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9 Neutral

About AstroZombie

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Glasgow, Scotland
  1. AstroZombie

    Explain Your Avatar!

    Big fan of the aliens franchise.
  2. AstroZombie

    The Mi-17

    It's a bit of a bitch to fly much prefer the merlin that thing can shift.
  3. AstroZombie

    Build Rolling Update

    I'd go with full and ignore the keys folder you get btw.
  4. AstroZombie

    Build Rolling Update

    You can yes but you have to jump through some hoops for no apparent reason. here: http://uk1.dayz.nu/latest/testing/1.7.4/
  5. AstroZombie

    Build Rolling Update

    It was listed in the changelog for atleast a week prior to today. I also don't see the problem with leaving it upto the server providers to decide whether or not to have lights on, this just limits player choice for no other reason than one mans will.
  6. AstroZombie

    Build Rolling Update

    A bit of a dick move tbh.
  7. AstroZombie

    FPS Drops Advice

    http://www.steamgamers.com/forum/arma2-combined-operations/56111-dayz-graphics-optimization-guide.html This'll help.
  8. AstroZombie

    FPS Drops Advice

    Welcome to a game that's not optimised for multi-core systems. My advice drop the settings abit, the game barely uses your GPU anyway it's quite CPU heavy which is funny considering it barely uses two cores. Also hi if on the off chance you're from PSEU.
  9. AstroZombie

    DayZ just got BRU

    Do Want!
  10. Official servers are a death trap.
  11. AstroZombie

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    Take as long as you like happy to wait.
  12. AstroZombie

    Day/Nights private hives out there?

    Check my signature, night on our server atm.
  13. AstroZombie

    Looking for UK Private Hive..

    dayzmad.com is worth a look has a TS too.