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Shot up 22 people in 30 minutes. Disconnect after an hour of not seeing anyone. Join again, I'm dead how nice.

Anyway I had some pretty damn good encounters with survivors, I sit on Elektro Hospital Roof wait for survivors to come up the ladders and roof of PD across the street or power plant and shoot them. I had a group of 6 survivors storm the town with Winchesters only and only 1 survived and aborted.

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Cool story bro. Now tell us more about your awesome CoD-Skillz.

Sitting in the most common places, waiting for Newbies to shoot them. Like a bo.. douche!

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The only way I see survivors meeting up is when a group of 4 + meets another group as big.

Both don't want to get lost or shoot everyone to death, so mostly ignore themselves.

This, or 2 nearly dieing guys meeting in a hospital roof, but most probably both would die for a sniper anyway.

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Shot up 22 people in 30 minutes. Disconnect after an hour of not seeing anyone. Join again' date=' I'm dead how nice.

Anyway I had some pretty damn good encounters with survivors, I sit on Elektro Hospital Roof wait for survivors to come up the ladders and roof of PD across the street or power plant and shoot them. I had a group of 6 survivors storm the town with Winchesters only and only 1 survived and aborted.


This is probably the best evidence of how bandits have the upper hand that I've seen...

If you decided to loot them, you just got 6 players worth of supplies, if any of them had any military loot, you just got that many players worth of military loot.

And it only took you sitting on a rooftop with whatever gun you had, and waiting.

Why do people still defend bandits?

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Shot up 22 people in 30 minutes. Disconnect after an hour of not seeing anyone. Join again' date=' I'm dead how nice.

Anyway I had some pretty damn good encounters with survivors, I sit on Elektro Hospital Roof wait for survivors to come up the ladders and roof of PD across the street or power plant and shoot them. I had a group of 6 survivors storm the town with Winchesters only and only 1 survived and aborted.


Holy shut man, you must be so skilled, killing starter players without blood climbing on ladders.

Must be a hell of a challenge.

I miss the old 3 hour stalker bandits that would tear groups player by player, one at a time.

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There is bandits and then there is assholes.

Today my friend shot a guy and I got his ALICE pack

(justified killing)

Killing a guy and leaving his corpse to rot and not even searching him is BS.

Bandits became bandits for some sort of gain.

Be a hoot and check that loot.

their gain is fun of killing another player' date=' or just pretend its for safery concerns

either way WHY the person killed you has no further affect on you


The person who raided the DZRS's camp is a bandit, you are just a wannabe

Shot up 22 people in 30 minutes. Disconnect after an hour of not seeing anyone. Join again' date=' I'm dead how nice.

Anyway I had some pretty damn good encounters with survivors, I sit on Elektro Hospital Roof wait for survivors to come up the ladders and roof of PD across the street or power plant and shoot them. I had a group of 6 survivors storm the town with Winchesters only and only 1 survived and aborted.


This is probably the best evidence of how bandits have the upper hand that I've seen...

If you decided to loot them, you just got 6 players worth of supplies, if any of them had any military loot, you just got that many players worth of military loot.

And it only took you sitting on a rooftop with whatever gun you had, and waiting.

Why do people still defend bandits?

Bandits that steal are fine

Cherno bean war sniper elites are not

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The person who raided the DZRS's camp is a bandit' date=' you are just a wannabe


???? that doesnt even make sense, why does the reason someone killed you affect you at all?

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think hard snuggums

im guessing dzrs is some kind of group? no clue how i am a wannabe of a bandit that raided them, please explain

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So... from what I understand (by reading a large number of replies) one of the most viable and effective ways of surviving is by simply erradicating every possible threat. That would mean killing just about everyone with or without any reason.

Thats interesting.

Its seems to me that DayZ is much less about the zombie threat and more about the human threat. Hmm... that leads me to believe that the survival 'element' is based almost exclusively on 'how long are you able to stay alive without getting shot, or robbed and then shot' thats all there is to it.

Also, it really worries me that some posters actually BELIEVE that killing every breathing living thing is an effective way of surviving in a real life scenario. Thats not a survivor, thats being a mass murder (aaand making the zeds job easier).

The more I think about this game the more it reminds me of the movie The Road... minus the zombies.

"A man (Viggo Mortensen) and his young son (Kodi Smit-McPhee) struggle to survive after an unspecified cataclysm (n4tive: in this case zombie apocalypse) is destroying much of life around them, creating a bleak world with the people left reduced to scavenging and even cannibalism (n4tive: people killed for a can of chef boyardee) They search for supplies as they travel south on a road to the coast, in the hope it will be warmer...."

Now a game based on that concept would be awesome as well. That would justify PvP in every possible way as it would focus almost entirely on killing each other in order to survive, and as a result, to get that delicious can of cold chef boyardee (choose your type: spagetti and meatballs, beef ravioli, beefaroni, or lasagna).

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Its seems to me that DayZ is much less about the zombie threat and more about the human threat. Hmm... that leads me to believe that the survival 'element' is based almost exclusively on 'how long are you able to stay alive without getting shot' date=' or robbed and then shot'[/i'] thats all there is to it.

This is very accurate, and I have the strong belief that this is not the game that the developers had intended to make.

My routine is to find whatever supplies I can by the coastline and then find a road inland and follow it. There are less players inland and it allows me to play hide and seek from zombies instead of playing run the hell away from every single person I see regardless of their skin.

If private servers are ever allowed (I have no idea if this is planned at all), then the game will be much closer to what I wish it was now. Me and some friends vs the apocalypse. Maybe that wasn't the developers' initial vision, but it's closer to it than the inevitable PVP-fest that DayZ has turned into.

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The apocalypse isn't always what you wanted it to be. Maybe that's the point of an apocalypse?

Look, the way I see it, is that different people clearly have different areas and that people who are awful at surviving twitchy survivors are feeling a bit disenfranchised. I'd seriously suggest that people just try to learn to survive against many hostile human players, because it's not the game, it's you.

For example, I personally find zombies WAY more threatening than the survivors. Why? Because I'm shit at dealing with zombies. It takes about 10 minutes of loud swearing after pulling about 15 out of a village for me to do anything about them.

Survivors I have NO problem with, I only have about 9 kills, and I haven't comitted suicide (It was glorious) since about a full week ago. Currently I'm operating in the north east corner of the map to explore. There's not much around, but I haven't seen any one else in a while. Why can't you just go there? My ability to deal with people hasn't even had to be used, there's no reason PvE types can't just group up with friends there and live in the forests. Simple. Hunt and use the ocean (odd right) for water, then when you feel like playing some co-op zombies move into Olsha (That one with no items, but at least you're co-oping vs zombies, right.)

There's no "It's too dangerous" or "Survivors are way more of a threat than zombies" It's just that, if you're shit at dealing with hostile survivors, you're going to have a tough time.

Like I implied, different people have different skills. The reason why PvE carebear types feel disenfranchised is because:

I suck at dealing with zombies. I just avoid them. No problem.

I am great at dealing with survivors. I cannot avoid them. No problem any way.

Whereas, if you were to rock at dealing with PvE co-op zombie killing, but be shit at killing survivors, you have no way of avoiding them, and the game will be surely much harder for you.

Sure, we could say that Day Z has turned into a "PvP" fest, (Omg!). We could ask for rules to interfere with the gameplay to force people to stop killing eachother, idk, maybe turn off friendly fire (Even L4D seems to have it,) or introduce safe zones.


We could keep the horribly tense atmosphere that has drawn the -majority- of the playerbase to the mod, and simply ADAPT OUR PLAYSTYLES to be able to better deal with the survivors that are hostile towards us. It's JUST as effective. Am I the only person who loves to suck at a game, like really be bad at it, so that I am able to see myself improving over time? How long have people been playing this mod for??

It's like having just bought CSS and going on the forums to hard rage that the damn AWPer keeps sniping you spawn to spawn, raging that the game is broken and not as intended because you can't do anything before you're shot (And that you had no defense). No. It's not because the game is broken, it's because you're a dirty bad. You're dirty, dirty players, and you need to be washed before you realise that you were ever filthy in the first place.

Learn the game a bit, maybe? Try to improve. I can't remember any game that I've bought that I can fully enjoy after just a week of play that includes online adversarial scenarios.

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Its seems to me that DayZ is much less about the zombie threat and more about the human threat. Hmm... that leads me to believe that the survival 'element' is based almost exclusively on 'how long are you able to stay alive without getting shot' date=' or robbed and then shot'[/i'] thats all there is to it.

This is very accurate, and I have the strong belief that this is not the game that the developers had intended to make.

My routine is to find whatever supplies I can by the coastline and then find a road inland and follow it. There are less players inland and it allows me to play hide and seek from zombies instead of playing run the hell away from every single person I see regardless of their skin.

If private servers are ever allowed (I have no idea if this is planned at all), then the game will be much closer to what I wish it was now. Me and some friends vs the apocalypse. Maybe that wasn't the developers' initial vision, but it's closer to it than the inevitable PVP-fest that DayZ has turned into.

if you have no clue what the developers vision is then how do you know its closer to it? anyways you are wrong, just prettymuch everyone else that complains about the pvp

(04-30-2012 01:01 AM)rocket Wrote: DayZ was designed to be impossibly cruel, dark, and brutal. It was not designed as a game it was more of an experiment, I prefer the term "anti-game" - in other words the mechanics are not designed to be balanced, or offer a way out for different situations. These are things game designers normally take care with.

I discussed this with the our team members at great length of many arguments, the idea behind safe zones. The eventual consensus was that it went against the ethos of the project. This whole concept, and the reason it "works", is that there IS no safe zone (unless you make it). Your actions have real and brutal consequences. There are no game designed safety nets.

It is the kind of system/environment that will sometimes make you want to punch the computer screen. But with that kind of risk, comes great emotional reward when you carry something off. The sniper you describe - there are people like this in the world, and in the breakdown of order I can bet that there would be people who would sit on a roof and shoot people "just for the lulz".

The system makes no judgement on player actions, and this is one of the only real rules that was adopted for the development. While consequences may occur for a particular action (e.g. humanity loss), no judgement is implied or placed on that behavior. Beyond hacks, and misuse of exploits, regulating player behavior is not a scope of this project. If players, themselves, wish to group together and attempt to regulate the behavior. Well, that's entirely up to you.

This kind of activity is not for everyone. It really is more of a social experiment than a game. There is no intention to change that, if you dislike the PVP, then I would recommend playing Dynamic Zombie Sandbox or Celery's excellent Chernaus Apocalypse - there is no point in these being recreated through this mod.

Why make something that has already been done?

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I don't know about them, but the simple fact is, its much easier to survive as a bandit then a survivor, once the humanity system is removed the mod will be reduced to a game of death match with zombies involved.

You thought surviving was hard when bandits were noticeable?

Imagine how hard it will be now that they blend in with EVERYONE ELSE.

Of course this makes the argument of survivor vs bandit moot at this point cause survivors won't turn into bandits for simply defending themselves, and in so doing makes the game slightly more balanced.

However, relations between players are deteriorated from the start even further then before, because now.

1- There's absolutely no penalty for killing someone else.

2- There's absolutely no way you would be able to tell who's actually a half way decent human being. (whereas before bandit skins were a good indication)

3- Being able to die in one shot from most weapons, renders you so frail that you wouldn't be able to defend yourself, if your new friend jimmy decided he liked your backpack he could just murder you for it without a second thought. (and why not? its not like you can fight back right?)

I'm aware that the games supposed to be brutal, but its not even the game that's being brutal, its the player base that's being brutal, because its just so much easier to kill someone and take their stuff, then it is to actually go out and look for it yourself. Which is eventually going to drive everyone away, there's nothing more aggravating then losing 3 days worth of hard searching to a sniper, except for someone finding your tent full of backup gear maybe.

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If you go into elektro or cherno with a pistol or low tier weapon you're asking to die.

If you go into elektro or cherno you're asking for confusion.

If you go into elektro or cherno with military gear looking to do more than raid fresh spawns you're most likely going to die and lose the stuff.

If you go into elektro or cherno to stock up on fresh spawned items and then going to head north you're doing it right.

If you go into elektro or cherno and stalk the area with a sniper rifle to pick off morons who stand on top of tall places you're doing it right.

If you go into elektro or cherno and actually use your head to get things done well then you might not be a moron.

Until game mechanics are ironed out this is how it will stay.

Go North Stalker!

What is making the game bandit kill bandit kill guy who might have been a bandit by a guy who will become a bandit?

1.Spawn distribution for players

The spawn system is exploitable and there is a right way to play the random chance system be you a troll or not. While the coast is nice something more could be done to keep people from respawning until they're close to a big military drop city. A custom objects for newbies to look at such as notes would allow for other spawn locations around the map. Custom objects added to the map could make for more points of interest making the journey for many more about exploring out ward instead of trolling 1 location. It's also annoying to die to vaulting over a fence or rock and then get spawned in no where only to respawn a few more times until there is some place interesting near by.

2.Item distribution / Can't enter most buildings

This causes clustering around large cities or just respawning to get to cherno or elektro since they have great loot areas. There is no reason to go to a small town with junk and houses you can't enter after you've gone through the area.

3.Item rarity rates / themed areas could use some tweaking

I feel like the drop rates are promoting going to the two big spawn cities otherwise you enjoy running for hours where there is nothing. Putting some areas to explore and forcing people to go north or towards the center for better stuff would be nice. Develop some story with Nato and Russian themed abandoned areas that hold some additional details to make drops more logical and give reason to keep power grabs away from the spawn areas. Make powerful weapons a bit more rare as an exchange for finding an m16 in a US zone being obvious. Or at least force more travel to obtain them.

Another point is that the game could have areas that require going in deep and coming back alive to access good drops that are towards spawn areas. Like finding a jackhammer to clear open a tunnel if this game had such a tunnel to open. We can sometimes find barbed wire blocking an entrance to a tower. I like that a lot.

And my final point here is the choice between food and other items is a bit moot since food is easy to obtain. I feel like this is partially a drop issue and partially a scale issue. But I pretty much never have a reason to attempt to trade single bullets for food with someone I don't know after running north a couple hours.

4.A lack of PvE once you learn how to deal with Zed properly

STALKER has this down well. Lets look at why.

Anomalies make what could be an open field into a navigation puzzle. Add night time, fog or rain for different effects and hazards. Give me a reason to print the map out and start making markings on it for each server. This would give me a reason to stick to ONE server too. These hazards also spawn rewards and I could end up tricking another player.

Enemy Variation is also interesting. The newbie friendly dogs. Zombies with guns. And more twisted creatures that can end up invoking fear or hunt the player.

I understand DayZ isn't being stalker. But it needs to have additional obstacles. The complexity and emergence should shoot through the roof when players and unknowns are involved.

In short DayZ could add more to make life harder and give the world the chance for more interesting situations to come about. Because once you learn how to prone and hit the X button you're pretty much set.

5. Lack of friendly greeting animations and such.

You can't bring a pistol down. This results in shooting makrov players on sight unless they drop a flare or hit G.

I know I can lower a pistol in ACE. That one is huge.

And the ACE system feels easier to navigate for items and actions. Hard to learn but it could pay off big time.

Many players are going to stay south. Most players are going to get shot in the face by a makrov. Aggro a small horde. And wander aimlessly. And its no wonder players stick to those fun cities areas and troll fresh spawns. With the lack of communication features. Its unnatural to set up anything worth while. Give players a little bit more story, a little bit more direction as reason to not sit around spawns besides sadistic masochism that is reinforced by easy looting low tier stuff forever, and some more fluid realism (perhaps with ACE features?) to keep this game from being shoot unrealistic gun at the unrealistic XYZ skin because of a generic reason that is keeping humans from being immersed and from doing what they would naturally do when a game offers a great sense of loss and an excellent sense of adventure.

Until something more,

Shoot on sight! And metagame metagame metagame!

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I don't know about them' date=' but the simple fact is, its much easier to survive as a bandit then a survivor, once the humanity system is removed the mod will be reduced to a game of death match with zombies involved.

You thought surviving was hard when bandits were noticeable?

Imagine how hard it will be now that they blend in with EVERYONE ELSE.


Listen, you're missing the point. Let me emphasise it over again.

You are just shit at surviving hostile players. Try to improve rather than bashing the mod for your mistakes.

Am I saying this because you disagree with me to remove the validity of your opinion? No.

I'm saying this because of the quote;

"You thought surviving was hard when bandits were noticeable?"

This is why you die to players. This is why it's an issue for you. Bandits AREN'T noticeable. If you are trusting players without the skin to not kill you, this is why you are being slaughtered like the bean dropping sheep you are.

I don't want to reduce from the zombie fanbase, but survival in an apocalyptic world with scarce resources... It IS a deathmatch, the cause of the apocalypse DOES almost play a secondary part. Sorry for ruining that delusion.

In a world where everyone is potentially hostile, the INTELLIGENT HUMANS WITH GUNS THAT CAN SHOOT YOU AT 300m+ RANGE, will ALWAYS be more of a threat than the, UNARMED, herpaderpa zombies.

You thought it was hard surviving in Day Z?

Imagine how hard surviving a real apocalypse would be.

Man the fuck up, son.

When you say;

"Of course this makes the argument of survivor vs bandit moot at this point cause survivors won't turn into bandits for simply defending themselves, and in so doing makes the game slightly more balanced."

As opposed to making the game more balanced, what you really mean is more convenient. I don't see how it has -anything- to do with balance. ALL SMART PLAYERS TREAT SURVIVORS AS THEY WOULD TREAT A BANDIT. IF YOU TRUST A SURVIVOR OVER A BANDIT SIMPLY BECAUSE HE IS YET TO FEAST ON YOUR BLOOD A FIRST TIME, YOU ARE A SUCKER.

Taking from others to gain for yourself is a COMMON aspect of our world even pre-apocalypse. If you fundamentally disagree with this philosophy your time may be better spend parading for communism for your local government representative.

"Being able to die in one shot from most weapons, renders you so frail that you wouldn't be able to defend yourself, if your new friend jimmy decided he liked your backpack he could just murder you for it without a second thought. (and why not? its not like you can fight back right?)"

This is why you're a vulnerable sucker. WAH I CAN'T DEFEND MYSELF, ONE SHOT FROM MOST WEAPONS IS ENOUGH. So if all guns are SO lethal, you're on EXACTLY the same terms as he is, the only difference is that he became a wolf by killing you when he realised you weren't worth the beans you were carrying, or realised that you posed a threat to him. You died and became a sheep carcass for him to feast upon.

Lol, you can't defend yourself. How about by not trusting Jimmy, this random stranger, to be within half the effective range of his weapon that you know he can kill you nearly instantly with, you fucking sheep. Develop some sort of survival response when presented with a threat and gun him down. Honestly, even most sheep have a survival response when something runs at them.

Think about it. Let's say a wolf (Bandit equivalent masterrace) charges into a flock of sheep. The sheep generally try to get the fuck away.

Let's say a small-ish yapping dog runs at the sheep. It probably isn't a threat to them, but they RUN THE FUCK AWAY anyway. Is it too complicated? It COULD try to hurt them, let's get the hell out of dodge.

(Or, this where if you're a wolf like me, instead of running from either of these situations you gun them the fuck down at you're first opportunity. Imagine a sheep with a rifle. The ones that run and hide will get away, mostly. The ones that try to trust the wolf and dog will get fucked most of the time. The ones that man up and gun those suckers down when they see them will see their likenesses in stone in the glorious civilizations they will come to rule with an iron fist.)

This above paragraph of testosterone is an example of why being mistrusting and paranoid about outside threats is actually an attractive quality. I would group up with someone like myself. This is why sheep simply mill about amongst themselves, there's no real group co-ord. They mill around aimlessly consuming grass. It's the equivalent of a PvE zombie survival game. The wolves group up with eachother, even if they risk conflict and resources, because they're fucking badass. They use tactics and teamwork to hunt down more intelligent prey (Sheep, they set their sights higher than the grass on the ground [PvE loot]). Sure, they work in smaller packs, but notice how in real life the alpha male is the one who slaughters the strangers at first sight, and the beta male is the one who is offering them his shit in a gesture of good will. Groups WILL form eventually, even if you're a fucking king yourself. Don't make bands of peasants, make circles of kings.

This paragraph was also testosterone for your eyes. Use it, because one day I might charge you for it. The day another survivor, bandit, group of people, whatever, that manage to take me down; I'll offer to group up with them, and I'll mean it seriously. Not to fuck them over, but because I know that it would be beneficial. So far this has never happened because nobody that plays Day Z seems to read and learn from as much fucking courage wolf as I do.

It's only easier to take people's stuff rather than looking for it until sheep like you start learning. You are aware that it's hard to look for stuff yourself? Then stop fucking looking for it. Get a brain. Think more like a hunter and less like a pussy. It takes barely any time of searching anyway to find PLENTY of good shit.

Besides, you say you can survive for 3 days until some (ZOMG GRIEFOR) smart wolf decides to slaughter you for your wool. That's plenty of time for a sheep to live and have some meadowy fun.

Why would this play style drive people away? I don't understand where you get this MASSIVE assumption from that you don't back up at all.

All you've done is describe what makes this mod GREAT and that YOU don't like it. Grow a fucking pair, stop being a sheep and become a predator. Bottom line - if you're not having fun with the mod, accept you're doing it wrong or get the fuck out. Unless you have easily implemented viable suggetsions, many of which Rocket has already disregarded as casually as one might break the neck of a screaming child, then you are not being helpful, all you are doing is whining and doomcalling.


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So, if anyone is ever on the Chicago or US servers, it usually me and my 10 or so friends on top of the tower in cherno sniping every poor soul that walks into the city. One of my friends (who's name will not be revealed) was just about to break -100k humanity before the update. We decided to play by the survival of the fittest / king of the hill rules. If you dont have the power to remove us from our throne then you dont deserve to be in our city.

(on a side note we are currently out hunting for nvg's and helicopters)

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I would love to see the psychological profiles of all you 12 year old kill everyone on site guys.

Long leather coats at school ?

I hope they add safe zones which do not allow Murderers in or something that gives some sort of penalty to being a Murderer.

Rather than as it is now of the easiest way to progress in the game is to kill anyone you see.

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I would love to see the psychological profiles of all you 12 year old kill everyone on site guys.

Long leather coats at school ?

I hope they add safe zones which do not allow Murderers in or something that gives some sort of penalty to being a Murderer.

Rather than as it is now of the easiest way to progress in the game is to kill anyone you see.

you should play a different game


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I would love to see the psychological profiles of all you 12 year old kill everyone on site guys.

Long leather coats at school ?

I hope they add safe zones which do not allow Murderers in or something that gives some sort of penalty to being a Murderer.

Rather than as it is now of the easiest way to progress in the game is to kill anyone you see.

It's so hard to get this into peoples' heads.





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personally I don't mind the bandits, ok so it sucks to get killed by a 'friendly' but I enjoy the feeling of paranoia and tension you get out of the system.

My first character fell foul of a bandit near the coast within an hour or so but I adapted my play style to compensate, I moved away from the rather naive 'oh look a survivor, I'm sure he will help me' and now I avoid human contact as much as possible, watching them loot villages and farms from the tree line until they leave then pick through what they have left. I still find more weapons, ammo, and supplies than I can carry, I have a watch, compass and map, even matches. only thing I'm looking for is a knife but I'm bound to find one eventually, on an unfortunate survivor or in a loot drop that hasn't been pillaged.

besides I get a perverse satisfaction knowing that the people I am watching and often following have no idea I am there, I imagine it's something similar to what you bandit players feel like when you take a virtual life. The real difference being I settle for knowing that I probably could if I wanted to and I will admit I have been tempted once or twice when I have spotted some good loot but seen or heard someone coming so I've left it.

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I don't know about them' date=' but the simple fact is, its much easier to survive as a bandit then a survivor, once the humanity system is removed the mod will be reduced to a game of death match with zombies involved.

You thought surviving was hard when bandits were noticeable?

Imagine how hard it will be now that they blend in with EVERYONE ELSE.


Listen, you're missing the point. Let me emphasise it over again.

You are just shit at surviving hostile players. Try to improve rather than bashing the mod for your mistakes.

Am I saying this because you disagree with me to remove the validity of your opinion? No.

I'm saying this because of the quote;

"You thought surviving was hard when bandits were noticeable?"

This is why you die to players. This is why it's an issue for you. Bandits AREN'T noticeable. If you are trusting players without the skin to not kill you, this is why you are being slaughtered like the bean dropping sheep you are.

I don't want to reduce from the zombie fanbase, but survival in an apocalyptic world with scarce resources... It IS a deathmatch, the cause of the apocalypse DOES almost play a secondary part. Sorry for ruining that delusion.

In a world where everyone is potentially hostile, the INTELLIGENT HUMANS WITH GUNS THAT CAN SHOOT YOU AT 300m+ RANGE, will ALWAYS be more of a threat than the, UNARMED, herpaderpa zombies.

You thought it was hard surviving in Day Z?

Imagine how hard surviving a real apocalypse would be.

Man the fuck up, son.

When you say;

"Of course this makes the argument of survivor vs bandit moot at this point cause survivors won't turn into bandits for simply defending themselves, and in so doing makes the game slightly more balanced."

As opposed to making the game more balanced, what you really mean is more convenient. I don't see how it has -anything- to do with balance. ALL SMART PLAYERS TREAT SURVIVORS AS THEY WOULD TREAT A BANDIT. IF YOU TRUST A SURVIVOR OVER A BANDIT SIMPLY BECAUSE HE IS YET TO FEAST ON YOUR BLOOD A FIRST TIME, YOU ARE A SUCKER.

Taking from others to gain for yourself is a COMMON aspect of our world even pre-apocalypse. If you fundamentally disagree with this philosophy your time may be better spend parading for communism for your local government representative.

"Being able to die in one shot from most weapons, renders you so frail that you wouldn't be able to defend yourself, if your new friend jimmy decided he liked your backpack he could just murder you for it without a second thought. (and why not? its not like you can fight back right?)"

This is why you're a vulnerable sucker. WAH I CAN'T DEFEND MYSELF, ONE SHOT FROM MOST WEAPONS IS ENOUGH. So if all guns are SO lethal, you're on EXACTLY the same terms as he is, the only difference is that he became a wolf by killing you when he realised you weren't worth the beans you were carrying, or realised that you posed a threat to him. You died and became a sheep carcass for him to feast upon.

Lol, you can't defend yourself. How about by not trusting Jimmy, this random stranger, to be within half the effective range of his weapon that you know he can kill you nearly instantly with, you fucking sheep. Develop some sort of survival response when presented with a threat and gun him down. Honestly, even most sheep have a survival response when something runs at them.

Think about it. Let's say a wolf (Bandit equivalent masterrace) charges into a flock of sheep. The sheep generally try to get the fuck away.

Let's say a small-ish yapping dog runs at the sheep. It probably isn't a threat to them, but they RUN THE FUCK AWAY anyway. Is it too complicated? It COULD try to hurt them, let's get the hell out of dodge.

(Or, this where if you're a wolf like me, instead of running from either of these situations you gun them the fuck down at you're first opportunity. Imagine a sheep with a rifle. The ones that run and hide will get away, mostly. The ones that try to trust the wolf and dog will get fucked most of the time. The ones that man up and gun those suckers down when they see them will see their likenesses in stone in the glorious civilizations they will come to rule with an iron fist.)

This above paragraph of testosterone is an example of why being mistrusting and paranoid about outside threats is actually an attractive quality. I would group up with someone like myself. This is why sheep simply mill about amongst themselves, there's no real group co-ord. They mill around aimlessly consuming grass. It's the equivalent of a PvE zombie survival game. The wolves group up with eachother, even if they risk conflict and resources, because they're fucking badass. They use tactics and teamwork to hunt down more intelligent prey (Sheep, they set their sights higher than the grass on the ground [PvE loot]). Sure, they work in smaller packs, but notice how in real life the alpha male is the one who slaughters the strangers at first sight, and the beta male is the one who is offering them his shit in a gesture of good will. Groups WILL form eventually, even if you're a fucking king yourself. Don't make bands of peasants, make circles of kings.

This paragraph was also testosterone for your eyes. Use it, because one day I might charge you for it. The day another survivor, bandit, group of people, whatever, that manage to take me down; I'll offer to group up with them, and I'll mean it seriously. Not to fuck them over, but because I know that it would be beneficial. So far this has never happened because nobody that plays Day Z seems to read and learn from as much fucking courage wolf as I do.

It's only easier to take people's stuff rather than looking for it until sheep like you start learning. You are aware that it's hard to look for stuff yourself? Then stop fucking looking for it. Get a brain. Think more like a hunter and less like a pussy. It takes barely any time of searching anyway to find PLENTY of good shit.

Besides, you say you can survive for 3 days until some (ZOMG GRIEFOR) smart wolf decides to slaughter you for your wool. That's plenty of time for a sheep to live and have some meadowy fun.

Why would this play style drive people away? I don't understand where you get this MASSIVE assumption from that you don't back up at all.

All you've done is describe what makes this mod GREAT and that YOU don't like it. Grow a fucking pair, stop being a sheep and become a predator. Bottom line - if you're not having fun with the mod, accept you're doing it wrong or get the fuck out. Unless you have easily implemented viable suggetsions, many of which Rocket has already disregarded as casually as one might break the neck of a screaming child, then you are not being helpful, all you are doing is whining and doomcalling.


Oh, good ol' fashion Internet drama. How I love the. Calling people pussies and overreacting to justify their own bullshit. I'm betting you have a sense of insecurity regarding this entire pvp issue, considering how blatantly defensive and hostile you're getting.

You kind of missed the part where most people in the world aren't sociopaths, though. Most people don't resort to immedietly killing each other unless they have to. However, most bandits in this mod are just killing for shits and giggles, not even setting up a place actually survive in. Even after filling up on supplies, they keep killing. They also are just killing for fun because they can just respawn if they fail and die. If they were so concerned with being killed by other humans, they would be HIDING and avoiding player interaction, not ending it.

I'm wondering how you behave in real life since you say fuck every other sentence, though. You must be a peach. Have fun negging me.

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You kind of missed the part where most people in the world aren't sociopaths*' date=' though. [b']Most people don't resort to immedietly killing each other unless they have to.* However, most bandits in this mod are just killing for shits and giggles*, not even setting up a place actually survive in.

* [citation needed]

TK "I fight for the User!" J

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1. So your argument is that I swear and say that I'm insecure.

That's an argument?

2. People aren't sociopaths in general. Wow, okay. I'll get to that.

3. Bandits kill people for shits and giggles.

4. It's safer to hide to try to avoid player contact rather than end it.

5. Personal, baseless, attack.

Inellectual responses:

1. No, you're insecure.

2. Just because people are not sociopaths does not mean they are incapable of horrific deeds. Pretty much all the Germans that were ordered to, in Nazi Germany, massacred a shit lot of jews. This point is totally irrelevant. I am not a sociopath, but when put in a room where it's me or the other guy, I'm going at him. You can be the other guy to make my life easier.


3. People kill people because people are dangerous in this world. Everyone nearby you may come to pose a threat later on. Let's assume you're right about this point, any way. What do you suggest to do about it? Ban people for it? "Ban him! He's PvPing for fun, the fucker!"

4. No. It's not. Ending player contact is the safest way to get around people. I was in the power plant in Elektro yesterday (I got teleported to a fresh spawn point from the NE of the map, odd right.) I ended up in the power plant looking for shit. There were 3 players all below me around all the exits clearing their way to where I was. Better kill them now than wait to see if they certainly find me. I bet they were raging about bandits, huh.

I've been doing this my way for a while now, and it never fails. One cannot doubt the efficacy of the shoot all policy.

5. Fuck you.

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