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Which T-Shirt design would you buy?

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I can make these if Rocket or anyone else on the team want to know more details pm me. I'll even make some for free.

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I want this one! :P


If it was already posted, sry!

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I love the shirt that won the vote, even though I can already tell I will have to explain to dozens of people who ask "what's 'dayz?'" that it actually says "Day Z."

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How about a T-shirt with the red broken chain symbol' date=' or "waiting for server response" written across the front?


hahah that's fucking brilliant.

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I want this one! :P


If it was already posted' date=' sry!


^ This.

I'd buy this shirt right away.

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#2 and #3.

#1 needs that extra little bit of attention to read/care what it says. 2 and 3 just need a glimpse to get a point across.

#2 would be the one I would go for. Simple, stylish and seductively sexy...

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I would like to perform some action about number TWO tee (maybe with "Who`s shooting in Cherno?" beneath - but it`s subject to discuss). But single t-shirt is always economical nonsense. So if anyone in Poland or in close neighborhood has contact to good (and cheap if possible) t-shirt studio please PM me... and ofcours everyone who want a copy.

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These are all great but lets be honest, where is the

"Who's shooting in Cherno?


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How about one with some gunz on it?

That would be better.

Maybe a Safri Spoof UAZ in the back ground a few dudes holding gunz and beans with a few dead zombies here and there.

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