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Removal of Sniper Rifles and Silenced guns.

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Uhm no. Snipers are also used to cover your teammates FROM bandit attacks. Silenced weapons are used to kill zombies without alerting others near. So removing snipers and silenced weapons is a stupid idea.

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Suggestion Forums, are to express opinions on how something can be improved from anyone's point of view. You don't make a point just raging, and calling everyone idiots. If you don't want to hear / read other people's opinions get out of the suggestions forum. And get some anger management treatment, you seem to be a very disturbed person.

What can I say, when I see some half-ass thread like this (o even your "pvp" thread), I can't help myself.

If you want to cry because you got killed, go on the bandit forum, where eveybody will fill their canteens with your tears. Not on the suggestion forum, cause it only suggests you are butthurt.

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What can I say, when I see some half-ass thread like this (o even your "pvp" thread), I can't help myself.

If you want to cry because you got killed, go on the bandit forum, where eveybody will fill their canteens with your tears. Not on the suggestion forum, cause it only suggests you are butthurt.

At least my ideas are well thought and are justified if you read. In the other hand, you just put your hands on your ears and yell "lalalalalalalalala I don't hear you and I don't care lalalalalala" like a little kid. (metaphorically, obviously)

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Basicly, title.

I feel sniper rifles are damaging to the game, and so are silenced weapons.

Snipers aren't that effective to take out zombies. They are mostly used to murder people a mile away. If sniper rifles are removed, "bandits" have to get closer to their targets. This would remove a major annoyance of the game while not hindering bandit's ablity to form assault squads or set ambushes for the unwary. From my point of view the conflict betweeen bandits and survivors would be more interesting.

On the silenced weapons. I think noise is a good balancing factor on weapon usage. It makes them risky to use without enough awareness of your surroundings and also gunshots are good clues of whats going on nearby, either you have a bandit gang and want to scout for possible preys or a survivor that better keep his head down.

I think the game would be more interesting, tactical and less frustrating with the removal of snipers and silenced weapons.

P.S: I'm aware of the upcoming flamers who love these things. I'm not gonna be surprised.

Feeling this idea, not to shabby.

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Take away snipers and LMGs automatically become extremely abundant. You may not get the "Dying from a distance problem" that you have now with LMGs, but the problem of being supressed and sprayed will make this game even more CoD like. Stop crying about getting sniped because it happens to us all.

Also, in my group of 5 we have one sniper. This one sniper has saved us from so many rival bandit ambushes and has also been able to scare off potintial lone wolf bandits as soon as they hear the weapon.

And really, remove silenced weapons? It's not like they are easy to find and they hit really soft unless it's a headshot which most dayz players have trouble lining up anyway.

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At least my ideas are well thought and are justified if you read. In the other hand, you just put your hands on your ears and yell "lalalalalalalalala I don't hear you and I don't care lalalalalala" like a little kid. (metaphorically, obviously)

No, your ideas are not "well thought" neiter are they "justified". You hate it when a snipers shoot at you? Then go bring the fight to him! (there's a great vid about that on the forum: "sniper tackle: how to engage a sniper with balls", I suggest you watch the video)

You hate snipers so much you even suggested "no snipers servers", wich is just ridiculous. Ofc a sniper is not going to be used against zeds. Would you waste ammos firing on zeds when an AR player would do a better job at it? The only sniper rifle that I actually use against zeds to cover my mates is the DMR, but I am NOT going to waste AS-50 bullets against zeds. They're for players & vehicule.

If you hate sniper rifles that much, then grab a L85, scan the hills & sneak behind the snipers, end of the discussion, hence end of the thread

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Take away snipers and LMGs automatically become extremely abundant. You may not get the "Dying from a distance problem" that you have now with LMGs, but the problem of being supressed and sprayed will make this game even more CoD like. Stop crying about getting sniped because it happens to us all.

Also, in my group of 5 we have one sniper. This one sniper has saved us from so many rival bandit ambushes and has also been able to scare off potintial lone wolf bandits as soon as they hear the weapon.

And really, remove silenced weapons? It's not like they are easy to find and they hit really soft unless it's a headshot which most dayz players have trouble lining up anyway.

Please read more than just the title efore posting. This gets tiring on the long run. Remember this are suggestions. I didn't say "Do it or wont play" or anything like that. The silenced gun issue, is not PVP. I stated that I think that it is too overpowered in the way that noise attracts zombies, and I feel that a good feature. If you remove the sound zombies automatically become hugely less threatening. It pushes the zmbies that are already just an aesthetic factor of the game even further in the background. No need to be rude about it. And about snipers, they take out player interaction instead of adding it. Just in general terms. Not going to quote my whle post. These are just my thoughts.

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No, your ideas are not "well thought" neiter are they "justified". You hate it when a snipers shoot at you? Then go bring the fight to him! (there's a great vid about that on the forum: "sniper tackle: how to engage a sniper with balls", I suggest you watch the video)

You hate snipers so much you even suggested "no snipers servers", wich is just ridiculous. Ofc a sniper is not going to be used against zeds. Would you waste ammos firing on zeds when an AR player would do a better job at it? The only sniper rifle that I actually use against zeds to cover my mates is the DMR, but I am NOT going to waste AS-50 bullets against zeds. They're for players & vehicule.

If you hate sniper rifles that much, then grab a L85, scan the hills & sneak behind the snipers, end of the discussion, hence end of the thread

I thught about them and I justified them. I wrote extensively and it makes sense. If you think it's rght or wrong is a different story. Of course you can fight the snipers. I never said it wasn't possible. But it is tedious as hell. They become the focus f the game. New genre FTW "Snper survival". You are more worried about snipers than you are aout anything else. It reminds me of my days playing the old classic Ghost Recon. Everyone went snipers and we just crawled hidden and seeing who was the last man standing. It was fun, but that was the purpose of the game. I didn't know it was the purpose of THIS game.

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Only because of the setting, like... where DayZ is located...

While I do agree those weapons are used by (the majority players, not everyone) griefers and player killers... I don't agree they should be removed. It's definitely more authentic with them in the game, in this setting. If DayZ was set in my city, there wouldn't be a GUN ANYWHERE, except in police stations, or gun clubs.... or maybe a farm. This, let alone sniper rifles an silenced weapons. That may all change if zombies were around the place and the military was sent in but got owned, but as it is Adelaide is not the place you'd find that sort of hardware... but Chern is.

I'd like the ammo for these guns to be super rare... like SUPER RARE. As is it you can get DMR mags by the dozens and happily pewpew unsuspecting players from over 1km away easily. I think the (partial) answer to the problem is exactly that. It's on the right track at least.


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I always like to ask for a purpose of something that is in the game.It's important to see cause and effect. What do sniper rifles do? Take out priority targets, such as high ranking officials or strategic targets, such as guards/enemy snipers. Is there anything like that in Cherno? - No! So who do these rifles take out now? - Players walking across fields or looking for loot after spawning. There will be a purpose to these rifles at one point. That is when strategy comes in and skills will be needed.

It is the same with characters. Everybody says: create your own story! But look at the truly good stories you've seen on TV shows, etc. and the characters that are represented in them. They don't simply deliver a script. They are moving, because they are genuinely about character and about feeling and not just about people shooting or punching each other. There is a dimension of story that is left unexplored, because nobody in the dev team understands how to write the tools for them, yet.

Edited by S3V3N
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There's nothing "PVP" about sniping someone who probably won't ever know your location. And why does everyone say this like they're so sure about it? Wait for the real zombie apocalypse, then start talking about "How things are in the apocalypse".

Sniping is PvP he's fighting another player. Just because you get sniped doesn't mean you have to whine about it

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I think this game would be much more fun without snipers BUT at the same time i dont see any real reason to get them out from the game.

Contradictory much?

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The idea for remove the snyper rifle, i say no.

Will be better to remove som snyper rifle and keep the m24 and cz550.

Olso remove the NV and use the flares and chemilight, its make it more horror at night.

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lets just remove all the guns and just have hatchets <_<

You know what that means... we are all fresh food for the seaweed monster....!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Make suppressed firearms as loud as there real life counterparts, because one all because a gun is suppressed doesn't mean it's quite even with sub sonic ammo you can still loss your hearing. This would make suppressed weapon useful still but not unrealisticly good.

Sniper and precision rifles should require skill to use to mimick the need for skill, because lets face it if it took time to set up and you can to adjust for wind range and even if there is rain to and also watch breathing, most guys with sniper rifle would give up. Like I've said a few times look at sniping within the ace mod it does a good job at making sniping in game pretty realistic. Now if you say that's to realistic youve proven my point.

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Well, I think they should remain in the game. They exist in the real world keep em. I mean I got fully loaded from 2 assholes in a red car while I was leaving the NW Airfield. I did Q & E to say I was friendly (before I get flak I know it was stupid and the north is no place to make friends) and they got out about 300 odd meters off and began firing, I sprinted to a treeline but got clipped in the leg and went down, I bandaged and fixed the leg but had no pain killers. So after turning around I blasted up one and their car. The other Alt - f4'd (the pussy bandit). And I got an M4 CCO silenced and an M9-silenced as well as everything else I'd ever need. Thing is, I had no challenge left w/ NV and silenced weapons. So I just gave it to a friend then did the good ol' respawn. I SAYS KEEP EM for the ones who hate challenge and want to try and shoot up a friendly marksman.

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Since this thread comes up about once a day with the same empty arguments, I'm going to stop posting and just link to a definitive response:


Sniper rifles are one of the most tactical weapons in the game. Arguing that their removal somehow makes the game more tactical is laughable. If I have a sight picture on you and you are a threat, which is more tactical? Taking you out safely from a distance, or charging out into the open like an idiot with an assault rifle blazing?

You can argue you don't like getting sniped. Fine. Nobody does.

But if you think removing them would make the game more tactical you either don't know how sniper rifles work or you don't know what the word tactical means.

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Wanna allow snipers to stay around?Then spawn alot of thermal looking devices so we can scan the treelines and have a fighting chance.

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Since this thread comes up about once a day with the same empty arguments, I'm going to stop posting and just link to a definitive response:


Sniper rifles are one of the most tactical weapons in the game. Arguing that their removal somehow makes the game more tactical is laughable. If I have a sight picture on you and you are a threat, which is more tactical? Taking you out safely from a distance, or charging out into the open like an idiot with an assault rifle blazing?

You can argue you don't like getting sniped. Fine. Nobody does.

But if you think removing them would make the game more tactical you either don't know how sniper rifles work or you don't know what the word tactical means.

You made a good point. I surely missused the word "tactical". It's not organized squads that I'm against. I'm against the game becoming a sniper war. You absolutely need a sniper to counterplay a sniper unless said sniper is really unskilled. With tactical meant for example, there is a town. You get no snipers so you have to plan how you are going to raid the place, more SWAT-like. It adds risk, it adds greater player interaction and the other guys don't get a free death for not having a sniper.

Remember that a suggestion doesn't have to be taken the exact way, t's just to point at possibilities. For example a lot of games have bannable weapons on server creation. I don't know why that couldn't happen here. It could be done simply that people that don't play "standard day-z rules" can't move their characters to servers wth "standard day-z rules"

By the way I already know the kind of answers I'll get "That's not the way day-z is" "Wrong game pal" "Not going to happen" etc. It's getting old.

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Snipers play a central role in todays DayZ. Their lurking creates a constant sense of danger. And who doesnt love the interesting tactical situations that might arise from their presence? But the wide availability and sheer effectivity of longrange rifles make the endgame experience seem rather... sniper-centric. Do we want DayZ to be a sniper-centric game?

I dont! (eventhough I love sniping)

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The weapons available are reasonable IMO , I belive this post is from the OP getting hit by snipers and losing a end game character(s) . The anger is understandable but first it is just a game after all. and second long range arms are real and would be used ( if found) , In reality a person traveling or persons would have both where possible a snpier deals with people well and a AR deals with zombies. silencers are a good addition to the game and in reality silencers would be used if found. the strong military items are usually found at crash sites or barracks.. also reasonable , seems like the games items are well thought out and gives us a reason to play , to get that badass weapos on NVG or whatever makes you wanna stay in the game and search. PS if there was a zombie apocolypse i would stick to a group of friends and kill ANYONE or ANYTHING that came near us thats real and thats what happends here and its legit. almost no person with reasonable thought process would expect people in a apocolyptic scenerio to be " nice " , cause nice gets you killed.


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we all get frustrated sometimes when we get sniped. When that happens it generally means you were not being clever and were in the open or in a spot that you should of thought about for a second and been like "hey, probably snipers looking at that spot". I've had my fair share of deaths from looking at camping tents used for bait.

I killed a dude outside a grocery store with a silenced mp5 and it was the most awesome thing ever. I felt like Ding Chavez.

Your idea is invalid. Uninstall or learn to zig zag and hug walls. And use 3rd person to scout before u approach cities

Oh and silenced weapon ammo is hard to find, as well as rare sniper rifles and their ammo so theres a balance. When you got killed you probably got sniped by the 1 out of 3-4 players that have it on the 40 man server. Don't go in chern or elektro. Zelengorsh is one of the best places to gear up.

Edited by Glimmermang

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