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Bebop (DayZ)

DayZ is booring at late game - my idea.

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My english is not as good as i wish it to be, but i want to share my ideas with community and devs.

In my opinion there is no specific target in game, when u have military grade stuff there is no other point than killing people for fun.

To bring some life in this game im proposing EVENTS :

Randomly from time to time (not often - once per day or so) there should appear a event (which can be easly set by scripts), for example.

- Players on whole map can hear a laud noise (crash - u can use a thunder sound or anything) and get information in chat sent my server ,,U can see burning plane falling down - it crash'd somewhere around xxxx-xxxx" And for example destroyed hercules with stuff spred around will appear somewhere on the map (of course drop should be reasonable). Imagine how players will react on that. Of course usualy it will end as firefight - but firefight with pourpose, with target, not just sensless killing for NV.

- Military convoy roaming across charnoruś heading to North, players can set a trap to capture the precious cargo, but organization and timing is necessary. Of course its not easy, military can have a heavy stuff (unplayable for player - lack of experiance in driving BTR etc :) )

- The wave of zombies left chernogorsk and head to North in looking for fresh BRAINZ ! they roam across the forests and hills, now there is no truly safe place ! Players can set a defence and try to survive praying for enough ammo, or try to avoid or hide from them.

All of those things are not hard to do for dev team, simple scripts will make it real.

Again sorry for terrible english, focuse on content, not on grammar please.

What do YOU think ? Ideas like this can make this game alive.

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Would be pretty cool yes, the plane crash has been suggested before and it would be awesome if it would get implented. I like your idea about the convoy aswell.

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Good idea!

But as long as its Alpha, I dont think anything like this will be added...

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I am against any AI military convoy coming into chernarus, it would break the "players vs zombies (vs players)" feeling of the game.

Anyway, some rare events with zeds coming where you don't expect them, well, why not

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I don't understand this "end game" shit you people spout. I can be fully kitted in 5 minutes of starting... but I still haven't "survived". I don't have a means to stay alive.

The game doesn't "end" until you are dead... so unless you have absolutely EVERY item/vehicle/etc plus a stock pile of food, water, and storage... then why do you feel there is nothing left to do but death-match people? People like you are the reason I dislike this game so much as a whole... people "get bored" and decide to "shoot random people for the lulz" which just makes people like me not want to even play. The game is supposed to give some semblance to real life... where you are VERY unlikely to randomly shoot someone in the face because you're "bored". The trouble with DayZ and the "end game" its that the only consequence is losing your inventory, and even then most of the time you can recover it.

If you don't like "end game" which, to me is the exact same as "start of game" then go find another "game" so you don't annoy the FUCK out of people who are trying to play it "properly". Go invent things for yourself to do, like... run around the NW airfield 16 times with no ammo, then gravy train the entire fleet of zombies all the way to chern. That will stop you from being bored, and stop you from ruining someone elses game because you miss playing CoD.


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I don't understand this "end game" shit you people spout. I can be fully kitted in 5 minutes of starting... but I still haven't "survived". I don't have a means to stay alive.

The game doesn't "end" until you are dead... so unless you have absolutely EVERY item/vehicle/etc plus a stock pile of food, water, and storage... then why do you feel there is nothing left to do but death-match people? People like you are the reason I dislike this game so much as a whole... people "get bored" and decide to "shoot random people for the lulz" which just makes people like me not want to even play. The game is supposed to give some semblance to real life... where you are VERY unlikely to randomly shoot someone in the face because you're "bored". The trouble with DayZ and the "end game" its that the only consequence is losing your inventory, and even then most of the time you can recover it.

If you don't like "end game" which, to me is the exact same as "start of game" then go find another "game" so you don't annoy the FUCK out of people who are trying to play it "properly". Go invent things for yourself to do, like... run around the NW airfield 16 times with no ammo, then gravy train the entire fleet of zombies all the way to chern. That will stop you from being bored, and stop you from ruining someone elses game because you miss playing CoD.


We're talking about PvP with a reason, not mindlessly killing players. Military convoys are also a good idea, since armed AI would offer a greater PvE experience.

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We're talking about PvP with a reason, not mindlessly killing players. Military convoys are also a good idea, since armed AI would offer a greater PvE experience.

You might be talking about that, but OP clearly states "there is no other point than killing people for fun", which is the EXACT attitude that ruins the game.

I don't want to remove PvP, bandits, or asshole killers... I want to remove faggots that get bored and effectively ruin days and days of WORK and EFFORT because they want to have "fun".

ProTip (I'm going to have to start numbering these): If you get "bored" of DayZ, then go do something the fuck else to "have fun".


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I don't understand this "end game" shit you people spout. I can be fully kitted in 5 minutes of starting... but I still haven't "survived". I don't have a means to stay alive.

The game doesn't "end" until you are dead... so unless you have absolutely EVERY item/vehicle/etc plus a stock pile of food, water, and storage... then why do you feel there is nothing left to do but death-match people? People like you are the reason I dislike this game so much as a whole... people "get bored" and decide to "shoot random people for the lulz" which just makes people like me not want to even play. The game is supposed to give some semblance to real life... where you are VERY unlikely to randomly shoot someone in the face because you're "bored". The trouble with DayZ and the "end game" its that the only consequence is losing your inventory, and even then most of the time you can recover it.

If you don't like "end game" which, to me is the exact same as "start of game" then go find another "game" so you don't annoy the FUCK out of people who are trying to play it "properly". Go invent things for yourself to do, like... run around the NW airfield 16 times with no ammo, then gravy train the entire fleet of zombies all the way to chern. That will stop you from being bored, and stop you from ruining someone elses game because you miss playing CoD.


I have every decent loot and some cars etc, and DayZ still isn't "boring" but its certainly very repetative and there is now nothing particularly fun to do, unless you're one of the sad roleplay kids who like to play pretend storys.

Rocket himself has said his team are looking forward to creating end game content in the future so even he conceeds there is a need for somthing to do when you're got all the decent kit and loot.

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I have every decent loot and some cars etc, and DayZ still isn't "boring" but its certainly very repetative and there is now nothing particularly fun to do, unless you're one of the sad roleplay kids who like to play pretend storys.

Rocket himself has said his team are looking forward to creating end game content in the future so even he conceeds there is a need for somthing to do when you're got all the decent kit and loot.

Everything in life is repetitive. It's what makes us human. We figure things out to the infinite degree... there is only so much you can do with limited resources. I like how you note that it's still not boring though, which is exactly why DayZ is on the right path to success still... if only the major problems would be addressed instead of using up bandwidth to log useless data, and loopholes in the system that allows for it's ultimate destruction by people who simply get "bored" or find it fun to ruin 1000's of other players games.


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Everything in life is repetitive. It's what makes us human. We figure things out to the infinite degree... there is only so much you can do with limited resources. I like how you note that it's still not boring though, which is exactly why DayZ is on the right path to success still... if only the major problems would be addressed instead of using up bandwidth to log useless data, and loopholes in the system that allows for it's ultimate destruction by people who simply get "bored" or find it fun to ruin 1000's of other players games.


Yep it still isn't boring .....yet. I can imagine if there was no new feature or increased end game this game would get very boring and no one would play it much longer. You didn't actually give a reason for why repetative game play is actually a good thing? The only thing this game play can lead to is just increased amount of bored bandits who all they have left to do is kill people turning it into a DM game.

P.S. You dont need to sign your name at the end of a post its already at the top and in your avatar.


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I can see your point, but i thing you are just rude, or at last offensive, i created this topic to make conversation, and i accept criticism, you said that you dislike this ideas at 1st post, there is no point to keep trolling everyone who think different than you. I won't argue with you here, if you want we can talk on PM about this. This topic is not about killing people, its about ideas how to make this game better and more intresting.

Addict i know that Military convoy is risky idea, but Zeds are nothing more than AI : ) i think its worth to try. When youll see convoy like this you'll feel that your not alone in this big world outside of chernoruś, PLUS its srsly easy to do, everyone who was playn in editor know that.

New Ideas :

- Civilian plane (not big) fly over shore (or close regions) dropping support crates for survivors, things like food and water, some medicine etc, no weapon, there should be minimum to survive like knife, map, matches, compas etc.

- Military AIRCRAFT CARRIER (yes - its not mistake) can be seen in some distance from shore !! probably drifting (im not sure if its posible actually in real life but ! ;p) it will last there only for few hrs (like 2-3) Event is only for well organized groups with heli/bout (reason is obvious). There is a HORD of zeds at the ship (full crew) so small boarding party in boat or helli will have a hard time, on the deck they notice another choper / boat in the water wich can be repaired, all they have to do is to find all parts somewhere in the ship - but ZEDS KEEP COMING !! - That should be one of hardest events in game, reward is big so is the challenge.

- People are saying that in some night, you can see small lights somewhere at the distance in the forest, noone know whats that, but survivors usually dont comeback from the regions where lights has been seen .... ( Small group of special unit AI has been deployed on chernoruś to find something, they are hostile and dangerous ( i mean SERIOUSLY DANGEROUS), operating only by night.)

Not all of them are perfect, and some posible its too much for alpha or even beta, but its topic about IDEAS, maybe rocket will use something in future : )

Maybe you have any ideas for events ? Post it here !

Edited by Bebop

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I like the idea of events, especially the horde sweeping north. That would be awesome. Zeds are easy, once you learn how to lose them. Pretty easy to kit out. PVP and the rising trend to be helpful is very fun. I think adding events would make people band together. Biggest issue for me is placing tents. Makes me value my loot more. As is, placing tents is a pain and one tends to just say to hell with it and go shoot bandits in Cherno. I really am digging the event thing. Maybe a mechanic that GREATLY increases zed spawn rates in a sweeping band on the map. That way the server doesn't have to track zeds without any local players. If you are in the "horde band", then you get a lot more spawning in the distance, heading a particular way.

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Events have been suggested several times and I think they would be a really great way to combat the boredom, but it depends what they want the game to turn into. Events would turn DayZ into an mmorpg, and that might not be the direction Rocket wants the game to go.

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Great ideas I'm sure Rocket considered all of them but hasnt had a chance to do any yet.

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