinds were broken, I didn't even know whether I'd be able to shoot if I DID find a weapon. I actually did read a couple tutorials, nothing of this is mentioned because after you've played for awhile it's just a given. Thanks though. I also didn't realize how fucking retarded zombies were, sorry for having high fucking expectations. I thought maybe ya know, they wouldn't be ridiculously stupid, and ya know, might figure out that things just don't disappear into a separate dimension when they jump through a fucking bush. Sorry. I guess I should have realized how fucking stupid and low quality that scripting was. My bad.

Also, I find it fucking ridiculously hilarious how a single zombie can block staircases. As if I'd just stand there and let the thing smash on me rather than pushing through it to get by. Awesome game mechanics, again, you're all right, I'm a complete fucking noob because I didn't realize how terrible the coding of the -original- game was, on top of how poorly implemented the tutorials are for this mod. Honestly, I'm having a bit of fun now, I've figured most things out, using the cheat maps... Abusing the poor game mechanics... Yeah... Well I spent 30$ on Arma I'm going to at least get something out of it.

But seriously, you're all dicks. Edit: Except Zap.

Edited by Hysterics

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I went 4 hours last night not finding a gun, except one pistol which was floating above me in the air so I couldn't grab it. I also ended up at the NE airfield randomly with no weapons in any building there or in Krasnostav. It was still fun as hell though :D

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