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What was your first ever day in DayZ like? :D

How much did you know about the game before you played it for the first time? Did you get sniped aimlessly wandering the coast? Did you make it into Elektro or Cherno? How many cans of beans did you have by Nightfall? Alliances, Enemies, Truces? Tell us here!

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Spawned at Krutoy Cap. Saw a zombie 80 meters away. Paniced completely and went into the water.

Now.. I walk standing up, in the middle of 8 or more zombies.

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My first day was great. I knew as good as nothing about the game or it's mechanics. The first 15 minutes on my very first spawn... well... I was yelling the sh** out of me, because I spawned near the harbor of Cherno and had Zeds on sight in almost every direction. So i tried to escape the city by following the street. Bad idea, you think? Not this time :D

I ran about two or three minutes, when I saw four other, geared up, survivors heading to Cherno. My first thought: "Great, I'm dead in 2 seconds."

But they talked to me and said: "Follow us and you will live longer." So I did. I told them, that this is my first spawn and I have absoluteley no idea of what's going on here. Then they decided to go deeper in the woods, to give me some instructions. Just the basics, to learn how to use the interface and some other things. They didn't had any weapons for me, so the mission was: get some stuff for me.

We walked about 15 minutes inland until we saw some houses and they called me to prone. It worked well and no Zombie noticed us until I had the fuc**** great idea to look in my inventory. I didn't knew, that my char would stand up for this. So, like not often in my life ;) , I had immediateley full attention from everyone and my headphone speaker almost exploded. First shots were fired and I got the order to run for my life. After some meters one Zombie got me and my leg was broken. One of the others gave me medical assistance and I was up again. Two of them died in the meantime and I was so in panic, that some Zombies killed me finally.

In the end, everyone was dead. But it was a great experience and I think there was no better way to learn faster how the game works, than this. I didn't know there names, but I'm thankful anyway.

This happened, when the hype about DayZ got really started, so 2,5 months ago, I think.

Edited by toterkenny85
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You sir (toterkenny85), have my beans. Excellent! I'm glad that those guys were willing to help you out!! I can't wait to get the game. I'm trying to see what it was like for everyone on their first day. I've maybe spent about 2+ hours studying EVERYTHING on the DayZwiki. Jfc, I'm so psyched to get the damn game. I'm only waiting on my new laptop to arrive at my doorstep.

Keep them coming guys! I can't wait to share with you my first day.

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The most terrorized fun ever.

I died once or twice someplace, not sure how to avoid walkers and such. I had no idea how to play or what to do. No RTFM, no Wiki, no javascript map, nothing.

After running North for a while and seeing nothing in the hills, I came back South and walked the coast until I found food and water. I mean, I walked in the lakes, stood in the rain, anything just trying to figure it out myself.

Finally after crawling into Cherno and getting an Enfield, and some food and water, I found myself in the pitch black at night in the tower of what I found out later was the Fire Station. Fires and flares in the street, shots all around and walkers below. I didn't know if I was safe or hunted. What's not to love?

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I didn't even start with DayZ I went into armory first and acquainted myself with the guns and vehicles.

Then when I joined DayZ I got shot as a spawned in. I tried to give people the benefit of doubt but they just caused problems.

So I said fuck it I moved north got myself a rifle and made my first kill. Words cannot describe the rush I felt. So I got myself a sniper.

Now if anyone comes into my scope they get domed. Cheers mate.

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I'm not sure how I feel about the whole 'Kill or be Killed'.

I think if I see someone some 100+ metres away but I go unnoticed, I'll run the opposite direction and leave them be. Unless, that is, that I feel threatened.

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I'm not sure how I feel about the whole 'Kill or be Killed'.

I think if I see someone some 100+ metres away but I go unnoticed, I'll run the opposite direction and leave them be. Unless, that is, that I feel threatened.

I won't shoot if you don't have atleast military grade weapons.

No point in killing people who can't fight back. Where's the fun in that?

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I won't shoot if you don't have atleast military grade weapons.

No point in killing people who can't fight back. Where's the fun in that?

You never know... i'v'e been killed from behind by the lowest tier weapons there is. So now my rule is if i see somebody with a low tier gun, my guard and paranoia goes up 90%. If there's someone with a higher tier weapon, i mostly KOS unless they identify themselves as friendlies(Still dont let my guard down 1%). Most of the time i get behind the person, and make them drop their guns until i'm out of the area. I'm one of the more "friendly bandits", if you know what I'm saying.

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First day...three spawns on the coast and three deaths. This was before I found the group that I currently run with; which was a couple of days later. Then they came down and kitted me up in the basic gear and gave me some basics. Then said...have fun. I lasted all of 30 minutes while learning that zombies could see you and liked to tear you up. Fortunately the guys that kitted me out weren't far away and told me to run back to them...I ran the other way because I knew nothing about the dayzdb map except there was an ingame map that no one wanted to part with then. So finally I lost the zombies and then got shot by someone I never saw.

Next spawn on the coast east of Elektro in same spot as the last one and I knew my way to travel. So about 20 minutes later I am in camp eating, drinking, loading up ammo and a weapon before getting ready to go to Polana for my first grocery store run. I was scared out of my characters mind. Now not scared at all but concerned with the weapons loadout and the best ingress and egress route and making sure the overwatch has us covered from the surrounding ridges.

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The easiest weapons to find are the most dangerous. You can kill someone faster with a lee or a shotgun than you can with your average AR.

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First couple lives I ran into Cherno or Elek to grab basic gear and get out. First time; dead by a sniper, Second time chewed up by walkers, third time thought I was Superman and tried to jump a couple body lengths off a roof... did not end well.

Next plan was to scrounge barns and larger buildings in the middle third of the map, still feels like a good idea. If I can get to a barn most of the time I can get a weapon... usually a double barrel shotgun, but they keep me from feeling too alone... too vulnerable.

Axes stay on my belt, if I have to kill a walker on the way into town I've already lost my chance at gear. I can predict which way the one in front of me is going, but the two who appear behind me may see me, ruin my day. Barns and Warehouses are my friend; in one door out the other, no horde pushing me into a corner.

Yesterday, my week anniversary of playing I was feeling confident, I had made a loop of Black Mountain and I was hunkered down in the Farm in Rogovo. The Walkers were quiet, shambling around the sides when I decided to zip around to the storage shed. In the near side and around the back. Against my instincts I snuck into the single door garage, close the door and rooted around the piles of loot for more magazines, more food.

After psyching myself up I open the doors, Crawler right ahead of me across the parking lot. He spots me and howls. I unload into him at maybe 50 yards with my Winchester. He drops and I get ready to bolt back to the farm when instantly in front of me is a pack of ten walkers. They’re blocking each-other so I can line up my shots, but the horde keeps growing, first 15 shots empty, I’m bleeding from a lucky few who got far enough into the door to swipe at me. Next 15 shots; empty. I open my bag to pull out the AK-74 Kobra to rain fire from heaven on the pack of Zeds that is completely obscuring the front side of the building, but one too many swipes and I’m knocked out.

I woke up on the coast and started dashing back to Rogovo, managed to get my body back. The Winchester I left, this time I’m keeping my Kobra in my hands. I ask myself, is it ever worth going into a one door room again? No, but then that church is just down the hill.

Edited by Dante Inferno
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Off topic:

Reptile, i know where your avatar is from, and it made me laugh my ass off when i noticed it.

On topic:

My first life consisted of me going to a gas station, getting shot in the leg, and slowly starving to death.

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