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Removal of Sniper Rifles and Silenced guns.

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You can't seem to answer to peoples quotes with more then "Short attention span"

Try to say something more relevant and you might get a better answer back.

How about you shut the fuck up and bring some constructive debate on the table you negative fat internet basement dwelling troll, fuck you. End of story.

Yes, to the point:

Sniper rifles should not be removed, that is not the way to deal with bandits abusing the alt+f4'ing, there needs to be another way to fix camping loners with nothing else than kill streaks in mind.

Yes, NVG's should be nerfed, as in increased drop rate so everyone could have them and proper working flashlights that you can use alongside with your weapon of choice, effectively countering NVG's aswell.

Silenced weapons should definately not be removed, though ammo should be alot scarcer for them, they have no real purpose other than looking cool / finishing off zombies nearby without getting extra attention...

As said before, the only weapon that should ultimately be removed, and not just nerfed, is the L85 AWS. It's fucking stupid.

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i'm a faggot

Ah, sorry, that doesn't belong to this thread.


[Warned - 4L4N]

Edited by 4L4N
Homophobic slurs. Modified Posts in Quote.
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i totally agree with Fapguy (facepalm @ the name :D). the problem aren't the sniper rifles. it's the game basicly being designed for server hopping and disconnecting when in danger. everyone who doesn't see that should find a nice spot overwatching the hills north of stary some day and enjoy the show. it's just ridiculous how many people you see just popping in sniping someone in the military tents and disconnecting again to do the same on another server. and when you shoot at them the suddenly disappear. it's like the game is designed for this. dayZ is a bit schizophrenic. on the one hand it's about hard work to get good stuff and survive with it on the other hand it just invites people to cheat (and i'm not even talking about the hacking here).

and yea sniper rifles are an overpowered weapon because they are just awesome and the best choice if you want to shoot someone from a "safe" distance...that's just how it is. it's like crying about campers in games that have maps that offer "tactically overpowered" positions for people to use. but combined with the dayZ's inbuilt exploits they just created a huge mass of those people i just described. you can't even blame them. it's way too easy.

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the 50 cal, the NVG, and the thermal need to go, but thats about it.

Not really, adds a new aspect to the mod and should make your more wary when travelling, for that if you think your hidden in the grass your not because theres a guy with a M107 TWS aimed at your face. Makes you want to stay in the cover of buildings (if possible).


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How about no? And besides, once duping and script exploits are under control, if ever, I believe we'll see sniper rifles become more rare by merit of people actually having to find them for a change.

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I'm not talking about realism here. For the sake of realism then bring flamethrowers, tanks, nuclear warheads and all that kind of stuff if you wish.

Oh yeah, because we all know you can pick up a nuclear warhead from your local supermarket. Seriously though, flamethrowers and maybe tanks would be believable as long as they were really rare, seeing as they're specialist military equipment. Whereas it's likely that sniper rifles are owned by many farmers and hunters, especially in a place like chenarus

Edited by RobbL

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Not really, adds a new aspect to the mod and should make your more wary when travelling, for that if you think your hidden in the grass your not because theres a guy with a M107 TWS aimed at your face. Makes you want to stay in the cover of buildings (if possible).


You can't hide in grass from anything since grass doesn't load further than about 100 meters from you. There isn't even a m107 with ir or nw sight in dayz. Also, night vision scope or binoculars are really easy to get in real life.

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hell naw.

Im sick of these threads now , same endless whining by crybabies.

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How about no? And besides, once duping and script exploits are under control, if ever, I believe we'll see sniper rifles become more rare by merit of people actually having to find them for a change.

Not like they're hard to find, can get them off most every chopper.

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I have a better solution for you. Uninstall and then you won't have to deal with those mean ol' players any more. Seriously this is such a game breaking idea. There is a balance in a team that having a sniper cover you can save your life. Snipers aren't easy to use as you need to do math if you don't have a range finder. Silenced guns and ammo are hard to come by as well. It's a nice advantage to have.

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Just to clarify my previous short answer,

I don't think sniper rifles and silenced guns should be removed.

Not really an option.

Edited by moofactory

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dayz is a simulation

simulations are supposed to be as realistic as possible

removing snipers is not realistic

raging because some bandit sniped you? that's part of the game, learn to deal with it.

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dayz is a simulation

simulations are supposed to be as realistic as possible

removing snipers is not realistic

raging because some bandit sniped you? that's part of the game, learn to deal with it.

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