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Same. the static dead bodies (at least at balota AF) are still causing the same video errors.

The ones south of Berezino are causing it too.

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Yup, dead soldiers are stil cause artifacts. As for me - lets pretend they decayed and remove them from the game. If its gonna take another week for hotfixfix i'll go outside and start stealing items and kill people like if they are zombies.

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I don't understand why rocket hasn't done the simple task of removing the military bodies from these locations until he TRULY fixes this god awful bug.

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right ive updated my Dayz to the lastest patch and im still getting this as a result, as you can see this si unplayable and i cant see anythink and is occuring alot around large places like cherno/elecktro etc. this was taken at the med base outside bolata airbase, if i go over to the airbase i still get this problem just far worse. my graphic's card is fine, ive got a fairly new computer since i bought it a few months ago and all my other games work fine! since the lastest patches i have never had this problem before, im losing faith in this game now and really starting to irratate me. if this continues i will have to just abandon a game i really had fun playing :(


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2 of my friends had this bug since, and was supposed to fix that. I didn't have that problem and I have never had it, but the patch that was supposed to fix it gave me the problem

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i updated to and 95583....still having the artifacts pop up at balota airfield, green mountain, NW airfield and berizo today (yea i travelled around a bit :P)

flushing didn't really do the trick for me, after 6, 7 times it becomes better for a short while but they pop up again after like 5-10 mins.

my graphics card is a Geforce GTX580 with latest drivers from nvidia

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I can also confirm that DOES NOT fix the artifacting.

There are 2 sources that it stems from on my screen:

~Dead soldier bodies

~Wire Fencing

Typically I can fix this by pressing Shift + [num -] and typing "flush"

This will clear the screen and usually clear all the soldier bodies eliminating the problem.

Occasionally you have to use this command multiple times to fix the issue.

The problem seems to be less severe at lower graphics settings, turning objects to very low and textures to very low can sometimes fix the problem.

Here is a list of my hardware and the settings I play on usually.

Most of the time I will get artifacts for almost every city I visit.

The only times I dont get artifacts are when the military bodies are glitched and invisible. (you can only see the shadows on the ground.)

Windows 7 Pro x64

Asus P8Z77 WS motherboard

Intel Core i5 3570k

16GB 2133MHz RAM (2x 8GB DIMMs)

Gigabyte GTX 670 Windforce x3

2x 2TB HDDs RAID 0

Manual install of DayZ on the Steam version of Arma.

I run the game with everything on "Very High" although I will usually reduce Object detail and textures to "Very low" if I see artifacts.

Most other settings including AA and others dont seem to make a difference. I also have Vertical Sync turned on.

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Just want to add in that I too am still having this problem. I installed yesterday and had this problem again in downtown Cherno (near the war monuments.)

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Same here, but ten times worse than the uploaded clips on the first page.

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Updating to didn't fix it for me but updating to ArmA 2 OA build 95948 did.

Edited by CY08

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I've been having graphic issues when i get around the troop base and the airstrip. lately almost every time I find an ALICE pack, I can't pick it up.

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i am experiencing the same graphic tearing issues near dead bodies both soldiers and zombies that i believed the hot patch was supposed to fix im sure it has been reported already but i figured i might as well post it again.

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It's also happening for everybody I know is playing dayz.

Pretty annoying.

- Dead Bodies

- Body bags

- Other useless stuff

If this doesn't get fixed I won't even consider to buy any standalone version

and just switch to warz as it seems to be the better game anyways.

I know it's still an alpha version, although they are working on a standalone game already,

but honestly ... I have no faith in this standalone project anymore.

It feels like a rip-off, overload the mod with issues and tell them the standalone will fix it all,

make some money with arma 2, and then even more with the standalone game.

Right now this mod is like a rotten piece of meat, even worse than the elder scrolls and

fallout games, which are some of my favorite games.

As long as the atmosphere of a game is really good I can turn a blind eye on some

issues, even some critical ones. But ... somewhere there's a line that I don't want to cross

when it comes to that.

Edited by grasmann

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Seems tob e anything what is made in the map editor is causing this problem and can be annoying. So stary sober airfield south and north causes this. and normaly requires a restart of the game

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Reading all these reply's, one thing is sure: They need to fix it, right now. The bug has been fixed, so release the update. How hard is that? This bug f*cks up the gaming (sorry for the language, don't know how to express it else) and the fun of it.

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Reading all these reply's, one thing is sure: They need to fix it, right now. The bug has been fixed, so release the update. How hard is that? This bug f*cks up the gaming (sorry for the language, don't know how to express it else) and the fun of it.

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Please please please REMOVE THIOS FREACKING SOLDIERS. I wanna play. I'm tried of using helpless fixes from other guys, i haven't play for a MONTH, just please fiiiiix iiiiit!

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Any Airfield etc / Military barracks and when solider zombies hanging around cherno

Strange thing is that it randomly happens. some days no glitch..other days glitchy glitchy

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