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About m0n3y

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  1. m0n3y

    the sun and moon and stars

    Yes. I never pick up compasses, I just use the stars. EDIT: Some servers have a fixed time, but I've been on some servers where I started in the daytime and ended in night :)
  2. m0n3y

    How to check temperature/blood level?

    You cannot use a bloodbag or saline bag on yourself, you need someone else to do it. Don't step on rocks because they are glitchy as fuck :p And you cannot tell what type of blood is in a bloodbag. The game only spawns in empty bloodbags that you need to fill yourself. As with applying a bloodbag, you cannot take your own blood. To know what bloodtype you have, you need a Blood Testing Kit. Hope this is helpfull :)
  3. m0n3y

    Everyone evil?

    I have a payday mask and I'm not a douchebag :( Generally I try to avoid as much contact with others as possible. If I do happen to stumble upon somebody I yell friendly as my life depends on it (and it usually does). I only KoS when the other guy has great loot or I'm really desperate for food. My first few encounters were pretty much all of the possible. My first encounter ended with a KoS death for me at Balota (my bad too look there). The second one was funny, I was a fresh spawn and some random guy passed me, we waved at each other and carried on. My third encounter was at the Cherno hospital, I was at the top floor when suddenly a guy with an M4 appeared, I yelled "friendly, I'm not going to axe you". That guy was like "Oh, Hey...uuh...ok" Not sure if he bought it cause he ran back from where he came :P. The fourth one was at Cherno again when I wanted to loot the firestation. But someone entered it before me and I got the hell out of there :D. And the fifth one I was a fresh spawn when someone with an axe ran towards me. I tried to talk to him but he hit me once. I was bleeding and started fist fighting him. The guy was like "Oh, you want to fight? Come on and fight meeeh!" Then when I passed out he was like "Oh get up, come one get up!". So far I got no PVP kills myself, only a couple of zombies that happen to run into my axe. There are good guys, but a lot depends on how you handle other people. But then again, some people are just plain douchebags :P
  4. m0n3y

    How's the hacker status of DayZ?

    If you use DayZ Commander, disable the "Unofficial" filter and then every server that shows up with a small cloud in front of it is a private hive. Personally, I havn't seen a hacker once in this game. They tempt to be less in numbers on low populated servers (<15 players).
  5. m0n3y

    Headshots: Instant Kill or Not?

    I got insta-killed by a guy with a makarov, so yeah it happens :P Never, ever trust people shouting friendly when they have a pistol...ever.
  6. m0n3y

    My tent is gone :(

    Our clan's home server went offline about a week ago...same for all our stuff :(
  7. In those 3 cases it's self-defence as there might be weapons in the town/city. I was refering to shooting newspawns on the coast who are of absolutely no threat to you and snipers just shooting every f*cking thing that moves. I'm not dictating others, I just can't stand those kind of players. You can do whatever you want to whoever you want, even if it comes to enjoy shooting unarmed players. You're just a bad, bad person if you do so.
  8. But do mind that if you turn the debug monitor back on, all your indicators will be glitched in full green.
  9. m0n3y

    Grand Theft Auto Dayz Style

    Being shot in (or shooting at) a vehicle is so much fun in this game :D Can't wait to see the footage :)
  10. I support the banditry OP explained, I also kill other players for "powerups" :D But what I really hate is people killing others just to kill. Even if they are unarmed. As I said, I also kill others, but NEVER unarmed players. What I also look down on is...snipers. Snipers who just kill and don't loot their victim's body. *cough sniper hill cough* The point of this game is to or find regular loot and work together, or kill others for their stuff. Then why kill others just for the sake of it? I really hate those kind of players, I really really do.
  11. m0n3y

    Just another morning on Dayz

    I'm proud to say I never encountered a hacker...yet :P *quickly knocks on my desk* But you gotta admit some hackers have a sense of humor :D
  12. Don't completely remove them, make them super-hyper rare. There are still military bases in Chernarus and they will have military snipers when something like this happens. Just reduce the amount of 'em. And wipe the hive!
  13. m0n3y

    Cya all, and bb DayZ

    I've never met a hacker before, nor did I ever die under suspicious causes. *quickly knocks on the desk* I don't consider myself lucky, I only play on low populated servers (max 10 players) and avoid as much contact as I can. You should try that sometimes.
  14. m0n3y

    First gun you ever found in DayZ?

    A hatchet! Found it on a dead survivor 100m away from where I spawned :D After that an AKM at Balota.