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Augusto (DayZ)

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About Augusto (DayZ)

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  1. Augusto (DayZ)

    Urination & Excrement

    Surprised you got here before leechman. Lol This one I find a bit too much
  2. Augusto (DayZ)

    [Suggestion] Sleep

    I would suggest you add a feature to your person where if you post you add something useful to the thread and if you are unable to do that you don't post at all.
  3. Augusto (DayZ)

    Which T-Shirt design would you buy?

    I vote #1
  4. Augusto (DayZ)

    Under the wrong impression (Temp)

    I love the idea of the new temp system, but I agree it still needs work, also I believe Rocket and the rest of the team are more than aware of this and they are working on it, I think they are just testing the temp system right now and that is why it was included in the latest build. I don't intend to be an ass or be repetitive but lets not forget this is an alpha Anyways I agree with the op on how the temp mechanics should work
  5. Augusto (DayZ)

    Humanity effects

    I must be the only one that likes the change of skins for bandits. Lets take a look at movies for example, you almost always know from the look of characters who are the killers, sometimes they are good killers sometimes they are bad, but in almost every movie their look gives them away. And I tend to think that if one day I find my self in zombie apocalypse I would know who is likely to kill me and who isn't, but maybe its because I get all my info on zombie apocalypses from the movies. I will try and ask someone who actually experienced one, for example someone who has been to Disney World, or someone who plays a lot of Wow
  6. Augusto (DayZ)

    Walkie Talkies.

    The Radio tower should be the only place you can braodcast voice or chat to everyone. Could be cool if ppl went there to annoucne safe zones they set up and other things.
  7. Augusto (DayZ)

    Longest survival

  8. Augusto (DayZ)

    Life appreciation

    I tend to agree with most of the op ideas At first when I had no idea of where or how often loot spawned I was real careful where I went and how I moved now that I know that guns and equipment abund in specific places, I'm way less careful, it was much more fun for me in the begging Death should be horrible and it should make you rage and cry for extended periods of time I'm growing extremely tired of games where death just means less score or even worse nothing at all And I agree that for veteran players death in dayz means absolutely nothing
  9. Augusto (DayZ)

    Humanity/PvP/Coop Play suggestions

    Yeah the idea of making zeds attracted to bandits seems to have no logic at all and besides bandits are fine they are an important part of the game and without bandits the game wouldn't be half as fun
  10. Augusto (DayZ)

    [Suggestion] Sleep

    Lol, I love the 30 minutes respawn time
  11. Augusto (DayZ)

    Humanity/PvP/Coop Play suggestions

    Love this It's impossible right know to know who is who right now Yesterday me and my buddy where looting one of the airfields we both went into the control tower he went up the stairs and sees another survivor he thought it was me at first luckily this guys were cool and we left the control tower withou incident, but if something would have happend and I had to go upstairs to hel my buddy i would have no clue of who I was supposed to shoot I might as well ended up shooting my friend as there was no name tags on the server, And name tags ruin the fun as I you can spot ppl far away if you're lucky enough too place the mouse cursor over them. The new skins might alivate this issue a bit but it would still be a problem with large groups
  12. Augusto (DayZ)

    [Suggestion] Sleep

  13. Augusto (DayZ)

    [Suggestion] Night/Day Cycle

    When I say it's more realistic what I meant was it would make much more sense with the hunger and water needs in the game right now, you are required to eat and drink way more than you would normally do in a day. You would still get to play at night when it's night IRL just not for 12 hours maybe for 6 hours I think that should be enough for everyone and would please everybody
  14. Augusto (DayZ)

    Fast vs Slow Zombies

    I agree that something could be done to improve zombies at one point, I'm not quite sure what I would like zombies to be, the slow zombie that requires a headshot doesn't quite seem right, but I agree that the running zombies are not enough of a threat and make the game to arcade like Besides the fact tha they never stop chasing forces players to exploit the bugs in the AI which kind of ruins the game a bit for me Anyways dayZ is still the greatest mod ever and considering its still in alpha stage the potential for this mod is just stupidly high
  15. Augusto (DayZ)

    Removing the HUD
