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B Allred

The Reason more and more people don't enjoy DayZ

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Hello, recently I have started a new series on Youtube called "A DayZ Adventure" and in this video (Near the end) you will see why me and many others are getting fed up with the DayZ community. As you can see in the video they shot after I said "friendly"...


Edited by B Allred

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No because faggots like you would probably just kill anyone in sight without even bothering to ask whether they are friendly or not.

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Would you expect someone to say that he is not friendly? He doesen't say no, he shoots.

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Honestly I would have shot you also..sneaking up behind like that and not announcing anything. Furthermore, it sounds like you shot first. (which you probably didn't which is why you posted the video, but nonetheless you guys shot at literally the same time)

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Lol, beans to me now, if you checked Skype for messages at the start ;) !

What is the quality and format of the Video? I upload 1280x720 in H264 and it takes hours (or Chrome bugs the whole upload up). I spent whole days trying to upload shit and failed. Also - what do you use to record? I don't see frapps frames in the corner.

I'm surprised that happens to you in, hmm let me think Gorka(?) This is what happens along the coast all the time. Those two had every right to shoot though. You should have backed up, hope they don't see you and lured as many zombies into the house as you can find ^^

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I've had quite a few people come over to Dynamic Zombie Sandbox, saying they like it a lot more because of the availability of weapons, base building, and the Coop spirit. While DayZ is has more PVP.

The conclusion I've came to is that DayZ is not for everyone.


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I never heard you say "friendly". And what could you expect from them, when you sneak up like that? Seriously?!

Don't trust random people. When you see someone tell them to back off or drop their gun, and if they don't, just shoot them!

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If you're wielding serious firepower and someone spots you then 99.9% of the time you're going to get a face full of lead, also you didn't say "Friendly", if that were me I probably would've run round the corner and at LEAST typed "Friendly, please don't shoot" or something, but just standing there look like you're about to shoot them... it's not going to get you sympathy.

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Sorry fraps only records incoming voice not outgoing, and in the video yes they shot first, it only sounds like I did becasue the girl had a ak-74u.

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Yea If that was me and a friend who you snuck up on like that I would have shot out of surprise. Also You should have checked the rooms before hand before directly going in. I always make sure buildings are empty before entering. You could have simply looked through a window and asked them if they were friendly from outside the house.

Never assume someone is friendly and never assume that buildings are empty also.

Edited by mad_orbitz

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Lol, beans to me now, if you checked Skype for messages at the start ;) !

What is the quality and format of the Video? I upload 1280x720 in H264 and it takes hours (or Chrome bugs the whole upload up). I spent whole days trying to upload shit and failed. Also - what do you use to record? I don't see frapps frames in the corner.

I'm surprised that happens to you in, hmm let me think Gorka(?) This is what happens along the coast all the time. Those two had every right to shoot though. You should have backed up, hope they don't see you and lured as many zombies into the house as you can find ^^

I use fraps

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Guns down if your freiendly people theres a reason Arma lets you do that. In real life if someone had a gun pointed at me and said they were friendly Id probably shoot them too.

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Lol, beans to me now, if you checked Skype for messages at the start ;) !

What is the quality and format of the Video? I upload 1280x720 in H264 and it takes hours (or Chrome bugs the whole upload up). I spent whole days trying to upload shit and failed. Also - what do you use to record? I don't see frapps frames in the corner.

I'm surprised that happens to you in, hmm let me think Gorka(?) This is what happens along the coast all the time. Those two had every right to shoot though. You should have backed up, hope they don't see you and lured as many zombies into the house as you can find ^^

I think I clearly saw a firestation tower so it's not Gorka, more like Cherno. And really he ran into a room with an AK-74 Cobra, there was very little time to react, the guys were startled.

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No kidding. If you came up behind me like that, I would have shot you immediately; whether you said "friendly" or not. No hesitation at all. We've all seen plenty of guys call "friendly" and then shoot the other player in the face.

One of the most basic rules of DayZ: You do not close on another player unless they give you the go ahead first; especially close quarters as shown in the video. Period. To do otherwise screams "I'm hostile". You violated the other players comfort zone without their permission.

Your video is a great demonstration to new players on how NOT to approach an encounter with other players. You MUST assume another player doesn't want you to approach unless they give you the OK. In that situation, (if you choose not to kill them or simply sneak away) if you want to contact them, you call out from a distance (behind some cover) and state your intentions and wait for their response and take it from there.

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The only players getting fed up with this are basically idiots. I've only been playing a few days but I've quickly learned this game is survival of the fittest; kill or be killed. You can't trust anyone, maybe they were under the impression you were going to betray them. Plus, you did have a gun on you: that's a red flag for me.

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The only friendly folk i trust to be friendly are the guys playin in my guilds TS3 server , and even they have managed to kill me before !

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You had a gun. Whose to say after you said friendly and got his guard down you weren't just gonna shoot him. Happened to me too many times. So unless your in my clan or in my team speak chat your gonna get shot on sight.

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When your posting something like this, you might want to actually do commentary (Audacity is decent enough to do it) to us it looks like you just started shooting.

Not making assumptions, but i can't tell whether you shot in defence or as KoS.

If you did say friendly, thats how Day Z works, especially in the city, no one trusts anyone in the city, more so when you have a gun.

If you didn't then, thems the breaks.

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Rule #1: Don't trust ANYONE. Even if you say friendly, Even if THEY say friendly. When you see someone, you tell them to put drop their weapon, lower their weapon or sit on the ground. If they don't comply, you kill them.

It's your own fault you were killed. If you don't like being a victim then don't be one.

Edited by Psychobob

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First of all you are not saying shit in this video......second DayZ gets boring because of ................raid NWA, stash in tent, die, regear rinse and repeat........

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Next time, try backing off into a defensive position and then communicating. The fact that you don't know who you can trust is a major draw of this game. If you don't like it, find a coop exclusive game.

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Seems to me like definitive proof that First Person view causes all shoot on sight incidents.

Had he stayed in third person and had he known how to use it, he would have known there were two guys in that building and could have ran away or called out friendly and still likely died. I also like the pause, He sees a player in the corner before realizing another one was closer. He then points his weapon at BOTH of them without saying anything (i didnt see a mic icon pop up on screen) and then got lit up. You surprised them and invaded their space. I would have put you down too.

OP, you can't honestly blame the other players for that. You know that feeling that drove you to post this thread? They wanted to avoid that feeling too. How did you expect them to react when some random person runs up on them and starts pointing their fully auto assault rifle all over the place?

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