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Kingsix (DayZ)

Humans are the enemy in DAYZ not the Zs

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Every player I meet gets warned. I don`t kill players, because I value life (or in this case - time spent). I only kill if nobody responds and clearly has hostile intentions. Everyone has the chance to to this. But instead I got shot on the spot when meeting other survivors. The worst case scenario just happened. I was low on blood and waited a long time on a roof near the hospital. After another player came by he agreed to get blood out of the hospital and to help me. Since he also needed some blood I agreed to help him out after he helped me.

Well, he came to the roof and put down his weapon to administer the blood. After beeing healed I thanked him and was just starting to ask him if he has bloodbags for me so that I can help him.

During this question he just shot me. Brainless cunt. Thats why humans will ultimativly fail.

Maybe he saw my equipment and changed his mind during blood transfusion...whatever. He is a brainless cunt with a small Dick.

From now on I will shoot every survivor on the spot if he has gun.


Edited by Kingsix

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Every single player realizes this after playing for 2 days, welcome to the club, a little late but well..

Without this btw the game wouldn't be this much fun, if you think about it all you can do is agree, ofc you can argue that its too much but thats not the point.

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another of the many identical topics, about the same thing... yes bandits are the only danger in this game.

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Don't become jaded because of one brainless cock knocker, I've met far more nice people than tosspots.

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I agree with Goster here. I trust most players I meet, but I'm not stupid about it either. What happened to you is a pretty extreme case of douchebaggery considering the guy could have just capped you while you were weak and saved himself the time and resources.

I warn people of my approach, and it usually works. If you ever see me saying 'friendly,' you can trust that I won't pull a fast one on you.

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@kingsix... grow some balls dude, we dont need your butt hurt story on the forums... go play call of duty or something lolz

Well I don`t see logical implication here I guess. Call of Duty? Well I would say that cunts killing others for no obvious reason came from Call of Duty and think DAYZ is just another shooter.

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Had only my second death since started due to Zombies the other day, the thought popped in my head that it's rare to get killed by them, other players and doorframes seem to be dangerous right now, makes it more fun!

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Ive asked people playing this game for the first time, whatched streamers play this game for the first time, and you know what? The first thing that they wonder is, why did that guy shoot me/why are people shooting at me all the time/why are people so hostile? Now why is that, is it because they thought they were playing a fps shooter, or is it because they thought that they where playing a survival game?

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@kingsix... grow some balls dude, we dont need your butt hurt story on the forums... go play call of duty or something lolz

Internet tough guy alert...


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Well I don`t see logical implication here I guess. Call of Duty? Well I would say that cunts killing others for no obvious reason came from Call of Duty and think DAYZ is just another shooter.

RIIIIIIIGHT..... *rolls eyes*

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Being a nice guy is the hardest way to play this game with all the infected players and their blood lust.

Im still playing as a nice guy after a month and don't see that changing.

Yes you will get killed by infected players more if you dont shoot on sight but if you start down that route yourself before you know it you will be come one of the infected.

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@kingsix... grow some balls dude, we dont need your butt hurt story on the forums... go play call of duty or something lolz


You messed that up! You are supposed to call him carebear, and then he should call should call you CoD-kid. Then you both throw in some no-no words.

You turned everything upside down. Damn it!

Edited by CLewis

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Every single player realizes this after playing for 2 days, welcome to the club, a little late but well..

Without this btw the game wouldn't be this much fun, if you think about it all you can do is agree, ofc you can argue that its too much but thats not the point.

After the first bad encounters with Humsans wore off I can only agree. This is the secret sauce to the game. I can tell you I never had so much fun in a game for 10 years since I played hardcore missions for flashpoint. This game is one of the best games I ever played!

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I dunno. I've been playing this game for a while now and I still enjoy exploring and scavenging. I dunno what it is, but even since Fallout 3 I've had this intense liking of searching for stuff. I know, I know, you're not supposed to get attached to the stuff you get in this game, but I still enjoy looking for it all. At this point I haven't even fired at another player yet, though I have been killed by others a few times.

Already racked up a good zombie kill count, which I consider my "score" in this game at this point. So my current goal is to kill zombies. Simple? Yeah. Path of least resistance in this game? Eh, possibly. I tend to avoid player contact altogether, to be honest, and I've stayed inland ever since I left the coast for the first time. Still, I've been doing this for a while now and I still find it fun.

Players becoming bandits and such is natural for a setting like that. My problem only comes with people trying to tell you that you "need" to play a game a certain way. If other people come to the realization that killing on sight is the way that works for them, that's fine. Just as long as they don't try to push that on everyone.

Edited by Nesstrodamus

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Next, in DayH, people will complain that "There is too much PvE?!?"

Just trolling.

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Best solution to everything. Stay near the zombies. They are friendly enough once you can work your way around them. From that point on, all you have to do is shoot people you meet in the leg. They can't chase you, and you won't be the direct reason as to why they die... or something..

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Every player I meet gets warned. I don`t kill players, because I value life (or in this case - time spent). I only kill if nobody responds and clearly has hostile intentions. Everyone has the chance to to this. But instead I got shot on the spot when meeting other survivors. The worst case scenario just happened. I was low on blood and waited a long time on a roof near the hospital. After another player came by he agreed to get blood out of the hospital and to help me. Since he also needed some blood I agreed to help him out after he helped me.

Well, he came to the roof and put down his weapon to administer the blood. After beeing healed I thanked him and was just starting to ask him if he has bloodbags for me so that I can help him.

During this question he just shot me. Brainless cunt. Thats why humans will ultimativly fail.

Maybe he saw my equipment and changed his mind during blood transfusion...whatever. He is a brainless cunt with a small Dick.

From now on I will shoot every survivor on the spot if he has gun.


just curious... were you wanting the Z's to be the enemy instead of players? You know, the things that just run circles around you. things that are mindless and can't outthink or outplay you? The static shit AI that you can funnel into doorways (even in other games where they run in buildings)

yea. sure thing. im WAY excited to those hundreds of hours of gameplay with the totally unpredictable zeds.

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Well, that's so sad. It's kill or be killed. It's not what I like, but I play like others play in such encounters. When I can avoid, I avoid. If that's not possible, I wait until the last moment. That almost got me killed just a few minutes ago. I was at the top of Zub castle, ready to go down and continue exploring, when I heard a shotgun. I froze, literally - this game gets the best of you, and that's why it's fun no matter what you're doing already.

I tried to spot a guy from the top, but I couldn't, so I laid down next to the stairs so I would be behind the guy if he came up. And I waited. And my hart was beating like crazy because I didn't know what would happen.

After a minute or so I heard him drink. Then I was listening to him walking around, slowly. I could have tried to communicate. But if he wasn't friendly, I would just jeopardize my location and "safety". He came up, I saw a shotgun, and I fired 26 bullets from my AKS. I was so nervous waiting for him, I just kept firing until I got 1 murder. I didn't even blink the whole time I was waiting. Maybe he was friendly, but I'm rather alive than naive.

So screw helping, I'll help only unarmed players.

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Night Servers are better, seriously

I was often shot by a sniper or when I asked another survivor if he is friendly.

Then I went on a server with nighttime and I realized, that your survivability is much better..

I was on a 55/60 players server and I could visit all important spots in cherno.

I just waited at a dark spot where they would never see me.

On open plains, you cannot be spotted by a sniper.

And if you have a friend who plays with you and you meet another armed survivor

then you just make sure that he knows, that he will get shot by the other one if he starts

to be aggressive.

You will still be shot, but hey, maybe it took a little longer for you to die.

And you have to keep in mind, that this is actually part of the game.

The main part, I would suggest. It's a simulation and it should show you,

how you would react in a cataclysmic situation like this.

You wouldn't trust anyone, because one mistake could end your life.

Forever. Without a respawn at the beach.

good luck out there and don't be sad if you die :)

Edited by S3ssion

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Humans are supposed to be the enemy. In desperate times, mankind is always the most dangerous

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