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Rocket n' friends are already aware of these LOD issues with barbed wire and soldier corpse props. Hopefully they push the update through somewhat soon. While I can understand that making sure that the fixes don't cause any regressions or new bugs is a priority for them now (after having hotfixes for hotfixes more than once), I might actually prefer whatever strange and interesting bugs come with it, as opposed to not being able to go remotely near most of the major/minor military installations on the map.

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it isn't just the military stuff/areas

it happens everywhere

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You are f****** kidding me. We are paying our servers, have no right to administer them as we like and now the game is unplayable. I wonder who I am going to sue first, if this is not fixed ASAP! FFS

HAHAHAHA good luck with that FFS.

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This graphical artifacting (stretching of geometry) is completely out of control since the last patch :(

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can one of the coders or w/e like post on here and help us out so we know whats going on? this post has 11 page like come on.

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When can we expect this to be fixed? :/ I'd hope in the very.. very near future, as it's impossible for a lot of us to play.

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Yeah Here is my experience with this whole glitch:

Really hope this gets fixed soon, otherwise I don't know how I'm going to get out of Berezino.

Edited by - mggot4life -

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Ok, to sum up quickly this is not directly client-sided but can be fixed (temporarily) by the client.

First you need to face in the direction of the graphical artifact(s) then disconnect from the server and exit the game and reload the game and server and the artifact should be gone (I tested this). Reason why this works because it reloads everything including game files and most importantly map data. Secondly you could change the "Video Memory" through the options menu to something that its not currently on (eg: High > Normal), in theory changing this will 'reset' the video memory because it has to compensate for the lower (or higher) memory allocation and thus reloading the mapping data and ridding you of the graphical artifacts...temporarily. I've personally defragmented my files, though not proven yet to fix (temporarily or permanently) should improve gameplay like FPS and system speed but mainly because of the recent DayZ updates it just relocates the associated files so will make DayZ run more smoothly because your system doesn't have to go searching around any longer than it needs to for the files it needs because its now all in the same corresponding location, on the disk that is.

After update graphical artifacts should hopefully be eliminated from DayZ, should being the operative word so just keep your hopes up and maybe we won't have to keep using temporary fixes.

Note: I've been informed by a user of the forums that there is an old ARMA II bug where if 'Video Memory' is set to anything other than 'Default' then ARMA II doesn't use that memory which could be another reason why these grapical artifacts are appearing BUT its not been proved and these graphical artifacts have only been appearing since so is doubtful this is a cause, but none the less can be tried as a possible temporary fix until

Happy gaming and hope I helped,


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you are meant to test first, play second

you tested, found a bug, reported it, its being fixed, you wait


if you can not handle testing an alpha mod, wait until it hits a more stable state.

have beans!

people need to learn reporting a bug does not require rants, anger or indignation

now if this was a couple of steps up the ladder and money had changed hands........

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I was all interested in buying the game needed and downloading the mod but after seeing the barbed wire graphical glitch problem. OMG. Is this and other graphical anomolies likely to be taken care of anytime soon ?

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Always happens for me when going to Stary Sobor. When looking at the tents I ussually end up walking backwards to them which is doable but really annoying.

Like mentioned earlier not ever experienced with the previous versions.

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Seriously...Fix this its happening for me and 3 of my friends and its become unplayable...

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I had this issue in Stary Sobor too, while looking at the army tents.

Thought it was my graphics card biting the dust until I did some research.

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Same for me, hate this graphical bug.

Same for me, only in the last update (

But the mod is in Alpha, it will be fixed (I think).

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i have been getting this at times as well. me and my clan members had to cut short a nw airfield raid because of it.post-29199-0-14487400-1343736419_thumb.jpost-29199-0-75861500-1343736459_thumb.j

Edited by Chaosfox434th

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Yeah the bug makes it difficult to play but why did all the servers move to the new version so quickly? Wasn't it supposed to be a limited release to test it. Yet almost all the servers upgraded immediately. On the server I play on we wait until we know the version is stable before upgrading.

My 2 cents.

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Me and my friends (7 total) have the exact same issues with the military tents and buildings all over the map. Sometimes we can just restart the game, or switching the texture details, but even then that's just working at 60% of the times.

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