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Which T-Shirt design would you buy?

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Voted "DayZ Logo"; I'd have voted "I Survived the DayZ Alpha" but I don't want to wear something in public showing a weapon (i.e. without the figure after the "I" it would be fine for me)

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Any plans in place for hoodies or other apparel (or peripherals (I'd buy a DayZ mouse pad.)) if the shirts sell well?

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I chose number 2, but it would be awesome if, maybe once we go to beta, that something like option one was made available for us alpa testers! :)

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Any plans in place for hoodies or other apparel (or peripherals (I'd buy a DayZ mouse pad.)) if the shirts sell well?

A black castro hat with the DayZ-logo would be awesome.

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Ok I cant believe you guys havn't come up with this one but.

Have the DayZ logo and underneath write Friendly?

I mean come on... For the lolz ^^

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Number 2 but I have a slight suspicion that number 1 is hinting at something.

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Actually, I'm unable to see into the future but I've a preference for N° one.

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The first one is okay, but the survivor silhouette makes it too cluttered. At least in my opinion.

The second one is the best

The third one doesn't scream "Day Z" when you look at it. Screams horror movie in general.

This is all my opinion, but yeah. I think a combination of 1 and 2 would be nice. I also agree with the guy who said have a shirt with "friendly" written under the logo. Heck, make a funny shirt in general, and I'll buy all of the shirts. All of them.

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I like the Alpha design because it's unique for those of us playing the alpha mod. I like the Logo design too but I feel like that's one that can sell forever, so why not sell the Alpha design as long as the mod is alpha, then once it goes beta stop selling it and switch to the Logo design?

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Ok I cant believe you guys havn't come up with this one but.

Have the DayZ logo and underneath write Friendly?

I mean come on... For the lolz ^^

I voted number 2 (simple logo)...but this is BY FAR the best idea.

Even variants "Friendlies in Cherno?", "Friendlies at Airfield?".

Bravo, sir. + Rep

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Number 1, I would wear it like a Badge of honor, especially the hell we've been threw with Alpha lol

But 2 is great also.

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