reuben5150 83 Posted July 30, 2012 This ^ without the COD mentality are getting bored. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
esham (DayZ) 25 Posted July 30, 2012 (edited) I think it's mainly console gamers that complain about this mod. Any PC gamer would know more about mods and the people that put their free time into them not asking for anything. They act like if it's a real game. It's not a game it's a mod. It's Alpha and we are here to test. Not fight the lich king while holding hands obtaining epics and keeping them forever. If you don't like the mod, go make your own and have fun testing it.I admit it sucks when you die. I took a sniper bullet to the head and never saw it. I had rare items but you know what, you start over and it's not very hard to get the same gear back and even better. Try to survive again. Your right. The mod does get boring. I'm not going to point fingers, curse people out and disrespect the hard work that is getting put into the mod. Things will change and I'm looknig foward to the changes that will be applied. Try posting in the suggesting forum without the childish post. Edited July 30, 2012 by esham Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kizoja 11 Posted July 30, 2012 (edited) Only read like the first 3 lines. Bandits is what makes this game. I wouldn't be playing it if it wasn't so harcore, and no, I'm not a bandit myself. I played EVE online for years because of the same reason, I love how hardcore and unforgiving it is.EDIT: Just skipped through the rest of your post. You're actuallt not complaining about bandits alone, you're bitching about end game content. To you I'd like to say you're completely right about one thing; QQ more. Crymore. Carebear. It's an alpha. Sneak. Harden up. tl;dr.... It all applies to your post.But it's not hardcore. You don't need the best guns to just run around and shoot people. The best guns just let you do it from long range so the newbs can't find you. Losing your stuff is like oh well.. I'll go to town and find an enfield and a gazillion ammo because apparently every damn house in the game was stock piled with ammunition. It's dumb, ammo is WAY too abundant. It needs to be scarce, but even with that zombies need to be a threat. This way people will think twice before blowing clip after clip killing people instead of saving it to protect them from zombies.Don't get me wrong. I enjoy what the game offers now, but it could use some tweaking. I'm just pissed I got teleported by a hacker as soon as I joined a server and he started unloading on people, so I aborted. I logged into another server and I'm in the middle of the airfield (I was at stary sobor, w/e it's called). The bad thing about this is when I'm in the middle of the airfield every direction I look is artifacting so I can't even see to run away. Edited July 30, 2012 by Kizoja Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kizoja 11 Posted July 30, 2012 I think it's mainly console gamers that complain about this mod. Any PC gamer would know more about mods and the people that put their free time into them not asking for anything. They act like if it's a real game. It's not a game it's a mod. It's Alpha and we are here to test. Not fight the lich king while holding hands obtaining epics and keeping them forever. If you don't like the mod, go make your own and have fun testing it.I admit it sucks when you die. I took a sniper bullet to the head and never saw it. I had rare items but you know what, you start over and it's not very hard to get the same gear back and even better. Try to survive again. Your right. The mod does get boring. I'm not going to point fingers, curse people out and disrespect the hard work that is getting put into the mod. Things will change and I'm looknig foward to the changes that will be applied. Try posting in the suggesting forum without the childish post.I agree that it's in alpha, and it's foolish to say the mod is failing. I believe this thread belongs in the suggestion thread, and could be a little more formatted towards giving suggestions instead the bitchy tone is has. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lunkis 5 Posted July 30, 2012 I would say part of the "end game" experience is risking your gear to help other people and explore the map.The game doesn't end when you get good gear. If that was the case you'd be finished with the mod as soon as you killed an established player. Be human, take risks, and if you die then you have something else to do. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mrwidz 2 Posted July 30, 2012 Jeez, banditry doesn't ruin the game, it MAKES the game! If it was PvE then there would literally be nothing to do. At times when raiding the NWAF I almost forget about the zombies due to the tension of thinking if i'm in some bugger's scope! Bandits make the game worth playing imo. And there's plenty to do when you're kitted out, (especially when in a group) like looking for admin camps, VEHICLES, just having a complete whale of a time at about 2am in the morning wasting a load of ammo and flares lighting the NWAF up... dude, the game is what you make it. If you're skyped and looking for a squad pm me and you can join my group if you like. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jacomo (DayZ) 2 Posted July 30, 2012 QQ more. Crymore. Carebear. It's an alpha. Sneak. Harden up. tl;dr Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Trundle 6 Posted July 30, 2012 We don't say tl;dr because we are mad... we say it because it is tl and we dr. I'm not going to waste 15minutes reading your long rant especially having a good idea that i will completely disagree with you. gg get mad QQ too if need be. <3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SinfulWun 0 Posted July 30, 2012 After reading all of the posts in this thread I can understand where Op and most of the other posts are coming from. I personally don't have a problem with bandits, when I play alone I do fine to avoid people. The issue comes in when I try to play with friends, not all of my friends are "hardcore" gamers who have put thousands of hours into every half assed re-skinned first person shooter or had military training or understand the concept of hide, I see several posts saying "this is a sandbox game it is what you make it." the truth is the game isn't what you make it when someone else comes along to kill you, or lays in a field somewhere for hours just to snipe unsuspecting passer-by who is trying to improve at the game. If the game was really "what you make it" there would be an option for PVP disabled servers which I am sure would fill up quicker than servers full of pvp'ers. Like I said, I don't mind bandits, getting killed gives me something else to do, I get to find crap all over again, but personally If it was even possible to play this game the way i want and make it what I want, I would play with two rotating styles, One being to kill as many zombies as possible, the other is to play as a medic. Seriously though, have any of you tried to run up to another player while not even carrying a gun offering to give them blood transfusions? Usually it just ends with you getting shot in the face and them taking the medical supplies.TL;DR - The game isn't what you make it, it's what other people make it. One person can't not get shot by bandits just because he doesn't want to play that way. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Izziee 128 Posted July 30, 2012 Okay, so you're one of those cunts I see. Good to know - one more person on my "don't give a flying fuck about" list.Am I suppose to care that some whiny baby thinks? Am I suppose to give a rats ass that you, whining how bad the game is, while still actually here (speaks VOLUMES about you) while I, love the game? Am I suppose to give a monkeys uncle that I'm having fun and you're not? Really...Am I?Because I don't. Problem?It's absolutely hilarious how much you cry about something, claim to hate it, claim it's so bad, and yet, everyone else is the cunt for..,,Oh right! Loving the game. Yeah, that's not retarded at all. Nope nope. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sticker704 121 Posted July 30, 2012 You have nothing to do? It's an alpha. That's right. Apparently I am now totally stupid and brain dead. Oh dear. It's unfinished. Not all of the content is in the game yet.If you've never been killed by bandits, then I don't see what the problem is. (though to be honest, there probably is one, but I can't seem to find it amongst all the waffle) Expecting people to be nice? Sorry mate, it's easier to be a dick than not. Everyone you see is a problem one way or another and can be solved by killing them, with the reward of whatever the poor sod has on him. You don't get any reward from helping people (I'm digressing here, but never mind) because there is no reward and it is a brutal experience. *ding* -1 intelligence for me!That's all I want to say. A lot of waffle from my part, but I have given this thread a lot of my time when I could of just put a supposedly "unintelligent" reply. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WisdomSnork 42 Posted July 30, 2012 (edited) QQ more. Crymore. Carebear. It's an alpha. Sneak. Harden up. tl;dr.... I don't get all the crying about getting killed by other players. This is a pvp game, if you don't like getting killed by other a different god damn game. Edited July 30, 2012 by WisdomSnork Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KrystoferRobin 67 Posted July 30, 2012 Demands intelligent conversation, doesn't intelligently converse.Keepin it classy 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FrostyCoo 6 Posted July 30, 2012 I think bandits are what make this game fun. They are why when you hear gun shots your heart beats a little faster and your palms get a little sweaty. They make you a little more scared to run around willy nilly.After an intense firefight or encounter i log off cause my hands will be shaking because I'm freaking out. They make the game scarier and a more nerve racking then it would be without them. Otherwise the entire purpose of this game would be to sit in the supermarket and just continually eat and drink. Without bandits that's all you would have to do to survive. Bandits are a necessary evil. They add a good adrenaline rush to this game. They are a necessary evil for the overall health to the game. If you can't handle/accept that then don't play. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WisdomSnork 42 Posted July 30, 2012 (edited) Here., read that post. And suck on this quote by rocket while you go try another mod.Beyond hacks' date=' and misuse of exploits, regulating player behavior is not a scope of this project. If players, themselves, wish to group together and attempt to regulate the behavior. Well, that's entirely up to you.This kind of activity is not for everyone. It really is more of a social experiment than a game. [b']There is no intention to change that, if you dislike the PVP, then I would recommend playing Dynamic Zombie Sandbox or Celery's excellent Chernaus Apocalypse - there is no point in these being recreated through this mod" Edit: "Bandits are a necessary evil. They add a good adrenaline rush to this game. They are a necessary evil for the overall health to the game. If you can't handle/accept that then don't play."/agreeThe OP basically has the nuts to complain that this isn't the L4D2 MMO he always dreamed of. Edited July 30, 2012 by WisdomSnork Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 117 Posted July 30, 2012 skimmed the majority of this thread, but seeing as how there's at least one of these every week i think i got the gist so i'll post what i usually post in threads like this.first, i saw talk of this being a game, it's not being designed as such:wasn't designed to be fun: a game: on the banditry issue:doesn't want to shove rules down our throats. cruel, brutal, unfair: dealing with KOS: is no balance: unbalanced should be balanced by the players: importantly, over and over again - "The bad guys are doing way fucking better at this game than the good guys. Because the good guys keep coming on the forums to post how the bad guys win.":, are we going to do something about bandits and kos or just post on the forums about it and wait for something that (hopefully) won't ever happen? are you going to find your own things to do in end game right now or post about it while waiting for rocket to add more content? from what i understand there will be more endish game stuff later, so if you can't find anything to do right now, you can always take a break and wait for the new stuff to get implemented. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 5 Posted July 30, 2012 You are only limited by your imagination...or lack thereof.Great post. -Sorry no more beans to give today. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Izziee 128 Posted July 30, 2012 skimmed the majority of this thread, but seeing as how there's at least one of these every week i think i got the gist so i'll post what i usually post in threads like this.first, i saw talk of this being a game, it's not being designed as such:wasn't designed to be fun: a game: on the banditry issue:doesn't want to shove rules down our throats. cruel, brutal, unfair: dealing with KOS: is no balance: unbalanced should be balanced by the players: importantly, over and over again - "The bad guys are doing way fucking better at this game than the good guys. Because the good guys keep coming on the forums to post how the bad guys win.":, are we going to do something about bandits and kos or just post on the forums about it and wait for something that (hopefully) won't ever happen? are you going to find your own things to do in end game right now or post about it while waiting for rocket to add more content? from what i understand there will be more endish game stuff later, so if you can't find anything to do right now, you can always take a break and wait for the new stuff to get implemented.Really, there's no need for all that, at the end of the day, only one thing that matters - It's Rockets mod, he designed it, he's given it away for free, he can do what the hell he wants with HIS mod. If people don't like that? Oh well. Go play something else, just because they don't like it doesn't mean others don't. It is amusing how people seem to think they got all the statistics and analysis to back up their claims that this mod is failing. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WisdomSnork 42 Posted July 30, 2012 New players are totally not used to having to form their own player communities and groups. These younger players demanding "intelligent" conversation are demanding a hot-fixed in game solution to their gripe about essentially and laughably "dying too much". Punish bandits or give them carebear mode... god forbid you solve it outside of the programming structure, through community. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 117 Posted July 30, 2012 Really, there's no need for all that, at the end of the day, only one thing that matters - It's Rockets mod, he designed it, he's given it away for free, he can do what the hell he wants with HIS mod. If people don't like that? Oh well. Go play something else, just because they don't like it doesn't mean others don't. It is amusing how people seem to think they got all the statistics and analysis to back up their claims that this mod is failing.i feel like it's helpful to post this information as much as possible so people better understand what they can and should expect out of dayz, and also hopefully cut back on the amount of posts demanding some sort of hard coded solution to something that they perceive as a problem. i'd also like to think it might help motivate people to start trying to work towards the balance they want in game. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 32 Posted July 30, 2012 I'm still waiting for one of these threads to provide some actual research and empirical data as to why this mod is failing.Oh wait, you can't. Because it's not failing. There has been no significant decrease in players. Nothing. You have absolutely no proof what so ever to back up your claims. If someone does, I welcome them to actually make a post about it so that everyone can see it, analyze it, and these pointless threads about how the mod is failing can stop. Now I'll tell you what the problem is.You don't like bandits. It's that simple.This has nothing to do with game design or game mechanics. You, on a personal level, you not like them. Perhaps you inherently don't like the playstyle, perhaps you've been killed by them for what seems like endless amounts of times. Whatever the reason is, you don't like them and you're frustrated. And you know what? That's perfectly okay. It's okay to have an opinion, to strongly dislike something. That's the good news for you. The bad news is that you are entitled to absolutely jack shit. This is not your game. You and anyone you play with do not make up anywhere near a significant portion of the playerbase (and on that same note, the people who dislike banditry are seriously outnumbered as well) and the number of people that would stop playing this game if banditry was removed or altered to the point of not being fun is far more significant. You are playing someone elses game. A game is a work of art, just like a painting or a novel or a movie. An artist expresses, and you choose freely to partake in that work of art. Whether or not you enjoy it comes down to personal preferences and tastes. Fun is subjective and personal. You do not get to apply the label of "not fun" on something and all of a sudden it is officially not fun. Similarly, you do not get to come in tyo a forum and claim that a game is failing (especially when you have no evidence to speak of) when it clearly isn't. That's just not how these things work.Everyone is entitled to an opinion, but having one doesn't mean you're right. You are clearly in the minority in this situation. If you can't bring yourself to enjoy the game then that is unfortunate. However, the only option in such a case is to stop playing it. You obviously have a right to express your opinion on the forums, but making baseless claims doesn't help you at all. Especially when that basesless claim has been posted on the forums repeatedly, over and over and over again. If you are expecting not to get trolled, you're doing it wrong. tl;drFun is subjective and personal, you have absolutely no evidence to back up the claim that the mod is failing. This is how this mod works, and banditry is not going anywhere. 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jahandar 5 Posted July 30, 2012 (edited) The main distinction is this. In real life, people's goal would be survival and ultimately restoring order. In this game/simulator/experiment (whatever you choose to call it), people are really still just looking for entertainment first and foremost. Everything else secondary. So why not kill noobs? It's fun, right? Who cares if it fits the simulation.I draw a distinction between killing people for their loot or because you don't trust them vs killing them just for fun. It's at that point where the simulation breaks down and loses a bit of authenticity.Banditry is great, the fact that you can't trust people adds to the atmosphere. I'm hoping as new sandbox elements and content is added, the additional gameplay options will dilute amount of just running around killing people CoD-style just for the hell of it. Edited July 30, 2012 by Jahandar Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WisdomSnork 42 Posted July 30, 2012 just running around killing people CoD-style just for the hell of it. With the ballistics, landscapes and damage inherent in this game... I don't think ANYONE goes around killing ANYTHING CoD style.Going out with the thought in mind to kill others just because you have the ability is just as valid as doing it out of the need. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 131 Posted July 30, 2012 You say its not a fun game when noone helps you ? I dont need any help and do perfectly fine myself and have fun killing others ...alot more fun that killing zombies thats for sure! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 32 Posted July 30, 2012 In real life, people's goal would be survival and ultimately restoring order.I do agree with almost everything in your post, but I wouldn't be so sure about this part. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites