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Attention: Rocket. Please review the DayZ server host rules.

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I think the irony here trolling through this thread again is that Dayz has a huge issue at the moment with hackers that are ruining the game for many paying customers. Yet a resource that BI has to help significantly address this issue (ie server admins) lies dormant, with its hands tied, for fear those same paying customers might have their gaming experience unfairly ruined by server admins??

Rocket needs to wake up & realise that for many players the Dayz experience is ruined already & that 'hog-tying' server admins simply benefits the hackers. Server admins aren't the enemy here - hackers are! Server admins are here because they enjoy the game and put in a lot of time and effort so others can enjoy it too. Punk hackers are here to ruin the experience for others so why give them the benefit of the doubt when hacks are suspected? Stop making it easy for these clowns!

As a non-server admin I for one would be extremely happy to see server admins powers increased. I say that in full knowledge that I could be unfairly kicked & banned from a server at a future date. I also know I could appeal such an action but would probably just go find another server. In other words, it wouldnt bother me at all. Set up a few servers where the admins have 100% control over kicks & bans, with a strict 'no-hacks' policy & just watch how busy that server gets. I suspect it would be FULL 24/7. I know it would be my first choice.

As it stands, I have to put up with scumbag hackers that ruin my gaming experience, though I did nothing wrong. Wheres the justice in that? And how does that enhance my gaming experience Rocket?

Edited by MadMax
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Ok so after shifting all these replies. I can assume the MAIN rule you all would love added is the permission to kick/ban suspected hackers you see doing "non normal" events. Is that correct? Now should the issue come up, would you all have the means to show "proof" of suspected hacking should the question come up?

Basically yes, but it depends on what the Dev team would accept as proof, and when the proof must be given (i.e. right away or after an appeal is filed). If I as a server admin sees someone spawn in items is my first hand knowledge enough, or do I need to record it? I would have no problem providing a copy of the log if I am banning because of something I found in the logs.

While we are somewhat on it, to help reduce some of the work the Dev team would have to put into ban appeals why not make a committee of server admins, players, and 1 or 2 members of the Dev team to handle ban appeals. This would allow a portion of the whole community to police itself.

I would say no. BUT if the hacker appeals on the 'ban appeals page' and you cannot provide proof, then you'll need to unban him. A real hacker likely wouldn't appeal because he doesn't know if you do have the proof, and bringing this attention to himself would just get him banned on more servers. A non-hacker could appeal as you wouldn't have proof, since he wasn't hacking. A Ban mistake would then be resolved...

So it would be preferable for you to have proof, but not required if you are ok with unbanning him if he appeals. At least you can prevent him from hacking for the next hour or so on your server that way, enough for you to try to setup a means to get proof for future offenses.

You have my beans sir.

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You have my beans sir.

I shall take your beans sir, and I shall cradle them and treasure them always. :)

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Today i switched my server to Regular so we can see the name of possible hackers. I was playing with a group of friends and i saw this person spawning ( not loading ) behind my friend, saw his name, he killed my friend, imediatelly i pressed alt and started looking behind me, he spawned behind me and killed me.

Alt tabbed to my rCon, got his name and kicked him, i noted his name and GUID/ID. he didnt show up in the server again in the day. Now, if i had him banned, and he goes to dayz and says..¨bubububu he kicked/banned me¨ and then dayz comes at me and says ¨you have proofs?¨... well.. no... i dont record everything i do in everygame i play. Neither the people playing with me.

We have no tools to prevent anything, things that almost everygame has. Tools.. to prevent this stuff. You are telling us this is alpha and we should be testing, testing what?... the features of the game can be tested with 500/1000 people in a closed room. What are we testing exactly? As admins we have nothing to test, we cant do anything or have the tools to do anything, and as a gamer well.. its easy to test features. So again, what are we testing exactly?.. why have a huge server for 700 000+ people?... Sorry i am asking and probably sound like i am arrogant, but i am not. I just got frustrated that i cant provide the players playing in my server at least a little bit of hope regarding hackers. ¨Hey Aze can you ban them pelase?¨ ¨no... sorry.. i dont even know who killed you with a full automatic 203...¨. And even if i have his name i have to go a record with fraps everything that is happening to when we go to trial we can present our case.

I saw rocket in a interview saying he liked the minecraft model ( beta for like 2 years ), in minecraft you can get killed and you loose everything, just like in dayz, granted. but in dayz we got killed by hackers everyday and we are forbided to do anything.

Saying ¨you attitude wont take you anywhere¨ will do anything, because the gaming world is stupid and no matter how bad we are treated in this forum people will support the game.

Now when we see Rocket saying in a interview, ¨we now have 700 000 players playing¨, now i would like to ask, where are they playing exactly?.... in Rockets private server? or in all the public servers payed by normal people?. Dayz Succes is made from rocket, the people playing and those paying for servers. Just saying. Dont climb into the tower ¨I BUILD THIS¨ and shit on the workers because they did their work too.

Sorry for my ¨arrogance¨, I dont like when people treat me like i am of no use when of those 700 000, 50 play in my server. ( and all the other 10k/12k servers out there ).


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What would you rather have? A few asshole moderators ruining their own servers while an equal amount run by non-abusive admins are available to play on, or all servers being unplayable due to hackers?

Well, I can tell you one thing. The former ALREADY happens. The latter will NEVER happen. Soooo... I guess what i'm saying here is, shut up. Don't act like the two options you mentioned are the only possibilities, or even realistic possibilities. They aren't.

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Ok so Rocket, Dayz Devs and Forum Mod Team you need to get off your high horse. Yes Dayz Mod is a great idea and the first of it kind but it’s nothing with out the 1000+ people that are renting servers for you to test your mod on. This is a partnership between Server Administrators and Dayz staff whether you want to admit it or not. This over played excuse that this is Alpha bare with us is a load of crap. This isn’t a typical alpha test. 99% of games do close Alpha, and hire alpha testers which I doubt you have the money for seeing as this is only a mod.

I have been playing games online for a very long time and I must say that this game is the most exploited game I have ever come across. If it isn’t people running Scripts, then its people injecting code in the game or people removing the Terrain Models out of the Dir. Yes I know Battle Eye isn’t part of the Dayz Team and you have nothing to do with it, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t your problem. The last thing you should be doing is restricting and tying the hands of the very people that are supporting your project with ridiculous rules and over management.

You need to let server administrator manage their own servers. Meaning ban and kick players they believe are hacking, when they find someone abusing the system they shouldn’t have to email you if it’s ok, it’s their server. Remember it’s a partnership you’re getting free Alpha Testing. While I understand that maybe 10% of the servers will abuse this (which they are doing anyways), but the other 90% legit servers will be providing you with testing data.

Everyday I come on this Forum and I see at least one server Administrator say to hell with this I’m paying X amount of money to run and upkeep a server I don’t have any control of . With you allowing Administrator to have control of their servers the only thing that will change is you won’t be losing Servers everyday.

I had my server for less then 24 hours and had a ton of problems; I can’t even add a command for the checking of terrain models because my Hosting Company restricted access to the Configs. I locked my server with me in lobby not playing and went to bed. Next morning I got a warning in my email about my hosting company suspending my server for locking so I just shut it down and it has been down for 3 days now. I now have accepted that I might have waste my money. You have 20 days to prove me wrong, because I won’t be renewing my server if nothing changes. If you don’t care fine I won’t either

You would think that a mod team would be a little more grateful towards its supporters especially since War Z is coming out at the end of the year. If you aren't careful might find your community jumping ship.

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Ok so Rocket, Dayz Devs and Forum Mod Team you need to get off your high horse. Yes Dayz Mod is a great idea and the first of it kind but it’s nothing with out the 1000+ people that are renting servers for you to test your mod on. This is a partnership between Server Administrators and Dayz staff whether you want to admit it or not. This over played excuse that this is Alpha bare with us is a load of crap. This isn’t a typical alpha test. 99% of games do close Alpha, and hire alpha testers which I doubt you have the money for seeing as this is only a mod.

I have been playing games online for a very long time and I must say that this game is the most exploited game I have ever come across. If it isn’t people running Scripts, then its people injecting code in the game or people removing the Terrain Models out of the Dir. Yes I know Battle Eye isn’t part of the Dayz Team and you have nothing to do with it, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t your problem. The last thing you should be doing is restricting and tying the hands of the very people that are supporting your project with ridiculous rules and over management.

You need to let server administrator manage their own servers. Meaning ban and kick players they believe are hacking, when they find someone abusing the system they shouldn’t have to email you if it’s ok, it’s their server. Remember it’s a partnership you’re getting free Alpha Testing. While I understand that maybe 10% of the servers will abuse this (which they are doing anyways), but the other 90% legit servers will be providing you with testing data.

Everyday I come on this Forum and I see at least one server Administrator say to hell with this I’m paying X amount of money to run and upkeep a server I don’t have any control of . With you allowing Administrator to have control of their servers the only thing that will change is you won’t be losing Servers everyday.

I had my server for less then 24 hours and had a ton of problems; I can’t even add a command for the checking of terrain models because my Hosting Company restricted access to the Configs. I locked my server with me in lobby not playing and went to bed. Next morning I got a warning in my email about my hosting company suspending my server for locking so I just shut it down and it has been down for 3 days now. I now have accepted that I might have waste my money. You have 20 days to prove me wrong, because I won’t be renewing my server if nothing changes. If you don’t care fine I won’t either

You would think that a mod team would be a little more grateful towards its supporters especially since War Z is coming out at the end of the year. If you aren't careful might find your community jumping ship.

You would think someone who has a supposed interest in the game would take off their blinders before making such a post. The rules are there for a very good reason, if you don't like it, fuck off. Because we all know as soon as you're allowed to do whatever you want, you're going to kick/ban people for killing you and raiding your camps.

So basically, fuck off and keep your server money. You're not needed. Plenty of other people out there willing to run servers who don't mind following the VERY BASIC rules put forth. You obviously couldn't even be bothered to read them before you passworded your server.

Edited by Valec
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You would think someone who has a supposed interest in the game would take off their blinders before making such a post. The rules are there for a very good reason, if you don't like it, fuck off. Because we all know as soon as you're allowed to do whatever you want, you're going to kick/ban people for killing you and raiding your camps.

So basically, fuck off and keep your server money. You're not needed. Plenty of other people out there willing to run servers who don't mind following the VERY BASIC rules put forth. You obviously couldn't even be bothered to read them before you passworded your server.

I'll guess you don't run a server.......

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Yeah, I agree, problem is, that is already happening, people are abusing that excuse "He was hacking" Got proof? They say No, cause they claim they dont need it, cause again, its their server. If you dont have proof, to cover your ass, when a Dev comes inquiring about it, especially of the person you banned has proof your lying, then kiss that server goodbye.

There is NO WAY to get proof with the current settings DayZ runs. If a player kills another in any way, there should be a lot of who killed who to allow us to see who the assholes are that are nuking servers.

With the latest BE scripts.txt updates the scripts.log shows nothing that can give you proof of a hacker!

In addition, there is no public way of looking at your logs and knowing what is or isnt legit.

Only way to catch a hacker is if you have name plates on and can get your xhair on them to show their name. Otherwise, forget about proof.

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2: Kicking possible hackers, well thats a trick isnt it. Id say you could kick them, but how do you prove they are hacking?

3: How do you control server admins on a global scale thats EVEN for everyone? This IS alpha again. Which means everyone should be testing the same, allowing for fixes etc. Example. If EVERYONE did the lockdown. Hackers/exploiters wont get in. Ok sounds great.. um.. one issue, how does battleeye detect those people? How do new exploits get recorded, patched against? During alpha its BETTER to lock those down before beta builds and final builds.

2.) Something needs to be done in the logs that will allow admins to view who killed who or it needs to show in the death messages its self. This should show who is nuking servers at the very least. Or how about this? What ever the hell is being done to submit these scripts, why not make it so only those connected as admin to the server can submit X scripts (X being a list that are known for being used by the hacks and are not generally sent.


An official list of what to look for in logs to determine if a player is hacking or not could be posted along with a parser to make this easier to check!

3.) Has BE not had years to do this via ArmA2 its self? These hacks are not DayZ specific, they are exploits made available by the ArmA engine its self.

This argument hold no value when looking at other AC Clients out there that are used in games that have MANY private servers (PunkBuster / VAC for example). These other Anti-Cheat softwares seem to still be able to track the hackers even tho there are private servers.


I don't think a simple Rule change to admins is the key, SOMETHING must be done to the game or mod its self to make it EASIER for admins to get proof of those hacking or to restrict non admin users from being able to submit the scripts that are being used to spawn gear into servers. If there was then a hacker on a server, you would know it was an admin. Take video or SS and report for blacklisting!

Edited by Meta

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I'll guess you don't run a server.......

Not relevant in any way, shape, or form. I know it's nice to pretend that locking your server is fine and that it doesn't effect people everywhere you go, but thats just not the case. Since you're going to pretend to not understand, let me spell it out for you, fuckwit.

You do not have the right to lock your server because you do not have the right to safe looting. The rest of us have to risk fighting other players if we want to loot airfields or military camps. We have to risk losing everything. But you want to just lock your server and have a nice easy time of it.

Fuck you and fuck what you're about. Carebear easymoding fuck.

[settle the fuck down. Warned - Ubi]

Edited by UbiquitousBadGuy

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Not relevant in any way, shape, or form. I know it's nice to pretend that locking your server is fine and that it doesn't effect people everywhere you go, but thats just not the case. Since you're going to pretend to not understand, let me spell it out for you, fuckwit.

You do not have the right to lock your server because you do not have the right to safe looting. The rest of us have to risk fighting other players if we want to loot airfields or military camps. We have to risk losing everything. But you want to just lock your server and have a nice easy time of it.

Fuck you and fuck what you're about. Carebear easymoding fuck.

Sorry son, never have locked either of my servers.....

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Sorry son, never have locked either of my servers.....

Good. Keep it up. We already have to deal with hackers and alt+f4ers. We don't need any more levels of bullshit that take the fairness out of this game(and by fairness I don't mean even playing field for gear - just even chances of getting that gear).

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Not relevant in any way, shape, or form. I know it's nice to pretend that locking your server is fine and that it doesn't effect people everywhere you go, but thats just not the case. Since you're going to pretend to not understand, let me spell it out for you, fuckwit.

You do not have the right to lock your server because you do not have the right to safe looting. The rest of us have to risk fighting other players if we want to loot airfields or military camps. We have to risk losing everything. But you want to just lock your server and have a nice easy time of it.

Fuck you and fuck what you're about. Carebear easymoding fuck.

Wow, you need to be on some form of medication, you have a serious anger problem.

You lump all Admin's into the same group: Power hungry assholes.

Hate to tell you, but we are all not like that. I am completely capable of running a server, and determining that Player Valec was Combat logging, so player Valec gets a warning and a kick, if he/she does it again, they are removed from the server permanently.

Same goes idea goes towards people hacking and such. Well, if you are found to be hacking, you receive no warnings, you are just banned.

Saying that the admins cannot be trusted to run the servers fairly is grossly narrow minded, and completely false.

Edited by AADiC
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Ok so after shifting all these replies. I can assume the MAIN rule you all would love added is the permission to kick/ban suspected hackers you see doing "non normal" events. Is that correct? Now should the issue come up, would you all have the means to show "proof" of suspected hacking should the question come up?

Let me ask you a slightly different question in return: What would you accept as "proof"? I mean if I see someone spawning something and therefor ban him from my server that is - and I think we all agree on that - right, but not a bullet proof reason if he complains about the ban. I actually dont know if there would be any hard evidence in the server logs about what just happened on the server...and I kinda doubt it, because if its easily spotted by simple server logging BE would've noticed it too (well...probably I guess).

I'm not running around recording everything, and in case I'd have some recording tool ready to use and start recording after some "non normal" event happened there is still a chance that I wont be able to witness anything else - either because he teleports, kills me, or something else.

So basically, yes your assumption is right, though some hints about what would be accepted as proof would be nice. Otherwise it would be just the admins word against that of the accused player.


I just wondered if it would be possible for DayZ to recognize a passworded or locked server and either disable loot spawn on the server, or reject saving changes to objects from that server on the hive as long as the password/lock is on that server. As I've stated I would've liked to do that during the server configuration process, and I know that for example Vilayer detects passworded/locked servers right away and shuts them down...so my guess it that it should be possible to do something engine wise to allow locking/passwording without letting someone take advantage of it item wise.

And as a second - kinda optional - thing: I guess you are also aware of the problem with broken tents - either the ones not working, or the ones getting bugged at some point in time. It would be nice to be able to swipe the server, getting rid of those tents permanently (as well as the always respawning barbed wire, even after you've removed them with a toolbox). I have to admit I'm not entirely sure about the despawn mechanics as there have been some changes to them without any note in the changelog. But being able to trigger some sort of cleanup to get the server straight after someone messed around with duped tents/wires/tank traps would be nice as well.

What I'd like to do, or rather be allowed to do - resembled in rules - would be to:

1) Ban players for 1-4 days if they use ghosting (and by ghosting I mean real position change during a firefight, like moving 300 meters on the top of a building on another server, not 30 meters because of a small lag or something).

2) Ban players that are obviously hacking (spawn items, call in airstrikes, teleport themselves or other players, etc) permanently from my server

3) Password the server after setup/during configuration changes (e.g. put a password up for 15-30 mins)

4) Trigger a cleanup to remove broken/bugged items

Edited by RitterOhnePferd
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Well, I can tell you one thing. The former ALREADY happens. The latter will NEVER happen. Soooo... I guess what i'm saying here is, shut up. Don't act like the two options you mentioned are the only possibilities, or even realistic possibilities. They aren't.

I fail to see how you can say the second can never happen... It's the current state of affairs in the game. It's not impossible, it's happening now!

I don't think he was saying all servers have hackers all the time. He's saying no server is safe from hackers. You can load up your character on any server, and if you get teleported and killed, then your character is dead. It can happen at any time, on any server, if an asshole hacker decides he's tired of how the game plays normally and instead wants his momentary powertrip... what can the admin do? If there's no log to prove the hacker did what he did, and there's no fraps to show to Day Z? Even if the admin knows who hacked, he can't do anything without the proof... So the players playing on his server, the ones that just lost all their gear they'd been accumulating over weeks of cautious and painstaking play... they don't play on that server anymore... and who knows, maybe they get fed up and quit the game altogether.

Losing all your equipment because you died from your own mistake is one thing, losing it because some douche decided he wants to be an asshole that day? Well that's just frustrating and not fun.

So what he was saying was simply that we need to pick the lesser of two evils. There will be admins who abuse their power, yes. And the argument put forward, which is most relevant for that, is that players will learn that server is shit and stop playing on it.

I have to say your response indicates to me one of two options... either you have been abused by admins of servers before (presumably from other games), and now hold a grudge against all server admins, or you're a hacker trying to preserve your ability to ruin other people's play...

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I fail to see how you can say the second can never happen... It's the current state of affairs in the game. It's not impossible, it's happening now!

I don't think he was saying all servers have hackers all the time. He's saying no server is safe from hackers. You can load up your character on any server, and if you get teleported and killed, then your character is dead. It can happen at any time, on any server, if an asshole hacker decides he's tired of how the game plays normally and instead wants his momentary powertrip... what can the admin do? If there's no log to prove the hacker did what he did, and there's no fraps to show to Day Z? Even if the admin knows who hacked, he can't do anything without the proof... So the players playing on his server, the ones that just lost all their gear they'd been accumulating over weeks of cautious and painstaking play... they don't play on that server anymore... and who knows, maybe they get fed up and quit the game altogether.

Losing all your equipment because you died from your own mistake is one thing, losing it because some douche decided he wants to be an asshole that day? Well that's just frustrating and not fun.

So what he was saying was simply that we need to pick the lesser of two evils. There will be admins who abuse their power, yes. And the argument put forward, which is most relevant for that, is that players will learn that server is shit and stop playing on it.

I have to say your response indicates to me one of two options... either you have been abused by admins of servers before (presumably from other games), and now hold a grudge against all server admins, or you're a hacker trying to preserve your ability to ruin other people's play...

There have been plenty of complaints of admin abuse and we all know what they are capable of. The fact is, if you allow people to do it, they will abuse it. It's a simple fact. Locked servers = cheaters. Every time.

I'd be fine with it if you couldn't play on any other server. However you can take your ill-gotten gains elsewhere, or even unlock your server once you have all the vehicles and gear you need. Don't think for a second this isn't what will happen if admins are allowed to lock.

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There have been plenty of complaints of admin abuse and we all know what they are capable of. The fact is, if you allow people to do it, they will abuse it. It's a simple fact. Locked servers = cheaters. Every time.

I'd be fine with it if you couldn't play on any other server. However you can take your ill-gotten gains elsewhere, or even unlock your server once you have all the vehicles and gear you need. Don't think for a second this isn't what will happen if admins are allowed to lock.

See that is the thing you CANNOT say that:

1. Locked server = cheating

2. That a locked server will equate to hoarding all vehicles and acquiring of all top gear

Not all admins fit into your delusions.

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Well, it´s just history repeating itself once again with a young guy and a fresh idea. He sees what the old farts are doing wrong and wants to make it better. He has an idea of freedom in good and bad and starts his own project to prove the inflexible morons wrong. He is pretty successful.

But of course there are problems - there are always problems of any kind - and people start to revolt. His great new idea of freedom is just freedom in a very small area and outside of this he just suppresses what people need. Then he gets upset "Well, we never talked about ME being able to adapt and being flexible." And the old farts chuckle and say. "Don´t fuck it up boy. Get so far to keep your success some time without ruining it and behaving like a roman emperor. Then we can talk like equals"

Well, it´s the point where we are now.

Edited by Treehead

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Not relevant in any way, shape, or form. I know it's nice to pretend that locking your server is fine and that it doesn't effect people everywhere you go, but thats just not the case. Since you're going to pretend to not understand, let me spell it out for you, fuckwit.

You do not have the right to lock your server because you do not have the right to safe looting. The rest of us have to risk fighting other players if we want to loot airfields or military camps. We have to risk losing everything. But you want to just lock your server and have a nice easy time of it.

Fuck you and fuck what you're about. Carebear easymoding fuck.

[settle the fuck down. Warned - Ubi]

We're having a mature discussion here about rules for running DayZ servers. If you can't discuss it maturely, get out of the thread please.

The very fact that you generalize all admins as cheaters shows how little you know of what you are talking about, and probably shows you don't want servers locked for very different reasons. Are you a server-hopping loot-farmer, by any chance?

I want to be able to password my server so my players don't get teleported to the middle of nowhere and get killed all because some douchebag hacker wasn't loved as a child. I don't want to lock the server so I can farm in peace, firstly because I don't even have the means of playing the game at the moment, and secondly because I rarely use any other gun than the Enfield. So, really, why would I want to farm loot, even if I could? The most powerful weapon is lying right there, in Cherno and Elektro.

As for the mod who asked about us being able to ban - the problem is, how do you get proof? Sometimes you are aware that someone is hacking, but you have no way to prove it, especially seeing as BattlEye doesn't always detect their scripts so doesn't log them. Me not even being able to play means that I'm entirely dependent on my players to submit visual proof of hackers and report any incidents, and that's not always available either.

Edited by Zoop

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Well I was just about to logon for an hour or 2 of Dayz but was advised at the last moment by a mate not to just yet as hackers are currently going nuts on the Aussie servers.

Guess I'll just sit back and let them have their fun with the game while I sit around and contemplate my navel.

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Ok so after shifting all these replies. I can assume the MAIN rule you all would love added is the permission to kick/ban suspected hackers you see doing "non normal" events. Is that correct? Now should the issue come up, would you all have the means to show "proof" of suspected hacking should the question come up?

Well i don't see the point in why we have to "proof" that a player is hacking or not. paying around 100$ for a server to Help the "Dayz team" with bug hunting should be proof enough that we want to improve the mod and the community.

The mod is running in the alpha stage.. and there is more servers here compared to Battlefield 3. So atleast give us some rope. And let us remove the hackers from the servers..

there is a difference between banning

1. A player for shooting you.

2. banning a player for spawning a weaponbox with every weapon in it.

and 90% of us wants to do part 2. but can't..

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Ok so after shifting all these replies. I can assume the MAIN rule you all would love added is the permission to kick/ban suspected hackers you see doing "non normal" events. Is that correct? Now should the issue come up, would you all have the means to show "proof" of suspected hacking should the question come up?

If BE had a screenshot facility or MD5 checks then yes. As it is we would have to rely on video evidence, much like PsB introduced.

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Ok I read what you say but

1: How do you prevent "leetism" now with "whitelisting" users on your server. Now for a game that connects to central hive, you are locking, kicking, banning people you dont approve of.

2: Kicking possible hackers, well thats a trick isnt it. Id say you could kick them, but how do you prove they are hacking?

3: How do you control server admins on a global scale thats EVEN for everyone? This IS alpha again. Which means everyone should be testing the same, allowing for fixes etc. Example. If EVERYONE did the lockdown. Hackers/exploiters wont get in. Ok sounds great.. um.. one issue, how does battleeye detect those people? How do new exploits get recorded, patched against? During alpha its BETTER to lock those down before beta builds and final builds.

I find your comments a little naive. It's almost as if server administration is a new thing. Gamers & hosters have been using RCON for many years, yes you will get the odd idiot admin who will kick for the sake of it, but generally the people are honest and just want to game in an safe free environment.

Lets be honest "how do exploits get recorded", only idiots that use public cheats are getting detected, those that inject their cheats into memory are being completely ignored and a free reign to carry on.

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Not relevant in any way, shape, or form. I know it's nice to pretend that locking your server is fine and that it doesn't effect people everywhere you go, but thats just not the case. Since you're going to pretend to not understand, let me spell it out for you, fuckwit.

You do not have the right to lock your server because you do not have the right to safe looting. The rest of us have to risk fighting other players if we want to loot airfields or military camps. We have to risk losing everything. But you want to just lock your server and have a nice easy time of it.

Fuck you and fuck what you're about. Carebear easymoding fuck.

[settle the fuck down. Warned - Ubi]

LOL @ this tool. I run two servers, one I leave open for hackers and parasites like you to play on and the other one I password protected. I invited 2 clans to come and play on it so its always full and we have a ton of pvp. I like to run with a friend of mine so I didnt even join one of the clans, my average life is about a day, maybe less. So now we have the full benifit of a full server, pvp and everything else we want but we dont have HACKERS! I am loving the game again and little kids like you can suck it. If my server ever gets black listed it will take me less then 8 hrs to get another one up and running again and I will do the SAME thing with that one. Cry some more parasite, there are plenty of server adms you can leach off of and then cry when they do something you dont like. I myself will laugh in your face and continue to do what I need to do to protect my server for myself and the people who play on it. HAHAHA you cant do shit about it either!

Edited by wisbowmen
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