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Why this mod is failing

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Now first off I would like to say that you would have been alot more serious if you didn't sound like a butthurt 1 year od " I don't like it that's why this is a fail !"

But you bring a good point, there is no end game and what should be do after we have our stuff.

Ofcourse a .50cal was not put in the game to hunt zombies, duh. It was meant to kill other player, and you know what? I'm 100% sure that if there were to be a real zombie apocalypse we should be afraid of people more then we should be of zombies. Why? Because everyone's gonna fight over everything.

If you don't kill the next person you see, he might just end up finding what you want. If you trust someone you don't know to team with you, how will you be sure that he doesn't backstab you over the next best gun you find? These things occur naturally. Human nature.

When you end up with enough shit to survive for months, you get 2 choices:

-Either kill everyone and make it hard for them

-Or join a clan, be a whitelist medic, help other people (clan), explore the damn map, etc etc..

There is an abundance of thing you can do after you got your gear, it's simple human nature to want to kill stuff.

Oh and it's also a vicious cycle: You got shot for no reason -> you're probably gonna end up shooting every single person you see.

And let's be honest, the game is not hard at all if it weren't for PvPers. I can run through Elektro and into Cherno then just enter a house and go out the back door and TADA, no more zombies.

What you're looking for a fort defence game where the only real essence is team based survival with no PvP

(and if you're in a clan it's basically team based survival of other people)

DayZ is not your game, move along and don't complain

Edited by elasticz

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QQ Noob, you're a kid. This game is not for kids.

Gtfo this forum and never come back.

Looool. I love guys like this.

way to prove your inability to comprehend anything beyond the most basic of English. :D

Not QQ'ing, not a noob (50 day old characer, so go fuck yourself), I'm 25, which puts me ten years older than the average forumgoer,and I'm not going anywhere. So kindly, good sir, get the fuck out and ne'er return. Lest your prove your stupidity further.

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QQ more. Crymore. Carebear. It's an alpha. Sneak. Harden up. tl;dr

Okay, now we got that out of the way, if you intended on posting any of those, a combination thereof, or something similiar, get the fuck out. Intelligent conversation only, and not your brownnosing bullshit.

This game is failing because bandits.

That's it. It's that simple.

But this stems from design problems, I guess. And basic human (read: fucktard) nature.

I don't have anything better to do, so I'm going to kill you.

So, you just snuck through the fringe towns. You got some sweet hardware from the deer stands or wherever it is you get your weapons. You have a sniper rifle, and an assault rifle in your backpack. You have matches, a hatchet, food, water, heat packs, morphine. You're all set. You have everything you'll ever need.

Now what?

You know what? nothing. There's not a single fucking thing to do once you get this gear. You can sneak past MORE zombies. Or you can shoot them. You can roam the wilderness looking for crashed helicopters and NVG's. You can search for better weapons. but what do you do when you get these weapons?

You go back to the coast and shoot the guys who just got the game. There's just nothing else to do. I personally, have never stooped to this level. I've killed a total of maybe four other players. And never have I laid in wait to shoot them. But this isn't about me. This is about every single other cunt that plays this game. You have nothing better to do once you get this gear, other than shoot PEOPLE with it. A .50 sniper rifle is not designed for use on zombies. Don't even try to pretend it is. It's used specifically for killing players.

Now, let's look at it from the other side. Say you're a person who genuinely wants to help, like, say, me. I like to help people who are in a spot of bother in this game. I was running cherno/elektro server hopping at one point taking down the barbed wire that server hoppers had been putting up to fence off pretty much every single bit of real estate in the cities.

But I don't interact with other players. Why? You're all bastards. Sure, maybe one in five or so won't shoot me on sight. The other four? I'm dead. I'm not restarting and losing all my shit because you decided to be an asshole.

This is the mentality that has ruined this mod, on BOTH SIDES. "It's just a game, let's be COMPLETE, UTTER ASSHOLES! :D " Don't even fucking pretend to me that that isn't what 90% of you bandits feel, deep down. It's just a game. None of it matters.

Well you know what? It's not a fun game.

It's not a fun game when no one will help you. It's just a long, hard slog through brutal mutated zombies with the running strength of an olympic athlete pumped full of speed and on a sugar rush, looking for loot with no 'end game' in sight. Your entire gaming existence comes down to surviving. That's what this mod should be. But there are people out there who don't WANT to survive. They just want to deathmatch. You've seen them. Fuck, a lot of you have BEEN THAT PERSON. Sitting on the sidelines of the NWAF with a sniper rifle waiting for some hapless 'noob' to wander into your sights. Camping in Cherno looking to shoot noobs.

'It's just a game'.

New players either convert to being a bandit, or stop playing. Or they group up with friends that they have to meet OUTSIDE the game, because ALL of you are two faced, backstabbing pricks, and then that's their clique. They don't step outside that zone.

The only interaction between player groups in this game is the whoosh of bullets flying past their goddamn faces. This is half the fault of the game design, and half the fault of YOU, the player.

Every time you camp in Cherno killing noobs, every time you snipe some guy who's arrived at NWAF for the first time. Every time you betray and backstab just for the sheer glee you get in your heart for being an anonymous cunt over the internet. This is what is destroying the game.

And don't even try to pretend it's not. Or next time you see someone who's actually armed, walk up to them and say 'friendly'. Go on. I'll wait.

Eventually, the supply of fresh-faced, naive recruits WILL diminish, at which point you'll all have what you want. You'll have a deathmatch in Cherno. You'll have a deathmatch at the NWAF. You'll have a deathmatch called Chernarus. Because that's the direction this community is DRIVING this game.

New players are forced away by the constant banditry, or convert to the banditry way of playing the game. I know I have. If I see a player, I don't help them. I hide. And if they see me, I shoot.

I was a fresh faced recruit once, hoping to actually play a survival game where survivors were pitted against bandits, and zombies fucked up everyone. But now, everyone is a bandit, and no one can be trusted. Ever.

This isn't a survival simulator any more. It's a bandit simulator.

And guess what?

The bandits are winning.

And to the people who will say 'hey, I'm not a bandit! I help people!' Yeah. Welcome to the 1% buddy. Congratulations.

For the blatently retarded. I don't get killed by bandits. I actually have no problem with bandits. I have no problem killing them, or avoiding them. I can kit myself up to full capacity without meeting a single other player. Woopity FUCKING do. What I don't like banditry or the bandits way of gaming, is what it's done to the game. No one tries to help others, and avoids all contacts with others, because 4 out of every 5 people play the game as a bandit and will kill you. If not for your loot, then just to be a cunt.

To the blatently retarded, obviously blind: I have NEVER BEEN SNIPED. I don't get killed by bandits! When I do, I suck it up and start over! Can I not make this more clear? This is not a complaint of 'bandits killed me waaah' it's a case of 'Bandit mentality killed what could have been an awesome game, waaaaah!'

fucking whining that people are killing each other and not helping each other in a pvp full loot game

fucking tard

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The retards who say this game is "realistic" are just plain stupid. It is a game with zombies, that immediately puts it into fantasy and away from realism.

If you honestly believe in your heart that you would be a bandit in a real life post-apocalypse, then you are a terrible and disgusting person who has absolutely no regard for human life. This isn't a realistic simulation because zombies are not real, and never will be real, this situation will absolutely never happen in real life.

Most human beings are good people and actually value human life, the only reason retards are allowed to be bandits in this game because there are no consequences for their behavior, they are simply computer avatars playing with other computer avatars.

Rocket is an idiot for not trying to make the game fun. That is what all games are supposed to be, fun. If they aren't fun, then they are simply pieces of crap.

With the current state of the game, it IS going to die off, and all that will remain are the "hardcore" players and the players specifically dedicated to this type of video game.

As it stands right now, Operation Flashpoint, ArmA & ArmA 2 are still a lot more fun than DayZ can currently hope to be. It is mostly the fault of other players, but it is also partially Rocket's fault for being stubborn and continually increasing the difficulty and learning curve for a game which is already impossible for the common gamer to get into.

I really wish it wouldn't go stand-alone so that all the finances would go to ArmA 3 and subsequent titles, but at least when it goes stand-alone, the finances will still be going to Bohemia.

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I don't think this mod is failing at all! Bandits aren't exactly the problem, if any. On one of the servers I was playing, the admin was complaining how people are getting together in too large of groups, causing less fighting. To me, I don't mind it that much as long as the large group isn't in complete control of a server. This can prevent players from joining and potential loss of money for the server owner.

Aside from that, I think of DayZ as an experiment on human interaction. Quite interesting to think about, IMHO. :)

Edited by CSPhobos

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You know what's contributing to it? It's the damn bugs. You CAN NOT tell me that the dev teams are "Working their assess off" while the artifact glitches, which in un-fixable or very inconvenient cases, have gone un-fixed for many people for over, what a week or two? Today alone, I lost a M4ccoSD, my as50, ammo, coyote backpack, gps, nvg's, rangefinders, maps, compass, watch, knifes, silenced M9, and ample food and medical supplies, and a ghillie suit because the game decided to kill me when I had to relog in because of ARTIFACT GLITCHES. Thanks devs, for then spawning me in debug planes, then respawning me with absolutely nothing with same blood and food/drink and a ghillie suit west of kamenka.

Don't even tell me that "it's still in alpha" and "stop crying ;_;", because these kind of bugs are major/game breaking in many aspects, and still go untouched by a dev team that fails to read the overflow of bug reports and fucks up the game one thing at a time every patch.

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What a stupid way to read statistics.

1000000+ seemed to have got the mod. The number includes no info on how many quit or still play.

200000 have in the moment no new character.

I have an alive char but can't be added to play Coastal war where I get spawned again at the shore if the servers are stuck on loading.

The game mod is failing as it's now even more running.

Or you fm at the coast, but there are better fm mods out there.

A log out timer would have been better.

Servers aren't full anymore either that's s real stat that tells you something not the shields empty stat on the hp.

I don't live a Shot about bandits. Borken Shopping detection is the Killer.

Sorry for the butthurt fanboys that can't take the truth. The last 3 Pasches achieved nothing but making it unplayable

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Yeah man this is possibly the WORST alpha and patch release management I have ever seen in a game.

"The patch will fix the artifacting and load times but its not official so we'll test it over the weekend!" says Rocket

What happens? Patch gets put up ON THE MAIN PAGE ON THE WEBSITE AS CURRENT RELEASE, then the patch breaks the game even more by screwing up load times, making the artifacting worse, and adds in ANOTHER game breaker: Spawning on the coast.

But zombies run a little smoother! High Five!

I've played PLENTY of alpha build games and mods... the objective of the alpha being feature developement. Besides the (re)implementation of humanity, I'm not seeing much coming as far as new developement. And I'm sure as shit not seeing any issue resolution despite having almost 1 million fucking testers for the last couple of patches saying FIX THE GOD DAMN ARTIFACTING.

Nope we get smooth(er) zombies and maybe dogs (wtf?) in a few weeks. Mean while we get to "test" this broken mod for however long it takes rocket and co to develope fucking DOGS in DayZ and probably not fix any game breaking issues. I wonder what new game breakers the dogs will introduce. It sure will be nice running from the coast every time I manage to get past the fricking loading screen only to get eaten by a pack of glitched out dogs cause artifacts are blinding me.

Edited by redman

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DayZ has failed 1.066.793 unique players so far, it's only a matter of time before it fails even more players.

WarZ is a booming succes with it's incredible 15 screenshots and it's only a matter of time before 3 brand new screenshots will be released!!!

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It is official; Netcraft now confirms: DayZ is dying

You don't need to be a Kreskin to predict DayZ's future. The hand writing is on the wall: DayZ faces a bleak future. In fact there won't be any future at all for DayZ because DayZ is dying. Things are looking very bad for DayZ. As many of us are already aware, DayZ continues to lose market share. Red ink flows like a river of blood.

Fact: DayZ is dying

Edited by Benjamin

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honestly you all dont seem to get the point of this game. IT IS A SIMULATOR FOR A ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE. its ment to be as realistic as possible hence the food the broken bones the blood count the hearing and sound the water( all the basic things a real life scenario should have) and guess what it also has LIMITED ITEMS, BANDITS and ofc ZEDS. so what if theres a few glitches in the graphics department and some hackers that kill people for no reason (they got me twice so don't bitch). to all of you complaining about how its kill or be killed you are all living in a fantasy land. if you were in the midst of a zombie Apocalypse and you were unsure if the person you saw is going to murder you for things he doesn't have would you shout out to him FRIENDLY and expect him to not follow natures most basic law? sure there is a ton of unnecessary killing of newbies but i have witnessed no less than three times the noobs i try to help out turn on me as soon as they grip an axe. yes i have helped a great deal more than that so im not giving up on the survivor pop in general.

Dallas I'm talking to you here now. would you, brimming with goodies and weapons in a real life scenario trust a grimy probably injured and defenseless street rat that you happen to find in one of your forays into the cities with guarding your back? put yourself into his/her shoes if he/she killed you he/she would be safe, secure and above all have the supplies necessary to save his/her skin if a zombie attack did occur. this is by no means a rationale for the rest of the bandit murders that really are for no gain in Dayz, but it helps to clear up what Dayz represents, which is in the truest form the closest simulation to a zombie outbreak that exists in the world today.


Edited by insaneturtle

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I truly laughed at some of this guy's post. Also, TL;DR.

-You have to use your imagination in order to keep "End game" fun. Put yourself in risky situations for a thrill Etc. Etc.

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It's not that they can't fix EVERYTHING, it's that they can't fix ANYTHING. Even the most game-breaking glitches haven't been fixed.

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It is stupid when people say its a simulation or that it is "realistic".

Zombies aren't realistic, they don't exist and never will exist. A zombie apocalypse is absolutely impossible and in the realm of fantasy.

Also, this game can never be realistic because there are no consequences for anything other than perma-death. In reality, people would never behave like the bandits do in this game. You are playing against people with computer characters. Therefore it cannot be an experiment in human interaction because it is completely missing the value people put on humans in general. If you are a good person and not a sick sob, you have a high value for human life and would not go around shooting other human beings like you do in the game.

If you would do so in real life, then you are no better than men like Anders Breivik, Seung-Hui Cho, Eric Harris, Dylan Klebold, Ted Kaczynski, Jack Kevorkian, Dennis Rader, Charles Whitman, Timothy McVeigh, Joseph Kony, Osama Bin Laden, Hitler, Stalin or Goebbels. If you would behave in real life like bandits do in game, then you are their equal.

Again, this isn't realism nor a simulation, if these people would actually behave like they do in this video game, then they are disgusting human beings who clearly have no value for the human life of other people and are no better than those people mentioned above.

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I wouldn't go so far as to say it's failing ... it's definitely very hard for newcomers, but those players not willing to fight to survive probably aren't going to have fun anyway. Personally, I welcome the difficult challenges created by the sandbox environment. The game is what you make it, even if the land is riddled with lunatic murderers everywhere. As players, we should learn to adapt ... the newcomers will learn to stay away from Cherno and Elektra or they are just feeding the bandits.

The absolute worst thing you can do when respawning is to visit a coastal town of any sort -- this is a brutal lesson that must be learned by all newcomers unless they don't mind dying every 15 minutes.

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I wouldn't go so far as to say it's failing ... it's definitely very hard for newcomers, but those players not willing to fight to survive probably aren't going to have fun anyway. Personally, I welcome the difficult challenges created by the sandbox environment. The game is what you make it, even if the land is riddled with lunatic murderers everywhere. As players, we should learn to adapt ... the newcomers will learn to stay away from Cherno and Elektra or they are just feeding the bandits.

The absolute worst thing you can do when respawning is to visit a coastal town of any sort -- this is a brutal lesson that must be learned by all newcomers unless they don't mind dying every 15 minutes.

It is also way too hard to actually find other players once you move off the coast, and after recent updates, it has become much more difficult to sneak past the zombies. You don't even start off with enough medical supplies. If you get hit once or twice by a zombie you have to bandage and use painkillers, yet you only get 1 of each. You can die multiple times before even advancing past your opening situation of having nothing.

I don't like Call of Duty, so calling me a COD fanboy is just stupid. I've played many games and I find the instant-gratification of CoD and other such games deplorable (though TF2 is pretty fun), however I also think video games whose learning curve and difficulty level is really high as just as bad. You need something in the middle for video games.

There are many people out there like me, who do not want to, nor have the time to dedicate 4-5 hours a day playing a game. To be honest, playing for such long periods is also terribly unhealthy for you both for your physical health, but also your social life (whether that is with your friends or with your own family).

Perma-death shouldn't be done away with, but there are some elements that ought to be changed to allow for less "hardcore" players to enjoy the game. For example, giving starting players a knife. This way they can defend themselves against zombies.

There also should be ambulances randomly generated on the roads, being more common closer to the coast. They would have, obviously medical supplies with only 2-3 zombies around it.

They need to do something to cater to the less hardcore crowd, the people who only have 1-2 hours to play each day.

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As for whether the game is failing or not, sure, currently it has a ton of players and is continually getting more players. BUT, consider almost 10 years ago when the economy was booming and things seemed to be great, but we were ignorant of the fact that what was causing our "success" was actually only superficial and wouldn't last more than 8 years and suddenly it would all start collapsing in on us.

There is real growth and progress which lasts and is sustainable, then there is superficial growth.

The former is great, the latter is not. Growth for the sake of growth is not necessarily a good thing. You have to be able to sustain that population and prevent it from dropping significantly.

Edited by SniperRedFox

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It is also way too hard to actually find other players once you move off the coast, and after recent updates, it has become much more difficult to sneak past the zombies. You don't even start off with enough medical supplies. If you get hit once or twice by a zombie you have to bandage and use painkillers, yet you only get 1 of each. You can die multiple times before even advancing past your opening situation of having nothing.

I don't like Call of Duty, so calling me a COD fanboy is just stupid. I've played many games and I find the instant-gratification of CoD and other such games deplorable (though TF2 is pretty fun), however I also think video games whose learning curve and difficulty level is really high as just as bad. You need something in the middle for video games.

There are many people out there like me, who do not want to, nor have the time to dedicate 4-5 hours a day playing a game. To be honest, playing for such long periods is also terribly unhealthy for you both for your physical health, but also your social life (whether that is with your friends or with your own family).

Perma-death shouldn't be done away with, but there are some elements that ought to be changed to allow for less "hardcore" players to enjoy the game. For example, giving starting players a knife. This way they can defend themselves against zombies.

There also should be ambulances randomly generated on the roads, being more common closer to the coast. They would have, obviously medical supplies with only 2-3 zombies around it.

They need to do something to cater to the less hardcore crowd, the people who only have 1-2 hours to play each day.

Do you play solo? If so, I would recommend you find a group of people to play with instead of relying on strangers -- I don't think I would play DayZ without friends.

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Do you play solo? If so, I would recommend you find a group of people to play with instead of relying on strangers -- I don't think I would play DayZ without friends.

I would love to but the rear plugin for my microphone is broken...

Edited by SniperRedFox

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But I don't interact with other players. Why? You're all bastards.

Amen to that brother! But at least there are medics around willing to help, thank god for the medics! :thumbsup:

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