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Why this mod is failing

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If it was survival of the fittest the world would be ruled by tigers or bears. It's dominated by humans because they are a social animal that naturally works in groups and is made much stronger thereby. This would be especially true when there is a powerful external threat.

I'm really hoping the ones who believe it is only the cops stopping citizens slaughtering each other live far away, because that's a sick society.

you utterly misunderstand what survival of the fittest means.

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magine this game without the mindless bandits killing everything they see... What would it be? 50 people on a server running around trying to get parts to a chopper so they can fly around? Buy Microsoft flight simulator instead! No, seriously this is the worst kind of threads, what is OP thinking? This game is about survival, either survival in a group or solo. When someone kills you, that is when you know that you have lost the game and you'll have to try again. To enjoy this game you'll have to think like a survivor.

And at last, OP, it is kind of rude that you lie on this forum. We all know that you have having a hard time finding the stuffs you want because the bandits keep killing you, no doubt about that. But dont end your message with informing us that you never have any problems with bandits and that you know how to find your way around them... Bullshit! Not even Chuck Norris can do that.

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magine this game without the mindless bandits killing everything they see... What would it be? 50 people on a server running around trying to get parts to a chopper so they can fly around? Buy Microsoft flight simulator instead! No, seriously this is the worst kind of threads, what is OP thinking? This game is about survival, either survival in a group or solo. When someone kills you, that is when you know that you have lost the game and you'll have to try again. To enjoy this game you'll have to think like a survivor.

And at last, OP, it is kind of rude that you lie on this forum. We all know that you have having a hard time finding the stuffs you want because the bandits keep killing you, no doubt about that. But dont end your message with informing us that you never have any problems with bandits and that you know how to find your way around them... Bullshit! Not even Chuck Norris can do that.

....I don't even know where to start with a reply to that. Bandits don't bother me. I've died to them maybe four times. I can recall, with clarity, all the times I've ever been killed by other players. Once in the NWAF airfield, by a server hopper. He had a .50. Once at the big red-and-white tower. That was the first time I had a DMR. I was bummed about that. one time, I was following my friend who had a pair of NVG's, on a night server. I didn't have NVG's. We ended up in a firefight at Stary. My friend got himself killed, and I don't log out. So, of course, when I threw flares to blind the enemies and tried to run away, I was killed by a silenced weapon. Hmmmm, when else? Honestly can't remember off the top of my head. I guess you could include my forays into non-hive servers, too. At which point you should add being killed by a ghillie-suited guy with an M9 silenced to the list. Having a hacker teleport behind me with a .50 sniper rifle and shoot me too. Oh, let's not forget the tunguska on the shoreline in the far west of the coastline. That killed me once or twice. But other than that...

I just...don't die a whole lot in DayZ, Maybe I'm brilliantly lucky? Or maybe I'm just cautious. Simple fact is, you're going to have to get it through that thick skull that this isn't a thread about bandits. This is a thread about MURDERERS. Yeah, I mislabeled them bandits earlier.

If this game didn't have the rampant murderous 'bandits' mindlessly killing everything in sight, then it would be so fucking ace. Why? Because there'd be a shift in the very foundation of the community, I think. New guys would actually have a chance. Without the meaningless deaths to instill in every single player that no one is to be trusted ever ever EVER, they'd actually be willing to party up. When someone said 'Friendly!' they might actually take it at face value.

I've said it already a few times. Without bandits, this game would be boring. but it's the mindless bandit murderers who sit on the shoreline trying to rack up a frigging high score of player kills that ruin the game. And it's not even that big of a deal, really. The real problem is that the community and the mid-game push people TOWARDS these goals. Not specifically, no. But without anything else to do, and with youtube videos all up in their faces trying to show them that 'shooting people on Dayz is fun!' the majority of people already are, or WILL resort to pure murderous rampages to try and liven up their game.

The game is EASY. And when you know how to avoid other players, like, you know, holding down ALT and looking around when you're running, sticking to the trees, observing zombie spawns from a distance, playing on servers that DON'T have 50 people on them constantly; then the game just gets boring. I've seen it. I've experienced it.

I'm one of the rare people who got bored with the game, and didn't resort to sitting in Cherno shooting at the noobs. I'm one of the even rarer ones who decided to point all of this shit out on the forums.

[sarcasm]But no. You got me. I'm just secretly really bad at the game and get killed by bandits all the time every day. I can't even make it off the beach without dying because I run up to other players shouting 'friendly!' every time I see them and pointing my brand spanking new makarov in their faces! And god, those snipers. I just keep falling over dead. I thought it was divine intervention there for a while. Or a glitch. But nope, it's them dang snipers. [/sarcasm]

Yeah, I added sarcasm brackets. Why? I don't beleive you're capable of picking up on that subtlety. Or any subtlety at all, really.

Not once in my first post did I make any allusions to wanting bandits gone. I never said anything like that. I never suggested it. But lol, I said that bandits were a 'problem'. So obviously, I must just be DYING to them all the time. You guys are putting 2 and 2 together and coming up with fucking algebra.

I LIKE bandits. Fuck, you could probably consider ME a bandit (before I joined the regulators, at least). When I was running with my friend, everyone was fair game. If it moved, we shot it.

But I was a bandit. I was not a mindless murderer. When I killed them, I killed them for their loot. I didn't kill them because I wanted a high score, or because I was bored. And it's these mindless murderers that are dragging the game down.

Yeah, sure, say that they'll always be there. You're preaching to the choir. I know they'll be there. Nothing will get rid of them. And you know what? Let them do it. If it makes them happy, they can go right ahead. Keep the noobs on their toes.

But like I said in the opening post, the game is PUSHING people towards this end game, and the community is reinforcing what the game is already doing. The mindless murderers in the servers are growing. See those sales figures? More 'casual' gamers looking for a quick deathmatch game because they saw a sick helicopter raid on youtube. Sure, some decent gamers get through, but guess what? They're quickly lost in the deluge of people killing for cheap, quick kills.

these are problems with the game, AND the community. I didn't make this thread to try and change that. I made this thread for awareness. And you know what? 9000 views. Maybe I got through to some people. Made them think a little bit. (actually, scrap that last bit. After the replies to this thread, I'm beginning to the think the average forum goer doesn't really THINK at all.)

Now please, tell me to QQ more and learn to play against bandits. And then go back to trawling the forums looking for people who are actually having trouble, so you can dump on them, too. Be a good little childish gamer and let the adults have a thread.

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Rocket has said that more group oriented content (base building, possibly other stuff like electricity and holding cities etc) are in the pipeline. There is your endgame. It will still be a sandbox, and dog eat dog out there, but people will be more motivated to find a clan, and play with others.

But of course, some people, not necessarily the OP, will still whine even when we have group content along those lines, wanting forced group mechanics and debilitating bandit consequences and quests and gold coins. Those people just need to realize that sandbox games aren't for them.

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There are people who openly say they're dwepping this mod left and right. Just because overall player count is growing does not mean that actual unique player count is staying at that same level. Not at all actually. Open assed fart on your deluded face.

what the hell is dwepping? you make that up yourself? and "overall" player count is the same as "unique" player count surely? are they not bound by Arma 2 cd keys? also how can one be "growing" and one be "staying at that same level", you don't even know what your saying.....

We seem to be approaching 1 million players currently..... do you even know what 1 million people looks like?


Edited by Naykon

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The most fun we've had in this game is taking people hostage and getting them to do random crazy shit that usually results in their deaths. Like getting people to jump off of school roofs under their own free will. At gunpoint.

Fucking awesome! But I'd be PISSED if that was me.... lol

You are absolutely right, and I didn't intend to make an impression that I thought players needed to be handheld through objectives or anything like that. I just think there need to be more sandbox tools to allow players to create more goals for themselves that don't involve just killing.

This game is similar to Minecraft in a lot of ways. And like Minecraft has, there just needs to be a focus on continually adding game elements for people to interact with, without just telling people what they should do with them, to flesh out the sandbox element of the game.

That's long-term though, This is still alpha, so I'm not in a big hurry (and I'm still having a blast with what we do have), right now the focus should be on fixing bugs, but I don't see a problem with voicing these kinds of concerns because they are something that needs to be addressed eventually.

Word, I gotcha. I think adding elements to the game as it progresses, will add tremendously to the replay value. Damn good idea but just out of curiosity, what would you add?

Balance is required, and I am not the guy to tell you how to achieve this balance... I also don't engineer or design video games, I manage a private security firm and spend a lot of time working with rules, laws, regulations, policies, etc... But my experience has taught me that increased enforcement and regulation is usually not the answer.

Edited by gr33nth1ng

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But without anything else to do, and with youtube videos all up in their faces trying to show them that 'shooting people on Dayz is fun!' the majority of people already are, or WILL resort to pure murderous rampages to try and liven up their game.

Sooo.. I was just thinking about what this statement and I want to ask a serious question, no sarcasm. Would you really rather watch a video of the nice guy giving a stranger a blood transfusion, or a full on assault on a town by bandits? You dont have to answer, but my point is this.. we (humans) typically watch the bad new rather than good news. Seriously, take a look at cnn, youtube, your nightly news, or even TMZ... rarely do the ever present good news, or the story of the nice guy who walked the old lady down the street. I dont think that the youtube videos of bandits doing bandit'y things has anything to do with your concerns. IMO its just more entertaining to watch. Dont get me wrong, I have already said that DayZ needs a hero, and I'd totally get a kick out of watching a video of the hero rescuing a n00b from a team of bandits and zombies in a hail of gunfire, but when it gets to the point where the shooting stopped and he is just doing a blood transfusion, or sharing supplies, I would probably skip to the next video with guns, girls or cars..

Oh and your one of the regulators? Arent you supposed to be regulating this kinda stuff? Where's your hero video? lol j/k

Edited by gr33nth1ng

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Good lord, this thread is STILL going?

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QQ more. Crymore. Carebear. It's an alpha. Sneak. Harden up. tl;dr

Okay, now we got that out of the way, if you intended on posting any of those, a combination thereof, or something similiar, get the fuck out. Intelligent conversation only, and not your brownnosing bullshit.

This game is failing because bandits.

That's it. It's that simple.

But this stems from design problems, I guess. And basic human (read: fucktard) nature.

I don't have anything better to do, so I'm going to kill you.

So, you just snuck through the fringe towns. You got some sweet hardware from the deer stands or wherever it is you get your weapons. You have a sniper rifle, and an assault rifle in your backpack. You have matches, a hatchet, food, water, heat packs, morphine. You're all set. You have everything you'll ever need.

Now what?

You know what? nothing. There's not a single fucking thing to do once you get this gear. You can sneak past MORE zombies. Or you can shoot them. You can roam the wilderness looking for crashed helicopters and NVG's. You can search for better weapons. but what do you do when you get these weapons?

You go back to the coast and shoot the guys who just got the game. There's just nothing else to do. I personally, have never stooped to this level. I've killed a total of maybe four other players. And never have I laid in wait to shoot them. But this isn't about me. This is about every single other cunt that plays this game. You have nothing better to do once you get this gear, other than shoot PEOPLE with it. A .50 sniper rifle is not designed for use on zombies. Don't even try to pretend it is. It's used specifically for killing players.

Now, let's look at it from the other side. Say you're a person who genuinely wants to help, like, say, me. I like to help people who are in a spot of bother in this game. I was running cherno/elektro server hopping at one point taking down the barbed wire that server hoppers had been putting up to fence off pretty much every single bit of real estate in the cities.

But I don't interact with other players. Why? You're all bastards. Sure, maybe one in five or so won't shoot me on sight. The other four? I'm dead. I'm not restarting and losing all my shit because you decided to be an asshole.

This is the mentality that has ruined this mod, on BOTH SIDES. "It's just a game, let's be COMPLETE, UTTER ASSHOLES! :D " Don't even fucking pretend to me that that isn't what 90% of you bandits feel, deep down. It's just a game. None of it matters.

Well you know what? It's not a fun game.

It's not a fun game when no one will help you. It's just a long, hard slog through brutal mutated zombies with the running strength of an olympic athlete pumped full of speed and on a sugar rush, looking for loot with no 'end game' in sight. Your entire gaming existence comes down to surviving. That's what this mod should be. But there are people out there who don't WANT to survive. They just want to deathmatch. You've seen them. Fuck, a lot of you have BEEN THAT PERSON. Sitting on the sidelines of the NWAF with a sniper rifle waiting for some hapless 'noob' to wander into your sights. Camping in Cherno looking to shoot noobs.

'It's just a game'.

New players either convert to being a bandit, or stop playing. Or they group up with friends that they have to meet OUTSIDE the game, because ALL of you are two faced, backstabbing pricks, and then that's their clique. They don't step outside that zone.

The only interaction between player groups in this game is the whoosh of bullets flying past their goddamn faces. This is half the fault of the game design, and half the fault of YOU, the player.

Every time you camp in Cherno killing noobs, every time you snipe some guy who's arrived at NWAF for the first time. Every time you betray and backstab just for the sheer glee you get in your heart for being an anonymous cunt over the internet. This is what is destroying the game.

And don't even try to pretend it's not. Or next time you see someone who's actually armed, walk up to them and say 'friendly'. Go on. I'll wait.

Eventually, the supply of fresh-faced, naive recruits WILL diminish, at which point you'll all have what you want. You'll have a deathmatch in Cherno. You'll have a deathmatch at the NWAF. You'll have a deathmatch called Chernarus. Because that's the direction this community is DRIVING this game.

New players are forced away by the constant banditry, or convert to the banditry way of playing the game. I know I have. If I see a player, I don't help them. I hide. And if they see me, I shoot.

I was a fresh faced recruit once, hoping to actually play a survival game where survivors were pitted against bandits, and zombies fucked up everyone. But now, everyone is a bandit, and no one can be trusted. Ever.

This isn't a survival simulator any more. It's a bandit simulator.

And guess what?

The bandits are winning.

And to the people who will say 'hey, I'm not a bandit! I help people!' Yeah. Welcome to the 1% buddy. Congratulations.

For the blatently retarded. I don't get killed by bandits. I actually have no problem with bandits. I have no problem killing them, or avoiding them. I can kit myself up to full capacity without meeting a single other player. Woopity FUCKING do. What I don't like banditry or the bandits way of gaming, is what it's done to the game. No one tries to help others, and avoids all contacts with others, because 4 out of every 5 people play the game as a bandit and will kill you. If not for your loot, then just to be a cunt.

To the blatently retarded, obviously blind: I have NEVER BEEN SNIPED. I don't get killed by bandits! When I do, I suck it up and start over! Can I not make this more clear? This is not a complaint of 'bandits killed me waaah' it's a case of 'Bandit mentality killed what could have been an awesome game, waaaaah!'

Didn't read, but alpha and ~1 million players. Make a better game college boy?

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This game is failing because bandits.

Did he even read the frontpage of Daymod.com and what the game is about...? Bandits are a core section of the game. If you don't like the gameplay, play something else.

Though, this Mod is hardly dying, It has been increasing, continues to increase, and more and more people are playing it.

Unique Players - 950k.

Plays in the last 24 hours - 188k.

Hardly dying or failing.

My favorite part is when he demands for an intelligent conversation, but offers almost none back to anyone else. :emptycan:

Edited by U.B.C.S. Ravin

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you've got what? 220 square km to play in?, and bandits are ruining it for you? then you suck at concealment. I've not engaged or seen another player in like 3 days now and I play on a fairly high pop server.

methinks you're just bad and get killed.

L2play = stop crying

If you read what he said then you would realise that you have identified non-issues for the poster....L2READ = Literacy

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Sooo.. I was just thinking about what this statement and I want to ask a serious question, no sarcasm. Would you really rather watch a video of the nice guy giving a stranger a blood transfusion, or a full on assault on a town by bandits? You dont have to answer, but my point is this.. we (humans) typically watch the bad new rather than good news. Seriously, take a look at cnn, youtube, your nightly news, or even TMZ... rarely do the ever present good news, or the story of the nice guy who walked the old lady down the street. I dont think that the youtube videos of bandits doing bandit'y things has anything to do with your concerns. IMO its just more entertaining to watch. Dont get me wrong, I have already said that DayZ needs a hero, and I'd totally get a kick out of watching a video of the hero rescuing a n00b from a team of bandits and zombies in a hail of gunfire, but when it gets to the point where the shooting stopped and he is just doing a blood transfusion, or sharing supplies, I would probably skip to the next video with guns, girls or cars..

Oh and your one of the regulators? Arent you supposed to be regulating this kinda stuff? Where's your hero video? lol j/k

I watch Side Strafe play DayZ all the time, and he's not a bandit, he can be considered a "Nice Guy"

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I've just read the original post, nothing else pretty much.

Solution to banditry that's killing the game = zombies as deadly as they should be (like in The Walking Dead and other zombie apocalypse movies/games/series/whatever.

Players would be forcet to group up because of the zombies.

Hardcore players (bandits as well) wouldn't be actually sniping nabs in <insert random high loot value place / beach> . They would be going an actual good pvp against other GROUPS of players. Which would be harder, more rewarding, more fun. Because simply there wouldn't be too many nabs by themselves as they would HAVE to group up.

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Did he even read the frontpage of Daymod.com and what the game is about...? Bandits are a core section of the game. If you don't like the gameplay, play something else.

Though, this Mod is hardly dying, It has been increasing, continues to increase, and more and more people are playing it.

Unique Players - 950k.

Plays in the last 24 hours - 188k.

Hardly dying or failing.

My favorite part is when he demands for an intelligent conversation, but offers almost none back to anyone else. :emptycan:

Call of duty has 900k playing in one day :P

Edited by A Bush killed me

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Most of the time i like helping out people, but kinda dont like helping out people as much, unless i have you on skype or in team speak.

I have 75% of people that i help try to shoot me moment they get a weapon or better weapon than me.

if your in NW airfield or any airfield of any kind i honestly dont expect anyone to be friendly their... 100% people their are so paranoid they will shoot you even if ur naked/weaponless ;p

Technically speaking...... If the game had a world chat, it easier to spread the word who the trust worthy player, or not. It very hard to tell the whole server if u got killed by certain named character, after they picked up their first weapon.

I mean honestly, if you find some in game item like "Radio" or build Radio Station, you should be able to speak to everyone in the world.

I mean pick up couple parts + put it together = Stationary Radio to communicate with the map.

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I watch Side Strafe play DayZ all the time, and he's not a bandit, he can be considered a "Nice Guy"

Ok, I'll give you that.. Well played ironman.. well played.. Still though there is much more bad guy media than there is good guy media.

Edited by gr33nth1ng

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QQ more. Crymore. Carebear. It's an alpha. Sneak. Harden up. tl;dr

Okay, now we got that out of the way, if you intended on posting any of those, a combination thereof, or something similiar, get the fuck out. Intelligent conversation only, and not your brownnosing bullshit.

This game is failing because bandits.

That's it. It's that simple.

But this stems from design problems, I guess. And basic human (read: fucktard) nature.

I don't have anything better to do, so I'm going to kill you.

So, you just snuck through the fringe towns. You got some sweet hardware from the deer stands or wherever it is you get your weapons. You have a sniper rifle, and an assault rifle in your backpack. You have matches, a hatchet, food, water, heat packs, morphine. You're all set. You have everything you'll ever need.

Now what?

You know what? nothing. There's not a single fucking thing to do once you get this gear. You can sneak past MORE zombies. Or you can shoot them. You can roam the wilderness looking for crashed helicopters and NVG's. You can search for better weapons. but what do you do when you get these weapons?

You go back to the coast and shoot the guys who just got the game. There's just nothing else to do. I personally, have never stooped to this level. I've killed a total of maybe four other players. And never have I laid in wait to shoot them. But this isn't about me. This is about every single other cunt that plays this game. You have nothing better to do once you get this gear, other than shoot PEOPLE with it. A .50 sniper rifle is not designed for use on zombies. Don't even try to pretend it is. It's used specifically for killing players.

Now, let's look at it from the other side. Say you're a person who genuinely wants to help, like, say, me. I like to help people who are in a spot of bother in this game. I was running cherno/elektro server hopping at one point taking down the barbed wire that server hoppers had been putting up to fence off pretty much every single bit of real estate in the cities.

But I don't interact with other players. Why? You're all bastards. Sure, maybe one in five or so won't shoot me on sight. The other four? I'm dead. I'm not restarting and losing all my shit because you decided to be an asshole.

This is the mentality that has ruined this mod, on BOTH SIDES. "It's just a game, let's be COMPLETE, UTTER ASSHOLES! :D " Don't even fucking pretend to me that that isn't what 90% of you bandits feel, deep down. It's just a game. None of it matters.

Well you know what? It's not a fun game.

It's not a fun game when no one will help you. It's just a long, hard slog through brutal mutated zombies with the running strength of an olympic athlete pumped full of speed and on a sugar rush, looking for loot with no 'end game' in sight. Your entire gaming existence comes down to surviving. That's what this mod should be. But there are people out there who don't WANT to survive. They just want to deathmatch. You've seen them. Fuck, a lot of you have BEEN THAT PERSON. Sitting on the sidelines of the NWAF with a sniper rifle waiting for some hapless 'noob' to wander into your sights. Camping in Cherno looking to shoot noobs.

'It's just a game'.

New players either convert to being a bandit, or stop playing. Or they group up with friends that they have to meet OUTSIDE the game, because ALL of you are two faced, backstabbing pricks, and then that's their clique. They don't step outside that zone.

The only interaction between player groups in this game is the whoosh of bullets flying past their goddamn faces. This is half the fault of the game design, and half the fault of YOU, the player.

Every time you camp in Cherno killing noobs, every time you snipe some guy who's arrived at NWAF for the first time. Every time you betray and backstab just for the sheer glee you get in your heart for being an anonymous cunt over the internet. This is what is destroying the game.

And don't even try to pretend it's not. Or next time you see someone who's actually armed, walk up to them and say 'friendly'. Go on. I'll wait.

Eventually, the supply of fresh-faced, naive recruits WILL diminish, at which point you'll all have what you want. You'll have a deathmatch in Cherno. You'll have a deathmatch at the NWAF. You'll have a deathmatch called Chernarus. Because that's the direction this community is DRIVING this game.

New players are forced away by the constant banditry, or convert to the banditry way of playing the game. I know I have. If I see a player, I don't help them. I hide. And if they see me, I shoot.

I was a fresh faced recruit once, hoping to actually play a survival game where survivors were pitted against bandits, and zombies fucked up everyone. But now, everyone is a bandit, and no one can be trusted. Ever.

This isn't a survival simulator any more. It's a bandit simulator.

And guess what?

The bandits are winning.

And to the people who will say 'hey, I'm not a bandit! I help people!' Yeah. Welcome to the 1% buddy. Congratulations.

For the blatently retarded. I don't get killed by bandits. I actually have no problem with bandits. I have no problem killing them, or avoiding them. I can kit myself up to full capacity without meeting a single other player. Woopity FUCKING do. What I don't like banditry or the bandits way of gaming, is what it's done to the game. No one tries to help others, and avoids all contacts with others, because 4 out of every 5 people play the game as a bandit and will kill you. If not for your loot, then just to be a cunt.

To the blatently retarded, obviously blind: I have NEVER BEEN SNIPED. I don't get killed by bandits! When I do, I suck it up and start over! Can I not make this more clear? This is not a complaint of 'bandits killed me waaah' it's a case of 'Bandit mentality killed what could have been an awesome game, waaaaah!'

To shorten it up Bandits are emant to be in the game im a super nice person in life but when i play I kill people are bve evil!!!!

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Unless a real Zombie apocalyse happens you have no proof to back up that claim.

Human nature is proof enough, stop kidding yourself.

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But rampant CoD fuckstains strung along the coast and up at the NW portions of the map have ruined the game.

It's not like that most of the time, and you repeating it over and over again won't make it come true either.

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This mod sets out to be something different. But it's not.

It is different, there isn't another FPS out there like it. And it's not failing, it's evolving into a type of game that you and a small minority don't like but one that the THOUSANDS of us love and can't stop playing, and there are more of us every week.

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What is so wrong with mindless PvP? There's an entire industry built around it. People seem to love it.

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I think as a community what we're dealing with is people projecting their expectations as to what the game is. It's nothing more than a sandbox and when people start to 'expect' the game to be played in a certain way there will always be conflict.

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